Thursday, December 9, 2021

Dear Availees, My Hot Take On COVID19, and Far QAnon

Howdy dear availees, just a short post about Health, namely, my health...had an unpleasant 5-6 weeks of symptoms that were adjacent to the Lymphoma tumour I had back in 2004...(and that was some sort of lump wasn't it...what was it? 12cm x 16cm?-Ed)...yep, and apparently got bigger when first under attack by CHOP protocol Chemotherapy...(and right in the middle of your rather broad chest, just shovin' everything else outta' the road-Ed)..yep, with all sorts of related symptoms...(and misdiagnosed, what, 3 times?-Ed)...well 4 in total...(and even when Mt Gambier Hospital finally x-rayed a massive mass in ya' chest, they discharged ya' and ya' had to make your own way the 450kms to Adelaide and a specialist, etc-Ed)...yep, and literally/actually everyone I dealt with thereon in were in shock, breathlessly inquiring, "were they trying to kill you?"...(ah yeah, good times, good times-Ed)...and fortuitously it was a highly treatable single blocked lymph node that hadn't spread rancid crap anywhere else, etc, etc...(yeah, lucky is a word, but a single massive treatable tumour is 'Cancer Lucky'-Ed)...indeed, so, then 7 months of a veritable truckload of toxic chemicals to slay the wee beasty, and I lost the most luscious, mane-like head of hair...(still got the ponytail we chopped off ya' after ya' first Chemo?-Ed)...errr, somewhere, yeah...(and of course there's the ongoing resultant degenerative joint issues-Ed)...some, yes...(and 'fragile' teeth issues-Ed)...that too...(and 17 years later, still here to whinge about it all-Ed)...damn straight...

So it's been a rocky road for a few weeks trying not to think too much about what might be happening, but preparing for the worst should it happen, etc, etc, and round and round...(and then the massive emotional discharge of a likely 'clear' diagnosis, and the associated 'release of stress' slump-Ed)...yeah, and then getting side-swiped about 'the seventeen years I had no right to have', and all that 'Survivor Guilt' came crashing back in...(it's not an uncommon response to a highly traumatic event, especially for someone who has a 'social conscience' and is aware of the suffering of others, etc-Ed) on, and it's something I know that both my grandfathers had issues with from time to time regarding their extraordinary military service in World War II...and they went through years of almost daily doses of intensely violent trauma, nothing I can truly hope to relate where am I going with all of this? right here...

I don't know where COVID19 came from...was it deliberately released by the Chinese? or is it a One World Government Depopulation Conspiracy? or did a pangolin goose a bat? whatevs...(I thought that it was the USofA secretly leaked it into China to crash the Chinese economy?-Ed)...orrr ok, where did you read that?...(oh I didn't read it, I just thunk it for ma'self-Ed) 'thunk it for ya'self'?...(oh yeah, then I made-up a website called My Left Testicle Is A Better Patriot Than You-Ed)...oh, super...(yeah yeah, and started a Twitter page as 'LeftBallPatriot'-Ed)...well naturally...(with an Aussie flag between each letter-Ed), that's a lotta' flags...(16 I reckons-Ed)...16? it's like a slow day at a Scott 'Scummo' Morrison press conference...(and opened my feed with a text about how Steve Bannon is the next manifestation of the Christ child-Ed)...riiight, and how's that goin' for ya'?...(well Andrew Bolt, Rowan Dean, George Christensen, Craig Kelly, Pete Evans, and Alex Antic haven't called me a 'woke leftie snowflake' yet, so I must be doin' somethin' right-Ed)...well, terrific, more power to ya' mate...(oh I don't need power sir-Ed) sir?...(no sir, ever since I had my second Pfizer vaccination I just pop on my $37,000 Pete Evans 5G Sonic Colander and I get Twitter streaming live behind my eyeballs, 24/7, for free, no Interweb connection or power needed-Ed)...beam me up matey...(in fact, I'm just getting an incoming transmission now, ummm, WomWomWomWomWomWomWomWom-Ed)...what does it say?...(they want two no.17's, one without chilli, and a large fried rice-Ed)...fascinating, and how do they pay for that then ?...(well they just gotta' run their PE5GSC compatible price gun across their forehead, it beams to me, and I discretely excrete Bitcoin-Ed)...fabulous stuff...

