Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Second Pe-Post Of 'Disappeared' Post

***Howdy availees, another re-post, this time 'Saved By The Bladder', posted 26th February 2018 and somehow deleted/disappeared sometime after that, probably in the last 2 weeks (today being Tuesday 27th March 2018)..please see post 25th March 2018 for further explanation...***

Monday, February 26, 2018

Saved By The Bladder

Howdy y'all and welcome to TMGI after a 7-day hiatus...no apologies for that, but regular availees certainly deserve an explanation...(particularly those availees whom have been reading this 'ere blog for all of it's 5 years-Ed)...well there's a relevant point straight-off Ed, namely, that February's the anniversary of several things, eg, 15 years now at my current Housing Trust (HousingSA) abode/home...(yay, but in the good way-Ed)...indeed, a genuine 'yay', but February 2018 is also 5 years of this 'ere blog, The Mount Gambier Independent...(wow-Ed)...indeed, 'yay' and 'wow'...what does it say about Mt Gambier and South Australia and even good ol' Oz  itself that TMGI exists at all, let-alone for 5 years...(let-alone to be 5 years later still saying the same things about still un-resolved issues like the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...well indeed...on that issue alone, what does the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up say about Mt Gambier?...

On numerous occasions I have made the very specific observation that the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up defines Mt Gamber's Political and/or Social Elite as being effectively 'Pro-Paedophile', and to that same effect, a 'Paedophile Ring'..(well it does define exactly that! what else are you supposed to say about this extraordinary and horrendous situation?-Ed)...well quite, what else is there to be said when those whom are not specifically and actively involved, eg, Rory McEwen, are at best silently complicit, eg, Tony Pasin...(extraordinary allegations other than that they are proven fact, proven time and again here on TMGI-Ed)...indeed, and on Monday evening, 19th February 2018, I came to the crushing realisation that I was sitting right in the middle of that 'Ring', by merely attending a 'Political Forum' in Mt Gambier...and I stood-up and went thiiiiis-close to sayin' a few choice truths to a coupla' choice individuals, but fortunately I was busting for a piss...(literally needed to vent-Ed)...nice one, absolutely and literally, and that's where 'it' started, sort of...

And just for the record, I am clearly not referring to every single person in that room, I saw decent people in that room, and nor am I accusing anyone specifically of being a paedophile, and many of the people I refer to under the term 'Paedophile Ring' were noticeable by their absence, etc, etc, but I do not withdraw from the broader observation that the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up defines Mt Gambier's Political and/or Social Elite as being 'Pro-Paedophile'...

Last Monday 19/02/18 I attended the Mt Gambier Chamber of Commerce's 'Candidates Forum' at the Old Town Hall/Main Corner, and after lengthy deliberation across several days, had 90% decided to not say anything to anyone, basically apply the ol' 'Get-In, Get-out, In Between Say Nought' strategy that I apply to attending Mt Gambier City Council meetings, and so I'd just go to this forum thingy, see/hear what's goin'-on, keep my head down, scribble a few notes, etc, and not say a word...(unless specifically asked-Ed)...well sure, unless specifically spoken to and/or asked...(it's just being polite-Ed)...funny thing is Ed, mate, is that a coupla' times I have been jokingly accused of being "the only man in this town with any manners" because I'm quite 'polite', but sorry, I digress...anyhoos, my final decision to remain silently seated was made for me when it transpired that the only 3 Candidates present were an ex-Liberal Troy Bell (Conservative), a Liberal Craig Marsh (Conservative), and Australian Conservatives' Greg Bissett...(so, 2 Conservatives and someone so Conservative they've actually called themselves that-Ed)...just to avoid any confusion, should anyone mistake they're bare-faced 'Conservative Political Agenda' for something else...

