Monday, December 20, 2021

Precious Peter Van Onselen Bizarrely Contradicts Himself On Twitter

Howdy dear availees, just doing a quick cut-'n'-paste post, with lottsa' side-reading, what says everything y'all need to know about Precious Petey and this issue of him conspiring with his bestie Christian Porter, and Andrew Laming to send 'Defamation Concerns Notices' to Prof Gemma Carey...(as we covered in several recent posts-Ed)...indeed, so if y'all ain't awares as to that of what which we speak...(wow, that's some top-notch Englishing right there-Ed)...damn straight it is, and it makes about as much sense as some of the vindictive nonsense that Precious has been pouring onto his closed Twitter account...(yeah right, he deleted literally 1,000s of tweets and shut-down his 'open' Twitter page-Ed)...yep, so he can mouth-off about others but they/we can't see those tweets and cannot 'comment' directly to him...(pathetically cowardly, particularly coming from someone who is supposedly as expert journalist-Ed)...yep, he's a real piece a' work is our Precious...but thankfully various Tweeps (Twitter people) keep accessing and posting screen shots of those comments...(yay-Ed)...this post is a little disjointed, but please stick with it as best y'all can...

When mega-suspect lawyer Rebekah Giles issued that now-notorious email to Prof Carey...(the single email that contained all 3 threats from these 3 stooges?-Ed)...yeah that email, when that became public knowledge, Precious shoved Giles right under the proverbial Bus of Responsibility with this tweet stating he didn't know what was happening...(but he seems to know that it's about, and he has also said 'it can't happen fast enough-Ed)...which is the thread copied below that...but first things first, unless all 3 parties are involved in a joint claim, it is completely inappropriate and potentially unlawful to send that email with all 3 on it...if you believe that this was done without Petey's knowledge, it is grossly inappropriate to combine supposedly separate actions...(not least of all 'cos it identifies the 3 individuals to each other-Ed)...exactly...beyond that, it is a deliberate attempt to intimidate Prof Carey, and one that was initially effective, but has since gone wonderfully wrong for the 3 Stooges and their clown-class lawyer...***

Sounds legit

***...but Petey has also said 'it didn't happen quickly enough for me"...(he's also continuously inventing aspects of his own outrage, eg, I don't see where Prof Carey said anything about Petey's wife-Ed)...yeah he seems to do that throughout, from the initial construct that the generalised comment about the safety of women is directly 'Defamatory' of him, and the number of tweets, and his allegation that Prof Carey "doubled-down" on her initial comment, is possible that I'm not seeing the entire exchange, due to the fact that Petey has locked and/or blocked nearly everyone, but he seems to be rather fast and loose with the truth...I also note again that heaps of people are screen-shoting Petey's stuff and then posting it...(he's not very popular is he?-Ed)...all his own work and nuthin' less than he deserves...***

These post from Petey don’t sound like they are written by someone who didn’t know what his lawyer was doing.

***...Remember, this is the rancid li'l man who viciously denigrated a deceased person, Ms Katharine Thornton, in defense of his mate Christian Porter, and has then attacked Prof Carey as not being genuinely pregnant 'cos she's not actually pregnant herself...(I love his extraordinary comment about 'the law' and 'not defaming people', when he's been flat-out abusing and/or defaming Prof Carey-Ed)...and here's Precious clearly threatening/abusing/mocking people who have been contributing to the highly successful GoFundMe account in support of Prof Carey, as referred to in previous post...he also appears to be defining the vexatious nature of his original 'Concerns Notice' threat, stating that the availability of funds for him to receive 'compensation' is what motivates him...he also made a related comment about buying a new boat with his 'account' that had $125k in it, a snide reference to the amount in the GoFundMe at that time...***

New threat: don’t give her money because then I’ll continue to go after her.

***...Here's the link to a replay of Precious' rancidly self-interested 'Macro/Micro' statement on the ABC's The Insiders program, about how tough it is for him to be the mate of Self-Defined Rapist Christian Porter...

Look closely at this thread 'cos it has Petey and others discussing the "veracity" of Prof Carey's 'claims' of abuse and/or disability, and Petey saying "which interests me to burrow deeper in to test it's veracity"...his actions are about attacking Prof Carey, not about defending himself...

