Tuesday, March 27, 2018

First Re-Post Of 'Disappeared' Posts

***Howdy dear availees...here is the first 'Re-post' of the post, 'A Qualified Apology From An Unqualified Man', originally posted 20th March 2018, and shortly there-after mysteriously and anonymously 'removed' from this 'ere blog within days...I refer to the immediate previous post 25th March 2018 for a further explanation...***

Howdy y'all dear availees...it has been put to me that I run the risk of putting reasonable people offside when I make statements like 'Mt Gambier's Social and Political Elite are effectively a Paedophile Ring' or 'sad, sick State run for Paedophiles by Paedophiles', etc, because I am potentially lumping everyone in together, the good with the rancid, and therefore everyone becomes tainted...now, I do believe that I've made those distinctions clear, the difference between those I consider directly responsible and others who get caught-up in whatevs, but must also acknowledged that I frequently come to this page in a gentle rage, and that occasionally I do 'lash-out'...it has been suggested that I remind availees of why I behave the way I do, not least of all on this 'ere blog, indeed, why this 'ere blog exists in the first instance...

The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up:...on the June long weekend 2002, grade 2 teacher Glyn Dorling was suddenly removed from St Martins Lutheran School by Principal John Alexander...this removal was effectively forced by parents lodging multiple complaints, but didn't occur until that week/weekend when several children made disclosures to their parents about Dorling's conduct in the classroom...even on that weekend, even after removing Dorling, senior Lutherans like John Alexander and Peter Heuzenroeder went out into their 'community', furiously denying the realities of Dorling's systematic abuse of these 7 year olds, telling other Lutherans and/or parents that it was all just a storm in a teacup, stirred-up by a handful of angry and irresponsible parents...

The Lutherans did none of the Mandatory Notifications they are supposedly required to do, leaving parents to inform each other and notify SAPol (police) and Child Protection Authorities...within weeks SAPol dumped the case, "closed the file July 2002", without interviewing anyone, even Dorling, or even going to St Martins, etc, and did not notify parents they'd dumped us, we found out by accident a fortnight after the 'closing'...Flinders Child Protection Service were still only part-way through their interviews with kids or parents and were equally shocked at the 'closing', stating outright their concerns that what they'd already heard from a handful of kids showed Dorling to be a "text-book grooming paedophile", and that they "already have enough to get him de-registered"...

FCPS stated this directly to me (August 2002) when I informed them of SAPol's actions, because a month after SAPol 'closed the file" they (FCPS) had not been informed and were continuing to conduct interviews and prepare reports, etc...FCPS were so shocked and concerned that the alleged SAPol investigation was "closed" that they made otherwise inappropriate statements like that to parents, "text-book grooming paedophile", describing how Dorling had in place a complicated regime of physical, emotional and psychological "grooming techniques" that far exceeded 'chance'...

FCPS was of the opinion that Dorling was far too organised and far too specific in his "grooming techniques", they were convinced that he'd extensively "researched" these abuses, hence their term "text-book grooming paedophile".

I can tell you exactly what day it was and where I was sitting 15 years ago when FCPS told me to my face that my child's teacher was a "text-book grooming paedophile".

Dorling was daily committing extended abuses against all the 7 year olds in his care...he had 'favourites' who were being physically abused and groomed for further abuse, mostly the girls, and then other kids who weren't 'favourites' copped full-on abuse and denigration, humiliation, being refused going to the toilet until they wet/soiled themselves, etc, etc...from first bell to the end of the day, it was a carefully researched program of organised psychological and/or emotional manipulations, and outright physical abuses...
After SAPol walked away, etc, parents went to Rory McEwen and/or Bill DeGaris out of sheer desperation (approx August 2002) for help/support/representation, and they both definably betrayed us...these Betrayals are well documented across this 'ere blog, and Bill DeGaris's extraordinary threats to this 'ere blog (2013) and spectacular failure to follow-up those threats with any actual action, etc, all that farcical nonsense from Billy, that is one of the Foundation Stones of Credibility that this 'ere blog is built upon...it has been repeatedly put to me that it was that exchange/incident that indicated to people that one of us was telling the truth, and it weren't Billy-boy... 
I remind availees of the 2 years of gross manipulation and betrayal that defines the Teachers Registration Board 'Inquiry', an 'Inquiry' that exonerated Dorling, officially accepting his defense that the kids were forcing themselves on him and he couldn't stop them...Dorling acknowledged the physical contacts he was accused of, but refused to accept his actions were his responsibility, instead blaming the children, and the TRB agreed with him...that is a Pro-Paedophile Corrupt decision and I wouldn't know what else to call it...the TRB refused to provide any explanation to us parents, the original complainants, just a 2-line letter saying 'No Action'...it was lawyer Bill DeGaris who several years later handed us the 32-page 'TRB Report' that outlines Dorling's defense, and denigrates parents including calling me a liar, etc...

