Friday, February 5, 2021

UniSA Dumps James Morrison Academy, But Won't Say Why

Howdy dear availees, a short post today, but this is such huge news it bumps all other half-finished posts lined-up behind reported/revealed in The Border Watch today, Friday 5th February 2021, the University of South Australia has 'ended it's partnership' with the James Morrison Jazz Academy, and therefore there will be no more UniSA courses/degrees offered there...let's start at the beginning, namely, with the TBW article...


So there you go...this is a copy of page 5, but it's front page news under Uni changes tune, with those first 5 paragraphs repeated verbatim at various points in this main story...and as outlined very politely in the article, this is an absolutely huge withdrawal by UniSA, given what has been previously stated about how the JMA was going to be the best in the world...(not "going to be", actually "is", the quote here from UniSA Vice Chancellor David Lloyd is "undisputed jazz learning capital of the world...the academy will do for Mt Gambier what country music did for Tamworth."-Ed)...yeah, that is very specific isn't it...(and there was all that guff about how Mt Gambier was now the New Orleans of the Southern Hemisphere-Ed)...sure, David Lloyd wasn't the only one pumping this up to be far more than it ever was...but the most basically critical point here is that UniSA is "ending it's partnership" with Morrison, and then saying "all other questions...should be directed to James Morrison Academy"...(well that actually sounds like it might be Morrison that's 'ended the partnership', rather than UniSA just trying to avoid responsibility/questions-Ed)...indeed Ed, you've hit my nail with your head...

At first read, I thought that it was UniSA dumping JMA, but the more I read it, the more it reads as a decision/action that Morrison has taken...sure, at first I thought that Morrison's reputation/predilection for enabling and protecting Rapists was too much for UniSA, even with their appalling lack of standards on this specific issue, and that they were therefore dumping him, but now I'm not so sure...further 'comments' re-enforce my revised position that it's Morrison driving this identified here, UniSA was already withdrawing/distancing itself in 2019 when they withdrew the Bachelor of Music...(but were UniSA withdrawing or was that a response by Jimmy Trumpets to JMA's very low enrolment numbers-Ed)...exactly, that could be the genuine issue, and indeed that would track with what I believe is really happening here...(which is?-Ed)...that Morrison decided back in 2019 to close JMA, but I don't think it's just about poor enrolments, per se, there's a specific 'enrolments' issue...(what is it then?-Ed)...

The Jazz community in Australia has a notorious reputation as being heavily misogynist at the best of times, and more specifically, as being an unsafe place for women, particularly as a 'workplace'...and James Morrison Academy is no different, it has a well-deserved reputation as being a toxic and even dangerous environment for young women...(and does that explain the very limited number of female students at JMA?-Ed)...well it certainly can't help mate...and this is the officially unspoken reality that washes across Mt Gambier, that JMA is toxic and unsafe for young women...only last week, in a random conversation with someone I barely know and who has next-to-no interest in politics, etc, but whom has 'contacts within JMA/Council', they used this exact term to me, "toxic and dangerous for young women"...I had merely mentioned that I was extremely unpopular with Council, et al, 'cos of this 'ere blog and what I say about people like Morrison, and boom! they calmly let fly with "toxic and dangerous"...and I've heard from others in the music industry that that's a national reputation, as is Graham Lyall's as being a sleazy groper, etc...    

There's a whole raft of issues raised here-in, eg, we know Morrison was gifted $500,000 of Taxpayers' monies by the Weatherill Labor state government, but how much Ratepayers' money have Mt Gambier City Council contributed to JMA? why aren't they at the UniSA campus on Wireless Rd? how much rent were/are JMA paying for exclusive use of the entire Old Town Hall complex?...(well I thought it had been established that JMA was paying a very minor 'Peppercorn Lease' far below actual 'market value'?-Ed)...well sure, but what exactly is that MGCC subsidy, 'cos every cent below proper retail rental is another cent that Ratepayer's have subsidised the JMA...and don't fall for the rot about how grateful we should all be for the cash GIJ or that JMA brings into Mt Gambier, 'cos there's a handful of people like Morrison who are making a motza...(yeah, so how the living shreck did GIJ get 'Charity Status' when it's clearly a business that greatly profits a select few people? where's the 'Charity' work aspect of that profitable private business?-Ed)...questions a few people would love answered I'm sure...(and the vast majority of income generated by the JMA goes back into Morrison's pocket via student fees, house rentals, etc-Ed)...and again, many people would like to see a careful explanation of exactly what dollar goes where... 

