(Oh, sweet baby cheeses, is this going to be some sortta' reflectively rambling retrospective about a deeply moving personal journey through issues of self-identity-Ed)...no...(gourd, I can see it now, 'a story about a man who had to discover whether he existed outside of this 'ere blog'-Ed)...yeah well ok, alright, maybe a little bit of that...('and then comes back and does it all for another coupla' years 'cos it's just all there to be done but shouldn't'...be there to be done, I mean-Ed)...yeah, I get what you're sayin', and I appreciate the support mate...
I've had some stuff goin' on recently don't cha' know, and there's lots of it covered here on this 'ere blog, and some that isn't...but not least of all, in the last coupla' weeks I semi-poisoned myself with half my own body weight of 'Use Today' Smoked Salmon and haven't properly recovered, and then poor ol' Mr Woofs the Wonderhound (not his real name) had a massive seizure in the car, collapsed and I thought was going to die before his 3-day, 2 night, $850 stay at Club Vet...and some other stuff also happened, and I just chose to put-down the blog for a while...('chose', 'had to'...we quibble over terms-Ed)...
Elsewhere, those close to me know that I have also been working real hard 'off-blog' at addressing some of my own personal issues...(it's true, I've seen him-Ed)...
For all my faults and failings...(and that's a crooked litany writ right there-Ed)...yes, a long list indeed, and much of which I've covered in previous posts...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...but the rest of what is in this 'ere blog, the bulk of the subject matter, is clearly self-evident as 1) absolutely unacceptable and 2) realities not of my creation...(well except for all the stuff you're addressing via this 'ere blog that then activates a response, eg, Mt Gambier City Council banning then 'unbanning' electronic recording of meetings-Ed)...um ok, that's true...but most of what I might 'create' is just pointin' at stuff and saying 'hey, what's goin' on there?'...(true, but a resultant action generated by you pointing at something is by definition still 'creation'-Ed)...fair point...
And whilst I choose to continue to do this, I didn't choose this in the first instance, I was driven to it, all of it, and it started when the Lutherans knowingly put "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling in a classroom, and then several years later, in 2002, put my child in that classroom...I didn't create the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...
Furthermore, I ain't got me no book learnin's 'bout nuthin'...I ain't a lawyer, I ain't a politician, not none of that, and I don't get paid for this, and it's just me...(hey!-Ed)...what? you are an invented literary device used to help set-up jokes, help discuss issues rather than lecture at availees, etc...(oh yeah-Ed)...it's just me and my rather shady tendency toward indeed fondness for bad puns...(I call that many bad puns a 'Rash', a Rash of Bad Puns...you should get that looked at-Ed)...
I only started this 'ere blog after a decade of the abuse and corruption and Pariahtisation, etc, that has been relentlessly heaped on myself and other parents as part of the St Martins Cover-up, corruption up-to and including that of the local media...(aren't you like banned from the ABC and TBW-Ed)..yep...(I'd consider that high praise indeed-Ed)...I do Ed, I do, but unfortunately it's not about me, it's about the rank corruption of that 'banning' regardless of who it is...(yeah, good point-Ed)...and it's exactly that sortta' corruption that leads us back to,
Tomorrow: The Rail Lands Latest
It doesn't take long to explain the fundamentals of the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, and people are still just gobsmacked that their Council could be so corruptly deceitful and wantonly incompetent in pursuit of it, and then spend only $4.5million of the promised $10m, and then deliver such a useless wasteland with a deadly drowning hazard at one end, and that the local media could be so blazingly complicit in these deceits and shenanigans...but there you have it...
I apologise unreservedly for any offense I have caused by just walking away from the blog for a while, but I cannot apologise for having taken that stroll...and I guarantee you it wasn't a stroll in no park, more of a face-down nap in the leaf-litter...just gunna' lay here for a while...(and anyway, I like to think that the presence of your bloggings are cause for far more offense than their absence may ever hope to achieve-Ed)...oh Ed, you always know just what to say to cheer me up...cheers...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog and I can with calm assurance promise that every endeavour will be made to do what I genuinely believe needs to be genuinely done...and that is this...cheers and laters...
Socio-political commentary and like words and stuff. Now in several interesting new flavours: "https://TMGI-RailLandsRetailAgenda.blogspot.com" AND "https://TMGI-SMLSChildAbuseCoverUp.blogspot.com" AND "https://TMGI-The100Documents.blogspot.com.au/"
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Wind Me Up, Guvna' - More Relentless Pro-Turbine Propaganda And Media Bias
Hello India, Ukraine, Romania, and Pakistan and welcome...just a very quick apology for lagging a bit with this 'ere blog, and then long catch-up post to try and address some of the latest avalanche of absolute crap pouring outta' the Wind Turbine lobby and various Turbine companies, et al...on the home front, I have had familial visitationings here-abouts just last week, and then on Monday, a mad bout of food poisoning on the same day I had Court, again, all day, and then yesterday (Tuesday 16th June) I dragged myself off of the chaise lounge of my own recalcitrance...(a recalcitrant recliner, nice-Ed)...yes, recreational recalcitrant reclinationing no less...dragged myself from there to Council's June 16th 2015 meeting...(yay, anyone else there?-Ed)...nope, just me and a lady I sortta' recognised but think is a Council employee...(wow-Ed)...it is a little bit bizarre and rather sad...
**further apologies that it's now Saturday 20th June...Monday really sucked the life outta' me, more the illness than the 'all day in Court' stuff, and clearly more than I realised when this post was started several days ago...still working hard to be 'moving forward' with this 'ere blog and the many issues there-in, the/my Court stuff, my own health, etc, but knobblin' myself with the Salmon Mousse hasn't helped...anyhoos, moving on...**
Feedback First: though because I greatly appreciate the amount of comment/advice/feedback/whatevs, re my comments/post re 'Facebook Warriors', etc, of a few posts back, and my stuff about similar comments being levelled at me from/by City Council...(amongst others-Ed)...amongst many others apparently...but anyhoos, as was put to me, those specific comments were apparently about someone who is anonymously posting stuff about paedophiles and/or their alleged addresses, etc, here in Mt Gambier...if this is true, I can unfortunately understand how someone could be so enraged/frustrated/traumatised/victimised, etc, etc, that they may well engage in this sort of behaviour...I can only say that it ain't me nor is it anyone I know, well certainly not that I'm aware of...(don't look at me-Ed)...
I do understand though, really I do, and the proof is written right here where-in here I am and my name is Nick Fletcher and here in this 'ere blog is what I was driven to by frustration and fury and madness and abject desperation...and here too the things that drove me there/here...and so have I brought down upon me the wrath of the State of South Australia...given all that, I can understand why someone might 'vigilanteise' anonymously...(tell 'em about the availee the other week-Ed)...ah yeah, said they're readin' this 'ere blog, and I responded/self-referred with "angry much?", to which they gently smiled...(they get it, the large angry hippy stuff, they get where you're comin' from-Ed)...indeed...but whilst I understand why someone might go anonymously feral on the Interweb re paedophiles, for a range of reasons I cannot condone this...
1) You may well get it wrong...I'm tryin' really hard to be as accurate as, and yet I make errors that require correcting...and I do...and I apologise too, where warranted...Righteous vigilanteismii can be a very fickle creature and beyond control once you've set It to the chase, once you've loosed It to the hunt...
2) I've already had a vigilante half-wit Councillor at my home back in April 2011 delivering me a threatening letter, etc, because they felt somehow justified in that grossly inappropriate act, and then good ol' Council covered it up, etc, etc (previous posts)...
3) I cannot in the context of doin' this 'ere blog...(it's all about the context I said-Ed)...because it damages what I'm trying to do in getting credibility for a debate that our charmingly corrupt li'l town just doesn't want to have, and every excuse real, imagined, confected or concocted will be a just cause to attack the messenger and dismiss the issue, ie, Pariahtisation...(and attack 'blogging' in general as being inappropriate and anti-social, etc, as something that should be stopped or at least very heavily controlled, like the mainstream media is-Ed)...all good points Ed, but movin' on...
Turbines 'll Save Us? Wind Me Up Guvna': with this relentless pro-Turbine gumph, including the extraordinary statement from a Chris Judd (?spelling) who I think is involved with some part of the 200 Turbine CERES Project planned for Yorke Peninsula (sorry, I was in the car)...anyhoos, an interview where-in he stated that the noise produced by Turbines was exactly like 'the breeze through the trees' (sic)...(ah yes, the 160+m high Whistling Grinding Swooshing Monstrosity That Smashes Birds Outta' The Sky Gum, a classic native plant to be found on every ridge-line across SA if the wholly corrupt Labor Party have their way-Ed)...indeed, a piece of massive industrial plant...I've just 'Facebook commented' (for the second or third time in my life) about some stupid 'meme' of 3 little ol' windmills with the comment 'Making Oz ugly for 200 years'...(is that an attempted sarcastic response to PM Tony Abbott's comments that he doesn't like the look of Turbines-Ed)...I believe so...
(But Turbines Towers are 120+m high with huge 40-50m blades and they go-up by the dozens even hundreds for many kilometres, usually deliberately placed along the top of ridgelines, completely dwarfing and dominating entire landscapes, horizons, etc, etc...it's this sort of non-sensical, emotive, irrelevant crap that makes-up/underpins/justifies the vast majority of Turbine support-Ed)...exactly what I said, albeit I said it slightly more politely...and last evening the ABC's Lateline ran an interview with Senator David Leyonhjelm and Kelly O'Shannassy of the Australian Conservation Foundation...(what the shreck is the world coming to when Davo's the informed and balanced voice in the debate-Ed)...indeed...as a Card-Carryin', Tree-Huggin', Large, Angry Hippy, I am deeply disappointed with the ACF, the Greens, etc, because they are just as deceitful and manipulative in pursuit of their gaols as the Coal Lobby, etc, and particularly when it comes to these ridiculous Turbines and the Fascist legislation in South Australia that forces them on unwilling communities, etc...
And Ms Shannassy can go and get royally stuffed for yet again randomly slandering everyone opposed to Turbines by saying that they are 'highly-funded by the Coal lobby'...(but that's crap, of all the peeps I've met/know whom are opposed to Turbines, they're all farmers, local community home-owners, adjacent non-host and even ex-host property owners since turned Anti-Turbine, etc, etc, there's not a lobbyist of any description amongst them...the closest thing to a 'lobbyist' I've seen/know/met would be politicians like Senators Nick Xenophon and John Madigan-Ed)...I know, I know, I was at those meetings too...because this is blowing-out I'll do a post re this interview later...check it out on ABC Lateline for Friday 19th June 2015...credit where due, it was/is far more balanced than most of what else I've heard/read...
Easy Peasy Breezy Treesy:...these amazing 'Sounds Breezy' comments are amongst a plethora of rabidly pro-Turbine nonsense spewing from Inner-City Greenies and self-opinionated half-wit TV commentators, eg, the farcical Turbine Infomercial that Channel 10's The Project produced last week, an unambiguous Turbine promo masquerading as an actual news item...(I rarely watch The Project because it's predominantly ill-informed populist pap and propaganda, and this Turbine effort is typical-Ed)...harsh Ed, very harsh, but I take your point that shows like this are often 'lowest common denominator' stuff that latch onto popular issues and as in this Turbine 'report', offer an 'armchair inner-city activist' the 'informed right' to hold forth about a topic they otherwise know next to nothing about...(ouch-Ed)...
Yet again it's been wholesale one-way pro-Turbine propaganda right across the media, but the ABC has been absolutely the most woeful...(yet again-Ed)...the ABC has a long and corrupted history re Wind Turbines, a massively biased pro-Turbine stance, a biased stance clearly defined across this 'ere blog...I refer availees to some early posts re this issue, including the extraordinary effort of a coupla' years back when the ABC Mt Gambier ran a lengthy pro-Turbine feature, refused to put any 'Turbine opponents' to air including telling me that they'd 'moved on to other topics', but then put 2 anonymous half-wits to air to denigrate us 'opponents', including accusing them/us/me of working for the Coal Industry...(ah yeah, I remember that one, classic...a swathe of rancidly one-sided pro-Turbine diatribe riddled with known errors and outright lies from all involved, then the ABC completely blocking any criticism/correction, and then it's open season on us horrid complainers-Ed)...it's because we're dirty hippy bastards Ed...(bastards to a man, a man whom in my case what is actually a confected literary device-Ed)...
Ah yeah, nice segue into a quick reminder...Dear Availee, there's no-one else involved in doing this 'ere blog, good ol' Ed et al are just characters I utilise to set-up jokes, discuss opposing ideas without just listing 'pros and cons', etc...to try taking the edge off the anger and the relentless Child Abuse stuff through the media, etc, I'm roughly aiming for something a bit like writing the script for a political sketch comedy show or similar...Mr Woofs the Wonderdog is real but it's not his real name...and as always, I try in all ways to be as accurate as possible...(which is automatically far more effort for far more accuracy than the pathetic local media-Ed)...indeed...
This segues back to what I was saying about the heavily censored and biased reporting of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and The Border Watch newspaper, not least of all when it comes to me...for example, did anyone other than those present at the October 2014 Mayoral Forum hear/read/learn how it was that that abject bastard Nick Fletcher carried the day/evening/event...TBW readers saw a small photo that indicated I was present but I wasn't mentioned in the full-page article...(hilarious..ignore It and It might go away, hopefully-Ed)...at the Forum I was twice outright snubbed by TBW alleged reporter Anelia 'Oh My God Here Comes Nick Fletcher I Better Pretend To Interview The Back Of This Strangers Head' Blackie...twice she snubbed me, including the above incident after the Forum when some poor strangers scone received a rather thorough grilling from 'Scoop' Blackie...(and that's what passes for press professionalism and journalistic integrity in this town...whatta' bloody disgrace-Ed)...oh it gets better...
The ABC didn't once report the Forum and I'm not sure they even had anyone there on the night...(nearly as unprofessionally hilarious as the post-Forum/pre-election interviews with (now Mayor) Andrew Lee and Bob Sandow where they both mentioned/tried to talk about said Forum and their ABC 'interviewer' completely ignored that, not even acknowledging the Forum even existed and definitely not sayin' 'hey yeah, how did that Forum thingy go the other night?'-Ed)...and remember of course, that I wasn't given any airtime by the ABC Mt Gambier, they officially censored me out of the 2014 Mayoral Election...(but that's not very corrupt is it?-Ed)...but we digress...
The Anti-Science Of Turbines - Where Lack Of Evidence Becomes Ano.1 Proof Of Fact To The Opposite:...and that's some rootin' tootin' good science that is right there...black isn't white therefore it must be every other colour...every time, out trots this sad old 'there's no evidence of health problems' nag for another thorough floggin', but the simple reality is that there is no evidence because the science hasn't been done either way, so therefore none exists, good, bad or completely indifferent...there is no science either way...(I am so sick of this stuff...'ooo oooo, but the HHMRC and the EPA say there's no evidence that Turbines cause Health Issues, ooo oooo'-Ed)...that's being a little bit taunty and childish, but you do make your point that an acknowledged 'lack of evidence to the contrary' is a bazillion miles from 'proof that everything's fine, just fine'...
It's a very carefully worded and very deliberate manipulation of the truth, deliberately presented in 'reverse order' because the realities are a whirring, grinding, whooshing, whistling, pulsing Death Knell for Turbines...(and why?-Ed)...because now Acoustician Steven Cooper has done that Foundation Study (my term) at Bridgewater Bay near Portland (Victoria, Oz) and proven that there are a range of Sound/Noise/Pressure/whatevs 'Emissions' from Wind Turbines, and that these can be detected and monitored at/in/around people's homes adjacent to Turbines...this is the closest thing anyone has done to an actual study of Wind Turbine Emissions and is merely the jumping-off point for a series of Environmental/Health/whatevs studies that should all have been done already but haven't...
