Sunday, March 25, 2018

Six More Posts 'Disappear' From This 'Ere Blog

Dear Availees,
                   If y'all are of that bent, ya' might want to start saving individual posts as they get posted, because after some quick cross-referencing, it is apparent that at least another 6 posts have been deleted from this 'ere blog, and best as I can tell, 2 from just last week and all of them from this year, 2018.

Ironically, the post from Sunday 4th March 2018, 'Dear Google, Why Has A Post Disappeared From This 'Ere Blog?', referring to the first post I notice disappear, 'Living On A Limitations Diet', that post to Google is one of those to 'disappear'.

I've checked any and all possible 'files', and have not received any 'Notifications' from Google or anyone else, and the links to those pages state that those pages "do not exist" on this 'ere blog, as opposed to much earlier attempts to silence this 'ere blog, eg, lawyer Bill DeGaris threatening me and/or Google with 'Defamation', where-in those posts specifically state that they have been removed for 'legal reasons' and provide a link through to review those complaints, etc.

Because I'm so embarrassingly incompetent at the Computer Box stuff, I've finally engaged someone to come in and have a gander, just to be sure, and they could find nought from Google, no notifications of any way, shape of form, etc, and could me offer no explanation other than this 'ere blog was somehow being hacked.

I put it to The Ganderer that SAPol (police) Anti-Corruption Branch and/or SAPol Prosecutions still have my laptop, and when they 'seized it as evidence' whilst raiding my home on 8th May 2014, SAPol ACB stated to me that they (SAPol) could just "hack it".

In the absence of any other explanation, it appears that SAPol are accessing this 'ere blog via my laptop, and then deleting posts.

All I can tell you is that it ain't I what is removin' them, and I ain't seen nor heard of any 'Official Suppression Orders', and to my knowledge no such things exist and I certainly have not been 'Ordered' by Magistrate White or anyone else, eg, ICAC.

However and of course, ultimately that doesn't mean that 'Suppression Orders' don't exist, that's the joyful Fascism of South Australia's wildly corrupted version of an Independent Commission Against Corruption.

For all I know ICAC has quietly issued 'Suppression Orders' and then 'Suppressed' any reportage and/or notification by/from Google as well, but that's pure speculation lost in the gloomy shadow of the looming blooming obvious, that SAPol have my laptop, a laptop what 'thinks' it's me logging in, and therefore gives direct access to all the internal machinations of this 'ere blog. 

Tomorrow: The First Of Those 'Disappeared' Posts Re-Posted 

Because I have been trying to save things a little more efficiently, and there's no motivation like having half of the last 2 months posts 'deleted' by a 'hacker', a hacker most likely SAPol.

I am Nick Fletcher and this 'ere is my blog, well, what's left of it...cheers and laters...oh, and Ed will return tomorrow as well...(I don't know that I want to come back quite frankly-Ed)...shut it! and I'll see you tomorrow...(sure, whatevs-Ed)...


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