Saturday, March 24, 2018

Mt Gambier's Media Court Reportage Vs Reality

Hey y'all and welcome to a super-quick post to conclude what we all started in the recent post, 'Mt Gambier, This Is How Your Media Manipulates You', etc...please find attached again the article from The Border Watch, relating to the latest rankly corrupted 'hearing' in my wildly "bizarre trial", where-in any semblance of Legal Propriety has been abandoned in a Blizzard of Blinding Bias and Outright Animosity from Magistrate White, a 'Magistrate' who, across multiple 'hearing/Trail' dates since he replaced Magistrate Anderson back in November 2016, has clearly demonstrated an unwavering commitment to ignoring anything that supports my 'defence', eg, SAPol (police) Prosecutions repeatedly lying in Court and repeatedly getting caught-out, etc, etc...oh, and no Ed today probably...(orrrr what?!-Ed)...yeah, sorry, no space...  

So that's the 'Second Addendum To Verdict' that Magistrate White hastily emailed to me only days after the first 'Addendum', itself issued/emailed only 2 days after the 'Verdict Hearing' of Wednesday 28th February 2018, and the 2 differ only with the one line added to the second...
     "The prosecution and subsequently the Court were in error for relying on it." is Magistrate White 1) finally acknowledging the reality of what I've stated in Court many times across many years, a Reality he has previously flatly refused to engage with at all, despite my multiple references/attempts, and 2) blaming SAPol Prosecutions for his failures as a Magistrate, a 'blaming' that is vacuously unsound given the many times I raised this exact issue during my 'Trial'...this 'blaming' follows on from the opening paragraph where-in Magistrate White actually blames me, a self-representing plebian, he blames me for not explaining his legislation to him, which is also a lie/deceit given the multiple times all these issues have been raised in Court...

On Friday 9th March 2018, whilst again waiting 15-20mins for Magistrate White to show-up (albeit via Videolink from Elizabeth Courthouse), I asked the ABC South East Radio and The Border Watch journos if they were aware of these 'Addenda', and they weren't, so I explained to them what was said and offered them copies, which they refused, stating, "errr, we might get in trouble"...when Magistrate White finally rocked-up I then ran through the main points again on the record, 1) you blame me for not explaining your law to you, then 2) you agree with me that the ICAC Act 2012 was 'Amended' in November 2014 and that therefore my 'Charges' pre-date that, and furthermore and therefore 3) I was prosecuted under the non-relevant definition of 'publish', then 4) you say 'whatevs' and make-up your own bogus definition, and 'Convict' me anyways...all of these things were explained/discussed repeatedly in front of the ABC and TBW...

The ABC snuck-in a carefully erroneous report on the Monday public holiday, but I did just happen to catch it, and not one mention of the 'Addenda', no mention of the realities discussed regarding the ICAC Act changes and resultant 'false prosecution', etc, and not one word about the threatened 'Suppression and/or Intervention Orders'...the entire 'report' was about my supposed 'Contempt', and concluded with a vacuous statement that I have 'Anxiety', a deliberate attempt to trivialise and belittle the often crushing realities of Agoraphobia, a pre-diagnosed condition as again discussed repeatedly in is surprised that the rankly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt ABC has acted yet again to cover-up the realities and attack and mock me instead...and this is what The Border Watch published...   

Just gunna' quickly dot-point this one...
1)  it's 18 counts, '18';
2)  I'm 51;
3)  this article completely ignores my opening statements about Magistrate White's extraordinary 'Addenda', eg, blaming me, agreeing the ICAC Act 2012 was changed, wrong 'Charge period', wrong definition of 'to Publish', etc;
4)  concedes the reality that SAPol Prosecutions have not proved this fundamental point, namely, they haven't even yet proved that it's me doing the 'blogging/posting';
5)  during this exchange Magistrate White berated me then questioned me, actually asking, 'did you put that on there?', to which I initially replied, 'put what where?', and then 'I'm not answering that';
6)  November 2017 I gave-up counting at 9 the times Magistrate White has threatened me with 'Contempt of Court' since his first direct threat in February 2017, and these 'hearings' have now descended into one long 'CoC' threat as he continually abuses, bullies and threatens me from the is a self-proven 'Empty Threat' from a Magistrate who knows his reprehensibly corrupted and bullying and abusive conduct toward me is fundamentally indefensible;
7)  "$30,000 dollars"...'thirty thousand dollars dollars' I understand it, the 'Conviction' and subsequent $540,000 of fines remain, the fines weren't reduced to a more appropriate level, it's just been commuted to the absolute maximum Community Service that he could sling at me;