And as another perfect example of the many deliberate deletions and outright deceits perpetuated by all sides of the Body Politic, as and where it suits them, I remind availees of Green MLC Mark Parnell's unforgettably outrageous lies on the ABC Radio re Turbines and the SA legislation and his claims that 'people can Appeal any Turbine Planning Applications and/or Decisions/Approvals that affect their homes/properties/communities/whatevs'...he continues to say this knowing it's a lie...I am not the only person who has explained at length to Mr Parnell the exact Fascist realities of the 2011 DPA and subsequent adjustments to that DPA, and how this legislation originally removes any Court Access/Right to Appeal of any Planning Approval, including the ludicrous Statute that Visual Amenity issues for 150m+ Turbines at only 1km from non-host homes can be addressed by planting trees...sound ridiculous? that's the legislation...no access to Courts to oppose/stop automatic Development Approvals, and no Right of Appeal that 'a hedge' doesn't extinguish...Fascism, pure Fascism from a Fascist Labor Party...more Turbine stuff soon, cheers...
Some Other Quick Stuff:...the South East Local Government Assoc is changing it's nomenclature to the Limestone Coast LGA at a cost of $12,000...just sayin', and relative to the rank corruption in Local Government that I've experienced, corruption that runs to $millions just in Mt Gambier just in recent years, that $12k's just a trifle...(this story gets 4 outta' 5 Golden Whatevs-Ed)...next!...
Health Yeah!:...'cos apparently everything's gunna' be just fine...(just really fine-Ed)...with the closure of the 5 (6?) Medicare Locals to be replaced with 1 'Primary Health Network' service for Country and 1 for Adelaide, all set to kick-off seamlessly in July 2015...at least that's the official line...the reality is that all existing services for SA Rural/Regional Health are set to suffer further from this further centralisation and cutting of services...(oh the joy-Ed)...
Really Wheely Silly?:...it's being described as "common sense" to re-instate funding for the South Coast Bike Race...(is that the one where Council/Steve Perryman pulled the $20k funding stating that there was no profit for Mt Gambier, etc?-Ed)...yep...(and then you went ballistic about the rank corruption of Stevo (a Motel owner) spying on his competitors from his position as Councillor?-Ed)...yep...(and you expressed concerns that this continuing Council clownery and selfishness and corruption, etc, etc, how all that would see Mt Gambier lose the race stuff altogether, same way they lost the International Tennis Tournament and may well yet root-up the Jazz Academy, Gold Cup Horse Race, etc-Ed)...let's chalk-up another win for this 'ere blog, yeah?...(why not-Ed)...
What An Extraordinary Disgrace:...that Disabled workers who have been ripped-off their very lowly wages are being forced to accept a Federal government Bill to pay them back only half of what they have had stolen...(the Liberal Party are a bloody disgrace...there is no ambiguity here, they haven't yet finished vilifying and blaming and ripping-off the Unemployed and Disabled Services and Domestic Violence Services, etc, before they genuinely go looking for what powerless minority they can next give a kicking-Ed)...I know mate...(take that thieving scum-bag Treasurer Joe Hockey's wage off him and then hand back half and say 'suck it up and piss off idiot' and watch him have a gold-plated hissy-fit from somewhere behind a fat stogie (cigar)-Ed)...yeah, fair call...(they really are quite insane-Ed)...no Ed, I think you give them far too much credit...
In Closing: the Bernard Finnigan Child Pornography Trial has now been running for over 2 months without a single recent mention in the media beyond April 21st 2015 that I can find...this follows 4 years of multiple hearings in different jurisdictions, including at least one hearing by 3 Magistrates, and also including 30 adjournments, charges dropped/changed/whatevs from 20 down to 2, etc, and then a 'secret trial' with one SAPol (police) witness and one Magistrate and all the evidence 'suppressed'...I note that on Bernie's profile page it still lists him as a member of the Labor Party...(but didn't Labor immediately dump him from the Party whilst screeching 'innocent until proven guilty'?-Ed)...indeed, and he was their Acting Police Minister when busted in April 2011...(wow, the Police Minister is busted with Child Porn, and over 4 years later it's finally gone to trial, but even then it's all just disappeared off the radar completely-Ed)...I don't know what to say...
I find it deeply depressing that the more I inform myself as to the state of our Local, State and Federal politics and the politicians involved, the worse and worse they look as being majoritively insane arrogant corrupt White men with no empathy for anyone other than themselves, and whom are relentlessly betraying their own country in the mad rush to sell and subjugate us to China et al...(yay-Ed)...and collectively these scumbags are capable of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...
Tomorrow: Court Stuff Maybe
Apologies for continual bumping of the/my Court stuff but it's hard to know what can and can't be said...(not least of all 'cos no-one knows and you haven't received any speciifc direction about any of it-Ed)...indeed, because how can anyone tell me what exactly I can/can't say/do when they don't know themselves...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
**further apologies that it's now Saturday 20th June...Monday really sucked the life outta' me, more the illness than the 'all day in Court' stuff, and clearly more than I realised when this post was started several days ago...still working hard to be 'moving forward' with this 'ere blog and the many issues there-in, the/my Court stuff, my own health, etc, but knobblin' myself with the Salmon Mousse hasn't helped...anyhoos, moving on...**
Feedback First: though because I greatly appreciate the amount of comment/advice/feedback/whatevs, re my comments/post re 'Facebook Warriors', etc, of a few posts back, and my stuff about similar comments being levelled at me from/by City Council...(amongst others-Ed)...amongst many others apparently...but anyhoos, as was put to me, those specific comments were apparently about someone who is anonymously posting stuff about paedophiles and/or their alleged addresses, etc, here in Mt Gambier...if this is true, I can unfortunately understand how someone could be so enraged/frustrated/traumatised/victimised, etc, etc, that they may well engage in this sort of behaviour...I can only say that it ain't me nor is it anyone I know, well certainly not that I'm aware of...(don't look at me-Ed)...
I do understand though, really I do, and the proof is written right here where-in here I am and my name is Nick Fletcher and here in this 'ere blog is what I was driven to by frustration and fury and madness and abject desperation...and here too the things that drove me there/here...and so have I brought down upon me the wrath of the State of South Australia...given all that, I can understand why someone might 'vigilanteise' anonymously...(tell 'em about the availee the other week-Ed)...ah yeah, said they're readin' this 'ere blog, and I responded/self-referred with "angry much?", to which they gently smiled...(they get it, the large angry hippy stuff, they get where you're comin' from-Ed)...indeed...but whilst I understand why someone might go anonymously feral on the Interweb re paedophiles, for a range of reasons I cannot condone this...
1) You may well get it wrong...I'm tryin' really hard to be as accurate as, and yet I make errors that require correcting...and I do...and I apologise too, where warranted...Righteous vigilanteismii can be a very fickle creature and beyond control once you've set It to the chase, once you've loosed It to the hunt...
2) I've already had a vigilante half-wit Councillor at my home back in April 2011 delivering me a threatening letter, etc, because they felt somehow justified in that grossly inappropriate act, and then good ol' Council covered it up, etc, etc (previous posts)...
3) I cannot in the context of doin' this 'ere blog...(it's all about the context I said-Ed)...because it damages what I'm trying to do in getting credibility for a debate that our charmingly corrupt li'l town just doesn't want to have, and every excuse real, imagined, confected or concocted will be a just cause to attack the messenger and dismiss the issue, ie, Pariahtisation...(and attack 'blogging' in general as being inappropriate and anti-social, etc, as something that should be stopped or at least very heavily controlled, like the mainstream media is-Ed)...all good points Ed, but movin' on...
Turbines 'll Save Us? Wind Me Up Guvna': with this relentless pro-Turbine gumph, including the extraordinary statement from a Chris Judd (?spelling) who I think is involved with some part of the 200 Turbine CERES Project planned for Yorke Peninsula (sorry, I was in the car)...anyhoos, an interview where-in he stated that the noise produced by Turbines was exactly like 'the breeze through the trees' (sic)...(ah yes, the 160+m high Whistling Grinding Swooshing Monstrosity That Smashes Birds Outta' The Sky Gum, a classic native plant to be found on every ridge-line across SA if the wholly corrupt Labor Party have their way-Ed)...indeed, a piece of massive industrial plant...I've just 'Facebook commented' (for the second or third time in my life) about some stupid 'meme' of 3 little ol' windmills with the comment 'Making Oz ugly for 200 years'...(is that an attempted sarcastic response to PM Tony Abbott's comments that he doesn't like the look of Turbines-Ed)...I believe so...
(But Turbines Towers are 120+m high with huge 40-50m blades and they go-up by the dozens even hundreds for many kilometres, usually deliberately placed along the top of ridgelines, completely dwarfing and dominating entire landscapes, horizons, etc, etc...it's this sort of non-sensical, emotive, irrelevant crap that makes-up/underpins/justifies the vast majority of Turbine support-Ed)...exactly what I said, albeit I said it slightly more politely...and last evening the ABC's Lateline ran an interview with Senator David Leyonhjelm and Kelly O'Shannassy of the Australian Conservation Foundation...(what the shreck is the world coming to when Davo's the informed and balanced voice in the debate-Ed)...indeed...as a Card-Carryin', Tree-Huggin', Large, Angry Hippy, I am deeply disappointed with the ACF, the Greens, etc, because they are just as deceitful and manipulative in pursuit of their gaols as the Coal Lobby, etc, and particularly when it comes to these ridiculous Turbines and the Fascist legislation in South Australia that forces them on unwilling communities, etc...
And Ms Shannassy can go and get royally stuffed for yet again randomly slandering everyone opposed to Turbines by saying that they are 'highly-funded by the Coal lobby'...(but that's crap, of all the peeps I've met/know whom are opposed to Turbines, they're all farmers, local community home-owners, adjacent non-host and even ex-host property owners since turned Anti-Turbine, etc, etc, there's not a lobbyist of any description amongst them...the closest thing to a 'lobbyist' I've seen/know/met would be politicians like Senators Nick Xenophon and John Madigan-Ed)...I know, I know, I was at those meetings too...because this is blowing-out I'll do a post re this interview later...check it out on ABC Lateline for Friday 19th June 2015...credit where due, it was/is far more balanced than most of what else I've heard/read...
Easy Peasy Breezy Treesy:...these amazing 'Sounds Breezy' comments are amongst a plethora of rabidly pro-Turbine nonsense spewing from Inner-City Greenies and self-opinionated half-wit TV commentators, eg, the farcical Turbine Infomercial that Channel 10's The Project produced last week, an unambiguous Turbine promo masquerading as an actual news item...(I rarely watch The Project because it's predominantly ill-informed populist pap and propaganda, and this Turbine effort is typical-Ed)...harsh Ed, very harsh, but I take your point that shows like this are often 'lowest common denominator' stuff that latch onto popular issues and as in this Turbine 'report', offer an 'armchair inner-city activist' the 'informed right' to hold forth about a topic they otherwise know next to nothing about...(ouch-Ed)...
Yet again it's been wholesale one-way pro-Turbine propaganda right across the media, but the ABC has been absolutely the most woeful...(yet again-Ed)...the ABC has a long and corrupted history re Wind Turbines, a massively biased pro-Turbine stance, a biased stance clearly defined across this 'ere blog...I refer availees to some early posts re this issue, including the extraordinary effort of a coupla' years back when the ABC Mt Gambier ran a lengthy pro-Turbine feature, refused to put any 'Turbine opponents' to air including telling me that they'd 'moved on to other topics', but then put 2 anonymous half-wits to air to denigrate us 'opponents', including accusing them/us/me of working for the Coal Industry...(ah yeah, I remember that one, classic...a swathe of rancidly one-sided pro-Turbine diatribe riddled with known errors and outright lies from all involved, then the ABC completely blocking any criticism/correction, and then it's open season on us horrid complainers-Ed)...it's because we're dirty hippy bastards Ed...(bastards to a man, a man whom in my case what is actually a confected literary device-Ed)...
Ah yeah, nice segue into a quick reminder...Dear Availee, there's no-one else involved in doing this 'ere blog, good ol' Ed et al are just characters I utilise to set-up jokes, discuss opposing ideas without just listing 'pros and cons', etc...to try taking the edge off the anger and the relentless Child Abuse stuff through the media, etc, I'm roughly aiming for something a bit like writing the script for a political sketch comedy show or similar...Mr Woofs the Wonderdog is real but it's not his real name...and as always, I try in all ways to be as accurate as possible...(which is automatically far more effort for far more accuracy than the pathetic local media-Ed)...indeed...
This segues back to what I was saying about the heavily censored and biased reporting of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and The Border Watch newspaper, not least of all when it comes to me...for example, did anyone other than those present at the October 2014 Mayoral Forum hear/read/learn how it was that that abject bastard Nick Fletcher carried the day/evening/event...TBW readers saw a small photo that indicated I was present but I wasn't mentioned in the full-page article...(hilarious..ignore It and It might go away, hopefully-Ed)...at the Forum I was twice outright snubbed by TBW alleged reporter Anelia 'Oh My God Here Comes Nick Fletcher I Better Pretend To Interview The Back Of This Strangers Head' Blackie...twice she snubbed me, including the above incident after the Forum when some poor strangers scone received a rather thorough grilling from 'Scoop' Blackie...(and that's what passes for press professionalism and journalistic integrity in this town...whatta' bloody disgrace-Ed)...oh it gets better...
The ABC didn't once report the Forum and I'm not sure they even had anyone there on the night...(nearly as unprofessionally hilarious as the post-Forum/pre-election interviews with (now Mayor) Andrew Lee and Bob Sandow where they both mentioned/tried to talk about said Forum and their ABC 'interviewer' completely ignored that, not even acknowledging the Forum even existed and definitely not sayin' 'hey yeah, how did that Forum thingy go the other night?'-Ed)...and remember of course, that I wasn't given any airtime by the ABC Mt Gambier, they officially censored me out of the 2014 Mayoral Election...(but that's not very corrupt is it?-Ed)...but we digress...
The Anti-Science Of Turbines - Where Lack Of Evidence Becomes Ano.1 Proof Of Fact To The Opposite:...and that's some rootin' tootin' good science that is right there...black isn't white therefore it must be every other colour...every time, out trots this sad old 'there's no evidence of health problems' nag for another thorough floggin', but the simple reality is that there is no evidence because the science hasn't been done either way, so therefore none exists, good, bad or completely indifferent...there is no science either way...(I am so sick of this stuff...'ooo oooo, but the HHMRC and the EPA say there's no evidence that Turbines cause Health Issues, ooo oooo'-Ed)...that's being a little bit taunty and childish, but you do make your point that an acknowledged 'lack of evidence to the contrary' is a bazillion miles from 'proof that everything's fine, just fine'...
It's a very carefully worded and very deliberate manipulation of the truth, deliberately presented in 'reverse order' because the realities are a whirring, grinding, whooshing, whistling, pulsing Death Knell for Turbines...(and why?-Ed)...because now Acoustician Steven Cooper has done that Foundation Study (my term) at Bridgewater Bay near Portland (Victoria, Oz) and proven that there are a range of Sound/Noise/Pressure/whatevs 'Emissions' from Wind Turbines, and that these can be detected and monitored at/in/around people's homes adjacent to Turbines...this is the closest thing anyone has done to an actual study of Wind Turbine Emissions and is merely the jumping-off point for a series of Environmental/Health/whatevs studies that should all have been done already but haven't...
