Friday, March 9, 2018

Today In Court, TMGI Threatened With 'Entire Suppression'

(Whaaa?-Ed)...indeed Ed, dear availees, just gunna' refer to previous posts about how my 'Trial' has been conducted...(woefully?-Ed)...yeah sure...(incompetently?-Ed)...mate, whatevs, it's all there in previous posts...(alright alright, settle down, I'll go back and read them-Ed)...right, well, all that stuff about why and/or how I've been persecuted/prosecuted, that's a given for the purposes of this very short post..

Today in my 35th (36th?/37th?/whatevs) 'Hearing Date' thingy...(following-on from the farcical shenanigans of last Wednesday 28th February 2018 where-in all this stuff was supposedly gunna' be 'finalised' but wasn't-Ed)...well indeed, so today I was supposed to be finding-out what my 'Penalty' will be regarding the potential $540,000 of fines I was facing, and as discussed with SAPol (police) Prosecutions today, Magistrate White has indicated but not finalised that due to my personal circumstances I'll be 'fined' 300 hours of Community Service...(well you ain't got a red-cent, and SAPol and the Courts have known that from Day One, aways back whenever back in early/mid 2014-Ed)...yes well that's the personal circumstances I was referring to, but it's not why we're here today...

Admittedly I missed parts of the 'discussions' had between SAPol Pros' Batten and Magistrate White there at the Elizabeth Courthouse, with me here in Mt Gambier via Audio/Video link, 'cos the sound dropped-out briefly several times, and at one point Magistrate White was yelling "I'm talking, I'm talking" so loudly that his mike did that feedback thing and briefly cut-out...(wow-Ed)...and also I was trying to scribble notes, etc, but 2 things were clearly established today,
1) SAPol Pros' Batten raised the issue of (requested?) that Magistrate White issue 'Suppression Orders' (Intervention Orders?) stopping me from 'blogging' about former Mt Gambier Mayor and current Mt Gambier City Councillor Steve Perryman, ABC South East Radio's Stuart Stansfield, and SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch's Det Caroline Gardner; and
2) Magistrate White himself then raised the issue of 'suppressing the blog in it's entirety'...

Whilst this is the first time I've heard it stated out-loud, this 'Suppression Agenda' has been apparent through-out as the desired final destination, this Perpetual Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution is wholly about stopping me blogging, and then, with that precedent established, about going for Full Control over all Social Media and crushing/silencing all dissent...and today SAPol's Batten and Magistrate White had clearly already been discussing this 'Mass Suppression', with Magistrate White openly leading Batten into each question/statement she was making, as he has done with multiple witnesses through-out the 'Trial' I understood it today, the specific requests to 'suppress' any-and-all discussion about Perryman, Stansfield, and Gardner were made by those individuals...

Any And All Discussion - not just relevant to these ludicrous ICAC 'Charges', but entirely.

However, when Batten was asked to provide an outline of these 'requests' or any other paperwork to back it up, she could provide nothing, and so Magistrate White has given her until 1300hrs next Friday 16th March 2018...(wow-Ed) provide that paperwork to Mt Gambier Registrar, from whence I am allowed to fetch it, and then, partly because I had to request time to get 'legal advice' on these Impending Suppression Submissions, we're all coming back again 20th April 2018...(where the shreck are you gunna' get legal advice?-Ed)...well that's what I quietly said to myself today, gourd knows, but I had to do something to try and give myself some opportunity...(fair enough-Ed)...       

Bottomline, if you, dear availees, if you want to re-visit a certain hilarious joke and/or are concerned with the complications of a certain issue and want to be able to refer back to it, and/or whatevs, if you want a permanent copy of any of this 'ere blog, then get in and get it now because Magistrate White has clearly indicated today that he fully intends to conduct himself in the same grossly abusive and biased manner that defines his entire conduct of his section/portion of my "bizarre" 'Trial, and on 20th April 2018 he is going to try to issue a Full Suppression Order to try to shut down this 'ere blog...that is exactly what was discussed today...(welcome to the Democracy we call South Australia-Ed)...indeed Ed, indeed...

Tomorrow: OLTTROLCCN Part II, As Promised

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, for now...cheers and laters...

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