Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Ms Brittany Higgins Alleges Rape In Parliament House, And PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison Pleads Ignorance

Howdy dear availees and welcome...another very short post today because I just want to direct you to the vast litany of lies spewing out of the Liberal Party and particularly Scott Morrison as it relates to the Rape of junior staffer Ms Higgins by a senior staffer in Minister Linda Reynolds office...

First, I again state that I use the term 'allege' purely for legal reasons because this incident has not been legally addressed in a Court, but there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Ms Higgins was raped, and in exactly the circumstances she describes...I refer you to her explanation/description of what happened that night as presented in the interview with Channel 10's The Project, here's two links... 

I note Ms Higgins' comments that she felt as though she was a 'political problem', rather than a person who had been attacked and Raped...that Linda Reynolds' 'support' was basically an exercise in Human Resources box-ticking and damage control...also her statement that Scummo's right-hand man Yaron Finkelstein contacted her 'out of the blue' when ABC 's Four Corners program ran an 'expose' on sexual assaults and Ministers having affairs with junior staffers, etc...and that she, as being 'the problem', was moved to Perth...from her description of events, I consider it highly likely that she was drugged by the Rapist...

What has followed that interview, from the politically expedient faux-apologies in Parliament to Scummo's pathetically incompetent pantomime empathy and outright lies about not being told and blaming Reynolds, etc, etc, it's an absolute disgrace, an absolute bloody disgrace from a Criminal Cabal of Right Wing thieves, Grifters and Glassy-Eyed God-Botherers...they should all go, every last one of them...if you are offended by swearing, then please skip the next paragraph 'cos I readily disconnect all of the restrictions of decorum and poltiteness I usually employ, and say what I really think of the current political situation...but rest assured, given the actual opportunity to tell these people face-to-face what I think of them, it goes a little like this... 

Language Warning...what in the living fuck is wrong with this sad, fucked-up country that this pack of criminal fuck-pigs are the fucking Federal government...what the fuck is wrong with 'us' that 'we' voted for these fucking fucks...the Liberal/National Party are a fucking disgrace, every single one of them...and at the head of that steaming shit-pile of festering fuckery is arguably the lowest fucking prick of a human being ever to disgrace the Federal Parliament...and given we've had John Howard and Tony Abbott, that is some fucking, Scott Morrison, you are a fucking disgraceful person, you are a fucking embarrassment as PM, and under your pathetic fucking alleged leadership, we are all well and truly fucked...End Language Warning... 

Think I'm being unduly harsh on poor ol' Scummo? watch these clips, watch the disingenuous sack-of smuggery lie through his teeth and try to hide it behind repeated references to his wife and kids, and blame his colleague, who happens to be a woman...Trigger Warning, grab a soft cushion/pillow first, 'cos if you have an ounce of human decency left in you you're likely going to want to punch something after watching this appalling man spew his appallingly disingenuous rehearsed empathy, and try to hide his moral-less disconnect behind repeated references to 'Jen and the girls', and straight-out lie about what he knew and when, and do it all through a bizarre, sickening, smug leer that fully illustrates how uncomfortable he is when 1) he knows he's lying, and 2) he's pretending to give a damn about Ms Higgins , or anyone else for that matter...

...seems Scummo has no problem chuckin' his female colleagues under the bus, can you imagine him ever doing this to a male colleague...look at the way he's protected Barnaby Joyce, Angus Taylor, Peter Dutton, Christian Porter, Alan Tudge, George Christenson, and on and on, right through to defending serial Facebook nut-job Craig Kelly  you, Scott's a brilliantly concise summary I've pinched from Twitter of several major issues that seem to be being ignored...first the link, and then the first 'article'...***

some facts: AFP let an inebriated young girl into high security building with an older man who signed her in. The AFP then let him leave without her. The AFP found her some hours later in a Cabinet Minister's office distraught. They escorted her from building. #auspol

*** that thread there's some argument about who exactly was 'policing' the entrance, etc, and as accurate as this is, it only scratches the surface...1) the way the security handled this, from letting Ms Higgins in when obviously heavily intoxicated, to removing her/'escorting her out', it looks like it was not an uncommon occurrence for older/senior staffers/politicians to engage in this behaviour...surely the security asked the senior staffer where the young lady was he'd come in with?...2) this is such blatant, confident, arrogant behaviour from the senior staffer, taking Ms Higgins to Parliament House, knowing he was being recorded, committing Rape in his Minister's office, begs the question, has this man done this before?...3) this relates back to the security's apparently so routine to find a distressed, dishevelled, partially disrobed young female staffer in a Minister's office that security didn't even report that, they reported the 'security breach'...or is that a lie too...

Did security try to report a Sexual Assault and were directed to instead remove Ms Higgins and report it as a 'security issue', etc? what point was it decided to clean the crime scene and who ordered that?...why was Ms Higgins moved to Perth? that is clearly an act of getting her as far away as possible from Canberra, and absolutely nothing to do with 'supporting her well-being and her decisions', etc, like Liberal Ministers are currently spewing-forth in Parliament...  