I recognise that TBW is being incredibly polite in how they've reported this...(well there's the potential public backlash about being seen to 'attack' the precious shreckin' Jazz golden goose and/or Jimmy Trumpets himself, and how that reportage might affect TBW circulation/sales, etc-Ed)...well sure, that's always a fiscal consideration when a private business presents a story about a 'popular' institution and/or person...(and gourd knows what sortta' legal issues and/or threats may have been involved-Ed)...yes, indeed, always another major business consideration in situations like this...and that's why I think it's reasonable to be conciliatory with TBW about their fairly 'gentle' approach, 'cos it's another case of me being amazed that this story has even seen the light of day, let-alone been given front page coverage...and what is "Jimmy Trumpets"?...(yeah, it's my new very polite nick-name for James mate-Ed)..."polite nick-name"...(yeah, as opposed to some others that I have for him...well it seems to be the tone we're going for today, relatively polite and respectful-Ed)..."polite and respectful"? gee, that doesn't sound like us at all...(yeah it does, we're always polite and respectful when dealing with Council or Court staffers, junior police, TBW/ABC receptionists, etc, it's only the 'bosses' that we go after/at, we've been through this repeatedly in recent posts-Ed)...okay, yes we have, and in this context, for the purposes of this post, we can be brutally specific about what's actually happening here...

James 'Rapist Enabler/Protector' how I personally refer to James mate, 'cos he has a definable history of enabling and protecting Rapists...we have covered this extensively here on TMGI, so for new availees who might think I'm being unreasonably abusive or even defamatory, please go back to those various posts, eg, Sunday, August 23, 2020, Latest Expose On The Morrison Jazz Academy Boy's Club, or Monday, August 10, 2020, With Morrison's Support, Jazz Academy 'Indecent Sexual Assault' Student Escapes 'Scott Free' brief, Morrison knows about his mate Graham Lyall grooming and raping a student, Ms Matilda Duncan, and has supported/protected his mate and has continued to allow Lyall access to JMA students, etc, but has offered no support for the young woman Lyall groomed and raped...and with Harkin, who allegedly had/has a well-known history of 'Date Rape', it was Morrison's glowing personal reference that enabled/justified the reprehensibly vile 'victim-blaming' comments from the Magistrate about 'confusion in a consensual situation'...and Harkin literally walked away from 2 Rape charges with a 'guilty plea' to Indecent Assault, with no Conviction, no fine, nothing, and then left the country...and these 2 specific cases referred to here are what we know about...

And in both cases these Rapists ended these young women's promising music careers.

How many other young women, or even young men, have been groomed/groped/assaulted/raped at JMA and/or GIJ? many have been abused and just accepted it as normal, not least of all because it was done by a respected mentor? many have tried to report their experiences but have been ignored and/or silenced by Morrison and his lawyers and a complicit Jazz community and complicit SAPol (police), etc, etc?...I know what we as families were put through by a fundamentally Pro-Paedophile Corrupt 'System', of complicit and often abusive police, public servants, the Lutherans, corrupt lawyers like Bill DeGaris, corrupt politicians like Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, Rory McEwen, complicit media, etc,etc, etc, who individually and collectively did everything they could to protect "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and this was a group of adults who were deliberately betrayed and abused and attacked and denigrated and discredited, etc, so what hope a single young person trying to go up against that self-same system, an entire system so fundamentally corrupt?..(well what you've described is exactly what 'The System' in Mt Gambier did to Ms Duncan-Ed)..yes, that's exactly what was done to Ms Duncan...(and Lyall and DeGaris still continue these threats and intimidation-Ed)...may they get everything they so thoroughly deserve...

And I do refer to Graham Lyall as not just a Rapist, but also as a Paedophile because he Raped a  student of a learning institution where he was teaching, where-in he had both 1) a duty of care far beyond issues of normal decency, etc, but more importantly, 2) he groomed Ms Duncan from her mid-teens, giving her awards, etc...he openly confessed to Ms Duncan that she wasn't the only one he'd 'groomed', giving Generations In Jazz prizes to those female students he found attractive...again, given his self-declared history of grooming, etc, how many other young woman have been assaulted by Lyall but never spoke-out...(and as you say, given how hard Morrison and vested JMA/ GIJ interests and Bill DeGaris and SAPol (police), etc, have tried to discredit and bully and threaten and silence Ms Duncan, it's quite inconceivable that other students haven't 1) been attacked/raped, and then 2) have tried to speak-out only to be bullied/threatened/silenced in a similar manner-Ed)...and given that years of grooming of Ms Duncan, it is irrelevant that the actual rape took place when she was 'legally of age'...