The Long And Short Of It:...I directly know 3 people who have had COVID19 (all in 2020) and they were all ill for months, have all only partially recovered, suffering side-effects like short breath, chronic fatigue, associated depressive episodes, etc...and that's all before vaccines were I've heard second-hand accounts of several others...

I know several nurses, ambos and other medical staff who have all described the realities of bad COVID19 infections, eg, people on oxygen in ICU, usually face-down struggling to breathe, etc, and then the long-term complications, etc, and all the strain this places on our already struggling Health Services, eg, there's already a critical ton a' ambulance ramping at Adelaide's hospitals before COVID19...

Recently had a random conversation with an East Coast ambo here on brief holiday for "re-charging the batteries" before returning to the 'front line'...logistically speaking, described how more than 50% of their workload is COVID19 patients, usually un-vaccinated, and the associated time and effort and uncomfortable imposition of full-body, full-face Personal Protection Equipment, and the time-consuming cleaning regime required after each patient, etc...then there's the illness itself and the suffering of patients, etc...

It's Just The Flu:...clearly it ain't...(but numerous people die of 'the flu' each year, far more than have from COVID19 don't cha' know-Ed)...and if we applied the same protocols and restrictions to yearly flu as we have to COVID19 there's be few if any fatalities from it...

I've been double vaccinated with Pfizer, and I did it not least of all 'cos I have elderly family, who themselves have had their Astra Zenica...and all this bleating about COVID19 Vaccine 'Passports', supposedly compromising our supposed 'Human Rights' and/or 'Freedoms', well 1) 'Passports' already exist, they're called passports, and 2) vaccines in general have saved literally millions of lives and near-eradicated several insidious illnesses like Polio...(and 3), there are multiple travel vaccine requirements that have existed for decades?-Ed)...exactly...and it was Scummo himself who several years ago demanded 'No Jab No Play' about kids not attending kindy, etc, without being vaccinated...

I can't possibly know exactly what, where and/or why, but rest assured, nor can any of these halfwits 'Marching For Freedom', freedoms that in many realities do not and have not ever existed, eg, we do not have legislated 'Free Speech' in Australia, it is a 'Political Convention', not a Law...and as for complaining about having to wear a mask for the 10 minutes you're in a supermarket, just get a grip...

Part of being a society is about making concessions to your gratuitous personal desires to do whatevs you want whenevs ya' feel like it...(and we all get those feelings from time to time-Ed) a certain extent, sure we do, some times, but the vast majority of 'Rules/Laws' are about making society logistically functional, eg, we obey traffic lights or get gridlocked mayhem and mass accidents...(and Workplace Safety Laws, and Food Safety Laws, and Medical Practitioner regulations, etc, etc, etc-Ed)...indeed, Rules and Regulations hopefully designed to improve everyone's quality of life...    

Far QAnon Bunnies:...I find it terrifyingly hilarious that all these supposed 'thinkers', like the QAnon circus, they get random info from even more random websites and/or other 'sources', and they somehow know that that's right but everything else is wrong...(that the Everything's A Tainted New World Order Conspiracy Theory that they believe in, is the One True Conspiracy Theory-Ed)...yep, well this one I can help ya' with...(fire away-Ed)...the cornerstone QAnon Conspiracy?...(errr, a Global Satanic Child-Eating Paedophile Cult rules the world?-Ed)...that's the one...(but they're not actually people, they're our Intergalactic Overlord Space Lizards, right?-Ed)...yeah hang on, back it up a second...albeit by accident, you've hit on the exact nature of the QAnon reality...(which is?-Ed)...that the world is effectively run by Paedophiles and/or their supporters, who do run the major religions, governments, media, etc, and they are doing everything to discredit/dismantle that reality...(err, I'm confused, I thought you said that QAnon subscribers were pig-ignorant, sludge-sucking imbeciles who'd struggle to get outta' their own way on a good day?-Ed)...well yes, I do say that, but I'm talking about the text-book gas-lighting reverse psychology strategy of the Paedophile Powerbase...(please explain-Ed)...well where's the best place to hide a grotesque truth about the Human Condition?...(ummm, I wanna' say errr, in plain sight?-Ed), and how better to discredit/gaslight that reality?...(errr, dunno'-Ed)...simple, associate it with a whole raft of bizarre gibberish...