And as another perfect example of the many deliberate deletions and outright deceits perpetuated by all sides of the Body Politic, as and where it suits them, I remind availees of Green MLC Mark Parnell's unforgettably outrageous lies on the ABC Radio re Turbines and the SA legislation and his claims that 'people can Appeal any Turbine Planning Applications and/or Decisions/Approvals that affect their homes/properties/communities/whatevs'...he continues to say this knowing it's a lie...I am not the only person who has explained at length to Mr Parnell the exact Fascist realities of the 2011 DPA and subsequent adjustments to that DPA, and how this legislation originally removes any Court Access/Right to Appeal of any Planning Approval, including the ludicrous Statute that Visual Amenity issues for 150m+ Turbines at only 1km from non-host homes can be addressed by planting trees...sound ridiculous? that's the legislation...no access to Courts to oppose/stop automatic Development Approvals, and no Right of Appeal that 'a hedge' doesn't extinguish...Fascism, pure Fascism from a Fascist Labor Party...more Turbine stuff soon, cheers...
Some Other Quick Stuff:...the South East Local Government Assoc is changing it's nomenclature to the Limestone Coast LGA at a cost of $12,000...just sayin', and relative to the rank corruption in Local Government that I've experienced, corruption that runs to $millions just in Mt Gambier just in recent years, that $12k's just a trifle...(this story gets 4 outta' 5 Golden Whatevs-Ed)...next!...
Health Yeah!:...'cos apparently everything's gunna' be just fine...(just really fine-Ed)...with the closure of the 5 (6?) Medicare Locals to be replaced with 1 'Primary Health Network' service for Country and 1 for Adelaide, all set to kick-off seamlessly in July 2015...at least that's the official line...the reality is that all existing services for SA Rural/Regional Health are set to suffer further from this further centralisation and cutting of services...(oh the joy-Ed)...
Really Wheely Silly?:...it's being described as "common sense" to re-instate funding for the South Coast Bike Race...(is that the one where Council/Steve Perryman pulled the $20k funding stating that there was no profit for Mt Gambier, etc?-Ed)...yep...(and then you went ballistic about the rank corruption of Stevo (a Motel owner) spying on his competitors from his position as Councillor?-Ed)...yep...(and you expressed concerns that this continuing Council clownery and selfishness and corruption, etc, etc, how all that would see Mt Gambier lose the race stuff altogether, same way they lost the International Tennis Tournament and may well yet root-up the Jazz Academy, Gold Cup Horse Race, etc-Ed)...let's chalk-up another win for this 'ere blog, yeah?...(why not-Ed)...
What An Extraordinary Disgrace:...that Disabled workers who have been ripped-off their very lowly wages are being forced to accept a Federal government Bill to pay them back only half of what they have had stolen...(the Liberal Party are a bloody disgrace...there is no ambiguity here, they haven't yet finished vilifying and blaming and ripping-off the Unemployed and Disabled Services and Domestic Violence Services, etc, before they genuinely go looking for what powerless minority they can next give a kicking-Ed)...I know mate...(take that thieving scum-bag Treasurer Joe Hockey's wage off him and then hand back half and say 'suck it up and piss off idiot' and watch him have a gold-plated hissy-fit from somewhere behind a fat stogie (cigar)-Ed)...yeah, fair call...(they really are quite insane-Ed)...no Ed, I think you give them far too much credit...
In Closing: the Bernard Finnigan Child Pornography Trial has now been running for over 2 months without a single recent mention in the media beyond April 21st 2015 that I can find...this follows 4 years of multiple hearings in different jurisdictions, including at least one hearing by 3 Magistrates, and also including 30 adjournments, charges dropped/changed/whatevs from 20 down to 2, etc, and then a 'secret trial' with one SAPol (police) witness and one Magistrate and all the evidence 'suppressed'...I note that on Bernie's profile page it still lists him as a member of the Labor Party...(but didn't Labor immediately dump him from the Party whilst screeching 'innocent until proven guilty'?-Ed)...indeed, and he was their Acting Police Minister when busted in April 2011...(wow, the Police Minister is busted with Child Porn, and over 4 years later it's finally gone to trial, but even then it's all just disappeared off the radar completely-Ed)...I don't know what to say...
I find it deeply depressing that the more I inform myself as to the state of our Local, State and Federal politics and the politicians involved, the worse and worse they look as being majoritively insane arrogant corrupt White men with no empathy for anyone other than themselves, and whom are relentlessly betraying their own country in the mad rush to sell and subjugate us to China et al...(yay-Ed)...and collectively these scumbags are capable of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...
Tomorrow: Court Stuff Maybe
Apologies for continual bumping of the/my Court stuff but it's hard to know what can and can't be said...(not least of all 'cos no-one knows and you haven't received any speciifc direction about any of it-Ed)...indeed, because how can anyone tell me what exactly I can/can't say/do when they don't know themselves...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Brief Apology
Sorry for lag in this 'ere blog...had visitors for days, then been really crook with food poisoning...(and yes it was actually the Salmon Mousse-Ed)...well, too much Smoked Salmon stuff yeah...and then a full day in Court on Monday, whilst still crook, etc, then dragging along to Council last night...I'm out on my feet having achieved stuff-all all week...normal blog service resumes tomorrow...apologies and thanks for your patience and ongoing support...
And literally just now I've become aware of an ABC Mt Gambier article re the Gaol and the Sex Offenders there-in and the wonderful Rehabilitation Programs, etc, etc...everything I've been screeching about re the ABC's pro-paedophile silence/corruption and the Gaol population, etc, all neatly addressed in one little piece of vacuous nonsense...(I'm sensing some sarcasm laced with gentle rage-Ed)...very sensible of you...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
And literally just now I've become aware of an ABC Mt Gambier article re the Gaol and the Sex Offenders there-in and the wonderful Rehabilitation Programs, etc, etc...everything I've been screeching about re the ABC's pro-paedophile silence/corruption and the Gaol population, etc, all neatly addressed in one little piece of vacuous nonsense...(I'm sensing some sarcasm laced with gentle rage-Ed)...very sensible of you...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Carpét Diem - Seize The Dazed Please Bailiff
(Wow, sometimes this shizzle just about writes itself almost-Ed)...yeah, like doesn't it though? I mean, you just have to grab any one of the 3 Latin phrases you know and ram every shockin' pun ya' can think of into it...(super-Ed)...I was gunna' go with Rippin' The Rug Out From Under The SA Courts, but given the internationally infamous hallucinogenic properties of the aforementioned rug, the current title just about writes itself...please find attached the article from The Border Watch re the carpet changes, but I reckon there are much better photos available Interwebbily if one were to go a searchin'...
This photo in no way captures the soporific effects of the swathe of carpet in (that was in) the waiting area outside the Courtroom...100s of square metres and part-way up the walls in true 1970s style...I found that if you looked down at it whilst walking, that's when it got really 'swimmy' and depth perception, etc, was hard to focus on, and sometimes I'd get the sensation that I was standing knee-deep in a pond...to facilitate the sharing of the joy that is this 'sensational' design and it's wondrous workings on the human psyche, please to be finding also attached a real-time life-size scan of a small slab of said Magic Carpet, and a photo of my bitta' rug to give an idea of the overall pattern...
Cuttin' A Rug:..(and how'd you end-up with a "...small slab of said Magic Carpet..."?-Ed)...ah yes, more 'carpe diem' really...I was cruisin' past the Courthouse on a Saturday recently and said Mr Carpet Replacement Man was on-site and there was carpets plural stacked by the door outside so's I turned my l'il chariot 'round and went back and asked for some...I told Mr CRM that his 'removallings' were famous on Facebook and that Magistrates et al from all over the country were after some, etc, and he responded that some was already for sale on E-bay (don't know by whom)...I offered to cough-up a few coppers for some of his wares but he was good enough to just give me a coupla' square metres of off-cuts, and hence here 'tis...
I fully expect that availees across the globe will do as I plan to and photocopy-off several thousand A4s worth and put said pattern across floors, up walls, in their cars...(someone's already doing that with actual off-cuts-Ed)...on their cars, paper the cat, etc, etc...(come near me with that nonsense and you will be a dog's breakfast mate-Mr Woofs the Wonderhound (not his real name))...I personally am going to get it copied to cloth if I can, so's as to produce a suit...(to wear to Court?-Ed)...exactly...(would have been hilarious to do it whilst the carpet was still down-Ed)...absolutely...('will the defendant please move about so's I can see where the heck you are'-A Magistrate)...
Oops, forgot to say howdy...Hello Ukraine, Colombia, Japan, and Mexico, and welcome y'all to a rather dot-pointing post about stuff I need to catch-up on because I actually haven't anywhere near enough 'carpe diemed' (seized the day) recently:
1) Back a coupla' weeks ago the ABC Local Radio ran 2 interviews on the one morning that to my mind perfectly encapsulated just how manipulative and betraying the ABC Mt Gambier is of the community it regularly claims to represent...(should represent-Ed)...indeed Ed, and that's what riles me so much about their conduct...(is this the stuff about what a vital community service the Regional ABC Radio is to the South East and Regional SA in it's entirety, given the Adelaide obsessed nature of the Labor/Liberal/whatevs parliament and other media?-Ed)...yep...(and that, to your summation, that they have ultimately grossly failed in that very serious responsibility-Ed)...indeed Ed, I'd argue what good an ally who betrays you...
The early interview with a local Union leader, Brad Coates, was about the horrendous changes that Weatherill Labor have recently made to WorkCover, meaning that people who have lost literally an arm and a leg, will likely lose their wage support income from WorkCover after only 2 years...(whatta' bloody disgrace this Labor government is-Ed)...indeed...I was deeply moved and concerned by Mr Coates accounts of badly injured workers losing all support and therefore hope and how that meant he (Brad) was doing 'suicide watch' type phone-calls with some of his Members, etc...it was a very intense interview...the later interview with Emergency Services Minister Tony Piccolo, however, was another ABC 'Dorothy Dixer' embarrassment...when it's a relatively un-influential local person (apologies Mr Coates) there was one ABC attitude, but as soon as it's going outside the region or it's a Minister, etc, it's back to the half-asked questions and failure to hold interviewees to account, etc...this is classic ABC Mt Gambier...
Fresh from slamming massive Emergency Services Levy cost hikes on various ES workers, eg, Country Fire Service volunteers, and spending several $100,000s trying to ram through some farcical ES Overlord/Commissioner Restructure but then suddenly withdrawing that due to massive opposition...(and with increasing numbers of CFS volunteers/units refusing to fight fires on Crown Land because that's working for the government and their telling the government to get stuffed-Ed)...indeed, with all that going on, Tony got an unimpeded passage to his main point, that Labor's gunna' spend a fortune building a monument to fallen ES Volunteers/Workers...(what, so's politicians can have somewhere to publicly parade their carefully confected sycophantic sympathies? pathetic...how's about some proper funding for CFS brigades so they don't have to hold raffles and sausage sizzles to buy new water tankers, etc-Ed)...well indeed...next!...
Language Warning..........BOLLOCKS:...Pope Francis has instigated his own Catholic Whatevs Judicial Structure to supposedly go after his own Bishops, Cardinals, and other various frocked-up freaks for their paedophile corruption...(not a fan of Religious companies like the Catholics, are you?-Ed)...the Pope has apparently said that there'll be nowhere to hide for no-one...(and can I just say how refreshing it is to be able to get 5 minutes into the day before the flood of paedophile stories begins-Ed)...but that happens every day, only it usually takes less than 5 minutes, and I can't believe you'd be so naive nay stupid as to believe that the Paedophile Organisation that is the Catholic Church is suddenly going to stop raping our children and then attacking and destroying those same victims should they dare to speak-out against the rank Corruption of the Catholic Church...
It's absolute bollocks that yet again the corrupt Catholic Church is allowed to investigate themselves, and defines just how absolute this corruption is and the total lack of genuine intent from Authorities re holding these shrecks to account...it's as farcical as the Truth, Justice, and Healing bullshizzle that we're gettin' shoved down our throats here in Oz by that truly creepy piece of low-life Francis Sullivan...(it's almost like you're sayin' that parents, etc, should resolve these issues for themselves because the Police and the Catholics, often one-and-the-same, are just going to continue to cover it up-Ed)...oh I'm headed there alright Ed, and what's wrong with a bit of anti-paedophile vigilanteeism anyway?...(I do hope you're being super-heavily sarcastic-Ed)...well of course I am, but I'm also just following the advice given to parents by SAPol, and passing-on that advice...
And I'll go there if I bloody well feel like it because back in 2002 when teacher Glyn Dorling was removed from St Martins and the whole the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up first kicked-off and parents were regularly in the Mt Gambier SAPol (police) Station and SAPol were refusing to accept written statements from parents, refused to interview Dorling, etc, etc...at this time, police several times told parents to 'sort it/him out for yourselves'...I wasn't there on the specific occasion, but other parents were straight-out told 'take him (Glyn Dorling) out in the pines and don't bring him back'...this is clearly a statement encouraging/directing parents to be engaging in vigilante action, to take Dorling out into the Pine plantations that surround Mt Gambier and kill him...this is what police said to parents...
But then, Dorling's lawyer (Stephen Lieschke, Premier Jay Weatherill's business partner) from the Teachers Registration Board hearing (2003-04), took it upon himself to ring a Child Protection Activist in February 2005, a conversation I did 'hear witness' via speakerphone...Mr Lieschke straight-out alleged nay stated as fact, that 'in the TRB/Crown Solicitor hearing a father confessed to a plot by parents to get Dorling and throw him off a cliff'...(but you were the only father who appeared before that rankly corrupt pack of paedophile protectors from the TRB and CSO, so he was stating that you confessed to conspiring to murder...that's lunacy-Ed)...from Stevo mate, yes it is, but just exactly the standard pro-paedophile corruption you'd expect from Jay Weatherill or his scum-bag business partner...
(But hang on, you've supposedly confessed to a 'murder plot' in front of the TRB/CSO, so what did they do in response to this startling admission?-Ed)...well nothing obviously because it didn't happen, and when parents contacted the TRB about these statements the TRB confirmed that nothing even remotely like that had been stated by anyone in the TRB/CSO hearing...(so the police straight-out incite/direct parents to kill Dorling, but then the state Premier's business partner rings-up people to tell the most extraordinary lies about a Parental Murder Plot?-Ed)...yep, a plot I allegedly confessed to in the TRB/CSO hearing...(wow-Ed)...but I digress...
Furiously Back-Pedallin':...Council has decided to re-instate the $20,000 of funding they recently pulled from the South Coast Bike Thingy...(is that the one where former Mayor now Councillor Steve Perryman got up at the May 2015 Council meeting and, amongst a protracted series of personal diatribes about the changes he'd unilaterally made to various items/Motions/whatevs that had already been through the formal Council Committee he Chairs/heads/whatevs, stated that Council should axe the $20k?-Ed)...that's the one...(and as part of his justificationings he stated that 1) there wasn't much income generated for Mt Gambier 'cos not many of the Tourers stayed here, etc, and he knew that because 2) he'd gone around town and checked-out all the accommodation providers-Ed)...spot on Ed...
(But hang on, Stevo mate's a Motel owner himself, and notorious already for syphoning off acts/customers via his mate/fellow Councillor Frank Morello (also Helpmann Theatre Manager) and having multiple other massive 'Conflict of Interest' issues, so how is it appropriate for Stevo to skulk-about town further misusing his position as former Mayor/now Councillor to effectively spy on his competitors? let alone for the reason of axing that funding?-Ed)...more great questions that look a lot like statements Ed, how is any of that rank corruption in any ways appropriate?...it's a bloody disgrace...and now Council has suddenly reversed that decision because apparently the race organisers have written stating that their 400+ pedallin' peeps and support peeps will actually spend 2 nights and approx $180,000 in Mt Gambier, along with extensive TV coverage for the City...