And if you're struggling with that concept, if you're trying to excuse/justify what Lyall did, like some have, if you reckon she was an adult and it was therefore 'consensual', try this on for size...I'm 54, far younger than Lyall when he Raped Ms Duncan, and I'm comin' after your 18 year old daughter/son...(so you're bi now?-Ed)...for the sake of I'm 54, your child is 18 and therefore legally an adult, therefore you don't have a problem me going after's a brutally unpleasant example, and merely illustrative, but I reckon I've made my point...  

Trumpets Blames COVID:...well that's a simple one...bollocks, the JMA has been failing for several years, eg, failing to reach any of it's contractual KPIs re student enrolments...(albeit it's potentially a deliberate 'fail' as Morrison intentionally winds-down his obligations/commitments-Ed)...yep, and whether it's a decision forced on him by poor enrolment numbers or whether that's deliberate, or whether it's purely a financial decision that he's willingly implementing 'cos he's had a 'better offer'...(or if he's lookin' to just dump Mt Gambier because he's sick of the focus/attention on his Rapist protecting conduct, etc-Ed)...indeed, whatevs it is, blaming COVID is just a opportunistic cop-out...(and aren't most students 'local', ie, Australian-Ed)...yeah, and then there's Zoom lessons, etc, so solely blaming COVID is just not a sustainable argument...and I don't believe it's the genuine excuse/motivation... 

From what I'm reading here, and to quote myself, Jimmy Trumpets is clearly organising to bail from Mt Gambier and reckons he's gunna' do a runner sans consequence...I say bollocks to that...Trumpets is clearly gettin' all his ducks in a row to minimise his obligations to Mt Gambier...absolute bollocks to his statements about how he 'did not believe', or 'he was not aware of any plans' and "I can't imagine", etc, because there's only one person who would be approached if the JMA and/or GIJ was being 'poached' by another site/state, and that's him...(and if, as it appears, that Trumpets has already decided to bail from Mt Gambier, he ain't gunna' tell anyone is he? and he doesn't need to-Ed)...exactly, whether he's been approached or decided himself, he's clearly divesting himself of any responsibilities related to Mt Gambier, and I'd be hugely surprised if the JMA even exists in 2022...(and Generations In Jazz?-Ed) good as gone...with GIJ Trumpets is literally and actually the marquee attraction, so where he goes, it goes...

And as for JMA activity that "may certainly be" at the former WIN TV site, that's just a massive red-herring to distract away from the reality that Morrison is bailing...and for my part, I reckon that it's not just Morrison's own appalling reputation for protecting Rapists, etc, that's effectively forcing him out of Mt Gambier, I would very much think that the spotlight being shone on his abysmal conduct has played a part...and in that paradigm, it's to a very limited degree what we've covered here on TMGI, and the vast majority of that degree is by sharing the extraordinary work of that extraordinary young woman, Ms Matilda Duncan...

My Personal Opinion:...Morrison can't stand the heat of being held to account for his behaviour/actions, and is looking to quietly, secretively slink out of Mt Gambier with minimal complications and/or confrontation...even if someone has 'poached' him or whatevs, I reckon the deciding factor is this public accountability, and that he is going to set-up somewhere else, anywhere else, where there's far less or preferably no scrutiny...and he must not be allowed to do this...James Morrison has proven himself to be a moral-less self-promoter who's own best interests are his sole motivation...he should not be allowed near children/young people without supervision, and most definitely should not be allowed to run an educational facility/service...  

Simply apply the template I've outlined in previous posts, look into the murk between the lines, read the realities between what's actually being said, hear the volumes being spoken by what's not being said...and you'll find it's all there in this story/situation...and as per usual, I wish that I was wrong about this stuff, about literally everything in this post, but I'm not...

Tomorrow: MGCC's Unacceptable Conduct Policy Stuff

I can only apologise for the sub-textual rage evident in today's post, there's so much stuff goin' on here for me re St Martins, etc, but I stand-by what I've anger and trauma aside, here's what I believe is really happening...and again as per usual, if I'm wrong, I'll own that, apologise,'s to being wrong...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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