Thursday, December 16, 2021

A Much Calmer, Super-Short Post About COVID19 and QAnon

Howdy dear availees...apologies that I went a li'l bit off the deep end last post...(a li'l bit?-d)...anyhoos, 'cos I got so fired-up I actually forgot to cover the one main issue I had set-out to discuss...(well, in review, there were some fairly confronting things we did cover-Ed)...indeed...(and I reckon most dear availees will appreciate the sense of frustration generated by 20 years of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, including your 3 year long Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution "bizarre trial" under the ICAC Act 2012-Ed)...yeah, frustration, anger, despair, and a whole raft of other traumas...(and the fundamental lack of response from the community, let alone the abject failure to support yourself and/or other St Martins parents-Ed)...and what response there has been is criticism, abuse, denigration, and 'Pariahtisation'...(ah yes, "Pariahtisation", where the first priority is to discredit and demonise those whom speak-out, to make a pariah of the 'Whistleblower'-Ed)...exactly...(and in a context where 'Authorities' like the Lutherans, SAPol (police), the Parliament, government departments, the Teachers Registration Board, the Crown Solicitor, et al, have actively protected the "text-book grooming paedophile teacher-Ed)..and not least of all by threatening, blaming, and publicly attacking us parents, yes Pariahtisation 101 from all concerned...

And that's why I believe that the QAnon 'Global Cannibal Paedophile Conspiracy' stuff is a reverse-psychology strategy to discredit the reality that I have personally witnessed and been subjected to for 20 years now...(namely?-Ed)...that 'Society' is indeed run by paedophiles and those who directly support them...(and the 'reverse psychology' stuff?-Ed)...that, by having the Paedophile stuff as the main QAnon issue, and then aligning that with multiple other 'extreme' conspiracy theories, this discredits and dilutes the seriousness of the 'Paedophile Conspiracy' stuff...(and therefore, in many people's view of things, it all becomes one big pot of loony stew, none of it credible or worth considering-Ed)...exactly, and it equally offers weak-willed 'decent' people the excuse they need to look away from a horrendous reality that they'd sooner not deal with...(and therefore their conscience is cleansed 'cos it ain't real therefore they ain't ignoring it-Ed)...and by ignoring, therefore allowing and even tacitly, complicitly supporting...(yes, it's much more pleasant to just pretend it ain't real and ain't your fault by default-Ed)...and by aligning it with multiple other 'fringe conspiracy theories', it becomes just that and can be dismissed/ignored...       

I recently read an excellent piece about how QAnon is so 'effective' because it allows dis-enfranchised and often under-educated and/or misinformed people who feel powerless and dis-enchanted with their lives, the opportunity to subscribe to something 'bigger' than themselves, and feel that they are contributing in a positive way to what is promoted as a positive agenda...(confronting Paedophiles and/or other corruption, etc-Ed)...exactly, and combine that with the 'elitist' sense of belonging to something that many others are not...(another manifestation of the 'powerlessness' stuff, namely, we're in this exclusive club and this club knows stuff you don't know, and this stuff is the actual truth, which makes you wrong/ignorant, etc, etc-Ed)...yeah, I'm sorry I didn't save the link to that article, but we've covered it pretty well...(one last question-Ed)...sure...(the 'Cannibal Paedophile' stuff, what's that about?-Ed)...well mate, apart from the possibility that there are such people, and it's always a possibility, it makes the whole 'Paedophile Cabal' claim much more extreme and therefore far less likely to be believed...(in a context where the agenda is to discredit, that does make sense-Ed)...indeed...  

As for COVID19, I don't know where it came from, if it's a 'Global Conspiracy', if it's accidental or 'deliberate', etc, etc, but I do believe that it's 'real' and that it is a very serious illness...I know a coupla' people who have had it, and several medical types, including ambulance officers, who have explained to me their experiences of dealing with it...(and that COVID19 is a real thing, including the extensive, extended post-illness complications/side-effects-Ed)...yep, and that it ain't the 'Common Flu', which does cause deaths every year, but if we treated that in the same way as we have COVID19, eg, lockdowns, distancing, masks, etc, would have near-zero fatalities...(and COVID19 is effectively much more contagious than the 'Common Flu'-Ed)...and then there's the extraordinary workload COVID19 protocols place on hospitals and ambos, etc...(for example, the extensive Personal Protection Equipment required of staff, particularly ambos, and the constant cleaning between patients, etc, etc-Ed)...exactly, and that leads into the main point that I clean forgot to cover in my venting last post...

