Saturday, November 6, 2021

GoFundMe Appeal As Pathetic Cowardly Misogynists Van Onselen, Porter, Laming Gang-Up On Abuse Survivor

Howdy dear availees...still working on the Council FARC Update Part II post, nearly done, but then ran into this on Twitter...and a perpetual Language Warning for this entire post...(and having said that, we acknowledge the very measured language used by people like Ms Grace Tame in the thread included below-Ed)...indeed, but I ain't her, I'm just a very, very angry man whom is deeply embarrassed and wildly infuriated to be even the same gender as these fucks...I was aware (via Twitter) that Professor Gemma Carey had been issuing apologies for her alleged 'Defamation' of these low, sick fuckers, and had removed the related tweets, and that at least part of it related to her comment about that now infamous group photo that includes Nick Coatesworth, loathsome Peter Van Onselen, his soon-to-be wife, and Self-Defined Rapist Christian Porter, and several others...(Ms Carey said something about how she was concerned for the safety of the women in that photo-Ed)...yeah, not sure exactly what she said about Andrew Laming, but he is vile, misogynist serial stalker and harasser, so it may well have been related to his appalling behaviours in that context...

I'm not going to re-hash all of the 'conduct' of these li'l shrecks, but simply 'search term' through the media...(and even in this 'ere blog-Ed)...yep, just search and ye shall find...this post is specifically about promoting the GoFundMe page that has been established by Nina Funnell to support Prof here's the link and associated explanation...***

On Wednesday October 27, former federal Attorney General, Christian Porter, Liberal National MP Andrew Laming, and Political Editor for The Australian, Peter van Onselen sent 3 defamation threat letters to Gemma Carey, an author and adult survivor of child sexual abuse.
The three defamation concerns notices were sent from the same law firm, at the same time, in the same email. They list several demands including covering the men’s legal costs in creating the concerns notices.
This coordinated strike from three of Australia’s most powerful men has left Gemma feeling intimidated, anxious and overwhelmed.
Gemma is an expectant mother currently preparing for the arrival of her first baby. She is also a disabled woman and academic whose research focuses on the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Gemma is best known for her brave memoir, No Matter Our Wreckage, which details her experience of being groomed and sexually abused as a child, before successfully taking her offender to court at the age of 17
The #LetHerSpeak campaign lawyers - Marque Lawyers - are currently providing legal assistance to Gemma.
This GoFundMe is to raise money to provide ongoing legal support to Gemma Carey, and any other individuals who have been impacted by defamation threats sent from the individuals listed above.
(*This GoFundMe has been created on behalf of Gemma Carey with her full consent. If any funds are not used, they will be donated to the #LetHerSpeak movement and held in trust to be used towards other legal work required by sexual assault survivors and their advocates. )

***All 3 'Defamation' threats on the one email...(so they're all using the same law firm obviously-Ed)...yep, and it's the same firm the represented Porter when he tries to sue the ABC for 'Defamation'...just Interweb search Rebekah Giles and see what a class act she is...(well as they say, 'birds that are fuckers flock together'-Ed)...well actually it's 'birds of a feather', but I rather prefer your is not some sort of unfortunate co-incidence that these 3 fuckers are all with the same firm, this is a coordinated attack on Prof Carey, designed to cause as much fear and trauma as possible...(so what are these fucks so scared about that they can't just accept an apology? what are they so desperately, viciously protesting?-Ed)...well as many have observed, it's about the collective guilt, they are every bit the vile fuckers that Prof Carey has merely alluded to...(I see many people also noting that others in that photo aren't rushing to threaten and harass Prof Carey-Ed)...yep, it's 100% text-book 'Guilty Conscience' playing-out in plain view of the Australian public...  

These 3 are absolute fuckers, dirty, low, gutless fuckers...the self-defined Rapist Porter, his vile mate Van Onselen, and serial abuser/pest, upskirter, stalker, and multiple Social Media abuser Andrew Laming...and we note, from what I can gather, that Laming has been 'successful' in his various supposed 'Defamation' actions because his pathetic but apparently legally enforceable whinge about being called an 'Upskirter'...('cos that's a specific 'charge' relating to that specific action?-Ed)...yep, and what he actually did was photograph a woman's underwear showing above her shorts (dress?) when she unwittingly bent over in front of him...(well that's a very tenuous differential upon which to claim 'Defamation'-Ed)...indeed, as is his pathetic explanation that he was just photoing a bemusing scenario about someone trying to get too much stock into a fridge, nuthin' at all to do with photoing her undies...(but it hasn't stopped him claiming both things-Ed)...Laming is base-line typical LNP narcissist - do whatevs ya' want, whatevs you reckon suits you, abuse people, harass them, etc, etc, then lie about it when caught-out, and only if your political career absolutely relies on it, then spew disingenuous apologies...   