But just before that decision, and I hadn't even got in the li'l Town Hall side entrance they were using for some reason, when I happened upon Troy Bell loitering in the tiny side-lobby bit, and he looked at me out through the doorway, and turned his back on me, not even a nod of acknowledgement...(ouch-Ed)...not really, it only confirmed two things, namely, 1) my genuine position as the Holy Grail of Poisoned Chalices...(nice-Ed)...well it's a pretty turn of phrase describing a very ugly reality, I'm not sure about 'nice'...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...but anyhoos, 2) it confirms what Troy's own behaviours have been pointing-to for some time if not actually ever since he was elected...    

Troy Bell, former Liberal Member for Mt Gambier, currently an alleged 'Independent' because he resigned from the Libs in 2017 when charged under ICAC legislation for allegedly committing multiple frauds totalling approx $2million, etc, and who's currently represented by lawyer Bill DeGaris, and has Rory McEwen lurking in the peripherals as his officially-denied but clearly-actually-is key political advisor...(wow-Ed)...indeed, Bill DeGaris and Rory McEwen...really Troy? really?...because Troy, mate, Troy knows all about the deeply complicit roles that Pro-Paedophile Betrayers Rory and Billy have played in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, don't cha' Troy, mate?...(and he knows all about the farcical Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution of your bizarre 'ICAC Charges' yet has done nuthin' about that either-Ed)...well quite, and whilst I empathise with his recent ICAC woes, he has not responded to my recent attempts to contact him on my own bizarre ICAC stuff, that he knows has been going since September/October 2013...(but then again, neither has any of the States' Attorneys-General, eg, SA's John Rau, responded, or Nick Xenophon, or anyone else-Ed)...funny about that isn't it, it's almost like no-one wants to acknowledge that it's happening and/or even exists...

And there-in lies the rub, dear availees, for is this 'ere blog not a rod that I have created for my own back, a burden of my own construction? because, rabidly angry and narcissistically paranoid though it may be, beneath the stifling piles of purile name-calling and smug smock of supercilious mockery lies a blog of near-uncanny accuracy...(what the ffffff?-Ed)...oi! just trying to poetically say that it is a bit ironic that I can take genuine pride in producing a blog that has such genuine credibility for being genuinely concerned with being accurate and to-the-point, and across a range of often really unpleasant issues...(sure, I can dig that-Ed)...yet it is that same 'genuine intent and accuracy' that makes it really difficult if not impossible for anyone to try and address any small part of it...(you're saying, that you have connected all the dots and drawn the very ugly picture that no-one wants to see let-alone acknowledge let-alone try to erase-Ed)...now there's some poetry right there champ, you and I have Drawn The Ugly Picture No-one Wants To See...        

Even as I set myself down in the back row I was all a-thinkin' that in that crowd, including Liberal Federal Member for Barker Tony Pasin front and centre, in that crowd of wall-to-wall Conservatives and with only 'Conservative' candidates, and with several Mt Gambier City Councillors present including Frank Morello, and run by the Chamber of Commerce, and The Border Watch Editor Jason Wallace present with ABC South East Radio's Selina Green as MC...(oh good gourd-Ed)...exactly, with all that goin' on there was literally nothing I could say to anyone in that room that would change a single mind...it would not have mattered how 'right' or 'accurate' or 'genuine' or 'shreckin' whatevs' that I was, it would have been perceived as unwanted and unwarranted interruption by that trouble-making bastard Nick Fletcher...(yes?-Ed)...no no, me, not you...(but I am you, I am a confected literary device you use for creating discussion, exchanging opposing opinions, setting-up jokes, etc-Ed)...well yeah, I lose track myself sometimes, sorry, but I don't think any of those people were thinking, 'hey, there's that bastard Ed, Nick Fletcher's TMGI alter-ego'...(fair enough-Ed)...but all jokes aside, I reckon availees get the general idea...

