Monday, November 29, 2021

Is James Morrison Leaving Mt Gambier? Sure Looks Like It

Howdy dear availees apologies for continuing the current run of posts about Rapist Supporter/Protector James 'Jimmy Trumpets' Morrison...there's so much deceit and disgrace to cover, and a recent development to dissect...all that aside, it was a full-page homage to Trumpets in the Lifestyle advertorial magazine thingy that really triggered me on this particular occasion...just over half the page is Jimmy again blaming COVID19 for the spectacular collapse of the James Morrison Academy of Music, and self-praising about his alleged commitment to the welfare of the kiddies...(I loved the text-book gaslighting paragraph about how the collapse of the JMA is in fact a good thing that will release the gifted dove from the gilded cage of tertiary education, and instead allow Trumpets to spread his wings and fly, fly, be free Jimmy, fly-Ed)...yes, indeed, and whilst it's not clear if it's Jimmy's own words or an observation by the writer, it's all part of the same false reality that Jimmy's trying to construct...

     So freeing JMA from the framework of an accredited tertiary education to a veritable road                        train of performances and workshops seems a better fit for jazz education, like freeing a student              from the monotony of learning scales to just scatting. 

(Ummm, just skipping past the fact that 'scat' is a specific zoological term for 'shit'-Ed)...bahahaha...(a civilian's observation - I ain't no muso-type, but doesn't one need to first learn and then near-perfect scales to get to the level of proficiency that allows decent 'scatting'?-Ed)...that sir, is a perfectly relevant and accurate observation, of course a muso needs to learn and practice basic structures of whatevs sort of music...(I mean, there's always ya' self-taught types, but even then 'learning scales' is a basic skill-Ed)...and Jimmy's also saying that he's gunna' spend more time educating the JMA educators themselves, something he's apparently neglected in the past...(but who's employing and/or paying for these now surplus teachers, I mean, no permanent students and currently no actual plans announced for these supposed 'drive-by/drop-in' lessons, so what are they all doing and who's paying?-Ed)...great questions Ed, it does sound a bit convoluted bordering on nonsensical, but I've no idea how that's meant to work...(I do note that Trumpets is very specific about retaining the Old Town Hall complex as a base, but why does he need that entire building if there's no students/classes?-Ed)...I believe it's called maintaining a front, ie, as an excuse and/or medium for channelling money into the now de-funked JMA, and given he's paying stuff-all rent, why not?...(is it possibly a deceitful distraction to falsely alleviate the concerns of some locals that Jimmy's going to bolt from Mt Gambier permanently?-Ed)...quite possibly Ed, quite possibly...

One thing is certain, never let it be misunderstood, Jimmy's self-congratulatory commitment to 'education' and students is purely a financial one, students are a commodity to be profited from, and if anyone threatens that lucrative cash-cow, Jimmy cuts them loose and protects his own best financial interests...(spot on, and then there's all his dodgy related business dealings with various mates/associates, eg, The Barn, and as covered by independent journo Matilda Duncan-Ed)'s the links to a coupla' her several posts about Jimmy Trumpets...and I urge y'all to read those other very thoroughly researched posts, if y'all haven't already...Ms Duncan lays bare the incestuous web of personally profitable dealings...(not least of all involving the clear misuse of 'charity monies'-Ed)...which, as a layperson, I would consider to be fraud, but that's just a personal observation...(I still can't fathom how Generations In Jazz managed to wrangle 'Charity Status', it's a straight-out private business-Ed)...yes, it's a fascinating question that no-one, not even the most excellent researcher Ms Duncan has been able to answer/ do please read Ms Duncan's other articles about Morrison's questionable financial dealings, eg, how he received $500,000 from the Weatherill (Labor) state government, as 'seed-funding' for JMA, without actually formally applying for it...('ow's that done then?-Ed)...errrr, dodgily?...(fabulous...and what's happened with that $500k now that Morrison's failed massively to meet the associated KPIs about enrolment numbers-Ed)...dunno', another great question...anyhoos, here's those links... 

And whilst I'm not gunna' go through it all again, here's the links to the 2 articles from the New Matilda website...again, if y'all haven't yet read them, please do, 'cos they establish critical points of fact about Trumpets unwavering support for and protection of his mate 'alleged' Rapist Graeme Lyall, and Jimmy's coinciding betrayal/failure of Lyalls 'latest(?)' victim/supporter...(and we say 'latest(?)' 'cos given he admitted giving GIJ awards to young women he "found attractive", it is very, very reasonable to theorise that there may well have been other students that Lyall has Groomed and Raped-Ed)...and whom have been ignored and/or silenced or even just quit, etc, etc...given how GIJ Tennyson Woods College and SAPol(police) and Morrison conspired to cover-up this specific Grooming and Rape, literally anything is possible...(and add to that the sickly complicit role of SAPol in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up (2002), then it quickly moves from 'possible' to 'probable'-Ed)...indeed, in a community and police force with a culture of covering-up Child Abuse, it's highly likely that there are multiple other incidents/victims, we just haven't heard about them,'s those links...

