Tuesday, February 9, 2021

UniSa Dumps Morrison Jazz Academy: Reprise

Howdy y'all and welcome to a super-short post 'cos I just wanted to share with y'all the reportage from Adelaide's (Murdoch press) The Advertiser newspaper about the extraordinary situation we covered last post, namely, UniSA "ending it's partnership" with the James Morrison Jazz Academy...so here 'tis...

So most of that is just regurgitating/re-reporting what was said in The Border Watch, Friday 5th February 2021, including the absolute rot from Morrison that this is a "difficult decision(s) due to the COVID-19 pandemic"...(well if that's the case why didn't UniSA just say that instead of, as reported in TBW, 'UniSA did not address questions relating to why the program would no longer be offered', and quote,"...all other questions about James Morrison Academy should be directed to the James Morrison Academy"-Ed)...exactly mate, and the fact that the 3-year Bachelor degree had already been withdrawn/cancelled back in 2019/20...(and didn't Morrison have a bet each-way on that, arguing at one point that it was due to a change in Federal funding, but then saying that it was a decision about appropriate student numbers?-Ed)...not quite mate, he did state that the Bachelor course was being withdrawn due to funding changes, sure, but that other stuff was where he stated that he'd decided that having only 70-80 students was a deliberate strategy to ensure that students had better access to lecturers, etc...(ahhh yes, when it was revealed that enrolments had actually dropped and were nowhere near the 200 per year required by his '$500,000 funding agreement' KPIs, and Morrison tried to argue that away as being a deliberate decision-Ed)...yes, but back to the original point, the Bachelor enrolments stopped in 2020, so they're a separate issue to what's happening now, and ain't none of it due to COVID......  

And whilst he may well be trying to hook-up with other universities, etc, unless that somehow comes to fruition, and that's a fairly massive 'if', they're not "phasing-out" anything in Mt Gambier, 'cos as it currently stands, there is no Jazz Academy next year (2022)...(and given the stuff Morrison identifies, albeit falsely, as being many universities having a problem, etc, who's comin' to the rescue?-Ed)...and if it's not a Uni with interests in SA, or even if it is, will they want to be in Mt Gambier?...(yep, as you say, when these articles were being penned/printed, currently there is no JMA in 2022, so why is that not being trumpetted as the actual reality looming over this reportage?-Ed)...well, as we covered in our previous post, it dead-set looks like Morrison is trying to bail from Mt Gambier, and do so with as little fuss and confrontation and accountability as possible...(sure, I get that, but why isn't it being reported in those terms, no JMA in 2022?-Ed)...perhaps we're reading more into it than there is, perhaps some of those current students/courses will continue into 2022...(or it's just not really dawned on whoevs is reporting this-Ed)...or a bit of both, whatevs...having said all that though, and having gone over it repeatedly, it does appear that there is no JMA in 2022...

Also rather odd is the final paragraph about the appalling conduct of James Morrison in his unwavering support for student Matthew Harkin, who was originally facing 2 charges of Rape, but with Morrison's glowing written reference managed to get off literally scott free as described above...on one hand this paragraph seems to be deliberately playing-down Morrison's disgraceful behaviour, but then again why is it there at all?...(is it trying to address the inevitable stories that people encounter about Harkin when Interweb searching 'Morrison Jazz Academy', you know, hose-it down, minimise it and deflect from the realities, etc?-Ed)...well that was my first take on it, even that last sentence seems to throw it all back at UniSA as being their problem/responsibility, but the whole 'no comment' thing sortta' throws it back on Morrison...(yeah, sort of, but I think you're reading what's said in the article from TBW into this article, eg, TBW quotes UniSA as saying 'go ask Morrison why we're pulling out', but The Advertiser doesn't mention that-Ed)...yeah, fair point, I'm also applying a whole buncha' previous knowledge that's not in this Advertiser article, which therefore, standing alone, does look exactly like it's done everything it can to help Morrison deflect from the realities of what's happening here, and what he's done protecting Harkin, etc... 