It is well documented, if one cares to look, that hospitals in the Australian states who have had major COVID19 outbreaks, have struggled to cope with the patient load...(particularly in their Intensive Care Units-Ed)...yes, and even in less affected states, whatevs the reasons for that...(well Western Australia has had very strict border controls and quarantine requirements, etc, mate, it just cost them their Ashes cricket test match-Ed)...yep, and they've had near-zero COVID19 cases as a result...(fair enough-Ed) those states, and I'm actually thinking specifically of li'l ol' Sow Straya here, we have some major 'load' issues on a good day...(you mean like the ambulance 'ramping' where-in multiple patients get stuck waiting in ambulances in the Emergency entrance/carpark?-Ed) on, 'cos the Emergency is already at capacity...(and this obviously and drastically compromises patient well-being-Ed)...for that patient and any future patients...('cos an ambulance stuck on the ramp cannot attend the next patient/call-out, and when that patient does get to hospital there's already a backlog-Ed)...yeah, and on it goes...and this is my concern about 'anti-vaxxers' and the affect they do have on other patients...

And this is a particular issue for us Regional/Remote patients 'cos the state government has already stated that those patients will get shoved back to their local hospitals, in a context where those services are grossly under-funded and inadequate already, because of Adelaide's obsession with spending all our money on Adelaide, specifically on North Tce, and the obscenely expensive 'new' Royal Adelaide Hospital...and this has already happened several years ago when country patients were shunted out of the RAH to make room for Adelaide patients... 

Aside from the issues of unvaccinated people likely carrying a greater viral load and suffering more extreme symptoms, etc, according to the ambos I've spoken to, upward of 50% of their case load has been unvaccinated COVID19, I have been double-vaxxed, my choice, and mostly 'cos I have elderly relatives, but also for my own health...(aren't you still considered to be in the 'Immuno-Compromised Cohort' 'cos of that truckload of Chemotherapy you had back in 2004/05?-Ed)...indeed, to treat Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, and my recent health issues were concerning for the potential that it had returned, etc...and it led me to a place where I was quietly hoping that, if it was something serious, that I'd get diagnosed pronto and into hospital/treatment/whatevs, be that Chemo or whatevs...(so as to avoid the situation we're about to discuss?-Ed)...yeah, and it's a very real situation that has occurred in many countries...(and likely here to-Ed)...sure, namely, what happens when ICU's are full of COVID19 patients and another critically ill patient requires that bed?...

Now there's a whole raft of qualifiers about vaccine availability and degrees of personal accountability to consider here, but bottomline, if someone refuses to get vaccinated and then contracts COVID19,  should that person get an ICU bed that potentially means another critically ill patient cannot?...(ok, but would you apply this to drunk drivers who have crashed or smokers with Lung Cancer?-Ed)...mate, I've had a coupla' 'anti-vaxxers' come at me with this, and it's really quite try to provide best quality treatment for everybody, but there already exists a thing called Triage', providing best care as facilities/services allow...and yes, I'd choose the non-drunk car accident victim...(but what if they're actually the passenger, say, doing the right thing by catching a taxi home and the taxi is in an accident?-Ed)...well that person is just a patient, they are not a drink driver...(fair enough, but what about, saaaaay, ooo, a ciggie-chuffing Lung Cancer patient with symptoms similar to COVID19, already in ICU, and a COVID19 patient from a remote community who couldn't get vaccinated 'cos of the Morrison Federal government's appallingly inept handling of vaccine supply? what about that one?-Ed)...yep, very complicated, but we're not really dealing with the main issue that, if addressed properly, renders such examples redundant... 