8)  what a joke...TBW knows that SAPol Prosecutions/the Court have not yet defined the bizarrely vague ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, and my multiple attempts to get 'advice' on that definably Fascist legislation met a wall of ignorance from 'Authorities', including the key witness, ICAC's Mr Eichner, admitting in Court (March 2017) that he hadn't even read the non-sensical '1-Page Info Sheet' when he 'advised' me about it away back in October 2013, and furthermore, still hadn't read it before appearing in Court to give evidence about it;
          I have been 'Convicted' of a crime that hasn't even been defined yet, even 
          after more than 3 years of 'Trial''s a corrupt joke...
          The defined but unresolved Constitutional Law Issues aren't even mentioned.
...on 9th March 2018 when Mag White stated "several warnings", he specifically cited Mr 'I Ain't Even Read It' Eichner, as being the source of these 'warnings'...    

9)  'no remorse'...all I've done is defend myself against a Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution run by an unambiguously biased Magistrate and a proven corrupt SAPol Prosecutions and a definably corrupt Mt Gambier media;
10)  during this exchange about Agoraphobia and how I force myself to the gym, shops, etc, Magistrate White actually asked me,
     "'s your relationship with your son?"...

...and here the Universe gave me one of those li'l pats on the head because I was sitting down trying to scribble some notes when Magistrate White made this outrageous statement...I literally froze, along with everyone else, and there was an audible 'ufffgh' as all the air was instantly sucked-out of the room, and after several seconds silence and palatable tension, I rose saying 'I'm not answering that', just as Magistrate White, realising his 'error',  \said 'you don't have to answer that'...I am so lucky I wasn't standing-up already looking at Magistrate White when he said this, because I may well have said to him the things running through my head in that moment...something a li'l like this...

"***** ***** you ***** *****, how dare you you ***** *****, how dare you ***** bring my son into it you ***** *****, this entire ***** farce is a ***** ***** Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution stemming from the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and you have the ***** ***** to say St Martins hasn't ***** happened, you ***** *****, take your ***** ***** , and ***** *****, for ***** sake"! 

Since February 2016 I've been using that specific label, 'Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution', as motivated by the issues covered in this 'ere blog', etc...then  in Court back in November 2016 I have clearly proven (before Magistrate Teresa Anderson) that my 'Trial' is a "Malicious Prosecution", and then in Court in March 2017 (with Magistrate White) proved that the sole complainant against me is the ICAC Comm Bruce Lander himself...I have proven that my 'Trial' is a "Malicious Prosecution" at the behest of Bruce Lander...that's how corrupt your SA ICAC is... 

11)  Magistrate White and SAPol's Batten had a jolly li'l chit-chat there in the Elizabeth Courthouse that criss-crossed 'Suppression' and/or 'Intervention' Orders, with Mag White repeatedly leading Batten, and specifically raising the issue of 'suppressing the blog in it's entirety'...that 'Entire Suppression' is not reported, nor is it mentioned on the ludicrous 1-page 'Suppression Application Draft' from SAPol;
12)  there are no 'Intervention Orders', these were discussed for the first time on Friday 9th March 2018, and SAPol's Batten didn't even have any notes/drafts, and that's why Magistrate White gave her until Friday 16th March to 'draft something';
13)  I wasn't "offered" anything...Mag White gave SAPol a week to do a 'draft' of what they had already clearly been discussing 'off-camera' before the hearing while we waited for them, so I requested/insisted on appropriate time to try and get legal advice, and Mag White was obliged to do so, and so we're back again on 20th April 2018...  

