Sunday, February 17, 2013

My Own TV Show: Man vs Reality

Yes, the chuckles never stop at Channel (that is not a website, it's another joke).

After being mis-diagnosed as effectively 'delusional' in 2003 by Centrelink psychologist Luciana (as per previous blog), her 'report' has caused many problems for me throughout the 'Social Security System', (SSS) and I would suspect, beyond as well.

Again; whilst I appreciate that my 'tale' of the cover-up of abuse of a class of 7 year olds (by St Martins' Lutheran School, SAPol, the Attorney General Michael Atkinson, Premier Mike Rann, etc) was quite incredible, what I do not understand is why I was then cut loose back into the SSS without the support that I had been identified as requiring?

It was the truly overwhelming completeness of the cover-up that caused the most distress, and it was inevitable that I (and possibly others) would question the very reality of what it was that had consumed our lives, even whilst wholly immersed in the situation; like a drowning man dying of thirst.

The reality of what was done (is still being done) to protect the man whom abused our children, is so confronting, so consuming, that many times over I have truly wanted to be delusional rather than accept the reality of what South Australia is; a wholly corrupted system mired in paedophilia.

Many people have suggested to me that that's just what the world is like and that I should therefore give up and get over it, but I refuse to accept living in a 'society' that continues to fail our most fundamental biological, moral, and social obligation; to reproduce the species as effectively as possible.

Dare I say it, at a 'moral' level, I refuse to accept that children should be subjected to any abuse, at any time, let alone in the classroom; letting this man abuse my child and then covering it up only drives me to resolve the necrotic ache of failure twice over; once that I failed to protect my child and twice that I have failed to resolve it.

Given the devastating mental and physical damage that abused children experience, and the effects that can haunt them into adulthood, eg, drug addiction, suicidal behaviour, etc, and the cost this has for society, it is not in-appropriate to identify Child Abuse as a financial impost as well as social concern.

What genuine chance do I stand against a corrupted system where, to my experience, people do not advance unless they learn to at the very least look away, but better still, support and promote paedophilia?

I can say this because everybody in Mount Gambier who is in a position to do something about the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, knows but looks away, or outright denies (not least of all by attacking me/us) to protect their own self interest.

You should hang your collective heads in shame because you are shameful; and where is Mount Gambier City Council? They just have so many conflicts of interest; eg, relatives in parliament or at the school.

I have watched numerous people get generous promotions after helping cover-up the abuse of my child, eg, MP Rory McEwen, now 'Head of Schools' SA Gary Costello; both these men know exactly what has happened at St Martins and have chosen to cover it up; just ask them.

Rory McEwen has been a key player in the orchestrated effort by the Lutherans and the Rann Labor state government to denigrate parents and protect the teacher; and he's done very nicely out of it, thank you very much.

Of course the teacher is really only the symptom; South Australia is the actual sickness.

What sort of state is it that directs public officials to be afraid for their employment if they pursue an issue that is their responsibility, eg, Child Protection workers being threatened and intimidated into doing nothing about the St Martins issue.

My commitment to the Opposition to Wind Turbine Fascism (OWTF) candidacy is borne of the commitment that I learned by being a father (see blog), a commitment that was completely parasited by the St Martins issue as I was drawn into resolving that which could not be resolved; institutionalised paedophilia in South Australia.

This ties in with the whole 'Don Quixote' metaphor and the massively biased pro-Turbine situation, but I believe not only that just speaking out can change things, but that genuine democracy demands it.

I will continue to address my personal demons via this blog as part of explaining myself, where I'm coming from, and why I feel obligated to take my experience and beliefs to their ultimate conclusion via the ultimate delusion; that I can somehow dilute the pollution that is politics by becoming a politician.
(that's almost a poem right there.)

Like I said; Man vs Reality.

Tomorrow: Old Hospital Demolition in Mt Gambier - Council vs Reality
(such a great joke I just had to use it twice)

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