Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Liberal Staffer Brittany Higgins Alleges Rape In Parliament House

Howdy dear availees...here is a critically important story that you have likely seen/heard/read already, but if not I've provided a couple of links below...a young female Parliamentary staffer, Ms Brittany Higgins, is alleging that she was Raped by a senior Ministerial Advisor, in Minister Linda Reynolds' office in the Federal Parliament House...I use the term 'alleged' purely in the legal sense where this case has not been through a Court...for me this is immediately reminiscent of many of the Sexual Assault issues that have been covered in TMGI, eg, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and the multiple issues involving musician James Morrison and his Academy, etc...powerful people acting to protect their own self-interests with absolute disregard even contempt for the 'victims' of these crimes...   

There are many articles on the Interweb, but I've included two links here...the first is the ABC...


I'm no fan of the Channel 10 program The Project, but they did an extensive interview with Ms Higgins last evening, Monday 15th February 2021...I urge you to watch it, here's the link...


If this young lady is lying, then she's stunningly good at it, and I don't believe for a moment that she is...there are some outrageous revelations in this interview about how Ms Higgins has been treated, but unfortunately, as someone who has spent 2 decades dealing with these sort of people, nothing I saw surprised me...it saddened me for her trauma, but nothing about the political response surprises me...

I've also been reading sections of Marcia Hobbs' autobiography Ugly Heroes, some of which she has posted on one of her several Facebook pages...she details many issues of SAPol (police) corruption involving drugs, prostitution, sexual assault, etc, and specifically highlights just how appalling the conduct of several officers has been...her story covers/explains why Mt Gambier Police Station has such a terrible reputation as being one of the worst stations in Australia...again, it immediately reminded me of how us parents were lied to, threatened, bullied, betrayed and blamed by SAPol as they, seemingly en masse, helped the Lutherans cover-up the abuse of  a class of 7 year old kids, our kids, at St Martins Lutheran School...also, I've had at least one of the officers Ms Hobbs writes about, at my home several times back in late 2018 when I had supposedly breached my Final Intervention Orders...

Tomorrow: More Mt Gambier City Council Blatant Corruption

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...

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