Howdy y'all and welcome to a real quick post in
which we again visit the topic of Institutionalised Corruption in
Local Government...(well it's only fair really-Ed)...fair? how
so mate?...(well, given the litany of gross Pro-Paedophile
Nepotism, Insider Trading Conflicts of Interest, and general Rank
Corruption that we 'report' with regard to the rankly corrupt Mt
Gambier City Council, dear availees could be forgiven for thinking
that it's just MGCC that is rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt, when it
is clearly the entire Local Government structure that's corrupt, and
from there on up into State politics in it's entirety-Ed)...mmm,
fair point Ed, it's obviously not just MGCC that's the problem...
And as regular availees and The Googles are well
aware, I use the descriptor, 'Pro-Paedophile Corruption', because
what I've experienced of 'Politics' in South Australia is that
Paedophiles run the State, SA The Paedophile State, run for
Paedophiles by Paedophiles, and then there's a whole phalanx of low
cowardly thieves, who themselves aren't necessarily actual
'paedophiles', but they know they're golden with their personal
corruptions if they stay quiet about the Paedophile Control and it's
direct corruptions, eg, the rancid and ongoing collusion of the St
Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, the 15 years of
Pro-Paedophile Collusion between Premiers Mike Rann and Jay
Weatherill, SAPol (police), the Crown Solicitors Office, the Director
Public Prosecutions, the Lutherans, the entire SA Parliament (Labor,
Liberal, Family First, et al), and Nick Xenophon, Rory McEwen, Viv
and Jim Maher, Steve Perryman, Peter Gandolfi, Tony Pasin, Mt Gambier
City Council, etc, etc, and low corrupt lawyers like Peter Humphries,
Tim Bourne, and my mate Bouncin' Billy DeGaris, etc, etc, etc...
Further to that, I'm sure there are some people in
Local Government who are not corrupt, and I'm sure I've met some of
them, BUT...(and I like big buts-Ed)...but at the core of it's
functioning, the Local Government structure in SA is exactly as
rancidly rotten as Mt Gambier City Council, relentlessly rorting
their Ratepayers for personal gain with a sense of entitlement that
has to be witnessed to be believed...(and don't forget the
Pro-Paedophile corruption of the SA media, and most particularly here
in Mt Gambier-Ed)...ah yes, good ol' Mt Gambier media, furiously
manipulating you and deceiving you dear availees, apparently
motivated by a desire to protect Paedophilia in Mt Gambier in
general, but at the very least with the definable intent to continue
the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, a Cover-up that
The Border Watch and the Australian Broadcasting
Corporation are fundamentally complicit in...
So I'll leave it to the members of Robe Council to
define where it is they register as individuals on that Sliding Scale
of Pro-Paedophile Corruption, but what's happening with these
relentless attacks on William Peden just screeches 'Cover-up' at Robe
Council, it reeks of 'Institutionalised Corruption', and in SA
'Institutionalised Corruption' means 'Pro-Paedophile Corruption', and
in that specific context it is just not credible to try and define a
separate sort of random corruption...
That's Jolly Wizard Old Chum:...we here at
TMGI have repeatedly covered the farcical shenanigans of the Robe
Marina and The Magic Million...(that '$1m Loan' for the Robe
Marina? the '$1m Loan' that appeared to just disappear?-Ed)...that's
the one...(only to magically re-appear when Mr Peden asked about
it?-Ed) on...(only then to be told by Robe Council it
didn't exist in the first place?-Ed)...yep...(which involved
Robe Council doing 'a costly Audit' to look for an apparently
non-existent '$1m Loan'?-Ed)...yeah...(that they supposedly
didn't know if or if not it even existed?-Ed) non-sensical
as that sounds, that's self-evidently what they're saying...(and
therefore supposedly a 'Fictional $1m Loan' entirely of Mr Peden's
construct and promotion?-Ed)...correct...(shazzam!-Ed)...well
indeed, so here t'is, the 'official Press Release' from Robe Council,
a Council that also self-evidently can't get enough of blaming
'Wizard' William Peden, named I think 4 times in the opening
paragraph...(ahhh, what it is to be special, to be sure, to be
sure-Ed)...stop that, but you are correct Ed when you identify
this as 'special' treatment, and it's 'special treatment' that I am
all too familiar with...***
Press Release—Marina Financials –
actions of Council Staff vindicated
The District Council of Robe has received the
Auditors report, Opinion regarding assertions made in relation to
Marina finances – District Council of Robe April 2015 commissioned
in response to the allegation made by William Peden that Council’s
Chief Executive, Roger Sweetman had gifted a million dollars to the
owners of berths at the Lake Butler Marina. The claim by William
Peden is that Mr Sweetman had written off a million dollar loan
relating to the marina. William Peden claims that this loan was
established by the previous Chief Executive of Council, Bill Hender
to ensure the marina operated on a user pays basis.
Council has refrained from responding to the
Letters to the Editor from William Peden published in the local
papers in relation to this issue until it received the independent
report prepared by Councils auditors. This press release is Councils
formal response and Council now considers this matter is closed and
Council and the community can move on.
Councils Auditors, Galpins, have investigated the
administrative and financial records of Council in relation to the
Lake Butler Marina and have reported that:
Council never instructed its staff to
establish an internal Council loan for the operation of the Marina,
therefore no loan has been written off or
gifted to the marina berth lease holders,
nor has Council ever formally decided that the
operation of the Marina was on a user pays system, and
In June 2013 Council administration changed
the accounting platform that records the transactions relating to the
Council should never shy away from investigating
accusations of corruption and maladministration because of the costs
involved, however investigating these baseless claims has cost the
community by requiring;
An audit Report from Galpins verifying that
Council have correctly accounted for the Marina financials $16,500.
