Sunday, February 21, 2021

Please Sign Staff Protection Petition Relating To Brittany Higgins Assault

Howdy dear recent posts we've discussed the 'alleged' Rape of Liberal staffer Ms Brittany Higgins, and again I use 'alleged' purely because this issue has not been legally 'tested' in a Court...I believe Ms Higgins about the facts of the assault, that she was raped in the office of Defense Minister Linda Reynolds, and that she felt pressured to 'drop' the initial police investigation under threat of losing her job...I also believe that multiple senior Liberal/National Party Ministers and staffers, upto and including PM Scott Morrison knew that day or within is also abundantly clear that every effort has been made to cover-up the rape, and then to cover-up the cover-up, and that Scott Morrison is right at the centre of both failed is inconceivably unrealistic to suggest let-alone believe that literally everyone immediately surrounding the micro-managing egomaniac that is Scummo, they all knew about this, yet somehow he remained blissfully unawares...and it speaks to a broader culture of sexual misconduct and politically expedient cover-ups, etc, where staff, particularly junior female staff are hugely vulnerable and literally in danger just for attending their workplace...if you are not aware of the issues here, please go back over the last two posts or research it yourself...

Regardless of your own personal political beliefs/allegiances, I urge you dear availee to use the link below to access and then sign the petition...this petition relates to establishing a genuinely independent body that will actually provide protection for workers, as opposed to the farcical current situation whereby complaints go through the Finance Dept, and are therefore directly subject to control of the Minister...

And every day there have been new revelations about who knew what and when, and every day Scummo lies through his teeth about his role in the initial cover-up, lies about how upset he is, etc, and then makes a huge song and dance about all of the 'independent inquiries'...the only thing that he is genuinely upset about is that Ms Higgins has spoken-out and now the issue/situation is made has already been revealed that his office, and therefore him, because they wouldn't be doing it without his direct approval, he has already been back-grounding media about Ms Higgins partner and stating that it is that young man's personal grudge against the LNP that has prompted Ms Higgins to go public about the Rape...trying to distract away from the appalling conduct of all involved and undermine the seriousness of the situation by slandering her partner...Scott Morrison is a low and moral-less bastard...and as a brief reminder, here's a link to Scummo smirk-lying his way through a litany of false denials and flagrantly, obviously false 'concerns' about the situation...again, his only concern is for himself... 

Scott Morrison denies knowing about alleged rape of Brittany Higgins two years ago ( 

"I've sought to be as open and as honest as I can be about this matter"...which means absolutely nothing coming from a moral-less, pathological can literally see him trying to think about what he needs to be seen to say, it's "devastating", it's "awful", he's "shattered", etc...'gosh he hopes things would be improving as a community' it a joke in very poor taste to say that I'd like to see Scummo get 'shattered' after being in someone's 'scope'?...but having said that, I don't want to see the prick get shot, I want to see him in gaol for conspiring to cover-up the Rape, and then lying to cover-up that cover-up...and he just can't stop smirking when he's taking veiled pot-shots at the media and law firms, etc, he's straight-out gas-lighting with threats that if they continue to pursue this they'll compromise's exactly what he did in the Parliament when he made the same statements/threats to Labor...and follows-on from Michaelia Cash's bizarre threats at Senate Estimates to 'name a number of young woman in (then Labor leader) Bill Shorten's office'...

Please keep watching because this interview is immediately followed by another about the second Liberal staffer who has now come forward to say that she was raped by the same man...and Scummo doesn't need/want to know who she is, which is just an extraordinary thing to say in any circumstances, but most particularly because this relates directly to Ms Higgins Rape, and this other young lady's identity and employment, etc, are key issues as they relate to what responsibility that the Parliament and/or the LNP have as potentially being her workplace/employer, etc...outside of that, he is clearly lying again, he absolutely knows who she is, and it's all about the 'plausible deniability'...and again he's claiming ignorance of this case, supposedly until he was informed by the media...a pathological liar relentlessly lying, he doesn't know how to tell the truth...

Scummo just cannot help himself, he cannot stop that sickening, leering, smug, smirking grin...and the more he lies and thinks he's getting away with it, the worse it gets, the more he smirks...he clearly has no respect for Ms Higgins as a person and keeps calling her 'Brittany''s both disrespectful and overly-familiar, it's about trying to create a false sense of closeness and empathy, etc...I already consider Scott Morrison to be an entirely fraudulent individual, sans any morals, empathy, genuine intelligence, or ability to lead and govern, he is 100% pure albeit failed marketting spin-merchant, all announcement, endless announcements, and no actual plan or ability to govern other than to relentlessly self-promote...if you think you can get through 20 minutes of this clown, here's the link to the full 'interview' from SBS News on Twitter...the first minute is the extraordinary and much publicised statement about how his wife, 'Jen', told/showed him how Rape was wrong...and there's that perpetual sickening smirk...

I also direct dear availees to this thread from the ever-reliable Ronni Salt...this relates to the second young woman who has claimed to have ben raped by the same man...

And I completely reject this farcical notion that Scummo has moved to address his/the LNP's definable cover-up of their 'Rape Culture' and this cover-up specifically, by starting 3 different supposed 'investigations' is by his own Minister Celia Hammond who has an appalling reputation as a woman-hating woman, the second is by his own office, and now a third to be conducted by openly corrupt Scummo-protector Phil Gaetjens, the man who investigated the Sports Rorts Scandal, without interviewing a single person involved, and then completely cleared all of them...he is a basely corrupt LNP stooge who will do exactly what he is being paid a small fortune to do, ie, lie, obfuscate, ignore and deceive, all with a view to protecting his employer Scott Morrison...