And the room filled-up behind me and there were several more rows of chairs set-out and I just kept my head down, made a point of not 'glaring-around the room', etc, same as at MGCC meetings, but I didn't see Rory McEwen or Bill DeGaris or Steve Perryman or Mark McShane or any number of others one might expect at such an 'important forum'...might have been lurking up the back or in the wings, wouldn't surprise me, whatevs, but I didn't spot them...anyhoos, away we go, and up jumps the Chamber of Commerce's Lynette Martin, and she starts sayin' what a great crowd that shows what a great democracy we have in Mt Gambier, blah blah blah, but she'd hardly got through her first 'blah' when the woman immediately behind me stood-up and said 'I just want it on the record that I (Clare Scrivens, Labor's candidate for the SA Upper House) contacted/emailed you this morning and asked to be on stage but you won't let me'...(where was Labor's Lower House candidate for this forum?-Ed)...who happens to be Clare's daughter, Isabel Scrivens...(really? her daughter?-Ed)...yep, as announced earlier that day but not actually present for the forum, well not up-front anyways, whatevs, Nick Xenophon's SA Best candidate Kate Amoroso wasn't there either, whatevs...

Anyhoos, up jumps Claire to air her despair at having tried but being denied, and Lynette returned fire with muted ire about the fact that this was only for Lower House candidates, and then up in the middle of that stood Nick Fletcher...(oh dear-Ed)...well exactly, and you are exactly right Ed when you say that it was partly motivated by a genuine intent to interrupt this li'l Labor stunt...(I didn't say that-Ed)...and that I was saying to myself, 'hey Labor person, you don't provide a candidate for appropriate scrutiny and then try to pontificate from the floor, well have a go at this', because in that delicious moment, even only as I rose to challenge/interrupt, only then did I realise that Ms Scriven's chosen position put me directly between her and the podium/Lynette Martin...(I am not laughing, no I'm not-Ed)...which meant that when I stood-up, it was directly into Lynette Martin's line-of-sight, with the rather wide back-of-me to the Labor person, completely blocking their view of each other...(I said, I'm not laughing-Ed)...but it is pretty funny...  

I stood-up and said 'hey, if we're just havin'-a-go from here, then I'm also considering being a candidate', and Lynette Martin glared at me and said 'I'm asking the questions', and I said 'that wasn't a question', and was about to politely explain that I was considering running and didn't want people to think that I was trying to avoid scrutiny by not acknowledging that and sitting in the audience, etc, and I'd happily sit up front with the 'actual candidates', etc, but I noticed the glazed-over glares and remembered my previous 'epiphany' about being in a room full of Conservatives who don't want to hear and will not hear in any circumstance anything I have to say, and thought, 'why bother? why bother being polite and honest and open?', and I just sat back down...

Then it was Selina Green's turn at the podium, to tell us all that we wouldn't be 'airing personal grievances', and/or saying not nice things about each other and/or each others' political parties, etc...(oh boy-Ed)...yeah, and any sense of optimism and politeness just flowed-out of me onto the floor...what a joke...(well she could have at least looked at you when talking to you-Ed)...yeah, it did feel exactly like that, like that was for my benefit...(so let's get a room full of Conservatives and collusively conspire to carefully not discuss unpleasant things like the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...yep, let's whittle down this alleged 'debate' into a cynically manicured farce that studiously avoids even acknowledging the sick shadow that hangs over Mt Gambier, the palid pall of Pro-Paedophile Corruption defined by horrendous realities like the St Martins Cover-up...

So Lynette reckons we've got a great democracy, then Selina tells us exactly how we are to exercise that 'democracy', and I have to admit that I was 'losing it' somewhat, and was literally half-out of my...(mind-Ed)...chair, thankyou Ed, half out of my chair to challenge Selina/anyone with the reality of what the rancidly Pro-Paedophile ABC and TBW and MGCC and Members for Parliament, etc, etc, et al, have done in their open and ongoing Pro-Paedophile betrayal of me, my child, every child and family involved directly in the St Martins Cover-up, and by default, every child and family in this sad, sick Pro-Paedophile state of decay we call home...(good ol' South Australia-Ed)...yeah, yay for us...

And if anyone is stupid enough to believe that Nick Xenephon is anything more than just another South Australian Pro-Paedophile Politician, then good luck to ya', 'cos Nick, mate...(maaate-Ed)...has self-defined his position by also betraying me, my child, and all the other children and families at St Martins...and I challenge dear Nick, mate...(maaate-Ed)...to publicly explain why he cynically led us parents into a deeply corrupted and powerless Parliamentary Inquiry (the SARC Inquiry no.54 into the Teachers Registration Board 2008-2011) and then just abandoned us there...

