Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Third Re-Post Of 'Disappeared' Posts

***Howdy dear availees, here's the re-post of 'Dear Google, Why Has A Post Disappeared From This 'Ere Blog', originally posted 4th March 2018, and somehow 'removed' entirely from this 'ere blog...that title I retrieved from GooglePlus because I forgot to save that bit, oops...please see post 25th March 2018 for 'disappearing posts' explanation...***

Dear Availees,
                    A post, 'Living On A Limitations Diet', has disappeared from this 'ere blog, sometime between Tuesday 27th February 2018 and Friday morning, 2nd March 2018...("disappeared"?-Ed)...yep, gone completely, even from the 'drafts' section...(but how?-Ed)...dunno', spent 30 minutes being royally screwed-about by Google's automated response system for their Sydney office, that repeatedly stated it was 'putting me through' to the next person then hanging-up on me, and when I followed the '1800' numbers it went to Sales and then Advertising, neither of whom could forward me anywhere else, apparently...

I have not received a 'Removal Notification' from Google or anyone else, and regular availees will be well aware that previous 'Defamation Threats' made to Google by people like lawyer Bill DeGaris, Gary Costello and the Education Dept, Piper Alderman Lawyers, etc, have seen those posts taken-down by Google, and replaced with 'Post Unavailable', and you can then follow the links to see who complained and/or why, etc, although, even that has now changed to a different 'Webpage/Company' and their heavily 'redacted' format that seems to hide the identity of the complainant...(terrific, so that opens the gate for rampant anonymous complaints-Ed)...maybe, but the point being, those posts have been taken-down and 'Post Unavailable' goes up, but the original draft remained in my 'drafts' section within the blog, but this specific post from 14th February 2018 has disappeared/been deleted even from drafts, gone completely...

Further more, when I access that post, 'Living On A Limitations Diet', via my Google Plus account thingy, the title part of the post and part of the first paragraph remain, but when I click on it, it goes to TMGI, ok thus far, but the post is not there, instead is a message stating, 'The post you are looking for does not exist'...(have you accidentally 'deleted' it yourself?-Ed)...no, I'd have to accidentally hit, 'delete' twice-over because it asks you specifically a second time, 'are you sure? yes/no'...here is the directly pasted-across bit from Google Plus, all that remains of that post... 

Living On A Limitiations Diet
***and howdy again y'all to another post from the pile of partially done drafts from the last coupla' months ...( yo! dear availees, whattup? -Ed)...and yes, hello Ed, you confected literary device you, with us again to help set-up jokes and offer hopefully...

...and when y'all click on that link, it takes you to the blog okay, but there's this message (below) instead of the post...
     Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist.
At this stage, I have no idea what's happened, like I said, no notification, but that deletion has happened from 'within the blog', that is, either by me the blogger or by Google itself...however, I note that SAPol (police) still have my laptop...(the one they took when they raided your home on 8th May 2014?-Ed)...yeah, that's the one, and therefore SAPol has the capacity to access this 'ere blog and for 'The Blog' to think that it's me...(well that's a bit technical for me, can you dumb it down a little?-Ed)...alright alright, you know what I mean, SAPol have direct access to the Control Panel of this 'ere blog and can therefore access/change/delete whatevs they want whenevs they want...

Humblest apologies that I have not correctly 'backed-up' this 'ere blog, and I do not have a copy of that post, which was specifically about the rankly cynical and despicable conduct of Mt Gambier City Councillor Josh Lynagh, and Cr Lynagh's outrageous conduct on Social Media, deliberately raising the 'Paedophile Issue' whilst losing an on-line argument about MGCC's Rail Lands Retail Agenda with someone he knew was one of the parents directly involved in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(I think 'despicable' is a very polite description of that conduct-Ed)...it is absolutely bloody disgraceful, that's what it is...

It also appeared that I may have 'lost' dozens of other recent posts, but I have retrieved/saved them, and have now remedied the 'saving' stuff...let y'all know how I go sortin' this out, when and if I have...oh, and Dear Googles, any chance y'all might read this post and have a look at what's happened and/or send me a 'notification', cheers...

Also to Dear Googles, please consider 1) the extraordinary implications of this extraordinary 'Conviction', it is now effectively illegal to say literally anything to anyone about anything, because it 'might' end-up with ICAC at some future stage, that's the wording of the SA ICAC Act 2012, Section 56, and 2) please remain resolute on the issue of 'Defamation Threats' and how various people/groups have manipulated y'all with these self-proven empty threats...also, I note that this 'disappearance' appears to coincide with my supposed 'Conviction' on Wednesday 28th February 2018, but this fundamentally corrupted alleged Judicial process hasn't even defined the ICAC legislation the Magistrates Court has supposedly 'Convicted' me of, and only on Friday I received an 'Addendum to Verdict' (dated Friday 2nd March 2018) from Magistrate White, clearly stating that I am correct that 1) the legislation was changed in November 2014, and 2) that what I have now been 'Convicted' of was not a crime during the period 'Charged', but he has then argued against himself and repeated his 'Guilty Verdict'...it is a transparently farcical attempt to address the media reportage of this exact issue, and leads us all to...

Tomorrow: 'Addendum to Verdict', Apparently.
(Wow-Ed)...wow alright, dear availees, read how Magistrate White blames me for allegedly not properly explaining these immediately obvious ICAC legislation changes to him, and/or the implications of those changes, before agreeing with me that it wasn't a crime when I was charged, then disagreeing with himself about that via an ambiguous and deliberately erroneous reference to non-existent 'definitions', and then convicting me anyway...(well hurrah!-Ed)...it's yet another bizarre chapter in a deeply disturbing farce...

I am Nick Fletcher and this here is my blog...cheers and laters... 

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