Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Onkaparinga Council Threaten Media With ICAC

And here it is folks, a very short post about good ol' Onkaparinga Council, using Ratepayers money via Council Credit Cards to buy each other gifts, stay in Adelaide hotels, attend various functions/events, etc, and when asked perfectly reasonable basic questions of accountability, Bobbie-Jean blows a gasket, outright threatening Messenger Press with ICAC...rancidly rorting Ratepayers' hard-earned to the point that it's sucking funding out of other areas and threatening services, eg, libraries, and then when someone asks about it, threaten them with ICAC...this is the Self-Righteous Institutionalised Corruption of Local Government South Australian-style, and an absolute case-study in some of the many ways that Councils like Mt Gambier City Council steal Ratepayers money...  

Because I don't want to trample on other's stuff, I will not specifically discuss the other multiple incidents that I am aware of where people have been threatened in this way or directly by ICAC or where ICAC has acted to protect corrupt Public Officials, etc, and it's hardly noteworthy because it's what ICAC is for and what ICAC does......(well what about your Court case farce?-Ed)...indeed, in my 'Trial' where-in I've proven during cross-examination of ICAC, OPI (Office of Public Integrity) and/or SAPol (police) witnesses that the 'Complainant' against me is My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Comm Bruce Lander himself...(Bruce, maaate-Ed)...indeed, maaate, well maaate dispensed with all appropriate requisite OPI/ICAC processes/protocols and unilaterally decided to 'refer' me directly to SAPol's Anti-Corruption Branch, and somewhere in that allegedly undocumented process in January/February 2014, 'Operation Baritone' suddenly just manifested out of the ether, again allegedly without documentation anywhere...(wow-Ed)...

SA ICAC is a wholly corrupt Fascist Political Weapon for a rancidly Pro-Paedophile corrupt SA Parliament, just another Pro-Paedophile 'Authority' in this sad, sick state where the Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary are wholly compromised by definable Pro-Paedophile Corruption...good ol' SA, run for Paedophiles by Paedophiles..and if you think one single thing will change with my mate Nick Xenophon effectively 'controlling' the SA Parliament, then I can't help this 'ere blog and understand just exactly what a sly 'ambulance-chaser' Nick mate is, and why I say that...(well because after more than a decade he has refused to make-good his multiple promises about supporting families involved with the St Martins Cover-up and the rancidly corrupt Parliamentary 'SARC Inquiry' into the Teachers Registration Board that he dumped y'all in back in 2006-08-Ed)...well indeed, promises that expose themselves as lies with the passage of time...

Nick Xenophon isn't the solution to SA's Pro-Paedophile Corruption, he is a functionary in that corruption, a willing participant.

And of course, some people can't be helped, some are beyond it...(and then there are those who just don't want to be helped-Ed)...sure, those whom will do things like read this 'ere blog and then still hurl abuse at me about how this is somehow my fault...(but it is your fault, for spending how many years now appropriately trying to get some action about the gross physical and/or emotional/psychological abuse of dozens of 7 year old students by their teacher Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School-Ed)...15 years now, going on 16...(and then continuing to speak-out about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...indeed, and then for starting this 'ere blog out of sheer desperation after 10 years of that Child Abuse Cover-up...(and then for not succumbing to the openly Fascist Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution of your "bizarre trial"-Ed)...all jolly good fun I'm sure, what the shreck am I complaining about?... 

In the "Malicious Prosecution" context, as stated by Magistrate Teresa Anderson in October 2016 when Her Honour used those exact words to 'Order' me to present all documents/evidence/testimony in support of my repeated claims that my 'Trial' was/is a wholly corrupt Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution, in that context my mate Bruce is the 'Malicious Complainant'...(whaaa?-Ed)...well, given that the 'Prosecution' is "Malicious" that means that it is motivated by 'Malice', an inappropriate and deliberate desire to cause damage/harm...(and that means that whoever initiated this prosecution did so not in response to legal requirement, but out of a desire to attack you-Ed)...exactly...

I have proven in Court, just li'l ol' me, self-representing, in this openly hostile conflict with a rancidly corrupt SAPol Prosecutions being encouraged and supported by a rankly complicit Magistrate White, a Magistrate who refuses to read his own Orders let alone any other Magistrate's, and just can't get enough of abusing me from the Bench, and/or threatening me with non-stop 'Contempt of Court' references, etc, etc, blah blah blah, in amongst all that Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution, I have proven that this "Malicious Prosecution" was initiated by ICAC Comm Bruce Lander...

In Court I have proven that ICAC Commissoner Bruce Lander is the 'Malicious Prosecutor'. 

(And we haven't even mentioned the rancidly corrupt ICAC self-referral of Mt Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee and the openly corrupt Ombudsman's bizarre exoneration of Mayor Andy, with such classic lines as 'oh yeah, I can see how people in Australia might see that as corrupt'-Ed) turn, 'wow' February 2017 I was in Court being Persecuted/Prosecuted for 'talking about an alleged ICAC investigation that supposedly exonerated everyone', whilst through-out the media there's stories about Lee being referred to ICAC, etc, the exact thing I'm 'Charged' with!...and here's another classic Corruption-hiding technique where-in corrupt Public Officials refer themselves to ICAC, knowing full-well that they will be protected/exonerated by the rancidly corrupt ICAC Comm Bruce, and that the issues of their corruption will be duly suppressed by the still undefined Section 56 of the SA ICAC Act 2012/14...

This is how and why SA ICAC was constructed and how and why it functions.

Tomorrow: More Angry Man

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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