Sunday, February 10, 2013

Agoraphobia: Don't Leave Home Without It

As per previous blogs, I will endeavour to bring some humour to very serious topics, particularly my own Mental Health issues, but there is nothing humourous about my health issues borne of the Child Abuse Cover-up at St Martins Lutheran School, Mt Gambier.

Agoraphobia: a morbid fear of being in open or public spaces.           (Maquarie Dictionary) 

My diagnosed agoraphobia developed because of the public abuse that I was/am subjected to over the St Martins issue, eg, school staff and parents bailing me up and abusing me in the supermarket, the Main Street, etc, or angrily snubbing me, and often in front of my child.

After a 'friends' mother abused me all the way home on the bus, talking about "the poor teacher" and how he was just giving the kids "a christian cuddle", I barely left my house (other than shopping) for nearly 2 years.

Ironically, it wasn't a problem when I knew I was walking into a hall full of people who would either snub me or glare at me, eg, I was still attending St Martins weekly as a LAP mentor with a group of boys and to see my child; it was getting blind-sided in the supermarket, etc, that really did the damage.

Senior school employee Mrs Perryman was/is a serial offender, despite knowing much of what the teacher was doing; and her son Mayor Steve Perryman also knows.

On top of my own personal situation, I have been subjected to a decade of relentless abuse simply for trying to get someone to do something about the abuse of my child and dozens of others.

Please read my blog:- Pariahtisation and Fascocracy: Shooting the Messenger in a Fascist Democracy; it sums up my experience.

Whatever kinds of crazy I may or may not be is completely irrelevent and must not distract from the realities of what has happened at St Martins and its ongoing implications; and I am committed to this position across all issues, hence my repeated confessions (via these blogs) to accusations yet to be made.

I am not just crazy; I am not just mad; I am furious to the point of irretrievable commitment.

Indeed, what sane person, having been subjected to so much abuse and hatred and criticism, and complete social isolation, makes the decision to go even harder; well...that would be me.

Apart from all the things that some other parents have done to try and appropriately resolve the abuse of our children, I also have written 100s of letters to politicians, police, authorities, etc, and provided written and personal submissions, sworn testimony, and reams of documents to 3 different state inquiries, each more dysfunctional than its predecessor.

I and other parents were (continue to be) deliberately attacked and denigrated by the Lutherans, police, MP Rory McEwen (eg: front page-The Border Watch-06 March 2005), etc, as part of the combined effort to cover-up the abuse of a junior primary class by their teacher in 2002.

There has been a concerted, organised, and very thorough campaign to publicly undermine us parents as individuals, and also to get us fighting with each other; authorities have repeatedly told one thing to one parent and something very different to another, eg, a serving Mt Gambier SAPol officer 'interviewed' me in 2006, but then went straight to another parent with false claims about my 'statement'.

The officer then specifically blamed that poor parent for SAPol's decision to yet again dump the case, and the devastated parent then rang me and abused the hell out of me; it took several weeks before they accepted that yet again we parents had been tricked and manipulated by authorities.

Thankyou for more feedback, and particularly to those fine, upstanding members of Mt Gambier's polite society whom continue to feel that it is their duty, indeed their right, to set themselves in judgement of me and denigrate me as 'a crazy man out to cause trouble just for the sake of it', rather than what they should be doing, which is, sort out the ongoing Cover-up of the 2002 abuse of a classroom of 7 year old children at St Martins Lutheran School that you all know has actually happened.

And if my good friends of the Mt Gambier dress circle think I've been 'a crazy bastard' thus far...well, you're in for a very nasty shock, eg, witness this blog; the worst mistake I have made is to not commit properly (not be able to-see blog re self esteem) and I have rectified that.

I'd rather be the crazy you think I am, than the sane you want to believe you are; think about it.

As per usual, this blog is not medical, legal, or any other kind of professional advice; it is my experience and opinion, but, do seek help and keep asking for it until you get it; fighting for your own health and those around you is a strength in itself.

Tomorrow: Water Policy in South Australia - It's Raining Contradictions.

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