That Tender Sinkin' Feelin':...'cos we're paying $24million to Japan, Germany, and France ($8m each) for them to Tender for building the new submarines we apparently need...(we're paying them?-Ed)...yep...(to Tender for our business?-Ed)...yep...(I don't know what to say-Ed)...me neither Ed, me neither...and all this amid reports that our 'new' subs will be obsolete right around the time the first one hits the water...(just thought of what to say-Ed)...yeah?...("I'm a Sub Tender and so's my wife"-Ed)....nice, but I prefer my impersonation of that hilarious clown, Federal Treasurer Smokin' Joe Hockey, recently outed for using his parliamentary accommodation/travel allowances to pay rent to his wife whilst staying at their/her house in Canberra...(shreckin' charming, he really is one piece of very trite work-Ed)...isn't he though...such an inspirational "lifter" to all us lowly "leaners"...(and the impersonation?-Ed)..."I'm my own landlord and so's my wife."...(sup-shreckin'-perb dude...and of course due credit to Monty Python's most excellent Life of Brian-Ed)...indeed...
Adelaide Pushes A Huge Pile Of Ship Out To See What Happens:...a coupla' weeks back the first $3billion Air Destroyer Warfare Boaty Thingy built by/at the Adelaide Submarine Corporation was ceremoniously shoved into the 'Ol Briney at Port Adelaide, but our militaristic nut-job Prime Minister went surfing for charity in Victoria(?) instead...(but he's mad-up for bombing crap, eg, $500m at the drop of a bomb I mean hat for Syria/Iraq, and that's the start-off funding of an as yet undefined and expanding involvement there-abouts, and $billions on fighter jets, eg, the 300dozen F-28 Whistling Pig Flying Targets we've just signed-up for-Ed)...dude, who's bringin' the happy today?...(well not me obviously...he didn't front to launch his countries latest piece of hardware? what the hell's goin' on?-Ed)...well, to me as to many others, this is a clear indicator that PM Abbott didn't want to face the reality (and subsequent harsh questioning) that he's already decided that 'our' subs will be constructed elsewhere...(ouch-Ed)...exactly...
Oh Life's Just A Cabaret Don't Ya' Know:... not sorry for the following punning in such dire circumstance, but the Adelaide Submarine Corp is a lame-duck dead in the water...(and ya' don't get much lamer than dead-Ed)...good point Ed...but quite frankly, given the institutionalised corruption in South Australia and how that immediately compromises the cost/effectiveness/whatevs of any project, it's hardly surprising that the Federal government would throw it's cash somewhere else to hopefully get a product it can use...and I sure as shreck ain't celebrating this ASC stuff, 'cos if/when that folds, there's gunna' be wholesale carnage across Regional SA as the Adelaide-centric Labor government shreds everything outside of Adelaide to keep throwing a bankrupt Adelaide it's yearly party pieces of Festivals and Car Races and Geriatric Rock Concerts and Cabarets darling...(it's just bread and circuses mate, it's governing old school Roman Emperor-style, with bread and circuses-Ed)...indeed...
Tomorrow: My Own Court Stuff Perhaps
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
This photo in no way captures the soporific effects of the swathe of carpet in (that was in) the waiting area outside the Courtroom...100s of square metres and part-way up the walls in true 1970s style...I found that if you looked down at it whilst walking, that's when it got really 'swimmy' and depth perception, etc, was hard to focus on, and sometimes I'd get the sensation that I was standing knee-deep in a pond...to facilitate the sharing of the joy that is this 'sensational' design and it's wondrous workings on the human psyche, please to be finding also attached a real-time life-size scan of a small slab of said Magic Carpet, and a photo of my bitta' rug to give an idea of the overall pattern...
Cuttin' A Rug:..(and how'd you end-up with a "...small slab of said Magic Carpet..."?-Ed)...ah yes, more 'carpe diem' really...I was cruisin' past the Courthouse on a Saturday recently and said Mr Carpet Replacement Man was on-site and there was carpets plural stacked by the door outside so's I turned my l'il chariot 'round and went back and asked for some...I told Mr CRM that his 'removallings' were famous on Facebook and that Magistrates et al from all over the country were after some, etc, and he responded that some was already for sale on E-bay (don't know by whom)...I offered to cough-up a few coppers for some of his wares but he was good enough to just give me a coupla' square metres of off-cuts, and hence here 'tis...
I fully expect that availees across the globe will do as I plan to and photocopy-off several thousand A4s worth and put said pattern across floors, up walls, in their cars...(someone's already doing that with actual off-cuts-Ed)...on their cars, paper the cat, etc, etc...(come near me with that nonsense and you will be a dog's breakfast mate-Mr Woofs the Wonderhound (not his real name))...I personally am going to get it copied to cloth if I can, so's as to produce a suit...(to wear to Court?-Ed)...exactly...(would have been hilarious to do it whilst the carpet was still down-Ed)...absolutely...('will the defendant please move about so's I can see where the heck you are'-A Magistrate)...
Oops, forgot to say howdy...Hello Ukraine, Colombia, Japan, and Mexico, and welcome y'all to a rather dot-pointing post about stuff I need to catch-up on because I actually haven't anywhere near enough 'carpe diemed' (seized the day) recently:
1) Back a coupla' weeks ago the ABC Local Radio ran 2 interviews on the one morning that to my mind perfectly encapsulated just how manipulative and betraying the ABC Mt Gambier is of the community it regularly claims to represent...(should represent-Ed)...indeed Ed, and that's what riles me so much about their conduct...(is this the stuff about what a vital community service the Regional ABC Radio is to the South East and Regional SA in it's entirety, given the Adelaide obsessed nature of the Labor/Liberal/whatevs parliament and other media?-Ed)...yep...(and that, to your summation, that they have ultimately grossly failed in that very serious responsibility-Ed)...indeed Ed, I'd argue what good an ally who betrays you...
The early interview with a local Union leader, Brad Coates, was about the horrendous changes that Weatherill Labor have recently made to WorkCover, meaning that people who have lost literally an arm and a leg, will likely lose their wage support income from WorkCover after only 2 years...(whatta' bloody disgrace this Labor government is-Ed)...indeed...I was deeply moved and concerned by Mr Coates accounts of badly injured workers losing all support and therefore hope and how that meant he (Brad) was doing 'suicide watch' type phone-calls with some of his Members, etc...it was a very intense interview...the later interview with Emergency Services Minister Tony Piccolo, however, was another ABC 'Dorothy Dixer' embarrassment...when it's a relatively un-influential local person (apologies Mr Coates) there was one ABC attitude, but as soon as it's going outside the region or it's a Minister, etc, it's back to the half-asked questions and failure to hold interviewees to account, etc...this is classic ABC Mt Gambier...
Fresh from slamming massive Emergency Services Levy cost hikes on various ES workers, eg, Country Fire Service volunteers, and spending several $100,000s trying to ram through some farcical ES Overlord/Commissioner Restructure but then suddenly withdrawing that due to massive opposition...(and with increasing numbers of CFS volunteers/units refusing to fight fires on Crown Land because that's working for the government and their telling the government to get stuffed-Ed)...indeed, with all that going on, Tony got an unimpeded passage to his main point, that Labor's gunna' spend a fortune building a monument to fallen ES Volunteers/Workers...(what, so's politicians can have somewhere to publicly parade their carefully confected sycophantic sympathies? pathetic...how's about some proper funding for CFS brigades so they don't have to hold raffles and sausage sizzles to buy new water tankers, etc-Ed)...well indeed...next!...
Language Warning..........BOLLOCKS:...Pope Francis has instigated his own Catholic Whatevs Judicial Structure to supposedly go after his own Bishops, Cardinals, and other various frocked-up freaks for their paedophile corruption...(not a fan of Religious companies like the Catholics, are you?-Ed)...the Pope has apparently said that there'll be nowhere to hide for no-one...(and can I just say how refreshing it is to be able to get 5 minutes into the day before the flood of paedophile stories begins-Ed)...but that happens every day, only it usually takes less than 5 minutes, and I can't believe you'd be so naive nay stupid as to believe that the Paedophile Organisation that is the Catholic Church is suddenly going to stop raping our children and then attacking and destroying those same victims should they dare to speak-out against the rank Corruption of the Catholic Church...
It's absolute bollocks that yet again the corrupt Catholic Church is allowed to investigate themselves, and defines just how absolute this corruption is and the total lack of genuine intent from Authorities re holding these shrecks to account...it's as farcical as the Truth, Justice, and Healing bullshizzle that we're gettin' shoved down our throats here in Oz by that truly creepy piece of low-life Francis Sullivan...(it's almost like you're sayin' that parents, etc, should resolve these issues for themselves because the Police and the Catholics, often one-and-the-same, are just going to continue to cover it up-Ed)...oh I'm headed there alright Ed, and what's wrong with a bit of anti-paedophile vigilanteeism anyway?...(I do hope you're being super-heavily sarcastic-Ed)...well of course I am, but I'm also just following the advice given to parents by SAPol, and passing-on that advice...
And I'll go there if I bloody well feel like it because back in 2002 when teacher Glyn Dorling was removed from St Martins and the whole the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up first kicked-off and parents were regularly in the Mt Gambier SAPol (police) Station and SAPol were refusing to accept written statements from parents, refused to interview Dorling, etc, etc...at this time, police several times told parents to 'sort it/him out for yourselves'...I wasn't there on the specific occasion, but other parents were straight-out told 'take him (Glyn Dorling) out in the pines and don't bring him back'...this is clearly a statement encouraging/directing parents to be engaging in vigilante action, to take Dorling out into the Pine plantations that surround Mt Gambier and kill him...this is what police said to parents...
But then, Dorling's lawyer (Stephen Lieschke, Premier Jay Weatherill's business partner) from the Teachers Registration Board hearing (2003-04), took it upon himself to ring a Child Protection Activist in February 2005, a conversation I did 'hear witness' via speakerphone...Mr Lieschke straight-out alleged nay stated as fact, that 'in the TRB/Crown Solicitor hearing a father confessed to a plot by parents to get Dorling and throw him off a cliff'...(but you were the only father who appeared before that rankly corrupt pack of paedophile protectors from the TRB and CSO, so he was stating that you confessed to conspiring to murder...that's lunacy-Ed)...from Stevo mate, yes it is, but just exactly the standard pro-paedophile corruption you'd expect from Jay Weatherill or his scum-bag business partner...
(But hang on, you've supposedly confessed to a 'murder plot' in front of the TRB/CSO, so what did they do in response to this startling admission?-Ed)...well nothing obviously because it didn't happen, and when parents contacted the TRB about these statements the TRB confirmed that nothing even remotely like that had been stated by anyone in the TRB/CSO hearing...(so the police straight-out incite/direct parents to kill Dorling, but then the state Premier's business partner rings-up people to tell the most extraordinary lies about a Parental Murder Plot?-Ed)...yep, a plot I allegedly confessed to in the TRB/CSO hearing...(wow-Ed)...but I digress...
Furiously Back-Pedallin':...Council has decided to re-instate the $20,000 of funding they recently pulled from the South Coast Bike Thingy...(is that the one where former Mayor now Councillor Steve Perryman got up at the May 2015 Council meeting and, amongst a protracted series of personal diatribes about the changes he'd unilaterally made to various items/Motions/whatevs that had already been through the formal Council Committee he Chairs/heads/whatevs, stated that Council should axe the $20k?-Ed)...that's the one...(and as part of his justificationings he stated that 1) there wasn't much income generated for Mt Gambier 'cos not many of the Tourers stayed here, etc, and he knew that because 2) he'd gone around town and checked-out all the accommodation providers-Ed)...spot on Ed...
(But hang on, Stevo mate's a Motel owner himself, and notorious already for syphoning off acts/customers via his mate/fellow Councillor Frank Morello (also Helpmann Theatre Manager) and having multiple other massive 'Conflict of Interest' issues, so how is it appropriate for Stevo to skulk-about town further misusing his position as former Mayor/now Councillor to effectively spy on his competitors? let alone for the reason of axing that funding?-Ed)...more great questions that look a lot like statements Ed, how is any of that rank corruption in any ways appropriate?...it's a bloody disgrace...and now Council has suddenly reversed that decision because apparently the race organisers have written stating that their 400+ pedallin' peeps and support peeps will actually spend 2 nights and approx $180,000 in Mt Gambier, along with extensive TV coverage for the City...
That Tender Sinkin' Feelin':...'cos we're paying $24million to Japan, Germany, and France ($8m each) for them to Tender for building the new submarines we apparently need...(we're paying them?-Ed)...yep...(to Tender for our business?-Ed)...yep...(I don't know what to say-Ed)...me neither Ed, me neither...and all this amid reports that our 'new' subs will be obsolete right around the time the first one hits the water...(just thought of what to say-Ed)...yeah?...("I'm a Sub Tender and so's my wife"-Ed)....nice, but I prefer my impersonation of that hilarious clown, Federal Treasurer Smokin' Joe Hockey, recently outed for using his parliamentary accommodation/travel allowances to pay rent to his wife whilst staying at their/her house in Canberra...(shreckin' charming, he really is one piece of very trite work-Ed)...isn't he though...such an inspirational "lifter" to all us lowly "leaners"...(and the impersonation?-Ed)..."I'm my own landlord and so's my wife."...(sup-shreckin'-perb dude...and of course due credit to Monty Python's most excellent Life of Brian-Ed)...indeed...
Adelaide Pushes A Huge Pile Of Ship Out To See What Happens:...a coupla' weeks back the first $3billion Air Destroyer Warfare Boaty Thingy built by/at the Adelaide Submarine Corporation was ceremoniously shoved into the 'Ol Briney at Port Adelaide, but our militaristic nut-job Prime Minister went surfing for charity in Victoria(?) instead...(but he's mad-up for bombing crap, eg, $500m at the drop of a bomb I mean hat for Syria/Iraq, and that's the start-off funding of an as yet undefined and expanding involvement there-abouts, and $billions on fighter jets, eg, the 300dozen F-28 Whistling Pig Flying Targets we've just signed-up for-Ed)...dude, who's bringin' the happy today?...(well not me obviously...he didn't front to launch his countries latest piece of hardware? what the hell's goin' on?-Ed)...well, to me as to many others, this is a clear indicator that PM Abbott didn't want to face the reality (and subsequent harsh questioning) that he's already decided that 'our' subs will be constructed elsewhere...(ouch-Ed)...exactly...
Oh Life's Just A Cabaret Don't Ya' Know:... not sorry for the following punning in such dire circumstance, but the Adelaide Submarine Corp is a lame-duck dead in the water...(and ya' don't get much lamer than dead-Ed)...good point Ed...but quite frankly, given the institutionalised corruption in South Australia and how that immediately compromises the cost/effectiveness/whatevs of any project, it's hardly surprising that the Federal government would throw it's cash somewhere else to hopefully get a product it can use...and I sure as shreck ain't celebrating this ASC stuff, 'cos if/when that folds, there's gunna' be wholesale carnage across Regional SA as the Adelaide-centric Labor government shreds everything outside of Adelaide to keep throwing a bankrupt Adelaide it's yearly party pieces of Festivals and Car Races and Geriatric Rock Concerts and Cabarets darling...(it's just bread and circuses mate, it's governing old school Roman Emperor-style, with bread and circuses-Ed)...indeed...
Tomorrow: My Own Court Stuff Perhaps
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Our ICAC - Just A Brutal Reminder Of SA's Official Paedophile Corruption
Howdy y'all and welcome to the blog...and again, given we find ourselves in the shadow of the 13th anniversary of the June 2002 removal of "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling from St Martins Lutheran School, and the resultant State-sanctioned cover-up of those abuses, there'll be no apologies for venting about the paedophile stuff with a less than subtle reminder of just what a corrupt paedophile-controlled state we live in...(good ol' SA, the Paedophile State-Ed)...yay...and when you look at the paedophile nightmare that surrounds us, that right there is the crux of the crucible that spewed forth our farcical Independent Commission Against Corruption...(SA ICAC...whatta' joke, whatta' sad, sick, corrupt joke...it's the pinnacle of the pro-paedophile corruption that runs SA-Ed)...indeed it is...