So there it is, yet another classic from TBW, a litany of critical omissions and carefully skewed inclusions, where-in Magistrate White is a great guy just trying to do me a favour, and Nick Fletcher is just a disrespectful bastard who has shown "no remorse"...and both ABC and TBW 'reports' were not done by the journo in Court, and TBW has gone for the classic No Name At All approach, which just lobs responsibility right into the Editor's and Owner's laps...and so we do our dance, a Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution at the direct instruction of ICAC Comm Bruce Lander, where-in legal propriety and process has been relentlessly trashed by SAPol Prosecutions and Magistrate White, upto and including definable collusion...and Nick Fletcher's the problem...

It is Magistrate White and SAPol who have behaved with absolute and unwavering 'Contempt', and then these same people continuously screech 'Contempt' at me...this is their desperate attempt to move the discussion as far away as possible from the Reality, a Civilian has been charged and convicted under Public Sector ICAC legislation for merely talking/blogging about a completed alleged ICAC investigation of Mt Gambier City Council that exonerated MGCC and all involved...this is entirely about constructing/fabricating the Whistleblower as being the only genuine problem, and in this instance it's me, then attack the person and furiously ignore the Realities... 

In any vaguely fair forum, I'll readily stand my ground on any issue of 'Contempt', and successfully prove it ain't I who is 'In Contempt', rather, it is I who have been treated contemptuously by both Magistrate White and SAPol Prosecutions...furthermore, I have already proven in Court multiple instances of SAPol Prosecutions being 'In Contempt', eg, for repeatedly lying; for failing to follow Magistrate Anderson's 'Orders' to resolve the Constitutional Law issues; for failing to notify me about their witness' Sick Leave, Magistrate White's 'Order' that he himself then refused to even acknowledge in Court in November 2017, despite my repeated pleas for him to read his own 'Orders' right there in front of him on his own Certificate of Record (of proceedings), yet another provable act of collusion between him and SAPol...

In Court on Monday 28th November 2017, we went through this extraordinary exchange where-in Magistrate White again refused to even look at his own 'Orders' from July 2017, including flatly refusing to read his 'Order' effectively to himself that he would review my multiple requests for "pre-trial transcripts" and let me know...obviously, this did not happen, effectively putting Mag White 'In Contempt' of is every bit as ludicrous as it sounds, yet there you have it...and where's the only place you'll see that reported, or even a vague reference to it? on TMGI...and there-in lies the fundamental reality folding-back on itself...

I started this blog because of the gross corruption in local media, and now the blog has become the news, and it's still the only 'media outlet' that actually tries to be accurate, and that's why it's under attack via this "bizarre trial"...

I've repeatedly raised Mag White's multiple obvious 'Bias Issues' to his face, in Court, as reported in TBW, and I've lodged official written complaints to the Chief Magistrate, Mary-Louise Hribal, and she just sent me back to Magistrate White for him to decide whether he's biased or's a self-evidently farcical situation where-in a definably biased Magistrate rules on their own bias...and then when I've persisted, Magistrate Hribal sent me to Bruce Lander, my mate ICAC Comm Bruce, sent me back to him loitering under one of his many other hats as Judicial Conduct Commissioner...I mean really...

A deeply corrupted and deeply deceitful media, a wholly corrupted SAPol Prosecutions in definable collusion with a contemptuously definable Magistrate, and my official complaints go firstly back to that Magistrate and then to Bruce Lander, the Original Complainant against me and Instigator of this farcical Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution...and you wonder why I blog...   

Tomorrow: Putting The Wind Up The Suppression Draft 

We'll have a jolly gander at the bizarre 1-page Suppression Draft; not on proper forms, no reasons as to why these applications are made or who instigated them or why they are even relevant to this 'Trial''s a farcical joke...and Magistrate White, knowing full well that this was only going to be a 1-page Draft, 'Ordered' that I pick it up from the Mt Gambier Courthouse...I'd assumed that I was going to pick-up a pile of documents, far too much to email, that there'd be the usual swathes of irrelevant 'Case Law' attached to try and confuse me, it's standard procedure...and so I was genuinely shocked to be handed this ridiculous 1-page Draft...clearly this could have been emailed...   

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

1 comment:

  1. We should talk. Similar experiences within SA legal system and there are COUNTLESS others.
