Tuesday, February 2, 2021

My Latest Mini-Rant About Scott 'Scummo' Morrison

Howdy dear availees, and whammo! just like that it's suddenly 5 days since the last post...super quick post today to deal with the relentless cavalcade of Scott 'Scummo' Morrison corruption and his various Liberal/National Party stooges, and the resumption of Federal Parliament with all it's inherent lack of accountability and LNP corruption, and the ongoing word-salad mind-vomit that is Scummo 'answering' questions at yesterday's Press Club soiree...(and I'm guessing you've written 'answering' as being actual sarcasm, 'cos that's exactly what Scummo doesn't do, answer questions, it's 100% distraction, denial, denigration, deflection, etc, etc, anything but actually answer-Ed)...well precisely, and what he did yesterday to highly respected journo and Chair of the soiree, Laura Tingle, it was just mind-numbingly unprofessional and 'childish' and pompous and ludicrous and demeaning and disrespectful...(and where-in you'd actually expect better and more mature behaviour from a child-Ed)...point taken Ed, I apologise to all children for comparing Scummo's pathetic conduct with your good selves, my bad...and the shreckin' 'press gallery' laughed along like the sycophantic simps that they are...(mate, the only 'pressing' going on here is the MSM's lips to Scummo's bloated white arse!-Ed)...Oh My Gourd, there's an image I didn't need in my poor, long-suffering head...

But all abusive jesting aside...(as much as Scummo deserves to be ridiculed and abused-Ed)...indeed, but his conduct was unforgivably abhorrent, and the MSM's response was as disgraceful as it was revealing about how wholly compromised and pro-LNP corrupt they truly are, it was beyond appalling...if  y'all ain't seen our illustrious leader in all his gibbering nonsense glory from yesterday, here's a link (below) to the bit where he gets asked about Liberal lunatic Craig Kelly's extraordinary conduct on Facebook/Twitter/whatevs, where-in failed furniture salesman Craigo has been spewing his moronic misinformation about COVID, related vaccines, the USofA elections, whatevs...(yep, if there's a moronic thing to say about something, Craig is Scummo's go-to man-Ed)...exactly, and that's exactly why Scummo made sure that Craigo got pre-selection, and why Scummo refuses to hold him to account for anything...('cos Scummo wants Craigo there saying the things Scummo wants said, but said such that they're not directly attributable to Scummo himself-Ed)...spot on, Craigo is Scummo's very own personal bloated pile a' Plausible Deniability, saying/doing a whole bunch of the really extreme bigotted and Rascist and 'conspiracy-theory' Dog-Whistling, or straight-out statements, that Scummo wants done...(so as to appeal to all those charming folk-Ed)...yep...(but just so long as it ain't him (Scummo) doin' that whistling-Ed)...exactly...if Scummo thought he could get Margaret Court and/or Pete Evans pre-selection, he would...   


(And just wow! where to shreckin' start? 'don't get you're info from Facebook'? how many people does Scummo have doing his social media for him?-Ed)...well I've seen reports of 12-16, solely on producing/manipulating his social media pages, and that doesn't include 'main stream' press officers, his personal photographer, etc...(well that's another one isn't it! mouthing-off about how he isn't vain, but he's perpetually posting carefully staged photo opportunities of himself, via his personal photographer! what a gimp!-Ed)...very true, it's literally like he can't 'answer' a question without massively gas-lighting the electorate, and the MSM just sit there and let him...(but not just let him, giggle and applaud like trained monkeys...and apologies to trained monkeys-Ed)...yes, Scummo's refusal to answer the question, his refusal to hold Craigo to account, instead making condescendingly ridiculous statements about 'info from Facebook' and then jumping to the hyperbolically ludicrous 'who's your doctor' response as he did, it all deserves base derision and professionally incandescent rage from the 'press', but instead he gets laughs...it's an unmitigated disgrace...(and the MSM wonder why they get laughed at on Twitter et al-Ed)...and ironically, there's nothing funny about any of it, it's a hugely disturbing and dangerous circumstance...if prize clown Scummo gets away with that bollocks, and knows that he can, it just becomes a self-fulfilling license to get worse and worse..and where does that end?...    

I'm not a huge fan of journo Mike Carlton, but he does have some runs on the board, and absolutely nails the essence of Scummo in this thread, as copied across from someone re-tweeting Mike...


