Monday, February 4, 2013

Pariahtisation and Fascocracy: Shooting the Messenger in a Fascist Democracy

Across Australia, our elected and public officials, when faced with any sort of scrutiny or criticism, particularly about their institutionalised corruption, will immediately attack the person asking the question.

Democratic election processes and conventions are fundamentally irrelevent; we get to choose whom will lord it over us with a complete disregard for what we want or how it might affect us.

Pariahtisation: In response to criticism, scrutiny, etc, the established priority, the protocol, is to attack and denigrate the accuser without addressing the complaint, accusation, etc.

Fascocracy: A  psuedo-democratic system, where the electorate are effectively powerless, allowed to vote for candidates whom ignore them thereon in.    
(I made up these words-they are not in a dictionary-NF)

In South Australia Fascocracy includes legislating to remove peoples democratic rights, particularly the right to oppose.

As per previous blog, when Mike Rann/Labor legislated to remove any possibility of opposition to Wind Turbines (Oct 2011) by denying citizens access to the Courts, that is Fascism.

Add to that Laws of Association; attempts to abolish the Upper House; using the Courts to attack opponents; specifically applied Suppression Orders to protect ministers; etc; these are cornerstones of Fascism.

Fascocracy denies citizens any genuine opportunity to participate other than at the polling booth; elections are the thin veneer between the democracy we think we have, and the reality.

For example; parachuting an unqualified Labor party hack into the Head of the Environmental Protection Agency to control the EPA is Fascocracy.     

When in 2005 Child Protection activists exposed paedophiles in parliament, police, and the judiciary, the activists were the ones arrested and charged, not the paedophiles.

Even when a lower Court (Magistrates/District?) threw the charges out, the Rann Labor government forced it back into the Supreme Court where taxpayers funded Mike Rann's personal vendetta against these people.

Because of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and I was having Radiotherapy at the time (March 2005), I was daily in Parliament House, in the Speakers office, when all this occurred, and therefore became a defence witness in the Court case.

When I gave evidence the jury were smiling at me, shaking their heads, shrugging their shoulders, and laughing at the prosecution; it was high farce designed to send a message; if you speak out you will feel the wrath of Mike Rann and his gang of paedophile protecting socio-pathic incompetents we call the SA Labor party.

Under Laws of Association, if these activists were convicted, then anyone they had ever spoken to, liased with, etc, could be legally banned from contacting each other; the Court case wasn't just about revenge, it was an attempt to crush anti-paedophile activism in South Australia.

One of the paedophiles named was a former, recent Liberal Premier, demonstrating that the activists were genuine in their intent, it was not a party aligned campaign.

Another paedophile identified was still a serving politician, known by the psuedonym 'Terry'.

It was MP Rory McEwen who told me (and another parent) in a meeting in his office, that 'Terry' was MP Patrick Conlon, before going on to say "the fact that I'm prepared to identify Mr Conlon proves it is not true"; bizarre I know, but that's what happened.

Our attempts to hold Rory to account for his role in the St Martins Cover-up issue have been met with abuse and Rory trying (unsuccessfully) to have us arrested (March 2006).

When the above activists contacted Rory re St Martins, he abused them, threatened them, and openly denigrated us parents as "unstable".

The Lutherans have openly attacked us parents as the only genuine problem at St Martins.

Please see other blogs for other issues re Rory McEwen, particularly when it comes to St Martins.

Tomorrow: P and F II: The Crown Solicitor and Mt Gambier City Council

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