With all due and genuine respect to all availees, firstly, I'd like to think that for all the massive shreck-up that I undoubtedly I am and for all the traumas and damages I carry...(let's call them Mental Illnesses, just as a convenient way of describing it, for lack of a better term say-Ed)...sure, whatevs gets ya' through the night...anyhoos, with/despite my Mental Illnesses, etc, etc, I have earned at least the credibility to be taken seriously when I say 'genuinely'...(yeah, ok, I'll give you that...you've gone very, very hard down a very straight line down a very crooked road, and there's a developing, gathering trail of official/political carnage in ya' wake...you do have a certain credibility in that context-Ed)...ta'...and I sure as shreck ain't noble/courageous/whatevs nor am I trying to be 'that person', I am what I is and that's just that...
Point being, I know I cut crook time and again about St Martins and the SA paedophile corruption, etc, but I ain't creating this stuff, all I'm doing is pointing at it and sayin' 'what the shreck? that ain't right', and time and again, day after day, it's the rampant pro-paedophile corruption of official authorities, the Rann/Weatherill Labor government, etc, etc, you simply cannot escape it...I can't deal with a Mt Gambier City Council issue or a SAPol (police) issue or with government, their bureaucracy, even the Courts, with any of these issues, without immediately running into a swathe of corrupt politicians and public officials whom I know as fact are openly complicit in the St Martins Cover-up...I ain't gunna' apologise for being deeply distressed and depressed and very, very angry about that...(hey, what's large, angry, and a dirty hippy?-Ed)...I've got one for ya', what starts with 'come here' and ends with 'ouch'?...(Blackadder BBC TV)
So, we've just had the June long weekend 2015 and therefore the 13th Anniversary of the removal of "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling from St Martins Lutheran School here in Mt Gambier (June 2002)...and 13 years of the official State cover-up of those abuses by the Lutherans, the wholly corrupt Rann/Weatherill Labor government, the pathetically redundant and corrupt Liberal Party, corrupt SAPol (police), corrupt Education Dept, corrupt Teachers Registration Board and Crown Solicitor, wholly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, the wholly corrupt Rory McEwen, corrupt Steve Perryman, the wholly corrupt ABC, the wholly corrupt The Border Watch, etc, etc, etc...(sorry, I thought you were the problem?-Ed)...well apparently...
Apparently, despite all of these people knowing exactly what has happened in 2002 and since, all of the above have chosen to involve themselves in the St Martins Cover-up...(only it ain't gettin' covered-up so good lately-Ed)...orr, I dunno, seems to going swimmingly really, given everyone listed above in this freak of a State, and a raft of Federal politicians, all know exactly what's happened because I and other parents have proven it, all of it, proven all of it not once or twice or even thrice but over and over and over again...but what's happened to resolve it? what has good ol' Mt Gambier done to resolve the gross abuse of a class of 7 year old children? anyone?...(nothing?-Ed)...
Oh no, way better than nothing Ed, good ol' Mt Gambier has kicked-off on, has attacked and vilified and Pariahtised and blamed us parents who have tried to resolve the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...we have been and continue to officially be openly, publicly blamed/identified as the only real problem...for 13 years I and/or other parents have been openly attacked whilst nobody else does anything to resolve the situation...(well you've just contradicted yourself mate, because there's been a massive effort to resolve the situation, only in a context where Labor, Liberal, State Authorities, the Lutherans, etc, consider 'resolving it' to mean 'covering it all up and making it all just go away'-Ed)...perfectly contexturised thanks Ed, I was struggling to define that...(it's all about context I said-Ed)...yes I heard you...
And again, for the record, I know that there's a bunch of people reading this locally who will feel a degree of guilt about this and even anger towards me for my en masse bashing of Mt Gambierites, but this whole town is responsible for the St Martins Cover-up...(it takes a village, don't ya' know-Ed)...ta' Ed, Council's very own words flung back at them re their 'Children's Charter' bollocks, "it takes a village to raise a child"...everyone in this town who has been and/or currently is in a position to address the St Martins Cover-up, is instead complicit in the St Martins Cover-up...and it's like the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, it's just not up for debate anymore...
Under the Rann/Weatherill Labor government (2002-present) we've had a relentless wall of fake efforts to address the paedophile-control of Adelaide, with multiple Parliamentary Inquiries and Commissions and various other lawyer's picnics that have no intention of doing anything other than continuing the paedophile-controlled status quo...from the massive 2002-2003 Layton Report, the 2005-2007 Mullighan Inquiry, the DeBelle Royal Commission, the 2007-2011 SARC Inquiry into the Teachers Registration Board, 2 more recent/current Royal Commissions with apparently another to come...and of course, this shreckin' joke of an ICAC...and every step just pantomime, just theatre...(just bollocks-Ed)...indeed, absolutely all of it just more cover-up and more corruption...and so too the ICAC, an Authority designed, enacted and empowered to protect the paedophiles and/or the corrupt...
(I think, sorry, I know when you say "paedophiles and/or the corrupt" you mean our state politicians, so just say it-Ed)...indeed, the fact that this frighteningly powerful yet unaccountable ICAC even exists is testimony to the bipartisan support for corruption/paedophilia in our State Parliament, Labor, Liberal, Family First, all the Independents, every soulless paedophile-protecting scumbag who dares to call themselves 'Honourable'...and of course you've got the main spider right there at the centre of the web as Speaker of the Lower House, that truly creepy piece of work, Michael Atkinson...(and that egomanic Union scrote Russell Wortley is President of the Upper House-Ed)...indeed, these are the fine, upstanding citizens whom are running our Parliament...whatta' joke, whatta' sad, sick joke...(and people wonder why we're going backwards as a state-Ed)...I know, I know...
I remind availees as per recent posts that I and other parents organised Peter Lewis to stand up in Parliament (when it sat here in May 2005) and name St Martins Lutheran School and teacher Glyn Dorling, and in response the wholly corrupt The Border Watch newspaper gave the wholly corrupt Premier Rann/Labor and local Member Rory McEwen front-page to deny/lie through their collective teeth and attack and denigrate us parents as people who had "hounded the teacher", and were/are 'conspiracy theorists who think everything's corrupt', etc...(but pretty much everything in this sad, sick state is corrupt-Ed)...well indeed Ed, it's the classic 'Political Reverse Psychology' thingy where Rory states/confronts the obvious reality in absolute terms with ludicrous hyperbole and challenges people to believe it, therefore trying to dismiss whatevs issue/claim/allegation as being ridiculous...
St Martins Principal John Alexander did it when he put his long piece about 'Rumours' and 'pray for the perpetrators of bad rumours', etc, in the school's newsletter in 2003, including the statement that 'if it were true (the rumour) the school would be front page across the nation' (paraphrase, but damn close)...(and therefore, because it isn't, the rumour must be false, right?-Ed)...exactly...and many people were just itchin' to find a conscience-soothing 'out' and Johnny gave them exactly what they needed, every empty excuse they needed to turn on us other parents rather than deal with the abuses their own kids had suffered...just recently I had someone refuse to believe that any abuse had occurred in 2002 because 'if the police didn't charge him, then nothing happened'...(wow, there's none so dumb as the willingly ignorant-Ed)...indeed, but I digress...
I think but don't know for sure and surely cannot prove, that at least one major, high-profile paedophile case in South Australia that was publicly exposed has since been silently swallowed by the ICAC, likely to never be seen again, and also suspect but obviously again cannot prove that other cases have disappeared into that same ICAC Black Hole...and that's exactly what SA ICAC is designed to do...and I guarantee that the victims of those horrendous crimes will be the ones being hammered with threats and bullying from the ICAC and SAPol, threats based on the ICAC legislation, legislation that was designed and instigated to allow exactly this sort of threatening and bullying, this total control and total suppression of issues...(you mean like this ludicrously corrupt ICAC exoneration of Jennifer Rankine?-Ed)...yep, exactly like that...
And I completely reject this farcical shrecking-about where ICAC is awash with ludicrous 'secrecy powers/provisions' and is happy to wield these powers when it suits ICAC or it's Labor masters, whatevs, but no-one else is allowed to comment about ICAC's conduct or criticise it's operation, etc, yet then stuff just appears in the media about ICAC investigations, etc, because ICAC can just say whatever it likes about whatevs, do whatevs...it's 100% Whatevs with 100% power, and that is truly scary...(can't you get in trouble for just talking about ICAC?...isn't the first Rule of ICAC that no-one's allowed to talk about ICAC-Ed)...if ICAC feels like it, probably, maybe, dunno, when and if it suits ICAC and their agenda/purpose?...gourd knows because it's a complete dog's breakfast...(you touch my breakfast and I will gnaw you a new one-Mr Woofs The Wonderhound (not his real name))...settle down, nobody's touching ya' breakfast...(that's right, no-one's touchin' my breakfast-Mr Woofs)...
I completely reject the premise that the SA ICAC is about appropriate resolution of the rank institutionalised corruption of SA Parliament, SAPol, the Judiciary, etc, etc...I reject it as being anything other than a farcical yet frightening weapon of control being wielded by the paedophiles and crooks who run this sad, sick state...and here in these 2 articles/stories is the proof positive of what I'm saying, a secret 2 year investigation of the rank corruption of Minister Jennifer Rankine and then she's exonerated and it's all suppressed to protect her from her own corruption...(so the ICAC is corruptly protecting Jennifer Rankine from the repercussions of her own corruption? that sounds very corrupt in itself-Ed)...exactly Ed, that's exactly what it is, corrupt as...
So, it's 2 years of secret hearings, etc, it's 100% Secret Squirrel from SA ICAC for the corrupt Labor Minister Jennifer Rankine as ICAC acts to protect her, and the story 'leaks out' after that 2 years, etc, etc...and then for this poor mug from Forestry SA it's wham! from day one, it's front page, full name (Adrian Hatch), photos and footage, describing the charge, naming the business allegedly involved, etc, etc...this case was in Court late morning, and by noon was being intricately reported on the ABC Radio news and The Advertiser On-line service...(so it's 2 years of secret hearings, etc, for a Labor Minister, but then this poor clown is clearly gettin' hung-out to dry by the ICAC-Ed)...well you've stolen my thunder a bit, but yes, exactly, Mr Hatch is being used by ICAC and Labor, etc, to try and give ICAC some sense of credibility where none exists...
Plotting A Hatch Battoning:...Today Tonight's latest revelations about ICAC's farcical alleged investigation of Jennifer Rankine, etc, are currently available on their website, including stories from June 8th 2015 and the May 23rd 2015 one, being about Jennifer Rankine...(and here again the deliberate and crushing Fascist lunacy of our ICAC legislation in that the ICAC legislation makes us mere plebs even talking about corruption, literally anything at anytime, that is effectively illegal-Ed)...absolutely, effectively illegal as and when ICAC decides it is, but when it's time to protect corrupt politicians, etc, all of those same 'rules of secrecy' are applied to hide the corruption...
(I can't help noticing the extraordinary coincidences between the ICAC/Rankine Cover-up, and the wholly corrupt conduct of the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitors Office Inquiry into Glyn Dorling back in 2003/04-Ed)...you picked-up on that too did ya' mate?...(yeah, to me it's that 'Template of Corruption' stuff again where authorities are clearly operating to a prepared plan/agenda/whatevs in acting to protect a paedophile-Ed)...indeed, start an alleged 'investigation', stop for a year or more, then fudge it through in secrecy, and then trumpet the exoneration that is inevitable from such a corrupt Authority, but the entire thing is suppressed...(yeah, it's exactly what the TRB/Crown Solicitor did to traumatise and distress parents, exact even down to the actual functioning of the officials involved and hiding the evidence, reasons, etc-Ed)...far too exact to be mere unpleasant coincidence...in closing...
Fascist Much?:...Tony Abbott continues to deliberately ramp-up the fear and loathing about 'foreigners' and/or 'terrorism', now saying that Australians need to start spying on each other...(wow, that doesn't sound like Fascism much, does it?...wasn't it the Nazis who refined this 'Societal Spying' stuff?-Ed)...well, they didn't invent spying on your neighbour to help your Fascist government control the both of ya', but yes, I believe it was used, in fact both were used...(both?-Ed)...the fear and loathing stuff, and using that to justify/encourage spying on your neighbours for the government ...
(A quick question...why isn't it that what the wholly corrupt (George) Bush family and the Saudis have done to Iraq for their own personal profits, why isn't that terrorism?-Ed)...because we did it silly, remember? remember Georgie 'Dubya' Bush and his hilarious 'you're with us or you're against us' bollocks?...(so if you question the rank corruption of the Bush family, corruption that in many places stampedes into wholesale Treason against the United States of America, if you question that Treasonous Corruption, then you're a 'terrorist' according to MC GDubya, himself clearly a most Corrupt Traitor and Global Terrorist?-Ed)...indeed Ed..and you tell me, what's more concerning, a combatant fighting in their homeland against an invading Global Terrorist, or a treasonous President?...
Tomorrow: Catchin' Up With Some Stuff
And I do actually apologise for what is in hindsight has been quite a ranty and disjointed post, but it is what it is and it ain't nuthin' but a Thang...please watch those Today Tonight stories and read the attached article and note the massive discrepancies as Mr Hatch is hung out to dry...also please note that photo about the 'Historic Courthouse' because that there's SA Chief Justice Christopher Kourakis who just happened to be in Mt Gambier on the very day they Battoned Down On Hatch, and in Court for part of that day...just sayin'...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
With all due and genuine respect to all availees, firstly, I'd like to think that for all the massive shreck-up that I undoubtedly I am and for all the traumas and damages I carry...(let's call them Mental Illnesses, just as a convenient way of describing it, for lack of a better term say-Ed)...sure, whatevs gets ya' through the night...anyhoos, with/despite my Mental Illnesses, etc, etc, I have earned at least the credibility to be taken seriously when I say 'genuinely'...(yeah, ok, I'll give you that...you've gone very, very hard down a very straight line down a very crooked road, and there's a developing, gathering trail of official/political carnage in ya' wake...you do have a certain credibility in that context-Ed)...ta'...and I sure as shreck ain't noble/courageous/whatevs nor am I trying to be 'that person', I am what I is and that's just that...
Point being, I know I cut crook time and again about St Martins and the SA paedophile corruption, etc, but I ain't creating this stuff, all I'm doing is pointing at it and sayin' 'what the shreck? that ain't right', and time and again, day after day, it's the rampant pro-paedophile corruption of official authorities, the Rann/Weatherill Labor government, etc, etc, you simply cannot escape it...I can't deal with a Mt Gambier City Council issue or a SAPol (police) issue or with government, their bureaucracy, even the Courts, with any of these issues, without immediately running into a swathe of corrupt politicians and public officials whom I know as fact are openly complicit in the St Martins Cover-up...I ain't gunna' apologise for being deeply distressed and depressed and very, very angry about that...(hey, what's large, angry, and a dirty hippy?-Ed)...I've got one for ya', what starts with 'come here' and ends with 'ouch'?...(Blackadder BBC TV)
So, we've just had the June long weekend 2015 and therefore the 13th Anniversary of the removal of "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling from St Martins Lutheran School here in Mt Gambier (June 2002)...and 13 years of the official State cover-up of those abuses by the Lutherans, the wholly corrupt Rann/Weatherill Labor government, the pathetically redundant and corrupt Liberal Party, corrupt SAPol (police), corrupt Education Dept, corrupt Teachers Registration Board and Crown Solicitor, wholly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, the wholly corrupt Rory McEwen, corrupt Steve Perryman, the wholly corrupt ABC, the wholly corrupt The Border Watch, etc, etc, etc...(sorry, I thought you were the problem?-Ed)...well apparently...
Apparently, despite all of these people knowing exactly what has happened in 2002 and since, all of the above have chosen to involve themselves in the St Martins Cover-up...(only it ain't gettin' covered-up so good lately-Ed)...orr, I dunno, seems to going swimmingly really, given everyone listed above in this freak of a State, and a raft of Federal politicians, all know exactly what's happened because I and other parents have proven it, all of it, proven all of it not once or twice or even thrice but over and over and over again...but what's happened to resolve it? what has good ol' Mt Gambier done to resolve the gross abuse of a class of 7 year old children? anyone?...(nothing?-Ed)...