And yet again it's left to good ol' Twitter, 'cos I can't imagine that you'd ever read anything even remotely as accurate in the pathetic MSM ...(maaate, just look at the MSM's pathetically embarrassing fawning at yesterday's Press Club...I've read comments where people say that the MSM were laughing at Scummo, not with him, but if that's the case, where's the avalanche of follow-up questions that hold Scummo to account? not one?-Ed)...yeah, but the Twitterati have very neatly nailed the paradigm where-in Scummo is clearly terrified of Laura, not least of all 'cos she ain't scared of him, and I fully concur, I'd love to see her do an extended one-on-one 'interview' with Scummo...(maaate, that wouldn't be an interview so much as a massacre, she'd tear 'im to shreds-Ed)...yes she would, one of the very few in Australia's MSM who has any credibility and journalistic integrity...

And here's another who sort of has a go at some things about Scummo, but then has a bit of a bet each-way with some of his other stuff...we covered this Christine Holgate stuff briefly in a recent post...***

When you consider how hard the PM went Holgate in parliament over something both small & not in breach of anything verses his inaction on everything from sports rorts to robodebt to inflated land deals at Sydney’s second airport to Craig Kelly’s comments, it’s hypocrisy on stilts
Quote Tweet
Peter van Onselen
Janet Albrechtsen has thoroughly eviscerated Scott Morrison in her column in today’s @australian. Exposing his “low rent” approach to Christine Holgate. Not to mention the attempt to cover-up his mess. He should apologise, but may be too small to do so. theaustralian.com.au/inquirer/chris

***And that Janet Albrechtsen's a major LNP supporter, so for her to go at Scummo, that is itself big news...and here's a perfect checklist of how Scummo operates, again copied from Twitter.***

#ScottyFromMarketing has a checklist when faced with questions.

And of course there's all the ongoing Rort/Pork-Barrelling issues that continue to generate massive discussion/debate on Twitter et al, but that the MSM barely if ever mention...it's only a very few publications in the MSM who ever touch these Rorts, and the Murdoch-media either ignores them or runs interference/defense on behalf of the LNP, eg, Gladys Berejiklian's extraordinary admission that what her government was doing was "Pork-Barrelling", but then dismissing it all as just political business as usual...this link/story I think was from a Greens Senator...and remember dear availees in Mt Gambier that the $15million that Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin 'organised' for us for our beloved Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre, that $15m was from one of the many 'LNP Grant Programs' since identified as being straight-out Pork-Barrelling...and now this (below)...it is alleged that one third of all funding went to the one electorate, National leader Michael McCormick's seat of Riverina (Wagga Wagga), an area well down the list of most affected areas...but what's a little post-disaster corruption between friends, eh?...  

We are chasing down a fresh pork barrel scandal. This time it’s the state and federal Coalition cooking up a $177 million pork barrel using bushfire relief funds. Less than 2% of the $$ went to opposition, Greens or SFF seats in the regions. Disgraceful.
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And just listening to a bit of Parliament, and it's business as usual from the LNP, shouty non-answers and shutting down debate before it's even started, 'I move that the Member no longer be heard', etc, etc, etc...Liars, Thieves and Grifters, every last one of them...

Sorry, but that's literally all I can stomach for today...(but what about the appallingly predictable The Insiders program last Sunday?-Ed)...simple, Labor bad, Labor bad, Labor leadership challenge, and unaccountable Dorothy Dixer 'questions' to Josh Frydenburg, and at least one Murdoch minion as panelist espousing what a great job Scummo has done with COVID and with the economy, etc...have I covered it all?...(yep, surprisingly accurate and thorough, the first 16-18 minutes was all about supposed Labor faults/woes, then Joshy and a whole bunch of waffle largely about peripheral issues, one full-unit Scummo sycophant, and barely a mention of any of Scummo's latest litany of bastardries-Ed)...well it's such a well-worn script it's hardly genius to predict and/or define it...(fair enough-Ed)...

Tomorrow: More Mt Gambier City Council Unreasonable Conduct Policy

Just been goin' through it again, and it ain't gettin' any better, if anything I've picked-up a coupla' points I might've missed previous...(well there's just so many things 'wrong' with that supposed 'legislation'-Ed)...indeed...and we might even indulge in a little bit of 'TMGI Told You So', stuff...(I thought we don't do that?-Ed)...yeah, but in context, and with a little encouragement from the wings, it's not entirely unwarranted and indeed, as it's been put to me, it's actually become part of the broader narrative...(well I for one can't wait to see what that's all about-Ed)...well then see you here tomorrow mate...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...  

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