And that TRB Inquiry was so problematic that we parents managed to petition for a full Statutory Authority Review Committee 'Inquiry' into the TRB, and "a school in Mt Gambier" is repeatedly specifically identified as being a primary motivator for this 'Review/Inquiry'...Nick Xenophon was instrumental in getting that SARC Inquiry established...that 3-year long 'Inquiry' concluded in June/July 2011 and I couldn't tell you what's happened since..and now it's March 2018 and here we are still talking about the whole sordid mess...

And after 15 years of this Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption, I just don't know what else to call it, how else to describe it...

I do very much accept this constructive criticism about 'tainting everyone', and openly acknowledge that I am at times being deliberately confrontational and deliberately abusive, because I am a very angry man who has been fighting tooth and nail for over 15 years to get someone to do something about the St Martins Cover-up, that is, do something other than, 1) betray the children and families involved, eg, the rancid betrayal by Rory McEwen or Bill DeGaris, or 2) just turn around and walk away and leave us families to suffer...and 15 years in I still see Rory and Billy constantly in the local media being promoted as leading members of Mt Gambier, pillars of the community...and in that context my conscience is absolutely clear, don't constantly push these Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Betrayers in my face and then complain when I retaliate with the harsh Reality...   

I and other families spent a decade of polite pseudo-activism, tip-toeing around the incredible sensitivities of other kids' abuses, their families trauma/responses, etc, etc, only to be betrayed over and over again by a 'Child Protection System' that has un-waveringly protected the paedophile teacher Glyn Dorling, and constantly attacked us parents who have spoken-out about the Realities of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and that 'attack' has been spearheaded by local media likeThe Border Watch and ABC South East Radio who have repeatedly provided Rory, et al, a platform from which to 'attack' us, eg, Rory McEwen's extraordinary attack on parents on TBW's front page, 6th May 2005, as previously and repeatedly covered in this 'ere blog...

It was a decade of this sort of gross abuse and Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that eventually drove me toward starting this 'ere blog, The Mount Gambier Independent, and it was one particularly offensive phone-exchange in December 2012 with ABC's Stuart Stansfield laughing at me and taunting me and mocking me, etc, that finally tipped me over that precipice...want to blame/thank any one person for this 'ere blog? talk to Stewie, mate... 

I unfortunately concede that 'Paedophile Rings' and/or 'Pro-Paedophile Corruption' are not the preserve of Mt Gambier or even just South Australia, and that my view of these things is dominated by my personal experience of Mt Gambier and SA, my personal experience across 15 years that our Legislature (parliament), the Executive (police, etc), and the Judiciary are all completely compromised if not totally controlled by a Pro-Paedophile Culture...I accept that other States are just as bad if not potentially worse, but that excuses nothing of what I've experienced of our 'System' that has deliberately and knowingly protected a "text-book grooming paedophile" and relentlessly attacked myself and other parents to achieve that ends...

And having said that, nothing excuses the rancidly corrupt conduct of the Lutherans or Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill or Bill DeGaris or Rory McEwen or Steve Perryman or SAPol, etc, etc, etc...each and every one of these is critically complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and it is not I who should apologise for that...

Tomorrow: Court Latest - Bizarre Suppression/Intervention Orders

So I can only apologise for my anger, I am not a naturally angry person and it does not sit well on me, indeed, I am by nature a deeply respectful person and gentle to the very edge of cowardice, but do not push me up to that line and then complain when I finally retaliate...and even then it's only written retaliation...I have deliberately sought to use this 'ere blog to divest myself of this anger rather than absorb it and make myself ill again, etc, and it is quite possible that I have strayed too far and caused offense where none was intended...all I can say/ask is that I be forgiven for any occasional failings in this regard...

Please remember that I am just a parent, nothing else...I am not a lawyer, not a politician, not a journalist, not even an 'activist', and have no personal inclination/ambition in any of these areas, and have done all these things only as a matter of perceived necessity...what I am, is just a very traumatised, frustrated and angry parent who's child was only one of dozens abused by "text-book grooming paedophile" Glyn Dorling at St Martins Lutheran School...and hence a traumatised parent who has found themselves in a 15 year-long pitched battle with an Institutionally Pro-Paedophile Corrupt 'System', and has thusly been forced to engage/operate in all these capacities, eg, as ludicrous as it sounds to some, this 'ere blog is Mt Gambier's most reliable 'Media Outlet' and there ain't no-one in this state what knows more about ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 and it's Constitutional Law repercussions, etc...even I hear how ridiculous those Realities sound out loud, but they are Realities none-the-less...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...  

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