Oh no, way better than nothing Ed, good ol' Mt Gambier has kicked-off on, has attacked and vilified and Pariahtised and blamed us parents who have tried to resolve the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...we have been and continue to officially be openly, publicly blamed/identified as the only real problem...for 13 years I and/or other parents have been openly attacked whilst nobody else does anything to resolve the situation...(well you've just contradicted yourself mate, because there's been a massive effort to resolve the situation, only in a context where Labor, Liberal, State Authorities, the Lutherans, etc, consider 'resolving it' to mean 'covering it all up and making it all just go away'-Ed)...perfectly contexturised thanks Ed, I was struggling to define that...(it's all about context I said-Ed)...yes I heard you...
And again, for the record, I know that there's a bunch of people reading this locally who will feel a degree of guilt about this and even anger towards me for my en masse bashing of Mt Gambierites, but this whole town is responsible for the St Martins Cover-up...(it takes a village, don't ya' know-Ed)...ta' Ed, Council's very own words flung back at them re their 'Children's Charter' bollocks, "it takes a village to raise a child"...everyone in this town who has been and/or currently is in a position to address the St Martins Cover-up, is instead complicit in the St Martins Cover-up...and it's like the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, it's just not up for debate anymore...
Under the Rann/Weatherill Labor government (2002-present) we've had a relentless wall of fake efforts to address the paedophile-control of Adelaide, with multiple Parliamentary Inquiries and Commissions and various other lawyer's picnics that have no intention of doing anything other than continuing the paedophile-controlled status quo...from the massive 2002-2003 Layton Report, the 2005-2007 Mullighan Inquiry, the DeBelle Royal Commission, the 2007-2011 SARC Inquiry into the Teachers Registration Board, 2 more recent/current Royal Commissions with apparently another to come...and of course, this shreckin' joke of an ICAC...and every step just pantomime, just theatre...(just bollocks-Ed)...indeed, absolutely all of it just more cover-up and more corruption...and so too the ICAC, an Authority designed, enacted and empowered to protect the paedophiles and/or the corrupt...
(I think, sorry, I know when you say "paedophiles and/or the corrupt" you mean our state politicians, so just say it-Ed)...indeed, the fact that this frighteningly powerful yet unaccountable ICAC even exists is testimony to the bipartisan support for corruption/paedophilia in our State Parliament, Labor, Liberal, Family First, all the Independents, every soulless paedophile-protecting scumbag who dares to call themselves 'Honourable'...and of course you've got the main spider right there at the centre of the web as Speaker of the Lower House, that truly creepy piece of work, Michael Atkinson...(and that egomanic Union scrote Russell Wortley is President of the Upper House-Ed)...indeed, these are the fine, upstanding citizens whom are running our Parliament...whatta' joke, whatta' sad, sick joke...(and people wonder why we're going backwards as a state-Ed)...I know, I know...
I remind availees as per recent posts that I and other parents organised Peter Lewis to stand up in Parliament (when it sat here in May 2005) and name St Martins Lutheran School and teacher Glyn Dorling, and in response the wholly corrupt The Border Watch newspaper gave the wholly corrupt Premier Rann/Labor and local Member Rory McEwen front-page to deny/lie through their collective teeth and attack and denigrate us parents as people who had "hounded the teacher", and were/are 'conspiracy theorists who think everything's corrupt', etc...(but pretty much everything in this sad, sick state is corrupt-Ed)...well indeed Ed, it's the classic 'Political Reverse Psychology' thingy where Rory states/confronts the obvious reality in absolute terms with ludicrous hyperbole and challenges people to believe it, therefore trying to dismiss whatevs issue/claim/allegation as being ridiculous...
St Martins Principal John Alexander did it when he put his long piece about 'Rumours' and 'pray for the perpetrators of bad rumours', etc, in the school's newsletter in 2003, including the statement that 'if it were true (the rumour) the school would be front page across the nation' (paraphrase, but damn close)...(and therefore, because it isn't, the rumour must be false, right?-Ed)...exactly...and many people were just itchin' to find a conscience-soothing 'out' and Johnny gave them exactly what they needed, every empty excuse they needed to turn on us other parents rather than deal with the abuses their own kids had suffered...just recently I had someone refuse to believe that any abuse had occurred in 2002 because 'if the police didn't charge him, then nothing happened'...(wow, there's none so dumb as the willingly ignorant-Ed)...indeed, but I digress...
I think but don't know for sure and surely cannot prove, that at least one major, high-profile paedophile case in South Australia that was publicly exposed has since been silently swallowed by the ICAC, likely to never be seen again, and also suspect but obviously again cannot prove that other cases have disappeared into that same ICAC Black Hole...and that's exactly what SA ICAC is designed to do...and I guarantee that the victims of those horrendous crimes will be the ones being hammered with threats and bullying from the ICAC and SAPol, threats based on the ICAC legislation, legislation that was designed and instigated to allow exactly this sort of threatening and bullying, this total control and total suppression of issues...(you mean like this ludicrously corrupt ICAC exoneration of Jennifer Rankine?-Ed)...yep, exactly like that...
And I completely reject this farcical shrecking-about where ICAC is awash with ludicrous 'secrecy powers/provisions' and is happy to wield these powers when it suits ICAC or it's Labor masters, whatevs, but no-one else is allowed to comment about ICAC's conduct or criticise it's operation, etc, yet then stuff just appears in the media about ICAC investigations, etc, because ICAC can just say whatever it likes about whatevs, do whatevs...it's 100% Whatevs with 100% power, and that is truly scary...(can't you get in trouble for just talking about ICAC?...isn't the first Rule of ICAC that no-one's allowed to talk about ICAC-Ed)...if ICAC feels like it, probably, maybe, dunno, when and if it suits ICAC and their agenda/purpose?...gourd knows because it's a complete dog's breakfast...(you touch my breakfast and I will gnaw you a new one-Mr Woofs The Wonderhound (not his real name))...settle down, nobody's touching ya' breakfast...(that's right, no-one's touchin' my breakfast-Mr Woofs)...
I completely reject the premise that the SA ICAC is about appropriate resolution of the rank institutionalised corruption of SA Parliament, SAPol, the Judiciary, etc, etc...I reject it as being anything other than a farcical yet frightening weapon of control being wielded by the paedophiles and crooks who run this sad, sick state...and here in these 2 articles/stories is the proof positive of what I'm saying, a secret 2 year investigation of the rank corruption of Minister Jennifer Rankine and then she's exonerated and it's all suppressed to protect her from her own corruption...(so the ICAC is corruptly protecting Jennifer Rankine from the repercussions of her own corruption? that sounds very corrupt in itself-Ed)...exactly Ed, that's exactly what it is, corrupt as...
So, it's 2 years of secret hearings, etc, it's 100% Secret Squirrel from SA ICAC for the corrupt Labor Minister Jennifer Rankine as ICAC acts to protect her, and the story 'leaks out' after that 2 years, etc, etc...and then for this poor mug from Forestry SA it's wham! from day one, it's front page, full name (Adrian Hatch), photos and footage, describing the charge, naming the business allegedly involved, etc, etc...this case was in Court late morning, and by noon was being intricately reported on the ABC Radio news and The Advertiser On-line service...(so it's 2 years of secret hearings, etc, for a Labor Minister, but then this poor clown is clearly gettin' hung-out to dry by the ICAC-Ed)...well you've stolen my thunder a bit, but yes, exactly, Mr Hatch is being used by ICAC and Labor, etc, to try and give ICAC some sense of credibility where none exists...
Plotting A Hatch Battoning:...Today Tonight's latest revelations about ICAC's farcical alleged investigation of Jennifer Rankine, etc, are currently available on their website, including stories from June 8th 2015 and the May 23rd 2015 one, being about Jennifer Rankine...(and here again the deliberate and crushing Fascist lunacy of our ICAC legislation in that the ICAC legislation makes us mere plebs even talking about corruption, literally anything at anytime, that is effectively illegal-Ed)...absolutely, effectively illegal as and when ICAC decides it is, but when it's time to protect corrupt politicians, etc, all of those same 'rules of secrecy' are applied to hide the corruption...
(I can't help noticing the extraordinary coincidences between the ICAC/Rankine Cover-up, and the wholly corrupt conduct of the Teachers Registration Board/Crown Solicitors Office Inquiry into Glyn Dorling back in 2003/04-Ed)...you picked-up on that too did ya' mate?...(yeah, to me it's that 'Template of Corruption' stuff again where authorities are clearly operating to a prepared plan/agenda/whatevs in acting to protect a paedophile-Ed)...indeed, start an alleged 'investigation', stop for a year or more, then fudge it through in secrecy, and then trumpet the exoneration that is inevitable from such a corrupt Authority, but the entire thing is suppressed...(yeah, it's exactly what the TRB/Crown Solicitor did to traumatise and distress parents, exact even down to the actual functioning of the officials involved and hiding the evidence, reasons, etc-Ed)...far too exact to be mere unpleasant coincidence...in closing...
Fascist Much?:...Tony Abbott continues to deliberately ramp-up the fear and loathing about 'foreigners' and/or 'terrorism', now saying that Australians need to start spying on each other...(wow, that doesn't sound like Fascism much, does it?...wasn't it the Nazis who refined this 'Societal Spying' stuff?-Ed)...well, they didn't invent spying on your neighbour to help your Fascist government control the both of ya', but yes, I believe it was used, in fact both were used...(both?-Ed)...the fear and loathing stuff, and using that to justify/encourage spying on your neighbours for the government ...
(A quick question...why isn't it that what the wholly corrupt (George) Bush family and the Saudis have done to Iraq for their own personal profits, why isn't that terrorism?-Ed)...because we did it silly, remember? remember Georgie 'Dubya' Bush and his hilarious 'you're with us or you're against us' bollocks?...(so if you question the rank corruption of the Bush family, corruption that in many places stampedes into wholesale Treason against the United States of America, if you question that Treasonous Corruption, then you're a 'terrorist' according to MC GDubya, himself clearly a most Corrupt Traitor and Global Terrorist?-Ed)...indeed Ed..and you tell me, what's more concerning, a combatant fighting in their homeland against an invading Global Terrorist, or a treasonous President?...
Tomorrow: Catchin' Up With Some Stuff
And I do actually apologise for what is in hindsight has been quite a ranty and disjointed post, but it is what it is and it ain't nuthin' but a Thang...please watch those Today Tonight stories and read the attached article and note the massive discrepancies as Mr Hatch is hung out to dry...also please note that photo about the 'Historic Courthouse' because that there's SA Chief Justice Christopher Kourakis who just happened to be in Mt Gambier on the very day they Battoned Down On Hatch, and in Court for part of that day...just sayin'...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Don't FaceBook Warrior, Be Happy
Hello USofA, Greece, Mexico, and Turkey, hello again Turkey...just gunna' crank out another quick post re some stuff about paedophiles that's been appearing on the Facebook site of a Mt Gambier City Councillor...(both-Ed)...sorry?...(both sites...that Councillor has 2 Facebook sites and there have been comments on both about killing/hurting/whatevs paedophiles as retribution for their heinous crimes-Ed)...I thought Facebook is/was/goes all 'frowny emoticon' about those sort of 'violenty' comments?...(dunno, obviously not, perhaps it has to be specific threats or something-Ed)...whatevs...
And I'll quickly own my quickening pulse and rising ire as being due to my personal perception that these Councillor's comments are directed directly to/at me...(yeah, I think you're over-reacting just a little bit, not everything that happens 'round here is about you and/or this 'ere blog-Ed)...fair enough, not everything, but there has been a specific and definable propaganda from Council that has specifically targetted me (and this 'ere blog a' mine) for being a scurrilous trouble-maker runnin' about making random, unsubstantiated, and basically untrue claims about an otherwise faultless Council...(ah yes, I see your point-Ed)...indeed, and furthermore, I'm not aware of any other idiots doin' what I'm doin' as per this 'ere blog, not in this town anyhoos...(another good point-Ed)...ta'...
So when I become aware of/see a Mt Gambier City Councillor making disparaging comments about exactly what I'm doin', comments that follow a specific pattern of Council's as established over many years, namely denigration of anyone who rocks their li'l Ship a' Corruption, and I know that that Councillor knows about the St Martins Cover-up, then I do have trouble not putting all those ducks in a row to create a line that leads straight to me...(yeah, fair enough, as you say, given that these sortta' statements are traditional fare from the fine folk at the wholly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, fare frequently furiously flung in your face about what an absolute A-grade arsehole you are, well I can see how ya' might feel that these same comments being made by a Councillor, on a public website, might be about you-Ed)...ta'...
And that all segues rather beautifully into the latest 'polite warning' I've received from the Electoral Commissioner Kay Mousley that I need to cough-up a signed declaration re my 'political donations' as Mayoral candidate back in the October/November 2014 Local Government Elections...(is that the one where you stated in writing and phone discussion with Ms Mousley that you weren't providing Statement One about Not Nuthin' to the wholly corrupt, thuggish, bullying Mt Gambier City Council, and gave several examples, eg, the lady publicly attacked by Council for complaining about the dangerous drainage ponds,or when Councillor Ian Von Stanke comin' to your home in April 2011 and the corrupt refusal of CEOs Greg Muller and Mark McShane to do anything about it, etc, etc, etc...is it that stuff-Ed)...damn straight...
I rarely if ever use 'social media' other than doin' this 'ere blog...gotta' Facebook page (I think) that my child set-up for me but I don't use it, occasionally check-out others stuff where necessary, follow a coupla' other peeps pages/blogs/whatevs, etc, and so it is I've become aware of these particular stories/statements/whatevs...and thusly awared, I was then somewhat bemused to read the Councillors statements about the problems with "...little campaigns by community warriors..." and the problems CWs create...(but that Councillor's doing 2 Facebook pages and has had an opinion on many issues, and one site is specifically a sortta' 'Community Newsy Page Thingy'...surely they themselves are a 'community warrior'?-Ed)...well indeed Ed, point one well made...
And I 99% support the CNPT 'cos it can be very useful and there has been some great stuff on it, etc, but I put it to the Councillor involved that they need to get their personal shizzle outta' the public page and onto the private one...(dude, your whole blog, this 'ere blog, it's all about your personal stuff and what you think about it, etc, etc, it's a bit rich to go someone else for their 'personalising'-Ed)...fair enough, but I'd argue that I'm actually in most of what I discuss, and/or directly involved in creating that news/incident/whatevs, in a context where just about everything that's happening 'to me/about me/whatevs' is a cause for concern for the whole community...(fair enough-Ed)...and that's all about the CNPT, it's all good, just keep what's appropriate where it's appropriate...
Sans Sarcasm:...in that I thought I had explained sufficiently to this Councillor what has happened re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and therefore they know full-well that it took parents nearly a decade of appropriate approaches to the appropriate authorities before finally resorting to 'social media' out of sheer desperation, having exhausted every corrupt authority and media organisation in this sad sick pro-paedophile state...(sorry? they know about the St Martins Cover-up? so this Councillor knows about St Martins and what you and other parents have been through, let alone what happened to the kids, and they're posting that stuff?-Ed)...slow down Ed, people make mistakes...
And that's exactly the context I choose to approach this post/address these comments, because I genuinely believe that these are at worst clumsy comments that have resultantly caused great trauma, distress and displeasure for a number of people who have been directly involved in the St Martins Cover-up, and undoubtedly other cases, but that that offense/trauma/distress is not deliberately intended...unfortunately, given that these comments about 'community warriors', etc, come from a Councillor and explicitly mimic City Council's denigration of me and what I'm doing, y'all will excuse me if I do believe when I read,
"...these little Facebook campaign pages about "local paedophiles" etc, don't work"..."
