Tuesday, February 5, 2013

P and F II: the Crown Solicitor and Mount Gambier City Council

I do not apologise for the relentless venting that is inextricably intertwined with discussing the St Martins Child Abuse Issue, etc; I've got 10+ years of being threatened, bullied and blamed by the people who should have been pursuing the teacher, not protecting him.

Furthermore, the St Martins Issue is indicative of the broader institutionalised corruption that cripples South Australia, and irrefutably flows straight into Federal Parliament and onto the Prime Ministers desk.

In June-August 2002 parents organised Flinders Child Protection Service (FCPS) to travel to Mt Gambier to interview our children re the abuses committed against them by their teacher in the classroom at St Martins Lutheran School.    (see previous blogs)

Attorney General Michael Atkinson forced FCPS to hand their interim report (Aug 2002) to the Lutherans, and the Lutherans and the Crown Solicitors Office (CSO) then edited the report, removing anything that compromised the teacher or the Lutherans. 

SAPol stated this to parents (2002) as the primary reason for failure to investigate; 'FCPS has taken out everything we could have used to convict the teacher'', and FCPS stated as above.

Parent complaints to the Teachers Registration Board (Feb 2003) led to a TRB/CSO inquiry into the teachers behaviour March 2003-Nov 2004.

Crown Solicitors Office (CSO-Under AG M. Atkinson) were the ones who came to Mt Gambier and repeatedly lied to parents about their role in the process, eg, telling me I would not need a lawyer because they (the CSO) were my (our) lawyer in the hearings.

My written complaints to the CSO were met with a barrage of denials and threats;
          "Thirdly, many of your assertions are plainly outrageous and/or defamatory...I warn
            you not to repeat these allegations."                (Greg Parker-Acting CS-11 Jan 2005)

Followed by a thinly veiled but very direct threat to charge and jail me;
          "...I observe that making baseless critical allegations of this nature may constitute
            defamation with consequent civil liability, and depending on the circumstances may
            also constitute the crime of criminal defamation pursuant to section 257 of the
            Criminal Law Consolidation Act."
          " I must request that you cease making these baseless and potentially highly defamatory
           allegations...The allegations achieve nothing except to expose you to potential civil
           and criminal liability."                          (Simon Stretton-CS-22 Nov 1996)

"Criminal liability" means jail; at the same time activists were being attacked through the Courts (see pevious blog), the Crown Solicitor is prepared to threaten a parent with jail for speaking out about the rank corruption in the CSO, as evidenced by their conduct with the FCPS report, and with the TRB/CSO hearing.

Having repeatedly threatened to jail me, the CSO refused my written request for a "formal recorded meeting" to resolve the issue, stating;
          "Your accusations against this office are baseless for reasons previously discussed..There is no
            point discussing the matter further,"          (Simon Stretton-CS-14 Dec 2006)

Sorry, I've had enough already today; doing this no longer makes me angry the way it used to, but the sadness and nagging sense of guilt and failure never abate.

How is that I have failed to resolve this? Why will nobody else do anything about it?

Tomorrow: Pand F III: Mount Gambier City Council

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