Tuesday, February 19, 2013

WIN TV News Axed: The Dismantling of Regional South Australia

For years I have maintained the position that governments state and federal were doing everything they could to make life as unpleasant and unsustainable as possible in Regional South Australia, to force people off their farms and make them vulnerable to takeovers by Turbine companies, mining companies, foreign governments eager to purchase land to sure up their own food and resource requirements, their own Labor mates, etc.

There are plenty of Labor chronies and associates involved with these companies and/or countries.

The South Australian and Federal Labor governments are effectively one and the same Adelaide borne animal (eg, Julia Gillard, Penny Wong, Jay Weatherill, Mike Rann, etc), and as that one animal, the left hand knows very much what the right hand is doing.

Across the Adelaide media, the animal has it's hands firmly around the throat of every producer, every journalist, etc; the refusal to even acknowledge the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up is irrefutable proof that the Adelaide media does what it is told; it is willingly submissive.

That submission is not just about the institutionalised State cover-up of the systemic daily abuse of our children (every month there's a new school based cover-up exposed), but also the systemic and total dismantling of Regional South Australia.

Whilst lying through their teeth about virtually every aspect of the Forestry Sale, including repeatedly on the floor of parliament, Mike Rann's Labor has sold off one leg of the tripod of the South East economy (also transport, agriculture/fisheries), and it has already had and will continue to have a devastating effect; what happens when you remove a tripod's leg? - it all falls over.

And what did the Adelaide media do about the Forestry Sale? Virtually ignored it; the vast majority of coverage in the Adelaide media was callers on talkback radio and Letters to the Editor.

Even when Mt Gambier put 1000s of Anti-sale protesters on North Terrace (twice) in some of the biggest, most organised protests ever held in Adelaide and certainly the largest 'regional based' protest, it received limited attention on the TV news services and literally one paragraph on page 15 of the Advertiser; absolutely disgraceful.

I come from Adelaide and I fully appreciate just how hard Adelaide's politicians work to convince Adelaide that it is the centre of the known universe; there are many highly intelligent people in Adelaide who have no idea what is happening in their own state, not least of all because they just don't care.

Even as I type this (very, very slowly) Adelaide is using money reefed out of Regional service cuts, regional health budget cuts (see blog re Privatisation of SA Health), the Forestry Sale, etc, to throw itself a party and tell itself what a great time it's having; at this point in time the Fringe and the Festival leave me feeling cold and empty, and the Clipsal event is a joke.

It is 'Fall of Rome' stuff; governing by 'rule of the mob' (being Adelaide) with a "bread and circuses" mentality; that is, so long as people aren't actually starving and you give them plenty of shiny distractions, you can basically do what you like, eg, 'Emperor' Mike Rann and his Wind Turbine legislation; doesn't affect Adelaide - Adelaide don't care.

The state transport system is in complete disarray and virtually non-existent in Regional areas; we have the second most expensive electricity on the planet because of the Wind Turbine obsession/Fascism (see previous blog); gas and water costs continue to spiral upward (despite what the government says); everything has been sold (privatised) whilst massive borrowing has continued; the state's budget deficit is forcast to pass $12billion within the next parliament (4-5 years); SA is set to pay literally billions to rent it's own hospital, etc.

The ship is going down and the band plays on; which brings us to new Speaker and former Rann Attorney General Michael Atkinson; why would a rat get back on a sinking ship? All the others, John Hill, Patrick Conlon, Mike Rann, (and Mr Atkinson himself originally) have "shot through like a rat out of an aquaduct"; so why would he come back to the spotlight?

I digress; the Labor party agenda is clearly to isolate Adelaide from the rest of the world, and most particularly from its' own state, to allow for the privatisation of South Australia; the Wind Turbine Development Plan Amendments (2011 and 2012) are effectively 'Compulsory Aquisition' of every inch of the state on behalf of Turbine developers.

Beyond that, the DPAs are Fascism (see previous blog).

Special 'Tourism' exclusions from DPA legislation (based on concerns about compromising 'Visual Amenity' and 'Tourist Safety') for certain areas near to Adelaide, do not apply to the rest of the state; Adelaide doesn't want it's views spoiled when it pops up the Barossa for a spot of self-delusional, self-important, self-ingulgence. (ooo I'm angry)

The safety of regional residents in their own homes and their visual amenity right in their backyards and their health, etc, is absolutely irrelevent.

Mount Gambier is SAs largest regional centre and we are regularly left out of state tourism publications and advertising; it's not a bloody accident.

Mount Gambier will not be getting the National Broadband Network for at least 5, probaly 7, quite possibly 10 years; Labor has no interest, indeed it would be counter productive to their agenda to invest any money in any service in the South-East.

Premier Jay Weatherill states that Adelaide will soon be drawing its' water from the Murray again, directly conflicting with his own statements about the health of the river, the importance of irrigators, etc; as soon as Adelaide needs that water, it's gone.   (see previous blog)

Mount Gambier has been officially written off by state and federal Labor; as the government of the day, they have renigged on their responsibility, and therefore by their own actions justify the only thing that the region can do to save itself; Secede from South Australia.

My sympathies to all those caught up in this Labor betrayal, and that includes those whom have just lost their jobs at WIN TV MT Gambier.

I do not belief for a moment that this decision to close Regional SA news services is a purely financial one; it is about the separation and privatisation of Regional South Australia.

Over the years, more than one person has suggested to me that this is part of an agenda to de-populate southern Australia, something that has surfaced again recently in federal politics.

Regardless of the motivation, it's happening/has happened and, given that we mean nothing to these people beyond how we may serve their best interests, its time we got well selfish ourselves.

Is succession the answer?

Tomorrow: Acciona Drops Allendale Wind Turbine Development - But Why? 

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