It's over a month since I started this post, and after all of that crass, self-involved nonsense (above), Petey has taken it to a whole new level with this disgraceful effort (below)...he's looking to draw-out the trauma that he is deliberately trying to inflict on Prof Carey...this clown isn't genuinely concerned about his alleged reputation...(if he ever was, he's now self-defining as just a precious li'l twit who's clearly enjoying causing trauma-Ed)...certainly appears that way doesn't it...***

The concerns notice was sent. I’ve thus got 12 months to take formal action from the point in time the comments were made. I’ll get the next few months out of the way and then decide. Leaning towards because it’s hardly been a sincere apology. No point thinking about it till then

***And here's a comment I managed to get directly at our mate Petey after he Tweeted that...not sure how his Tweet became 'public' but it did, so I said this...(heard from his lawyer yet?-Ed)...not yet, and I refer dear availees to the several posts I've already done about his conduct...*** 

By your appallingly defense of Porter, including your disgraceful assault on K Thornton; your precious, over-blown bleating about what is clearly not defamation; and your glee/pride at the distress you're causing Prof Carey, you have defined yourself as a self-involved coward.

***...Here's a coupla' Twitter comments I made recently to someone who was apparently semi-obsessed with Prof Carey's property portfolio, in defense of Van Onselen...I've Tweeted a few times before, but this is my first actual Twitter exchange/'s the link to most of the broader convo...***

I have been threatened with Defamation dozens of times for telling the truth, usually on/about my blog The Mount Gambier Independent, but never once actually sued. What Prof Carey said isn't even close to defo, but prceious PVO's response reeks of 'dost protesteth too much'.

OK, but an honest opinion is not defo. When I read that original tweet, I thought Prof Carey meant C Porter. It is PVO's ballistic response that led me to ask, has he got a 'guilty conscience'? And there's also his appalling conduct defending Porter, eg, attacking K Thornton.

***...This Twitter comment below sums-up Petey perfectly...grossly over-reacting far beyond self-defense...(even if he had actually been 'Defamed'-Ed)...exactly, and many others share my experience that we didn't even associate Prof Carey's comment directly to PVO, but that his actions in viciously retaliating, particularly joining his 'action' to Porter's and Laming's, these are the actions of a a man with a very guilty conscience...*** 

Van Onselen thinks that because Prof Carey has written about her personal experiences he can take them, weaponise them & use them against her. This is exactly what he did with Kate’s diaries. Took them, weaponised them & used them against her.

***...And another excellent Twitter thread (below) that I encourage dear availees to read in it's 1) clearly identifies that there was only one original Tweet by Prof Carey, 2) provides a personal account of direct experience of abuse, of talking about that abuse, and of subsequent 'trolling', and 3) makes the excellent point that PVO's conduct is potentially a subconscious guilt reaction related to regret...(sure, possibly, it's definitely about having a guilt conscience, but I'm not sure he regrets any of it, he just hates being called-out on any of it, or even just hates being criticised or questioned at all-Ed)...I agree...

In conclusion, Petey has gone right off the deep end in his appalling attacks on Prof Carey, but anyone who is familiar with his work...(particularly regarding his mate the Self-Defined Rapist Christian Porter-Ed)...indeed, nobody who has watched PVO's spectacular descent into madness is overly surprised to see his disgraceful conduct toward Prof Carey...(and both counts of 'mad', being 1) 'angry' and 2) 'insane'-Ed)...well quite...(and no-one's surprised, but shocked, appalled, disgusted, furious, all of these and many more-Ed)...absolutely...I'm also aware that at least 14 individuals and organisations have received similar 'Defamation Threats'...  

Tomorrow: Mount Gambier City Council - A Debasco Looking For Somewhere To Happen

Strewth, where to start...MGCC's appalling conduct towards the Turners, who used to run the internationally renowned Blue Lake Tours and associated Cafe?...(what about the ludicrous 'we've got a plan to have a plan about the Crater Lakes Precinct'-Ed) that the same plan they had a decade ago?...(dunno'-Ed)...and then there's the extraordinary $70m+ debasco (debacle/fiasco) that is the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre...(I thought it was $57m-Ed)...well Council would have you believe that, but it's at least $70m and likely well beyond that...(yay-Ed) keeping with Council's well-established record of doing projects that blow-out by 100% or more even... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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