I note that Australian of the Year, fellow survivor and advocate Ms Grace Tame, has generously donated $2,500, and the fund has already raised $130,000 in it's first day...that's in just one day...(it's now at $159,000, on day two, and now early on day three it's at $173,000-Ed)'s the link to Ms Tame's thread on this issue, and below that I've included her specific comments as one piece...on her Twitter page also Ms Tame further discusses the issue of how 'Defamation' threats are increasingly being used by politicians, particularly the really dodgy ones, and by abuse perpetrators, etc, and has several other excellent threads on these issues..I urge dear availees to follow Ms Tame or at the very least peruse those threads, they are excellent, she is excellent...***


Last Wednesday, Christian Porter, Andrew Laming and Peter van Onselen sent simultaneous defamation threats to author Gemma Carey. Gemma is disabled, an expectant mother and also a survivor of child sexual abuse.
The power imbalance between 3 of Australia’s most powerful men and a disabled expectant mother—who’s also a survivor of grooming and child sexual abuse—is extreme.  Gemma has previously spoken out about alleged sexual harassment by Laming on a flight to Sydney.
She had tweeted about all 3 men, and published apologies to them following the legal threats. This coordinated attack clearly had a design, and I think that that was not just to silence one individual but to have a wider deterrent effect on others contemplating speaking out.
I see it as a form of systems abuse whereby legislation is weaponised to strategically silence those with less access to power and resources.
If this type of behaviour is allowed to continue, it will have the chilling effect of reversing the roles of victim and offender, erasing the truth, and ultimately perpetuating the cycle of abuse.
Australian defamation law is widely considered the worst in the western world and is badly in need of reform. It lends itself to exploitation by privileging the rights of plaintiffs and significantly hampered Australia’s #MeToo movement.
It's painfully ironic that the very person who was in a position to lead meaningful reform in this area at that time #MeToo unfolded and said himself that our defamation law is “no longer fit for purpose", is now capitalising on the very same law.
The abuse of defamation law doesn’t just shut down debate, it actively empowers and emboldens offenders and their supporters to feel entitled to instil fear in the already vulnerable.
On several occasions, the serial paedophile who abused me tried to use defamation laws and other legal avenues to silence critics, not only in relation to the crimes against me, but also in defence of racist remarks.
It’s becoming a commonplace pattern of behaviour within our culture of double-standards that reflects deep-seated entitlement, inability to take responsibility for wrongdoing, and fragile egos.
I applaud and fully support the brave men and women who are standing up in the face of these threats and calling for change.   If possible, please donate to help Gemma. I’ve donated $2,500 to make a start. Let’s keep fighting for reform together.

***...(wow, Grace by name, Grace by nature-Ed)...indeed, 'cos I'm just about fit to burst, fit to rip these fuckers the proverbial new one...(verbally speaking of course, not actually physically?-Ed) no, verbally not physically, I ain't goin' to gaol for one of these fuckers...(what happened to your oft-pronounced life-long 'Pascifism'?-Ed)...sure, and I'm not one to usually wish ill of others, but I hope these low fucks rot in the hell of their own creation, forever publicly vilified and shamed right to their miserable fucking the unlikely event I ever happen upon any of these fucks in the street, I will roundly, loudly abuse them, utilising all of the vitriol their collective fuckedness summons in me...(and all you have to do is factually confront them with the reality of their own actions-Ed)...exactly, it takes exactly zero imagination to construct a lengthy diatribe of fact-laden abuse...

Regular availees will be well aware that I have been threatened many, many times with supposed 'Defamation', often multiple times by the same person/entity...from alleged lawyer 'Bouncin' Billy DeGaris, the Lutherans and/or their lawyers Piper Alderman, the Crown Solicitors Office, (then) Premier Jay Weatherill, the Education Dept, etc, etc...(Magistrate White in your ICAC "bizarre trial"-Ed)...yeah, him too, and he used the definition of 'Defamation' to 'Convict' me of an unrelated 'offense'...(and your supposed alleged 'Defamation' has been repeatedly used by desperados like DeGaris to whinge to Google/Blogspot to try and have posts removed from this 'ere blog-Ed)...indeed, and as y'all know, not one of those 'Defamation' threats has ever been followed-through with...(particularly with DeGaris who very specifically threatened action, several times, in writing, but then when you challenged him on that threat, he flatly refused to do so-Ed)...yeah, Billy is a very special case, aren't you Billy...        

But back to our main point today, the GoFundMe support for Prof Carey...please donate if you can, even if it's just a few bucks, 'cos it's not just the money, it's also about expressing support for others like Prof Carey...(and concurrently expressing absolute disgust for these fuckers who are deliberately trying to intimidate and traumatise her and people like her, people who speak out about these loathsome fuckers and their vile conduct-Ed)...exactly, it is showing support in both contexts...I don't do 'Internet banking' so I can't donate, rather I've done this post to share the issue, and have also shared on Twitter...I ask that y'all do these things too, to do whatevs you can...the response thus far clearly shows what people really think of Porter, Van Onselen, and Laming...

Tomorrow: MGCC Lies And Deceits About The FARC

Where FARC stands for Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre, the $64m? $71m? $80m? money pit that nobody really wanted and that Mt Gambier City Council definably and repeatedly lied about to force on the Ratepayers of Mt Gambier...(well the only thing most peeps wanted was an all-weather 50m pool, and we still ain't gettin' that-Ed)...indeed, one part of a much larger, deceit-laden debasco (debacle/fiasco)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog..cheers and laters...oh, and End Language Warning...

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