And note, Lyall himself 1) doesn't actually deny that he Groomed and Raped a teenage student, but instead, 2) confirms the Catholic Report that 3) saw the student receive "a payout", and 4) adamantly confirms that Morrison continued to employ him for several years, until 5) the Catholic Report forced UniSA's hand, and 6) denies his contact with students was ever restricted by Morrison/JMA...(and like any good narcissist perpetrator Graeme blames the young woman he preyed-on for the unpleasant repercussions of his own actions-Ed)...Language Warning:...what a fucking prick, couldn't happen to a nicer sack-a'-fuckery, I truly hope that his life/career is every bit as fucking rooted as he's whinging about...End Language Warning...from that article...  

     Mr Lyall continues to work in Mt Gambier, and provides private lessons for music students                      through Manser Music. He told New Matilda his life was now in tatters, and took aim at the                    woman he says is responsible.

     “I’m sick of her dragging this up every year,” Mr Lyall said. “She got a payout from the                           Catholic Church. That should have been enough, but no, she went to UniSA showed them                       the report which was confidential. Cost me my whole career.”

Morrison had Lyall still working at the Jimmy Trumpets Academy when it opened in 2015, and that's what's really triggered me to go at Morrison again today...(how so?-Ed)...well, that full-page about Morrison we mentioned, the lower third is about Starting The James Morrison Academy Of Music - Opened March 2015, and includes 3 photos...(don't tell me, Lyall's in those photos-Ed), in 2 of the 3, and in one he's dead-set centre with Trumpets just standing to his right...(and didn't Morrison continue to allow Lyall access to JMA students as recently as 2019?-Ed)...yes Ed, yes he did...regular availees will remember that we covered this issue in previous's the ad for the 2019 soiree and the article from 2018 about the same event...and the point is that Lyall didn't just rock-up and play with the students on the night...(which is bad enough-Ed)...sure, but there must have been some rehearsals, so James Morrison has provided self-confessed Groomer/Rapist Lyall further multiple opportunities to prey on JMA students... 


So y'all can see why I have gone so hard at this stuff, 'cos 1) it's an ongoing situation that continues because of Morrison's direct failures and/or involvement, and 2) the Matthew Harkin case proves beyond doubt that Morrison will actively support/protect 'alleged' Rapists...and given all this, what's happened that we don't know about?...I'm gunna' do a quick review of several key points, and then on to the main topic today, Is James Morrison Leaving Mt Gambier?...

Trumpets Blames COVID19:...according to the official Main Stream Media reportage (The Border Watch, The Advertiser) when UniSA pulled the plug on their accreditation/association with the JMA, UniSA declined and/or refused to explain why, referring journos to Jimmy for comment...and we'll say it again, if it was genuinely unfortunately unavoidable 'cos of COVID19, why wouldn't UniSA just say that?...(exactly, and do so with the good ol' common pleasantries, 'it's with great sorrow', and 'we wish JMA every good fortune moving forward', etc, etc-Ed)...exactly ya'self...(the way it's been reported literally throws it on Trumpets, directly inferring that it's his decision and/or as a result of his actions, and with that comes a tangible air of suspicion-Ed)...correct...a simple, uncontroversial response from UniSA explains and concludes the issue, but the actual responses are the sort of thing an angry parent might say to the other parent when quizzed about an errant child's behaviour/punishment...(that's the exact vibe, I couldn't quite summarise it myself, but that's it, increasing the 'punishment' by making the perpetrator confess/explain what they've done to earn the wrath-Ed)...yep, 'you explain to your mother why you're not allowed any XBox for a week', that's the exact vibe...

Welfare Of My Students Is So Important:...(bollocks, absolute bollocks-Ed)...well so long as they're paying their fees...(orr yeah, in that case-Ed)...Generations In Jazz and JMA are purely wealth creation operations, hiding in plain sight behind Jimmy's provably vacuous statements about how he's motivated by a desire to help/educate the kiddies...(and provably false, as defined by the way he's abandoned at least 2 female victim/survivors of Sexual Assault/Rape, and openly supported/protected the perpetrators-Ed) GIJ Academy at Tennyson Woods (Catholic) College, Jimmy's close personal friend Graeme Lyall Groomed and Raped a young student, and Morrison continued to employ him...(and with Matthew Harkin, Morrison helped Harkin-Ed)...who was originally charged with 2 counts of Rape...(yep, Morrison directly involved himself in getting Harkin modified Bail conditions, then took him to Melbourne for a 'recorded concert', and also provided a 'character reference' that directly influenced those charges being reduced to a single count of Indecent Sexual Assault-Ed)...indeed, then No Conviction recorded, with a pathetically miniscule $500 Good Behaviour Bond, and Harkin bolted outta' the country...(and a big part of Morrison's reference and associated argument for leniency, was that a Conviction would damage/destroy Harkin's chances of becoming a music teacher-Ed)...exactly, absolutely bizarre and disgraceful trivialising of what was obviously a terrible and apparently protracted Sexual Assault, and allowing the perpetrator to plead Guilty to a single lesser charge, and then bugger-off overseas, with no recorded history of Sexual Assault, to become a teacher no less...(and right at the heart of it, James Morrison-Ed)...Language Warning...and what did Jimmy do to support Harkin's victim?...(ummm, well, according to her, sweet fuck all?-Ed)...just exactly that, sweet fuck all...End Language Warning...

