Saturday, February 16, 2013

Wind Turbines: Has the Spin Run Out of Puff?

Apologies for no blog yesterday; 'technical difficulties' and my teenage child un-available to help.

To answer the question above, I doubt it very much; I doubt that the Wind Turbine companies, lobby groups, state and federal Labor governments, selfish local officials, etc, will suddenly give up the gravy train of tax-payer funded rorts they have worked so hard to establish; and if you can't bribe the people who live there, well to hell with them, we'll just bribe the neighbours.

And not just act to influence the neighbours, but specifically "lobby" governments for changes to legislation, eg, the Clean Energy Council states outright on their website that this is a major reason for their existence, to lobby. 

As per previous blog, the Pro-Wind Turbine development lobby has been waging a campaign of coherent collusion and deliberate deceit; ie, there is a definable, organised strategy between these various groups to deceive the 'general public', whom predominantly live in suburbs/cities.

The self-titled Clean Energy Council are an industry lobby group who are very much at the forefront of this campaign of deceit, with spokesperson Russell Marsh regularly in the media telling what are definable non-truths; regular ABC Radio listeners will be very familiar with his work, eg, 'wind is cheap electricity which means downward pressure on prices'.

I'm just not sure whether he's fully, genuinely committed to Wind Turbines and therefore passionately subjective and unable to realise the numerous truths opposed to what he describes; or whether he's just another soul-less executive who doesn't care what they say or whom gets trodden on, so long as they get what they want.

Unfortunately, this pattern of 'passionately subjective non-realisation' (or PSN) is rife, pervading government departments, developers, Councils, etc,etc; unfortunately leading to the frequent impression that these people are lying through their collective teeth to establish Turbines literally across the state, as soon as possible, regardless of the impacts.

The Country Fire Service (CFS) suffers terribly from this malady, senior officials un-able to see the reality of the importance of aircraft as front line weapons against any fire.  (see previous blog)

Stuart Donnington(?) of the Lake Bonney Wind Turbine development was on ABC Radio August 2012 saying 'the wind is always blowing in South Australia so it (Turbine energy) can be considered base load'; he knows that is not true, it is a desperate attempt to deny the reality that Wind based generation cannot be 'baseload' because the wind does stop, and then so does the power.

In October 2011 the South Australian Rann Labor government legislated to remove citizens rights to access the Courts (to oppose Wind Turbines), the dictionary defintion of Fascism, (see previous blog) and yet developers are in the media saying that there are too many restrictions.

Just recently, the (Stony Gap?) Wind Turbine development application was refused by the Development Assessment panel of (Goyder Council?- have to check); had it been approved the opponents, including neighbours, would not have had any way to appeal.

The company however does get an appeal, which it did, but then suddenly 'settled out of court' directly with the Council, and suddenly the Turbines are approved.

I don't care what these people think of their own behaviour, you are all a disgrace; you're nearly as embarassing as Mount Gambier City Council; nearly.   (see previous blog)

I digress, back to the spin: the recent backflip by the Environmental Protection Agency over the reality that Infrasound does actually exist and can affect peoples health, did not stop Mr Marsh (CEC) from going on the ABC Radio and saying that the EPA's one week of partial testing proved there were no problems with Infrasound.  (now the EPA is doing more 'testing')

Initially, the EPA contradicted Mr Marsh via a written statement to the ABC, 'that is not what our report says' but would not go on air, and then the pair did their little dance around the media together carefully avoiding the ABC Radio Late Afternoon program where they know they're going to get asked all sorts of unpleasant questions, and literally within 24 hours were back on script fully supporting each other over the EPA 'report' by avoiding the truth; chronic, contagious PSN.

Mr Marsh and the EPA have studiously avoided the fact that literally only months ago they were denigrating Infrasound as a creation of Anti-Turbine lobbyists; the EPA 'guidelines' approve Wind Turbine developments with no testing on Infrasound.

I know this was in other blogs, but the set up is important because it highlights the effect that opposition to Wind Turbines is having; across the state (and indeed the country) individuals and/or small groups are making big problems for turbine companies, the CEC, etc, and their relentless avalanche of government supported self-interest and propaganda.

And these problems have been created simply by telling the truth; Wind Turbines are an un-economic, environmental disaster, that guarantee a 100% reliance on some other generation as soon as the wind stops; and the SA legislation is Fascism.

As proponents become more intense and frustrated by this truthful resistance, they have started to trip over their own lies, openly contradicting each other in the media (as above).

The cracks are showing, and the truth is leaking, seeping, dare I say it, pouring out; clearly there are more and more people, particularly in the media, whom are starting to understand the reality of Turbines.

I congratulate all concerned and re-iterate my commitment to oppose Wind Turbines as the Opposition to Wind Turbine Fascism (OWTF) candidate for the Senate (Upper House) at the September 14th 2013 Federal election; I'm just not entirely sure whether I'm so much Don Quixote as the fat donkey he rode in on.   (hahaha- again, please don't confuse my sense of humor for a lack of commitment)

Tomorrow: My Own Lifestyle Show - Man vs Reality

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