Tuesday, November 23, 2021

More James Morrison Lies About Academy Closure

Howdy dear availees...apologies for the week-long hiatus but I've been very unwell...won't bore y'all with the details, but still struggling along...anyhoos, fortunately I can 'come-back' with a relatively short post to cover what's been in the last 2 posts...so if y'all haven't read those posts...(and the posts from earlier this year-Ed)...yep, I've included those links...(and the posts about James Morrison supporting and protecting the 'alleged' Rapist Matthew Harkin-Ed)...yeah those as well, actually, just quickly, for those whom haven't already read them, here's those links again...




And here's also the links to TMGI's posts specifically about Harkin and Morrison...there are several others if y'all want to check them out, but these are the main ones...





In our most recent post we did a fully verbatim transcript from Morrison's speech at the JMA Farewell Concert (Thursday 11th November 2021) and as played on the ABC South East on the following Saturday morning...(and we included a brief synopsis of the lies Jimmy was spewing-out-Ed)...indeed, and on Monday 15th November Jimmy Trumpets was interviewed at length on ABC SE, and again trotted-out the same deceitful non-justifications for the closure of the Academy...he has again blamed COVID19 as being the main factor, stating that, as a result 1) international students couldn't get here, and that 2) UniSA had 'closed' all of their external programs...as we've previously highlighted, if COVID19 was in anyway the genuine reason, then why did UniSA refuse to make that comment?...(indeed, refused to comment at all-Ed)...exactly, and it's so glaringly obvious what UniSA could/would have said, ie, 'due to the global pandemic, unfortunately UniSA has no choice but to end our  association with the wonderful Morrison Academy. It is a great loss, and we wish James and JMA every success in the future.'...(exactly! it's exactly that simple, no statement at all is the silence that screams volumes-Ed)...and leaves us to fill in the blanks...

And Trumpet boy was apparently on ABC Adelaide Radio on Saturday 20th November 2021, but I missed it...however, it has been described to me as being very similar to Jimmy's previous statements/interviews, in that he said the closure was due to COVID19, and that he's 'all about helping the underprivileged kiddies', etc...(and apparently there was a brief article in The Advertiser on Saturday 13th November 2021, which was just more of the same vacuous excuses, ie, COVID19-Ed)...yep, and as explained above, if that were the genuine excuse/reason, then UniSA would have just said exactly that...  

Not sure why I haven't come across this before, but here's the link to a petition to have Morrison removed from the ABC's Jazz playlist Top 100 thingy...it's a year old now, but is an excellently written   summation of the many issues around Morrison's intimate support for the perpetrator, and abject failure to support the victim/survivor...(it's quite long and there are a series of links to various news articles and a coupla' 'Comments', but it's well worth the time to go through it all-Ed)...absolutely, it particularly identifies that sense/reality that the Morrison Academy is/was an unsafe place for female students...


Gunna' finish here 'cos there's tons of reading to be done with all those links, and please, at the very least, read the petition summary...it is one of those situations where I couldn't have better explained the many issues involved...

Tomorrow: Back To The FARC Debt Pit of Doom

Had to do a fair bit of digging to get to what I hope is the reality of Mt Gambier City Council's dodgy accounting methods re the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre...and thanks to that dear availee who's advice helped steer me to a better understanding of where to find the realities about MGCC's methodology/actions...also, been corresponding with MGCC about an 'illegal event' held in Mt Gambier back in October 2021...(in what terms 'illegal'?-Ed)...in that the proprietors did not have the requisite Council approvals/permits to hold that 'event', in a public space, and subsequently have acted 'illegally', and therefore have also 'breached' the associated 'Liquor License' requirements...(and what does Council say?-Ed)...well they've initially acknowledged that there was a "problem", but then refused to provide that info due to "privacy" issues, and simply haven't answered my last letter at all...(ah, the silence that screams volumes-Ed)...spot on...(in a context where a simple 'Yes, they did have the appropriate approvals/permits from Council' was all that need be said -Ed)...absolutely, and where the Liquor Licensing peeps themselves have told me to go to Council with my questions...(these 'proprietors', they wouldn't happen to have friends and/or family on Council?-Ed)...ah Ed, the question that answers itself...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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