With more than a decades personal interaction with my mate Nick, he has proven himself to be a self-involved and callous liar, repeatedly promising support and action on whatevs issue, eg, the St Martins Cover-up, Wind Turbines, my ICAC Persecution, etc, then disappearing over the horizon again and nothing happens...I note that when he came to Mt Gambier in September 2006 and met several St Martins families, he spoke to/appeared in The Border Watch saying how terrible it all was, how us parents had every right to be concerned, particularly with the processes, etc...(well that actually sounds quite supportive-Ed)...sure, but he has not mentioned St Martins since, not once, certainly hasn't supported us families in the Adelaide media and/or protected us from the rankly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Lutheran Church...this one-off TBW article is typical textbook incubation of the issue, keeping it all neatly isolated and effectively hidden in Mt Gambier...

The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up has been mentioned once on Ten TV News in January 2005, and days later the rancidly corrupt The Advertiser ran a 'denial article' clearly on behalf of the Lutherans...(didn't The Advertiser then flatly refuse to print any version of the realities you showed them, refusing to even report that parents had contacted them to counter/challenge their pro-Lutheran 'Farticle' (a farcical article that really stinks)?-Ed)...indeed, and the exact same with my grossly corrupted 'Trial', which has featured so many times in the Mt Gambier media but doesn't rate a single mention elsewhere, not that I'm aware of anyway...(and didn't that The Australian article from May 2014, about your house getting raided, etc, didn't The Australian newspaper require/receive a special ICAC Commissioner Bruce Lander 'Authorisation' to be allowed to run that article about a private citizen who hadn't actually been 'Charged' with any crime?-Ed)...absolutely Ed, as far back as May 2014, my 'Case' proves the media supposedly needs written permission from the ICAC Commissioner to be allowed to report stuff...

Even in that context, the broader Australian media apparently cannot see this extraordinary 'Trial' and it's critically important context and/or implications...(it's a bit of a sad joke really-Ed)...indeed, it's almost like they're deliberately ignoring it...(and what about the farcical alleged ICAC investigation of Mt Gambier City Council, never seen that reported anywhere-Ed)...well indeed Ed, even after I attended Troy Bell's first trial date in 2017 and handed-out copies (to all the Adelaide media present) of MGCC's own Minutes from May 2014, where-in MGCC state they have been 'investigated and exonerated by ICAC Commissioner Lander'...and the response from the Adelaide media to this extraordinary and unprecedented situation?...(cue the tumbleweed, annnnnnd rolling......................-Ed)...precisely Ed, sweet sod-all, even after they were agreeing with me that it was extraordinary that ICAC has investigated/exonerated an entire Council and yet none of the media have even heard of it...so I've given them that direct evidence, and they've run various stories about ICAC and Mayor Lee, etc, either side of that, yet not one mention of the alleged 2013/14 ICAC investigation of the entire MGCC...it's a sad joke...

Pardon me dear availees if I feel a little like it's my name and/or my involvement and/or the St Martins Cover-up stuff, if all that stuff, in whatevs combination, that that causes these 'unfortunate omissions', and that the rancidly Pro-Paedophile corrupt Adelaide media are deliberately refusing to acknowledge these really important issues basically because it's me...call me paranoid, go on, I dares ya'...(and then offer a more coherent explanation for this extraordinary state of affairs-Ed)...well indeed, call me paranoid and then explain how it is that all of this seems to revolve around me, but isn't...(well it's clearly about the St Martins Cover-up, not you-Ed)...oh ok, so that's technically correct, it's really all about the rank Pro-Paedophile Corruption of the Lutheran Church and SA Parliament and SA Police, etc, etc, as epitomised by the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up, but if it comes down to a single person...(oh well that's you, for sure-Ed)...ain't it though...