If people are vaccinated, then it is highly likely we don't end-up in that situation of having to make harsh choices about who does or doesn't get the appropriate attention/treatment...(ok, fair enough-Ed)...and I ain't just thinking about my own issues across the last month or so...I have direct experience of someone who was recently air-evacuated to Adelaide, into ICU, had a brief but extreme operation, back into ICU, and due to that immediate attention/treatment has made a remarkable recovery...(and well done all those involved-Ed)..indeed, and I ain't gunna' be more specific 'cos that's their private medical stuff, but it immediately occurred to me, what might the outcome have been if they'd got to Adelaide and there wasn't a single ICU bed available due to COVID19?...(and now we're just chucking caution to the wind, just as a new variant is kicking-off-Ed)..exactly! opening borders and removing restrictions, and we're back to that scenario where it looks like governments, particularly Scott 'Scummo' Morrison's Liberal/National Party want disease-riddled chaos to ensue...(well, certainly that the Economy is more important than people-Ed)...and here's an excellent Twitter thread that explains it perfectly...I've included the link if y'all wanna' check that out, and Language Warning...***

Okay here’s a short thread. A. Years ago during the GFC I was at a party and ended up talking to a guy high-up at a large insurance company. We got chatting about the economic downturn. And I said to him something like “Is your business badly affected by the recession?”
B. I’ll never forget what he said to me. He scoffed and commented “Oh no, we’re doing great. Insurance always does fantastic when the economy is bad because when people get scared, they take out more insurance”. Why is this relevant now? Because we should never forget that …
C. … national crises which are bad for many Aussies and cause much suffering for some are often fantastic for the ruling classes including business, media, politics and the wealthy. That’s why Australia is opening up now despite the deaths, pain and hardship it will cause.
D. BECAUSE THERE ARE MANY, MANY PEOPLE WHO WILL BENEFIT AND WHO DON’T GIVE THE SMALLEST SHIT ABOUT YOU. Business benefits because there are huge opportunities during hard times. It’s why wealthy people love wars. They all got rivers of #JobKeeper plus many other tax benefits.
F. Politicians also get to give huge grants and benefits to business which are then returned to them as campaign funding. Why do you think Harvey Norman, Qantas and others keep paying huge fees to Murdoch? It’s because Murdoch gets them exactly what they want from Scott.
G. Wealthy people benefit because the unbelievable tax rorts already in place in Australia are extended and consolidated, including government policies to ensure real estate rises and tax write-offs for purchases. Plus, they own the businesses and media, of course.
H. Plus of course, all these people are prioritised for vaccines and/or can hide away on large estates while the working classes slave away in danger of catching #COVID19 to keep them fed, watered and comfortable. It’s an absolute fucking disgrace.
I. Don’t ever forget that in the months to come while there will probably be untold suffering from #Omicron, all this was wished for and planned for by many of our political leaders, and particularly by the LNP. They won’t suffer, or barely. They WANT what is about to occur.
J. Yet their current acts would be criminal in any other setting. And that, too, is how they’ve set up laws and judicial systems: it’s almost impossible to punish them for what they’re doing now, and even a federal ICAC wouldn’t be able to capture most of it. Worst of all, …
K. … the media barons who are at the root of it all will never be adequately punished. If you’re scared, the only thing to do is to fight. Fight #NewsCorpse, and #NineFax, and Stokes and the others who refuse to report honestly to the people who pay their wages: us.
L. If we don’t stop them, who will? If we don’t call ENOUGH on this fucking bullshit, who will fucking do it? When will we stop letting them get away with killing and maiming us and laughing all the way to the bank while they do so? Ends.

***End Language Warning...(and one immediately thinks of businesses like QANTAS and Harvey Norman, etc, who profitted during the pandemic directly as a result of LNP funding they didn't legally qualify for-Ed)...and were then allowed to keep it all, with Scummo saying "We don't engage in the politics of envy"...(what an arsehole-Ed)...yep, he's a class act alright...but we digress, the main point today is very current 'cos I see multiple 'Health Experts' continuing to express the self-same concerns about system overload, and particularly with Omicron variant emerging...just yesterday the New South Wales Health Minister Brad 'Health' Hazard was stating that NSW could be experiencing 25,000 cases a day by mid-January 2022...(mate! I thought I'd mis-heard that, it is 25,000?-Ed)...apparently yep, but they're still lifting restrictions, removing mask mandates, etc...(no wonder they're being called Let It Rip politicians-Ed)...

Tomorrow: Porter, Van Onselen, And Other Spineless Grubs

Or possibly the Mt Gambier City Council stuff-up with the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre and various other corruptionings...(so much to choose from-Ed)...indeed...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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