Former PM Julia Gillard can take her 'praise for the bravery of Ms Higgins', and officially shove-it...regular availees will be well aware that Julia Gillard, as Minister for Education under PM Kevin Rudd, is intimately aware of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up because the (then) Member for Barker Patrick Secker wrote to her on us parent's behalf...Julia wrote back, 'so sad, not my responsibility, it's a State responsibility, so go talk to the Rann/Weatherill Labor State government about it'...then, as PM, Julia Gillard instigated the farcical Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission that rejected us parent's submissions and refused to look at the St Martins Cover-up, and failed to ask the powerful Lutherans a single official question...I don't think the expletives have been invented that encapsulate my contempt for all involved, Gillard, the FCARC, the Lutherans, nor the fury this conjures in me...Julia Gillard was also responsible for returning alleged notorious paedophile New South Wales Labor Premier Bob Carr back into Federal politics after Bob had his little epiphany on Sydney Harbour and 'retired'...I say "alleged notorious paedophile' because when I was involved with the former Speaker of SA Parliament Peter Lewis and various associated Child Abuse activists (2005), Bob Carr was regularly and routinely identified as being 'just another Australian Premier who is a paedophile', and as being 'proof that it's not just the Liberal Party who are systemic paedophiles', etc, etc...what I can state as fact is,   

Julia Gillard is intimately complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.   

Language Warning:...but if you want to peruse the work of an A-grade fucking idiot who really deserves a thorough fucking-up, then I offer you career fuck-wit Mark Latham...I've included here a Twitter link, where-in it's the associated 'Comments' from the 'Real Mark Latham' that I refer you to...what an extraordinarily vile and squat toad is Mark Latham...even coming from this prize fucking moron, it's arguably one of the most moronic pieces of woman-hating and victim blaming I've ever takes even a gentle person like myself to a place where one tends to consider that it would be a good thing that next time Mark mate has a skin-full, and he will, that someone violently assaults him...his remarks are particularly reprehensible when considered against the likelihood that Ms Higgins' assault was planned by her Rapist, and that she was also likely drugged and then Raped...I fully concur with the response list in this link...

...and when dealing with misogynistic, woman-hating fuck-wits like Mark here, and this bleating about poor men who get accused and charges that get dropped, eg, George Pell, Craig McLachlan, Geoffrey Rush, Matthew Harkin (James Morrison Jazz Academy student), and in many other cases, these men were shown to have acted grossly inappropriately, and even deemed guilty, but then were 'excused' on contrived legal technicalities...and beyond that...

Never Ever Forget:...the vast majority of Rapes/Sexual Assaults committed by men against women are never reported, and in work places it's often because of the power imbalance and perceived/potential/threatened repercussions for the usually junior woman...and of that small percentage of all Rapes/Sexual Assaults that do get reported to police, a minuscule number actually make it to Court...and then there's what is done to survivors by aggressive defense lawyers and the often complicit Courts themselves...for example, Matthew Harkin was originally charged with 2 counts of Rape, but with the glowing support of James Morrison had that reduced by plea bargain to pleading Guilty to a single charge of Indecent Sexual Assault, and then received No Custodial Sentence, No Conviction, No Fine, a ridiculously small Good Behaviour Bond, and then was allowed to leave the country and return to the USofA, with the Court-declared intent of becoming a music teacher, thus rendering even the Bond as moot...he has quite literally gotten away with Rape, and the Magistrate's outrageous comments about 'confusion in a consensual sexual situation' are straight-out victim blaming...  

There are so many senior Liberals who are definably complicit in covering-up/protecting their colleague/employee who raped Ms Higgins, it would be quicker to write a list of those who didn't know about it...evidence clearly shows that the PM's office knew within days; the President of the Senate and Speaker of the Lower House both knew within days; Linda Reynolds knew and Micheala Cash knew; Parliamentary Security knew; the Finance Dept and then Minister Matthias Cormann knew, etc, etc, etc...given the Rapist, now identified as Liberal 'up-and-comer' Bruce Lehrmann, was sacked or allowed to resign for his 'security breach', and was then re-appointed within the Liberal structure, etc, there are clear connections to multiple Ministers and government departments...

Scott Morrison has been caught lying outright, repeatedly, including his very 'Fruedian' slip when he tried to claim that his office 'only learned about it on 5th April', which is the week back in 2019 when the Rape occurred and that everyone in Parliament was being involved and/or informed, including the Australian Federal Police, etc, etc...what he was trying to say was that his office supposedly was only informed on Friday 12th February 2012, but then that supposedly he wasn't told at all, and he then found out 'via the media reports' on the Monday 15th February 2021...even his concocted lie is so fundamentally unbelievable as to be self-evidently false, his office only knew on the Friday but didn't tell him at all, such that he supposedly found out via the media on the following Monday, bollocks...

I cannot imagine what Ms Higgins has been through or continues to experience with this, but I know how rabidly furious and 'triggered' it makes me...everything about the ongoing St Martins Cover-up is as fresh and raw as it ever has been, and that is the nature of unresolved cover-ups, particularly like St Martins where they involve young children...there is a clear official template of self-serving cover-up and plausible denial and assorted associated corruption, etc, and it starts right in the PM's office and filters down through all branches and levels of government, from Federal to State to Local...

Tomorrow: That Mt Gambier City Council Corruption Stuff

Which doesn't really narrow it down, so that'll probably run into multiple posts as is also likely that there'll be more posts on the issue of Ms Higgins Rape and how that cover-up has been exposed... 

I haven't been using my confected literary device 'Ed' for these last few posts because I consider there is no place for either debate or humour with this appalling issue, and most specifically with how the LNP et al have sought to deny and/or hide it...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...

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