"...unless it's based off fact and conviction...
...that these comments are directed straight at me...
And while we're there, there's no such thing as a 'free event' at the Main Corner/Town Hall facility because Ratepayers have paid for every inch of that place, then pay for every light on, every security person present, every sandwich served, etc, and a private business profits from every catered soiree...(do you mean because the private operators of the Main Corner have an un-challengeable stranglehold on everything that happens in that wholly Ratepayer-funded Commercial Function Facility via the 'Perpetual Lease' they have due to a corrupt Council meeting where Council just handed the even more corrupt original lease from Councillor Des Mutton's son Lachlan over to their other mates, without any Public Tender/Consultation/Whatevs?-Ed)...you have a way of asking questions that look a lot like statements Ed, ya' know that?...(it's a gift-Ed)...but we digress...
And can you imagine the trouble that that bastard Nick Fletcher would be in if he started posting/hosting/whatevs comments as appear on these site's, eg, "Rock spiders should be hung", "Bring back the electric chair", "He needs to be put down now.", "F.....g wanker love to get my hands on the scum bag", etc, etc...(yes, I see what you mean, all valid commentaries but problematic in their implied threats of violence, etc-Ed)...exactly...not the Councillor's words but still on their site, and if I were to post the like I'd be in a world of trouble...(I concur-Ed)...
I have been aware for some years of this specific case of Incestual Child Abuse referred to, and as horrendous as it undoubtedly is, it still pales in comparison to the officially sanctioned Rann/Weatherill Labor government conspiring with the Lutheran Church to knowingly protect teacher Glyn Dorling, a man described to me by FCPS (Flinders Child Protection Service) as being a "text-book grooming paedophile" who had clearly "researched" the litany of psychological, emotional and physical abuses he committed against dozens of junior primary students (6-8 years old), starting Day One of the 2002 school year...the Lutherans moved Dorling to Mt Gambier in the late 90s after 'sacking him' from a Lutheran school in Adelaide, and then protected him from various parent complaints, legal actions, etc, before moving him again from St Martins in 2002, etc, etc...
What this Incest case does highlight is 1) how much of this type of crime/story/whatevs re what's happening in Mt Gambier, how much of this stuff never officially sees the light a' day, and 2) the farcical sentencing from an apparently pro-paedophile Judiciary who regularly give these sort of miniscule sentences, many of which are then fully suspended...
And now a list of the rancidly corrupt in this town whom know full well about the St Martins Cover-up and are either directly involved and actively absolutely complicit, like say Rory McEwen and Steve Perryman, or say those 'stalwarts' of the ABC Local Radio, Stan Thompson and Stuart Stansfield...go on Stuart, pull this shreckin' post down champ...everyone in this town knows what you've done Stanley and Stuart, you and all your gutless, selfish, corrupt comrades there at the wholly corrupt ABC...and again, if you're in the handful of hard-working, genuine peeps at the ABC, I can only apologise in that obviously I don't blame you for what your paymasters have done to make you part of their corruption...(very nicely put sir, exactly how it is...your bosses at the ABC make you all look like corrupt pro-paedophile minions, ain't nobody else's fault but there's-Ed)...indeed...
Go through this blog and read about how, according to Sandra Winter-Dewhirst, your bosses got together as far back as 2006 and decided to dump the St Martins case, and all the shizzle they've heaped on us families/parents, etc, since in protecting the Lutherans and Glyn Dorling...read this blog and then tell me I'm the problem...
And I'll quickly, briefly tangentialise by genuinely saying that if you're a junior whatevs at Council, SAPol, the ABC, wherevs/whatevs, then ya' should know by now that I ain't swingin' at you...(and if you're a new availee of this 'ere blog, he does this shizzle all the time...unloads mercilessly at the corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, Labor/Weatherill government, SAPol, etc, after/whilst warning all others to keep their collective heads down-Ed)...and if ya' can't get ya' head 'round the idea that I'm talking to your corrupt bosses, maybe save ya' bloody whingin' about me and utilise it to a better purpose, eg, addressing and then removing the paedophile-control of Mt Gambier, indeed the paedophile-control of all SA...
(It's not a bad effort really-Ed)...what is...(well openly flagging your intentions to flail all involved, albeit flailing them with a rod they've created for their own backs-Ed)...you mean the whole 'Frankenhippy' thing?..(yep, that's exactly what I mean...these corrupt pro-paedophile clowns like Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, Rory McEwen, Steve Perryman, et al, and how their own actions have created the problem you've become re their pro-paedophile corruption-Ed)...admittedly, on my worsest days I crawl outta' the grey and into the light fueled only by an unquenchable rage and thirsting for revenge, but when I get here, here on this 'ere blog where it is I take my rage and my vengeancings...(you made that word up-Ed)...yep...here I is and here is my anger and for all the misshapen monster of vengeful hatred that I undoubtedly have been driven to become, here is the only place you'll see that rage...
As a genuinely gentle person I don't even feel really comfortable about goin' this Councillor and certainly won't be going onto their Interweb sites, albeit public sites...(indeed, I'd noticed that you haven't even named them or their websites-Ed)..yep, some will know whom I'm talking about anyway, but I'm hoping that this post will prompt unsaid Councillor to realise what they've done, make a sincere apology, on both sites, for the trauma and insult caused in ignorance but caused none the less...and in fact make it apologies plural for the gross offense and distress that these comments have caused to others in this community...
Jest In Closing:...the new service we provide, TMGI Travel, which includes comprehensive reviews and comments from world leaders, eg, "Not as good as any of the hotels in my Mother Russia of course, but yeah, it's alright I s'pose."...(whaaa?-Ed)...sorry, Putin on the Ritz...(ah nice, a traditional, well-worn, hand-turned joke about the Russian President's name, re-worked to be almost funny before I dragged us kicking and screaming into the Dead Joke Zone-Ed)...and so ends the humour...
Tomorrow: Finally My Court Stuff
Corruption FIFA All:...starts to go pear-shaped for the fat-cats involved, including Australia's senior Football (Soccer) officials...just watching this hilarious investigative journo Andrew Jennings doing his whingy, whiny child-voice impersonation of our multi-millionaire/billionaire/whatevs FFA El Presidenté Frank Lowey, '"..ooo, I didn't know that Jack Warner was pocketting monies..."...hilarious...(I was nearly as shocked as FIFA President Sepp Blatter that there's corruption in FIFA-Ed)...indeed, and the hilarity continues because it's just being announced that Sepp has resigned...(whatt'a disgrace-Ed)...whatevs...(and I was gunna' go with Blatter Splatter - When The Fans Hit The Sepp-Ed)...uhh, nice try...
Just being reported that people who are being constantly re-traumatised by the reporting of Child Abuse Royal Commission stuff, can get 'counselling'...(where?-Ed)...yeah, didn't say that, just that they can...(helpful, not-Ed)...indeed, it's my experience that there's no Child Protection Services of any form in Mt Gambier...and quite deliberately...
I am Nick Fletcher I'm a large, angry, hippy, and thus this is my blog...cheers and laters...
And I'll quickly own my quickening pulse and rising ire as being due to my personal perception that these Councillor's comments are directed directly to/at me...(yeah, I think you're over-reacting just a little bit, not everything that happens 'round here is about you and/or this 'ere blog-Ed)...fair enough, not everything, but there has been a specific and definable propaganda from Council that has specifically targetted me (and this 'ere blog a' mine) for being a scurrilous trouble-maker runnin' about making random, unsubstantiated, and basically untrue claims about an otherwise faultless Council...(ah yes, I see your point-Ed)...indeed, and furthermore, I'm not aware of any other idiots doin' what I'm doin' as per this 'ere blog, not in this town anyhoos...(another good point-Ed)...ta'...
So when I become aware of/see a Mt Gambier City Councillor making disparaging comments about exactly what I'm doin', comments that follow a specific pattern of Council's as established over many years, namely denigration of anyone who rocks their li'l Ship a' Corruption, and I know that that Councillor knows about the St Martins Cover-up, then I do have trouble not putting all those ducks in a row to create a line that leads straight to me...(yeah, fair enough, as you say, given that these sortta' statements are traditional fare from the fine folk at the wholly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, fare frequently furiously flung in your face about what an absolute A-grade arsehole you are, well I can see how ya' might feel that these same comments being made by a Councillor, on a public website, might be about you-Ed)...ta'...
And that all segues rather beautifully into the latest 'polite warning' I've received from the Electoral Commissioner Kay Mousley that I need to cough-up a signed declaration re my 'political donations' as Mayoral candidate back in the October/November 2014 Local Government Elections...(is that the one where you stated in writing and phone discussion with Ms Mousley that you weren't providing Statement One about Not Nuthin' to the wholly corrupt, thuggish, bullying Mt Gambier City Council, and gave several examples, eg, the lady publicly attacked by Council for complaining about the dangerous drainage ponds,or when Councillor Ian Von Stanke comin' to your home in April 2011 and the corrupt refusal of CEOs Greg Muller and Mark McShane to do anything about it, etc, etc, etc...is it that stuff-Ed)...damn straight...
I rarely if ever use 'social media' other than doin' this 'ere blog...gotta' Facebook page (I think) that my child set-up for me but I don't use it, occasionally check-out others stuff where necessary, follow a coupla' other peeps pages/blogs/whatevs, etc, and so it is I've become aware of these particular stories/statements/whatevs...and thusly awared, I was then somewhat bemused to read the Councillors statements about the problems with "...little campaigns by community warriors..." and the problems CWs create...(but that Councillor's doing 2 Facebook pages and has had an opinion on many issues, and one site is specifically a sortta' 'Community Newsy Page Thingy'...surely they themselves are a 'community warrior'?-Ed)...well indeed Ed, point one well made...
And I 99% support the CNPT 'cos it can be very useful and there has been some great stuff on it, etc, but I put it to the Councillor involved that they need to get their personal shizzle outta' the public page and onto the private one...(dude, your whole blog, this 'ere blog, it's all about your personal stuff and what you think about it, etc, etc, it's a bit rich to go someone else for their 'personalising'-Ed)...fair enough, but I'd argue that I'm actually in most of what I discuss, and/or directly involved in creating that news/incident/whatevs, in a context where just about everything that's happening 'to me/about me/whatevs' is a cause for concern for the whole community...(fair enough-Ed)...and that's all about the CNPT, it's all good, just keep what's appropriate where it's appropriate...
Sans Sarcasm:...in that I thought I had explained sufficiently to this Councillor what has happened re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and therefore they know full-well that it took parents nearly a decade of appropriate approaches to the appropriate authorities before finally resorting to 'social media' out of sheer desperation, having exhausted every corrupt authority and media organisation in this sad sick pro-paedophile state...(sorry? they know about the St Martins Cover-up? so this Councillor knows about St Martins and what you and other parents have been through, let alone what happened to the kids, and they're posting that stuff?-Ed)...slow down Ed, people make mistakes...
And that's exactly the context I choose to approach this post/address these comments, because I genuinely believe that these are at worst clumsy comments that have resultantly caused great trauma, distress and displeasure for a number of people who have been directly involved in the St Martins Cover-up, and undoubtedly other cases, but that that offense/trauma/distress is not deliberately intended...unfortunately, given that these comments about 'community warriors', etc, come from a Councillor and explicitly mimic City Council's denigration of me and what I'm doing, y'all will excuse me if I do believe when I read,
"...these little Facebook campaign pages about "local paedophiles" etc, don't work"..."
"...unless it's based off fact and conviction...
...that these comments are directed straight at me...
And while we're there, there's no such thing as a 'free event' at the Main Corner/Town Hall facility because Ratepayers have paid for every inch of that place, then pay for every light on, every security person present, every sandwich served, etc, and a private business profits from every catered soiree...(do you mean because the private operators of the Main Corner have an un-challengeable stranglehold on everything that happens in that wholly Ratepayer-funded Commercial Function Facility via the 'Perpetual Lease' they have due to a corrupt Council meeting where Council just handed the even more corrupt original lease from Councillor Des Mutton's son Lachlan over to their other mates, without any Public Tender/Consultation/Whatevs?-Ed)...you have a way of asking questions that look a lot like statements Ed, ya' know that?...(it's a gift-Ed)...but we digress...
And can you imagine the trouble that that bastard Nick Fletcher would be in if he started posting/hosting/whatevs comments as appear on these site's, eg, "Rock spiders should be hung", "Bring back the electric chair", "He needs to be put down now.", "F.....g wanker love to get my hands on the scum bag", etc, etc...(yes, I see what you mean, all valid commentaries but problematic in their implied threats of violence, etc-Ed)...exactly...not the Councillor's words but still on their site, and if I were to post the like I'd be in a world of trouble...(I concur-Ed)...
I have been aware for some years of this specific case of Incestual Child Abuse referred to, and as horrendous as it undoubtedly is, it still pales in comparison to the officially sanctioned Rann/Weatherill Labor government conspiring with the Lutheran Church to knowingly protect teacher Glyn Dorling, a man described to me by FCPS (Flinders Child Protection Service) as being a "text-book grooming paedophile" who had clearly "researched" the litany of psychological, emotional and physical abuses he committed against dozens of junior primary students (6-8 years old), starting Day One of the 2002 school year...the Lutherans moved Dorling to Mt Gambier in the late 90s after 'sacking him' from a Lutheran school in Adelaide, and then protected him from various parent complaints, legal actions, etc, before moving him again from St Martins in 2002, etc, etc...
What this Incest case does highlight is 1) how much of this type of crime/story/whatevs re what's happening in Mt Gambier, how much of this stuff never officially sees the light a' day, and 2) the farcical sentencing from an apparently pro-paedophile Judiciary who regularly give these sort of miniscule sentences, many of which are then fully suspended...
And now a list of the rancidly corrupt in this town whom know full well about the St Martins Cover-up and are either directly involved and actively absolutely complicit, like say Rory McEwen and Steve Perryman, or say those 'stalwarts' of the ABC Local Radio, Stan Thompson and Stuart Stansfield...go on Stuart, pull this shreckin' post down champ...everyone in this town knows what you've done Stanley and Stuart, you and all your gutless, selfish, corrupt comrades there at the wholly corrupt ABC...and again, if you're in the handful of hard-working, genuine peeps at the ABC, I can only apologise in that obviously I don't blame you for what your paymasters have done to make you part of their corruption...(very nicely put sir, exactly how it is...your bosses at the ABC make you all look like corrupt pro-paedophile minions, ain't nobody else's fault but there's-Ed)...indeed...
Go through this blog and read about how, according to Sandra Winter-Dewhirst, your bosses got together as far back as 2006 and decided to dump the St Martins case, and all the shizzle they've heaped on us families/parents, etc, since in protecting the Lutherans and Glyn Dorling...read this blog and then tell me I'm the problem...
And I'll quickly, briefly tangentialise by genuinely saying that if you're a junior whatevs at Council, SAPol, the ABC, wherevs/whatevs, then ya' should know by now that I ain't swingin' at you...(and if you're a new availee of this 'ere blog, he does this shizzle all the time...unloads mercilessly at the corrupt Mt Gambier City Council, Labor/Weatherill government, SAPol, etc, after/whilst warning all others to keep their collective heads down-Ed)...and if ya' can't get ya' head 'round the idea that I'm talking to your corrupt bosses, maybe save ya' bloody whingin' about me and utilise it to a better purpose, eg, addressing and then removing the paedophile-control of Mt Gambier, indeed the paedophile-control of all SA...
(It's not a bad effort really-Ed)...what is...(well openly flagging your intentions to flail all involved, albeit flailing them with a rod they've created for their own backs-Ed)...you mean the whole 'Frankenhippy' thing?..(yep, that's exactly what I mean...these corrupt pro-paedophile clowns like Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, Rory McEwen, Steve Perryman, et al, and how their own actions have created the problem you've become re their pro-paedophile corruption-Ed)...admittedly, on my worsest days I crawl outta' the grey and into the light fueled only by an unquenchable rage and thirsting for revenge, but when I get here, here on this 'ere blog where it is I take my rage and my vengeancings...(you made that word up-Ed)...yep...here I is and here is my anger and for all the misshapen monster of vengeful hatred that I undoubtedly have been driven to become, here is the only place you'll see that rage...
