Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Piccanninie Ponds Sale: Murky Deals in Pristine Waters

What do the New York Times, the Chinese government, the Hunter Valley, a cup of coffee, and the Piccanninie Ponds have in common?

The NY Times alleges that the Chinese government have been hacking their computers in retaliation for articles about 'nepotism and corruption' in China, and former NSW government minister Eddie Obied is charged with 'nepotism and corruption' re coal mining in the Hunter Valley, NSW, insider trading done over coffee.

Nepotism: patronage bestowed in consideration of family relationship and not of merit. (Maq Dict)
Corruption: 5. corrupt or dishonest proceedings.                      (Maquarie Dictionary)

For example, it is not nepotism for a parent to engage their child as an apprentice and access appropriate funding, training, etc, or to employ a family member in a family business, etc, etc.

It is nepotism, for example, when government contracts are awarded to relatives of government ministers as with WorkCover SA and Sandra De Poi, partner of state Labor MP Leon Bignell.

Find the Sunday Mail article (March 28 2010) Bignell partner's $10m bonanza, which gives a small window of insight into the selfishness, greed, and gross corruption of a governmental system and massive, self-perpetuating public service that largely exists to justify it's own existence, by explaining Ms De Poi's connections and conflicts of interests in detail.

Ms De Poi was one of the people who impersonated Family First officials by standing outside a polling booth, in Leon Bignell's electorate, wearing a t-shirt and handing out 'How-to-vote' cards, both of which were deliberately designed to mimic Family First's electoral material.

These fake FF cards directed FF voters to give their FF preferences to Leon Bignell, as opposed to the FF's actual choice, Liberal candidate Matthew Donovan.

This was all done, the fake cards and t-shirts, standing there handing them out, all done to deliberately deceive the electorate and alter the outcome of the election, in Leon Bignell's electorate, by Leon Bignell's partner, to get Leon Bignell into parliament and hopefully therefore him and Labor into government.

Everything else aside, there is an immediate, specific, definable financial gain to being elected, and even more to gain as a member of the government not opposition, and that is fraud; unless it happens in a South Australian election, Electoral Commissioner Kay Mousley stating 'the tactic...does not technically breach the law'.

Fraud: deceit, trickery, sharp practice or breach of confidence, by which it is sought to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage.       (MD)

Nepotism; corruption; fraud; which brings us nicely back to Piccanninie Ponds.

I have been privy to numerous conversations, rumours, and outright allegations about the processes and participants involved, regarding the sale of land at Piccaninnie Ponds.

These allegations are so serious that they must be specifically addressed and I can only see one way to do that; I will not divulge whom has told me what, not even if it's all lies; I take full responsibility for the following;

My name is Nick Fletcher, and it is my understanding and my genuine belief that MP Rory McEwen used his position/influence as a front bench Rann Labor minister to get a state government department to withdraw from the original sale process at Piccanninie Ponds, and that the land was subsequently sold to Rory McEwen and/or his family.

I further believe that the same department then shortly after (within a year?) went back and purchased the same land from Rory McEwen and/or his family at '10 times' the price that Rory and/or his family paid, producing an immediate (tax-payer funded) profit 'running into the millions'.  ('10 times' and 'millions' are me paraphrasing the various versions of this issue that I have heard, not specific amounts)

Possibly this was not so much influence exerted by Rory as reward received from Labor, part of the broader inducement (eg position on the front bench, etc) for Rory to betray the electorate by doing exactly what he said he would not, that is, cross the floor and hand Mike Rann power (2002); and hasn't that worked out a treat for South East South Australia; Rory, our man in government; good work.

Regardless, with the Ponds in the news, these allegations/rumours have obviously re-surfaced.

I put it to you directly Mr McEwen and I call on you to respond; I know you're out there somewhere living it up on your fat state pension but not daring to show your face around town.

If I am wrong I'm sure Rory will let me know and I will competely withdraw the allegations and apologise publicly and on this blog; otherwise the allegation stands.

Can't help wondering if Rory, after repeated failed attempts to get me banned from local media, eg, threatening the ABC for airing my comments that 'I don't like him', will have the same success getting me banned off my own blog.

Tomorrow:    I Can't Believe It's Not Farcical: The Election Campaign We're Not Already Having.  

PS: Same page as above article (SM 28/03/10) - Paper faces bias probe - re Don Pegler, Sandra Morello and the Border Watch newspaper, and 2010 election candidate Nick Fletcher (that's me) complaining, " the Australian Press Council and the SA Electoral Commission...".
          " Mr Fletcher filed his complaints on March 16, two days after the Sunday Mail revealed
           that Sandra Morello, a senior journalist for The Border Watch, was stood aside from the
           political round after it emerged her husband was writing press releases for Mr Pegler."

The article fails to mention (as per previous blog) that Sandra Morello was printing those "press releases" verbatum in the Border Watch as actual news items under her byline; disgraceful.

 By any defintion, let alone the dictionary ones above, this is nepotism, corruption, and fraud.

Tomorrow: More Angry Words About People I Don't Like; no, sorry, already doing the Federal Election...,, wait; same thing.  (haha bloody ha)

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