Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Addin' 'Dem Addendums

(Whaaa?-Ed)...give me a second...howdy dear availees, just a super-short post to show y'all the most recent Addendum to Verdict that I've received via email from Magistrate White...(oh we did this yesterday already-Ed)...well yes and no...(well that clears it up, cheers-Ed)...yes, we did do an Addendum To Verdict in yesterday's post, but that was from/via an email approx 1300hrs Friday 2d March 2018...(that's what I thought-Ed)...and today we're gunna' look at the second Addendum To Verdict I received...(sorry what?-Ed)...via email at 1500hrs, yesterday 5th March 2018...(a second Addendum to Verdict?-Ed)...yep...(a different one?-Ed)...only slightly, read it for ya'self...

And the one small change from the first Addendum to Verdict from Friday, is that last sentence of paragraph 2, page 2...
     "The prosecution and subsequently the Court were in error for relying on it."
...referring of course to the definition of 'To Publish' applied to my 'Trial', before continuing on to conjure his own version of 'To Publish' that seems to follow his statement at the hearing last Wednesday 28th February 2018, that he had used "the original definition"...(but the original definition didn't work, that's why ICAC Comm Bruce Lander and Labor's Attorney General John Rau changed/introduced that specific definition via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act November 27th 2017-Ed)...well exactly, and as we covered in recent posts...(has he dragged across the definition relevant to 'Defamation Law'?-Ed)...I dunno', looks like it certainly, but he very carefully doesn't identify where that 'definition' of 'To Publish' has originated, hasn't referred to where in 'Law' he has drawn that 'definition'...the 'Acts Interpretation Act 1915' reference is a non-relevant distraction that justifies/explains absolutely zilch...

But it's not just the commitment to proper procedure and fairness that make these 'Addendums' leap off the page, it's the scrupulous attention to detail that really pops!...Magistrate White hasn't even bothered to fill-out the fundamental details of what is clearly a template letter...(strewth mate, it's good to see how they're taking this so seriously, treating this with the gravitas it deserves-Ed)...mmm, nicely sarcasmed Ed, because nor has he bothered to correct the double-up of "beyond reasonable doubt beyond reasonable doubt"...(wow, and that's a kosher legal document is it?-Ed)...well, a South Australian Courts' legal document...(that's not answering my question-Ed)...taboomtish... 

So there you go, making it up as he goes along, and when he cannot deny the reality that I've been prosecuted under the 'wrong definition', that had 'been changed', etc, then it's a load of deliberately non-specific waffle that concludes with a dictionary definition, ultimately confirming what I have said from the very beginning of this rankly Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution of Nick Fletcher...and I'll say it again...(thought you might-Ed)...

Section 56 of the SA ICAC Act 2012/14 makes it illegal to say literally anything to anyone about anything should the Government and/or ICAC decide to prosecute you, including even talking to your lawyer, because 'it' might end-up in ICAC one day, even if that's just as a complaint or referral, etc...(and even if you're not charged with anything-Ed)...yeah, all that, and as posted numerous times here on TMGI, when I sought legal advice after my home was raided on 8th May 2014, lawyers (my Legal Eagles) were compelled to write to my mate Comm Bruce...(maaate-Ed)...to ask if they were even allowed to talk to me, and duly received a written Comm Bruce 'Authorisation' that included permission to speak to my own family, friends, and a doctor...(wow, every time I read that it's just 'wow'-Ed)...well I'm a little more 'wtf' myself, but 'wow' is also good...

By attempting to use a mangled form of the 'Defamation' definition, Magistrate White has officially 'criminalised' conversation...and that Reality is just exactly ridiculous as it sounds, but it's still the Reality...

Tomorrow: Apparently I Need To Explain Myself A Bit Better

Because there's apparently been a bitta' bitter venting about me on Mt Gambier City Councillor Josh Lynagh's facebook page thingy, Limestone Coast Community News, upto and including my li'l mate Cr Josh stating as fact that I 'defame people'...(he hasn't has he?-Ed)...yep, apparently, at it again, spuriously claiming ignorance and ramping-up the Anti-Nick Hysteria as best he can...(bit sad really-Ed)...no, Cr Josh is exactly what he is, and if he thinks that these repeated cowardly attacks on people via social media is going to go unrewarded, well...

Cr Josh Lynagh is deliberately and cynically manipulating people, clearly running MGCC's Agenda via his supposedly 'independent' blog, and his reprehensible behaviour runs-to attacking me (on a third party's blog) by knowingly and deliberately throwing the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up stuff at one of the parents he knows is directly involved, all whilst lying his way through a losing argument about the MGCC's Rail Land Retail Agenda...(well that's exactly the sort of conduct you want from your elected officials-Ed)...and have I defamed anyone there Josh mate?...(maaate-Ed)...or just defined your crassly reprehensible behaviour?...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, The Mount Gambier Independent...and just for balance, a big shout-out to those several people I ran into today who laughing asked me, 'WTF?', and told me to just ignore the 'sad people' who behave like that on social media, cheers...and to dear availees, cheers and laters... 

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