As a genuinely gentle person I don't even feel really comfortable about goin' this Councillor and certainly won't be going onto their Interweb sites, albeit public sites...(indeed, I'd noticed that you haven't even named them or their websites-Ed)..yep, some will know whom I'm talking about anyway, but I'm hoping that this post will prompt unsaid Councillor to realise what they've done, make a sincere apology, on both sites, for the trauma and insult caused in ignorance but caused none the less...and in fact make it apologies plural for the gross offense and distress that these comments have caused to others in this community...
Jest In Closing:...the new service we provide, TMGI Travel, which includes comprehensive reviews and comments from world leaders, eg, "Not as good as any of the hotels in my Mother Russia of course, but yeah, it's alright I s'pose."...(whaaa?-Ed)...sorry, Putin on the Ritz...(ah nice, a traditional, well-worn, hand-turned joke about the Russian President's name, re-worked to be almost funny before I dragged us kicking and screaming into the Dead Joke Zone-Ed)...and so ends the humour...
Tomorrow: Finally My Court Stuff
Corruption FIFA All:...starts to go pear-shaped for the fat-cats involved, including Australia's senior Football (Soccer) officials...just watching this hilarious investigative journo Andrew Jennings doing his whingy, whiny child-voice impersonation of our multi-millionaire/billionaire/whatevs FFA El Presidenté Frank Lowey, '"..ooo, I didn't know that Jack Warner was pocketting monies..."...hilarious...(I was nearly as shocked as FIFA President Sepp Blatter that there's corruption in FIFA-Ed)...indeed, and the hilarity continues because it's just being announced that Sepp has resigned...(whatt'a disgrace-Ed)...whatevs...(and I was gunna' go with Blatter Splatter - When The Fans Hit The Sepp-Ed)...uhh, nice try...
Just being reported that people who are being constantly re-traumatised by the reporting of Child Abuse Royal Commission stuff, can get 'counselling'...(where?-Ed)...yeah, didn't say that, just that they can...(helpful, not-Ed)...indeed, it's my experience that there's no Child Protection Services of any form in Mt Gambier...and quite deliberately...
I am Nick Fletcher I'm a large, angry, hippy, and thus this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Apparently, I'm "Obsessed With That Stuff"
Hello and welcome to a sortta' day off for me, but still a short post of many documents...I usually enjoy being proven wrong about stuff...(it's true, you do don't you, all that stuff about 'writing about problems and hoping to be wrong because if I'm right then things are really wrong'-Ed)...you know me too well Ed, but on this occasion it was just wrong the way someone got all up in my grill and shizzle with some charmingly bewildering observations re my conduct re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...
Apparently, I'm "obsessed with that stuff"...(hence the title-Ed)...yep, and also I "need to get a real job" and also "need to get a life"...(charming-Ed)...told you so...and I went past the retort ringin' in my head, something along the lines of, 'you know, I'd be really offended by that if I thought you had the faintest idea what you were talking about', I went past that and quietly, politely explained some of the broader issues to this person...(but they just kept going?-Ed)...exactly, how did you know?...(ah, I know the type, ain't gunna listen, don't wanna' really know, ain't about to either apologise or change their mind, a pig-ignorant idiot if you will-Ed)...yes, I will, that'll do nicely...
And as happens in my reality, I was tryin' to clean-up the multiple piles of newspapers, documents, bills, etc, when I ran into these copies of actual documents, and I thought, what better way to address my personal anger at this idiot and at the St Martins Cover-up in general, than by posting them...some availees will have already seen these so apologies, but what can I say, apparently I'm still the problem and yet here's letters proving that in August 2005 the then Premier Mike Rann, and the then Families and Communities Minister (Families SA) and current Premier Jay Weatherill, they both, 1) knew about St Martins, and 2) officially blocked Comm Mullighan investigating the school and/or "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling...
Also attached, again from The Border Watch May 6th 2005 where TBW gives Rory McEwen the front page to viciously denigrate us parents in knowingly protecting a paedophile...(way to go Rory, top effort TBW, great work all 'round really-Ed)...only slightly surpassed by Rory's corrupt rantings on WIN TV in March 2006, as I transcribed verbatim at the time, also attached...
The other letter stems from my June 1st 2012 chat with Premier Weatherill on ABC Radio Adelaide, a chat in which he claimed to have 'no memory' of having been involved with Comm Mullighan re Mt Gambier, etc...(but the letters? in the letters he says-Ed)...yeah, I know, sorry to cut you off but I know where you're going..apparently Ray Jay's been involved in stopping, has officially signed his hand to stopping Comm Mullighan investigating stuff so many times that the St Martins incident just doesn't stand-out as memorable...he then hand-balled it all to Grace Portolesi whom, like the rankly corrupt stooge she is, dismissed the whole thing without even contacting me...(wow-Ed)...
So this is what I've been doing with my life, this is what a day off looks like in the reality of Nick Fletcher...(get a real job? what an idiot...nobody in this damn State goes harder, no-one tries harder, has anyone shown a fraction of the fractious determination to resolve against outrageous opposition, against the combined pro-paedophile corruption of the Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary, against the wholesale pro-paedophile corruption that defines SA-Ed)...well ta' Ed, but there are those who'd argue it's more a certain indicator of instability even delusion to even consider unhinging even some of the paedophiles swingin' from the bloody chandeliers in this sad sick state...
Tomorrow: More Stuff And Probably Some Nonsense
And of course a quick review of the extraordinary interviews Stan Thompson ran on the ABC this morning, all about how the Child Abuse Royal Commission has been in contact with some people from Mt Gambier, etc...forget my rage, forget my ego, whatevs, Stanley had a checklist in front of him and he was checkin' it off twice, no problems, and I'm calling it that that list was prepared directly from this 'ere blog...all the points I've raised recently about the cynical, manipulative joke that the Royal Commission is behind the facade, it's not coming to Mt Gambier, etc, the pro-paedophile corruption of the ABC, etc, all the little ducks gettin' funky in one very groovy line...nice work Stanley...almost...(almost? until along came a bastard?-Ed)...and it just is that I am...(nice-Ed)...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Apparently, I'm "obsessed with that stuff"...(hence the title-Ed)...yep, and also I "need to get a real job" and also "need to get a life"...(charming-Ed)...told you so...and I went past the retort ringin' in my head, something along the lines of, 'you know, I'd be really offended by that if I thought you had the faintest idea what you were talking about', I went past that and quietly, politely explained some of the broader issues to this person...(but they just kept going?-Ed)...exactly, how did you know?...(ah, I know the type, ain't gunna listen, don't wanna' really know, ain't about to either apologise or change their mind, a pig-ignorant idiot if you will-Ed)...yes, I will, that'll do nicely...
And as happens in my reality, I was tryin' to clean-up the multiple piles of newspapers, documents, bills, etc, when I ran into these copies of actual documents, and I thought, what better way to address my personal anger at this idiot and at the St Martins Cover-up in general, than by posting them...some availees will have already seen these so apologies, but what can I say, apparently I'm still the problem and yet here's letters proving that in August 2005 the then Premier Mike Rann, and the then Families and Communities Minister (Families SA) and current Premier Jay Weatherill, they both, 1) knew about St Martins, and 2) officially blocked Comm Mullighan investigating the school and/or "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling...
Also attached, again from The Border Watch May 6th 2005 where TBW gives Rory McEwen the front page to viciously denigrate us parents in knowingly protecting a paedophile...(way to go Rory, top effort TBW, great work all 'round really-Ed)...only slightly surpassed by Rory's corrupt rantings on WIN TV in March 2006, as I transcribed verbatim at the time, also attached...
The other letter stems from my June 1st 2012 chat with Premier Weatherill on ABC Radio Adelaide, a chat in which he claimed to have 'no memory' of having been involved with Comm Mullighan re Mt Gambier, etc...(but the letters? in the letters he says-Ed)...yeah, I know, sorry to cut you off but I know where you're going..apparently Ray Jay's been involved in stopping, has officially signed his hand to stopping Comm Mullighan investigating stuff so many times that the St Martins incident just doesn't stand-out as memorable...he then hand-balled it all to Grace Portolesi whom, like the rankly corrupt stooge she is, dismissed the whole thing without even contacting me...(wow-Ed)...
So this is what I've been doing with my life, this is what a day off looks like in the reality of Nick Fletcher...(get a real job? what an idiot...nobody in this damn State goes harder, no-one tries harder, has anyone shown a fraction of the fractious determination to resolve against outrageous opposition, against the combined pro-paedophile corruption of the Legislative, the Executive and the Judiciary, against the wholesale pro-paedophile corruption that defines SA-Ed)...well ta' Ed, but there are those who'd argue it's more a certain indicator of instability even delusion to even consider unhinging even some of the paedophiles swingin' from the bloody chandeliers in this sad sick state...
Tomorrow: More Stuff And Probably Some Nonsense
And of course a quick review of the extraordinary interviews Stan Thompson ran on the ABC this morning, all about how the Child Abuse Royal Commission has been in contact with some people from Mt Gambier, etc...forget my rage, forget my ego, whatevs, Stanley had a checklist in front of him and he was checkin' it off twice, no problems, and I'm calling it that that list was prepared directly from this 'ere blog...all the points I've raised recently about the cynical, manipulative joke that the Royal Commission is behind the facade, it's not coming to Mt Gambier, etc, the pro-paedophile corruption of the ABC, etc, all the little ducks gettin' funky in one very groovy line...nice work Stanley...almost...(almost? until along came a bastard?-Ed)...and it just is that I am...(nice-Ed)...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...
Monday, June 1, 2015
Gray Gray Goes From Cray Cray To Gaga Re MGRC GeeGees
Howdy y'all, welcome to the first in a flurry of catch-up posts somewhat different to the usual fare in that there's strictly one topic per post, not the random stuff I usually produce, and where other's words will be allowed to do the speakin' for them...(I particularly like the hilarious and very classy The Border Watch headliney thingy, "Club flogging dead horse", it's an absolutely appropriate title for a story about a dangerous track because there's nuthin' funnier and indeed punters love nothing more than a few dead neddies stewn about-Ed)...a little heavy on the sarcasm for my liking Ed, but your point's well made...
(Still not quite in the same league as TBW's headline re the 'Ice' Epidemic and our local SAPol Superintendent Twilley stating that he knows people of stature and position in our fine society who are 'Ice' users-Ed)...remind me...("Drug Use In High Places"-Ed)...hilarious because it's just not...
What I find particularly disturbing about all of this whinging about the jockeys and/or the Mt Gambier Racing Club bumff,etc, is that in the stuff I've seen/heard/read/whatevs, I've ne'ry heard a mention of the young woman who was killed during a race meeting at Murray Bridge on October 214th 2014...Kaitlin Forrest, her name is Kaitlin Forrest...and I have no hesitation in gouging straight from there and straight at those many voices who were scathing in their blaming of the jockey's...(including that clown Peter Walsh on the ABC-Ed)...if you say so...and even Gray Gray seems to be having a go again, so's I'll say it again...
Firstly, whatta' disgrace for anyone to blame the jockey's in any way shape or fashion, but whatta' gutless effort for those actually responsible for the track to be involved in that blaming...the other clowns are just clowns...secondly, the Mt Gambier Race Course is a workplace, the MG Racing Club has failed to provide a safe workplace, and that failure is in a context where a 'safe' workplace is still instantly potentially deadly...on a perfectly safe straight track a horse can stumble, fall, bring down others on top of it, etc, etc...sending those dumb animals to go thundering around a known dangerous course where it's slippery in the turns, well that right there's a genuine and massive Occupational Health and Safety issue...(it's dangerous for the horses too-Ed)...taboomtish...
I ain't even gunna' try and unravel the contradictions and discrepancies here-in, I'm just gunna' let this one explain itself...please find attached Graham Greenwood's usual piece, From The Front Porch, from Friday's TBW (May 22nd 2015)...(I've always said that that this 'ere blog is very homagey of Gray Gray, and indeed should be called From The Back Door-Ed)...charming...followed by his perfectly executed back-flip of Wednesday 27th May 2015...(Gray Gray jumps horses so often, tumbling about with such dextrous flexibility, he's kinda' like a one-man Cirque de Soleil crossed with one a' them Prancing Horse show thingys, but still manages to end-up in that ol' barbwire canoe and that same ol' creek a' shizzle-Ed)...indeed, and then the reality as finally acknowledged Friday 29th May 2015...
I'm confused about the timetable of works/repairs/whatevs, but I did think there'd been a series of pokes at repairing the damage done initially, and I don't see where the cancelled meeting from a coupla' years back is even mentioned in any of this stuff, the one that was moved to Keith 'cos of the MGRC track's problems, and then cancelled completely 'cos stewards couldn't fly to Keith...
I'll just leave it at that 'cos there's so much stuff here already to read through...
Tomorrow: The Court Stuff I Hope
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

(Still not quite in the same league as TBW's headline re the 'Ice' Epidemic and our local SAPol Superintendent Twilley stating that he knows people of stature and position in our fine society who are 'Ice' users-Ed)...remind me...("Drug Use In High Places"-Ed)...hilarious because it's just not...
What I find particularly disturbing about all of this whinging about the jockeys and/or the Mt Gambier Racing Club bumff,etc, is that in the stuff I've seen/heard/read/whatevs, I've ne'ry heard a mention of the young woman who was killed during a race meeting at Murray Bridge on October 214th 2014...Kaitlin Forrest, her name is Kaitlin Forrest...and I have no hesitation in gouging straight from there and straight at those many voices who were scathing in their blaming of the jockey's...(including that clown Peter Walsh on the ABC-Ed)...if you say so...and even Gray Gray seems to be having a go again, so's I'll say it again...
Firstly, whatta' disgrace for anyone to blame the jockey's in any way shape or fashion, but whatta' gutless effort for those actually responsible for the track to be involved in that blaming...the other clowns are just clowns...secondly, the Mt Gambier Race Course is a workplace, the MG Racing Club has failed to provide a safe workplace, and that failure is in a context where a 'safe' workplace is still instantly potentially deadly...on a perfectly safe straight track a horse can stumble, fall, bring down others on top of it, etc, etc...sending those dumb animals to go thundering around a known dangerous course where it's slippery in the turns, well that right there's a genuine and massive Occupational Health and Safety issue...(it's dangerous for the horses too-Ed)...taboomtish...
I ain't even gunna' try and unravel the contradictions and discrepancies here-in, I'm just gunna' let this one explain itself...please find attached Graham Greenwood's usual piece, From The Front Porch, from Friday's TBW (May 22nd 2015)...(I've always said that that this 'ere blog is very homagey of Gray Gray, and indeed should be called From The Back Door-Ed)...charming...followed by his perfectly executed back-flip of Wednesday 27th May 2015...(Gray Gray jumps horses so often, tumbling about with such dextrous flexibility, he's kinda' like a one-man Cirque de Soleil crossed with one a' them Prancing Horse show thingys, but still manages to end-up in that ol' barbwire canoe and that same ol' creek a' shizzle-Ed)...indeed, and then the reality as finally acknowledged Friday 29th May 2015...
I'm confused about the timetable of works/repairs/whatevs, but I did think there'd been a series of pokes at repairing the damage done initially, and I don't see where the cancelled meeting from a coupla' years back is even mentioned in any of this stuff, the one that was moved to Keith 'cos of the MGRC track's problems, and then cancelled completely 'cos stewards couldn't fly to Keith...
I'll just leave it at that 'cos there's so much stuff here already to read through...
Tomorrow: The Court Stuff I Hope
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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