Yeah sorry, I'm starting to get bogged down in the detail again...(well it's easy to do when it's so fundamentally obvious what's been happening at GIJ and the JMA, and the omnipresent sense of foreboding that these 2 cases are just the tip of the iceberg-Ed)...fair enough, but let's just refer dear availees to the multiple media reports and our many previous posts, etc, and move onto the final observation...(which is?-Ed)...that Morrison is leaving Mt Gambier and has been doing everything to keep that hidden from locals...(like with the Red Herring we identified previous regarding his supposed 'non-financial' involvement with the old WIN TV building-Ed)...a perfect example, Trumpets repeatedly stating that 'there's possibilities there', but not actually tying himself to it financially...(and then all this stuff about keeping the Old Town Hall-Ed)...yep...well I've had multiple randoms in my shell-like (ear) for at least 12 months about how the Morrisons appeared to be selling-off various local investment properties and a bunch of miscellaneous stuff...(as it was put to me, "everything that's not nailed down"-Ed)...indeed, that's similar to what I've heard...

Where Rumours Meet Reality:...'cos I don't know exactly the veracity of the various rumours and/or allegations I've had hurled my way, but that's what I have been told, ie, that the Morrisons have been flogging tons of stuff on Gumtree/Ebay/wherevs...(and that they've divested themselves of their various 'investment properties' in Mt Gambier-Ed)...yep, that too...(and that Trumpets sold his plane-Ed)...well I heard that some time ago, but yeah, sold his plane...(and have bought a property in Melbourne-Ed)...yeah, apparently selling-up here and moving to Melbourne, that's the jist of what I'm hearing...(and as you say, technically it's all rumours/theories, but what recent development has bought it all into a relatively sharp focus-Ed)...well Ed, I'm glad you asked...yesterday, as I was driving up Bay Rd, I saw Judy Morrison get out of a Jeepy-looking car, and walk into a house with a For Sale sign out the front...(oh my, do tell-Ed)...well that's it, I thought their place was actually further up the hill, but apparently no, that's their place, and it's For Sale...(and if that's for sale, that adds a degree of credibility to these other rumours/allegations-Ed)...indeed it does...and I remind dear availees that people like Jeff Kennett have been trying, for quite some time, to lure GIJ to this what's happening?...

So there's the questions, 1) is Morrison leaving Mt Gambier permanently?...and if so, 2) what does that mean for the JMA/Old Town Hall?... and 3) what does that mean for the future of Generations In Jazz?...(but who do ya' go to to try to get those answers? Council? Morrison?-Ed)...exactly, Morrison's already being deliberately deceitful about literally everything to do with the JMA...(and Council, even if you could get a straight answer outta' them, and that's a humongous 'IF', they potentially don't even know what's really happening-Ed)...exactly, but the sale of that Bay Rd property is an established fact that lends credence to all the other rumours/allegations...all I can say is 'watch this space'...(I'm still bemused and a li'l confused as to the apparent lack of reportage and/or public concern about the JMA officially shutting-down, do people not realise what this means?-Ed)...well, as we've covered, Trumpets is going everything to distract from and diffuse any such concerns/discourse, so perhaps peeps just don't fully appreciate what's happening...   

The Ultimate Irony?:...given the way Morrison has abandoned and betrayed these young female victims/survivors of Sexual Assault, and UniSA's refusal to comment on that exact issue when asked, it appears that it's potentially these betrayals/failures that have come back to haunt Morrison and cost him literally everything...(and if so, it's a karmic blow-back he's so thoroughly earned-Ed)...indeed it is...

Tomorrow: Back To The FARCin' Future

'Cos that Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre debasco (debacle meets fiasco) is gunna' dominate Mt Gambier's financial dealings/burden for many decades to come...(ya' know, with the extraordinary sums that Mt Gambier City Council has borrowed, up around $45million apparently, there's the very real prospect that Mt Gambier will never fully 'recover' from this debt burden, but will instead be rendered 'bankrupt' in the not-to-distant future-Ed)...well yay, that's terrific, just terrific...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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