And just to confuse the issue, I'm gunna' argue completely against myself, 'cos every time I read that last sentence it just jars, it just doesn't gel...it's a common journalistic 'trick' to make a statement without making a statement, to direct the readers thoughts by making a statement about how someone 'didn't comment'...(I hate it when you're right, but I can see what you're saying, that is a common manipulation-Ed)...ain't it though...the last thought in the reader's mind when they finish that article is 'why? why won't UniSA comment on that? why not just say no?'...(and to take that to it's ultimate media manipulation, the way that's worded, were UniSA even asked that question?-Ed)...ooo nice one man...('cos that doesn't actually say 'they didn't answer the question', it just says they didn't comment, and that's potentially two totally different things-Ed)...and it is the Murdoch media we're talking about...anyhoos and whatevs, if it's an attempt to distract away from Morrison and Harkin it's a piss-poor effort 'cos it's effectively doing the opposite...

Very odd to see that on Limestone Coast Community News it indicates that there are '10 Comments', but when ya' open 'Comments' there's only one...(what does that mean? has Josh yet again been removing posts he doesn't like?-Ed)...well, you're well within your rights to ask that question given his penchant for carefully and heavily censoring how he 'reports the news'...(and his long-established reputation for removing 'Comments', particularly those that might embarrass/compromise his vested interests mates on Mt Gambier City Council, etc-Ed)...yep...(particularly 'Comments' about  the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...indeed, that's apparently happened numerous times now...and I have to say 'apparently' 'cos each and every time I've become aware of these sort of 'Comments', Joshy has removed them before I get there...but I know as fact that these removals are happening 'cos 1) I trust my original sources completely, and 2) other personages have witnessed these exchanges/Comments/removals and alerted me to them, albeit too late...  

And unless I've completely missed it somehow, this huge story has not been reported at all on the ABC South East Radio...(well it ain't anywhere on their website/Facebook page/whatevs-Ed)...and I didn't hear it reported on Friday morning or Saturday or yesterday or today...it is possible that it was, albeit briefly, but I've re-listened to Friday's program and there's no mention, not even in the news bits...it seems remarkable that this story doesn't get a guernsey on ABC SER, until you remember that Sandra Morello is the new Chief of Staff, and then it don't seem so strange...(mates lookin' out for mates and vested interests, etc?-Ed)...absolutely, ixnay on the amesJay...I can't help wonder what sort of flack that TBW copped for printing this story, or even before hand...(I guess we'll find out down the track, as is often the way with these things in such a small town-Ed)...yay...

Tomorrow: More Rank Corruption From MGCC And Their Supposed Crater Lakes Plan

As we've covered repeatedly recently, MGCC have committed an act of the utmost political and retributional bastardry by evicting the Aquifer Cafe/Tours from their long-established site at the Blue Lake...(and done so with a litany of proven lies-Ed)...yep, and as many have opined, this is about destroying the Turners two businesses so that Council can hand it all to a mate/relative...and Council's ongoing deceits run to a farcical cluster-shreck about Having A Plan To Have A Plan...(but not before they Apply For A Grant To Fund Developing The Plan-Ed)...exactly, and that's exactly where we are now, still 'about to apply for that grant'..(so we've actually gone backwards from the initial lies about 1) the lease has run out, and 2 we have a strategy/plan/whatevs, and we're at the planning to have a plan stage, again-Ed)..indeed this all follows on from MGCC's farcical 'plan' from 2004...(ahhh, you mean '2014' surely?-Ed)...no no, 2004...(and what's happened with that 'plan' then?-Ed)...not much that I can see...(shreck me dead mate-Ed)...yeah, there's plenty of people in Mt Gambier feeling that way towards our beloved Council, believe me... 

And today's closing joke, National Party serial rorter Bridget McKenzie arguing that "we can’t have a target of zero emissions by 2050 as we have no plan to achieve it! "...so as a result of their own total failure to have a plan they can’t have a target...like a dog chasing their own tail and blaming everyone else!...I half-poached this from a Twitter thread, but it's right on the money about how ridiculous the Nationals look running this bizarre line about their own Party, the Liberal/National Party...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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