An audit report investigating the additional
matters raised $5,500,
Legal advice verifying Councils minutes taking
procedure $150,
Many hours spent by the Chief Executive,
Deputy Chief Executive and Accountant in collating information and
preparing reports, and responding to the many emails sent by William
Peden as he pursued these issues.
A full report on this matter together with the
Auditors report is available an Councils website.
*** I went to Robe Council's website...(of
course you did-Ed)...took a brief butcher's at it, and it's
effectively just more of the same Blame Game...(and the winner is
William Peden?-Ed) again Ed, how do you do it?...(just
lucky I guess-Ed) may be lucky, but Mr Peden has obviously
really earned these spurious accolades from Robe Council...(like I
said mate, special people get special rules-Ed)...and Robe
Council can't turn-around without making Special Rules for Mr
Peden...(even if it's not quite in the same ballpark as the ICAC
Comm Bruce Lander and Labor's Attorney General John Rau colluding to
alter the original ICAC Act 2012 legislation via the ICAC
Miscellaneous Amendment Act November 27th 2018, in a manner
specifically and definably designed to prosecute you-Ed)...well
indeed, Mr William 'Wizard' Peden may be special, but he ain't yet as
special as Nick 'Miscellaneous Amendment' Fletcher...
I also note that this Press Release doesn't
mention the recent involvement of the Ombudsman...(and therefore
of ICAC, the Independent Commission Against
Corruption-Ed)...certainly, that's what I was saying recently
about how ICAC is deliberately lurking in the shadows of this Robe
Council stuff, ICAC is running the show but is deliberately not
identified specifically so as to avoid responsibility, and is instead
trying to hide behind 'the Ombudsman'...(but doesn't ICAC
legislation teach us that if 'the Ombudsman' is involved then it's
come from ICAC and ICAC is ultimately and wholly in
control?-Ed)...exactly right Ed, that's exactly what ICAC
legislation teaches us...(does this Press Release possibly
pre-date that Ombudsman/ICAC involvement?-Ed)...could be, but the
fact remains that the Ombudsman has been involved, Robe Council
itself has recently stated/offered this as 'proof' there's no
problems with anything...and Ombudsman means ICAC...
And further to that, given that ICAC is definably
involved...(why hasn't ICAC been mentioned?-Ed)...damn you're
good Ed, why hasn't ICAC been mentioned?...(errr, has this
involvement maybe been suppressed by ICAC in the same way ICAC
suppresses other issues of Institutionalised Corruption and threatens
and attacks those whom speak-out about it?-Ed)...Ed, mate, with
my extensive experience of the rank corruption of SA ICAC and given
the fact that My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Comm Bruce
Lander is the 'Official Complainant' against me, before he then
reviewed his own complaint about me, and then referred it directly to
SAPol's Anti-Corruption Branch, with the magical undocumented
materialisation of ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone', etc, and that
I 'needed' a specific written Bruce 'Authorisation' to even be able
to speak with a lawyer, followed by over 3 years of bizarre and
deeply corrupted 'Trial', etc, etc, with all this experience, it is
difficult for me to look at this Robe/Ombudsman situation and to not
see 'ICAC Suppression', it absolutely reeks of it...
However, obviously I cannot ultimately prove this
'ICAC Suppression', and in that context it's a classic illustration
of the farcical nature of this deeply corrupted 'catch-all' ICAC
legislation, where-in even someone like myself with many years of
extensive and intimate experience/knowledge of SA ICAC, and strongly
suspecting that ICAC Comm Bruce has at the very least partially
'Suppressed' this Robe Council issue, it still remains the case that
I can only 'suspect' that I may potentially be in breach of the
ludicrous ICAC Act 2012 (ICAC MA Act 2014), legislation that makes it
a crime for "tending to suggest" that
someone/something/some Council "may be" somehow/anyhow
involved with ICAC at some point past, present, or future, etc,
etc...SA ICAC, if it weren't deeply disturbing unabashed Fascism,
it'd be laughable...
Will William Roger Roger?...but what's
really, really riled me was Robe Council CEO Roger Sweetman's recent
public/media denigration of Mr Peden, the sort of personal
attack/denigration visited regularly on me by people who steadfastly
refuse to address any issue I raise, rather, stampeding angrily past
all that, wilfully ignoring all that, to come attack the
'Out-Speaker', the one who 'Speaks Out'...what's really
pissed-me-right-off is Roger, mate, describing Mr Peden's extensive
and perfectly appropriate efforts to hold a clearly compromised Robe
Council to account, describing Mr Peden's fundamentally genuine
commitment to the well-being of his community, describing that as
being "every whim and fancy"...that statement alone says
everything about everyone involved...
But it's not just the statement, it's the tone
it's delivered in and the very measured response from Mr
man is angrily slinging blame and personal abuse, but the other
responds calmly with facts, what does that tell you?...(man, if I
had a dollar for every one of 'those conversations' you've been
subjected to-Ed) get the dollar? why do you get the dollar?
I'm doin' all the bloody work!...(settle, it's a turn of phrase to
indicate that it's happened alot-Ed)...ah, right, fair
If you, Roger, mate...(maaate-Ed)...think
you've got problems with Mr Peden, I hilariously self-reference my
joke about, 'is it not better to receive many a letter rather than
cop a proper roasting via a posting on this 'ere blog, mate?'...(you
bloody hippy poet bastard-Ed)...ah, high praise indeed Ed,
Tomorrow: All Stuff About Stuff All, Again
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and
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