The QAnon Paedophile Conspiracy platform is a strategy to confront people with the reality that we all know but few will acknowledge; that we, humanity, we're run by Paedophiles...(yay-Ed)...and the best way to undermine, discredit and divert from that Truth is to irretrievably connect it to multiple bizarre 'Conspiracy Theories'...(and so we get 'Q'-Ed)..yep, 'Q' and QAnon...(and do ya' reckon that all these enlightened QAnon souls who rant-on about the evils of 'The Deep State', do they realise or even have a faint notion that they are likely the puppets of a 'Deep State' operation called 'QAnon'?-Ed)...I don't think that 'Irony' is big with these people...and I've lived 20 years of that Paedophile Powerbase manifest as the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

The Lutherans; the South Australian Police, Courts and Parliament; virtually every politician I've ever met and/or dealt with, state and federal; Mt Gambier City Council; the SA Teachers Registration Board; the SA Crown Solicitor; lawyers like Piper Alderman and Bill Degaris; media like The Border Watch, the ABC, The Advertiser; multiple government depts and workers, etc, etc, ad infinitum...all Pro-Paedophile Corrupt, all Pro-Paedophile complicit, from the very off, through 20 years of the St Martins Cover-up, and still going strong...all I've encountered is a relentless tsunami of Paedophiles, wantonly Corrupt Pro-Paedophiles, willingly complicit enablers, and a vast army of spineless minions more concerned with their own careers and well-being, not least of all because of the stifling Pro-Paedophile Corruption that runs everything 'above' them in the sickly corrupt Patriarchy that is Australia...   

Language Warning:...and what support have we parents had in this community?...Sweet Fuck All, not one fucking instance, nothing but abuse, denigration and rejection...(and then you were persecuted by that rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt 'System' with your "bizarre trial" under SA's ICAC Act 2012-Ed)...yep, as I proved in Court, an "Abuse of Process" Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution, and I still get a 'Criminal Conviction' for telling absolute truths...and maybe 2 people tried to defend/support life is in many ways a text-book study of the Pro-Paedophile Corruption Model, particularly the 'chapter' that runs South Australia...and where's the fuckin' protests in the street about this egregious Pro-Paedophile bastardisation of 'Justice'? where's the phalanxes of fuckers braying about their fucking 'Freedoms'?...(ummm, nowhere?-Ed)...nowhere to be seen...but ask the same glassy-eyed dullards to wear a fucking mask for 5 fucking minutes so they don't fucking pox-up everyone around them, and, urghurghurgh, they're out in the fucking streets ranting about shit they they really don't understand, "urghurghurgh, my Human Rights as a Sovereign Citizen under the 333rd fucking Amendment"...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...

So y'all 'll excuse me if when next I see these drooling fucking mouth-breathers staggering up Commercial St braying about whatevs absolute fucking bollocks they think they know, that I might pause to somewhat less-than-politely tune them in to exactly what fuckin' easily manipulated and selfish morons they are...fuck me...(got that outta' ya' system? feelin' better?-Ed)...ah yeah, a bit, I just find it extraordinarily galling that on one hand we have the horrific reality of the St Martins Cover-up and SFA happens...(and your "bizarre trial", yeah, I get that, we all do-Ed)...and then there's this COVID19 stuff and people are marching down the street protesting just about anything and/or everything...hey, I'm all for the rights/power of public protest, but fuck me, there's a time and a place and a motivation worth pursuing...(and COVID19 5G Micro-Robot conspiracies just ain't it?-Ed)...absolutely, attack the realities of an increasingly Fascist Pro-Paedophile Political System, by all means, but just wear a fuckin' mask, it's not difficult...(you done yet?-Ed)...yeah yeah...(so I can do an End Language Warning now then?-Ed)...yep, go on...

Tomorrow: The Promised FARC Post - The $70m+ Debacle

I've tried to research this as thoroughly as is possible, given my limited understanding of official Local Government procedure, but I reckon the alarmingly high numbers speak volumes for themselves...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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