And Scummo's idea of 'investigating' is 2 'inquiries', one run by one of his own Ministers, and the other by his own office...and meanwhile, Reynolds and Birmingham and Cash, et al, are trying to hide behind the old convenient line, 'we can't comment because the police are investigating it now' it's okay for Scummo to do multiple investigations but Ministers cannot's absolute bollocks...

It is fundamentally unbelievable that Scummo's No.1 go-to man Yaron Finkelstein did not tell Scummo about this...Scummo's denials in this regard are an absolute lie and the pathetically complicit Main Stream Media should be screaming that at him instead of bleatingly capitulating to his false narrative of 'I only found out 3 days ago' that interview Scummo is so obviously uncomfortable, so obviously lying I almost felt sorry for him...but then I remembered what an appalling, abhorrent, misogynistic, rascist, dog-whistling, serial liar, sky pilot that he is, and suddenly I didn't feel quite so bad...and his support and empathy for Ms Higgins is clearly illustrated when he publicly questions her statement that 'Fixer Finkelstein' contacted her at the time of the Four Corners program, whilst simultaneously claiming that he's just finding out about this's a dismissive and derogatory and  abusive response to that issue...   

And as I've previously stated, whilst I am deeply saddened for Ms Higgins, personally this situation has only made a bad week worse...3 times on Monday I saw a man who is supposed to be in gaol for the Persistent Sexual Exploitation of his own daughters, starting from when they were young girls through to their mid-teens...this man has avoided most if not all gaol time by getting a Medical Certificate related to his supposed 'terminal Cancer', yet here he is a decade later, walking the Blue Lake, rocking-up to dog park, etc...I see him at least once a fortnight, often weekly...arguably more confronting than his heinous crimes against his own daughters, or that he has apparently completely avoided gaol, is that he is usually in the company of his wife who has abandoned her own daughters to stay with the man who raped them...I've also seen this guy beaming widely at me from The Border Watch, photographed alongside Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin at Tony's Cancer Fundraiser barbecues he holds at his office...the only reason I'm not naming him is out of respect for the women's privacy, etc...  

It's also been alleged to me, again, that a Mt Gambier teacher who was charged with Persistent Sexual Exploitation of a student, has again been seen in Mt Gambier, and appears to have avoided any gaol for that crime...his case appears to have just disappeared from any official record, and whilst initially reported in TBW, there hasn't been a word since...I found this in the TBW SAPol news archive...***

IN BRIEF: Man arrested for child sex crime

Mount Gambier police arrested a man from the South East on Thursday and charged him with persistent sexual exploitation of a child.

It will be alleged the offence occurred between 2016 and 2018 in the South East.

The 43-year-old man was granted bail and will appear in the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court on November 20.

The Border Watch has been informed of other details, however is unable to publish further information about the matter due to the legal process.

More details around the case will be published as the matter progresses, however the media is restricted in what it can publish until the man appears in court.

***...unfortunately I cannot find the original TBW article that states it's a teacher, etc, but I have previously posted this stuff, which was reportedly on the verge of being thrown-out of Court because of SAPol's (police) abject failure to formulate a proper case...and now it appears that that is what has happened...I'll continue to try and sniff-out exactly what's occurred here...I also posted a promise that if that did happen, if it 'disappeared', that I'd name the school, and nobody is going to be surprised that it is St Martins...

It is/was a St Martins Lutheran School teacher who was charged with Persistent Sexual Exploitation of a student, and apparently nothing has happened...and everybody involved knows 1) who it is, and 2) that he is guilty of what is potentially Statutory Rape of a Minor...and I do know his name obviously, but again I'm not going to identify him out of respect for the privacy of the various other people involved...and because I just couldn't let it go, and after extensive searching through my own archives, I have now found the last TBW article about this, which is from 22nd May 2019, some 6 months after the above reportage...I cannot find a more recent article or anything at all via the Courts Administration Authority or other sources... 

Just listening to ABC News24 Radio and Michalea Cash doing the whole deliberate broken voice faux-empathy schtick whilst saying that it was (and still is now) all down to what Ms Higgins wants to do and everything was about respecting Ms Higgins, and yet actually blaming her for not going to police, etc...this follows Linda Reynolds and Simon Birmingham doing the same fake concern bullshit, including about 'respecting her privacy', and even after Labor indicated that Ms Higgins had given them specific authority to pursue her case...and now Birmo's at it again, 1) on this side of the Chamber we only seek to uphold the sanctity of the place, blah, blah, blah, and 2) a very genuine response from Minister Cash, and 3) two bipartisan investigations, and 4) we're not going to engage with politicising the issue...sanctimonious gaslighting, from a position of self-serving corruption, claiming the moral high-ground about what is clearly another LNP cover-up...

I also direct dear availees to the trending  #Scottyknew thread...

Tomorrow: MGCC Corruption Stuff

On A Lighter Note:...I was somewhat bemused to receive feedback that someone who reads this blog had a certain idea about who they thought I was and what I would be like, ie, quite demonstrative, angry, probably aggressive, etc, but then, having met me, were pleasantly surprised that I am a quiet, polite, and engaging person who was an intelligent conversationalist...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...


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