Anyhoos, we digress, back to the meeting...(yeah, what's the 'bladder' thing?-Ed)...well, Selina was doing her spiel about 'let's be nice', and I nearly stood-up a second time, but got past that, but then careered straight into that awful realisation that I was effectively sitting in that 'Paedophile Ring', and was quietly crushed by that dawning reality that it really wasn't going to matter what I said or did, etc, etc, and I traipsed merrily into my own personal realisation, 'is this what I'm doing with my life, barely leave the house other than gym, provisions, bills and attending rooms full of rancidly corrupt people for whom I have nothing but contempt', etc, etc, is this really how I want to live my life?...(it took you this long?-Ed)...I'm a slow learner...

And it was someone else's words from earlier that day, where-in I read them referring to me as a "media outlet", cheers for that, and they observed that via this 'ere blog I have reported many issues that have not appeared anywhere else in the local/state/national media, and proffered as their example, this exact situation where-in I/TMGI are the only reportage anywhere of this huge story of ICAC Comm Bruce Lander allegedly investigating and exonerating the entire MGCC...and so's I'm settin'-there quietly having this 'realisation/epiphany', and then Selina says, 'and now this dude from Adelaide is gunna' explain the election for us'...and that was it...and it wasn't 'Agoraphobia' as such, that's more about just gettin' in there to begin with, etc, it was more like 'anger consumed by resignation', and then I was just submitting to that rather cathartic 'resignation' and relaxing when I needed to pee...(ah no-Ed)...and then realised that the only door out was halfway-down the room...(oh oh-Ed)...and that did get a bit 'Agoraphoby', and then I was bustin', and so when Selina introduced the dude, I got up, did the 'pretend phone-call apology as you leave' thing I've talked about before, walked down to the door, and left, gently banging the door into the wall before shutting it quietly behind me...

And then I went and had a pee and then went and had pizza with my son...(great idea-Ed)...best I've had in years, and I don't apologise for having a bit of a Chemo-pummelled dodgy ol' bladder that, with the benefit of hindsight, probably saved me from speaking-out in a context where that would have been 100% used against me and achieved absolutely nothing...and in that exact same context, still loitering in that same 'epiphany', I didn't attend Mt Gambier City Council's meeting the next evening...these clowns are just hangin' for me to give them even half an excuse to ban me from their meetings, and I ain't given the bastards the satisfaction...(back of the net!-Ed)...because the beautiful reality is that the gift of my non-attendance is only slightly less annoying than my presence...(arghhh, that is just awful-Ed)...cheers...so if I have to miss the occasional meeting to maintain attending the rest, so be it...and I refer to it but without a shred of guilt, dead-set, it's fantastic...

Not gunna' stop bloggin' or anything, but I am done with driving myself into the ground because of these clowns' rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt conduct...(and fair enough-Ed)...and I can surely do without 'epiphanies' like that, it's been a very long week, again, but this is happening whether I like it or not...and again I thankingly reference some recent correspondence that reflected me back at myself by making the observation, 'you know what it's like to think you're coping only to realise that you really aren't?'...and what I'm doing is 'existing at a functional level', but it is not 'coping', let-alone 'progressing'...and yet, somehow, I still manage to keep all this extraordinary shizzle moving...even my bizarre 'Trial', even with what happened in November 2017, I've continued to heap the pressure of unpleasant realities onto the Court and/or SAPol Prosecutions...it is a remarkable achievement that takes an equally remarkable toll...       

Tomorrow: The Final Countdown

Because on Wednesday 28th February 2018, Magistrate White is going to grace us all with his judgement of my extraordinary 'ICAC Trial'...(what judgement? SAPol and/or the Court haven't even defined Section 56 of the ICAC Act yet, how can there be a judgement? and what about the Constitutional Law stuff?-Ed)...whatevs mate, it's exactly what it looks like, a Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution perpetrated with the willing collusion of ICAC Comm Bruce Lander and SAPol, etc, etc...

As part of his wildly self-contradictory behaviour, Magistrate White 'Ordered' me to submit a final submission...so I did...read it here on TMGI tomorrow...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

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