Sunday, August 23, 2020

Latest Expose On The Morrison Jazz Academy Boy's Club

Howdy dear promised, a specific post especially dedicated to the latest article by citizen journalist Matilda Duncan, regarding the many and varied political 'criminalities' of the funding given to James Morrison for his business, and the related failings of the supposed 'business model', etc...this is of course all entirely separate to the extraordinary multiple issues of Morrison supporting and protecting 'Rapists'* at his business/Academy...(and also doesn't cover the bizarre granting of Charity Status to 'Generations In Jazz', another of Morrison's 'personal businesses'-Ed)...indeed, how the living shreck is that appropriate? and how did it happen?...(I'd love to see Ms Duncan go hard at that particular issue-Ed)...well yes, with what she's managed to produce thus far, and on a range of topics, I'd reckon that she'd get as far as possible into that issue as anyone could...("as far as possible"?-Ed)...yeah, I believe that there's all sorts of delightful 'secrecy clauses' involved with that legislation...(of course there is, 'cos if anything screams 'We Need Secrecy', it's about the structures of and/or peeps involved, etc, with 'Charities'-Ed)...well quite, but we digress...

(*) I put a '*' on that because that is my personal opinion of the perpetrators Graeme Lyall and Matthew Harkin, as defined by their own conduct, but neither has been 'legally' identified as such...if need be, please refer to previous posts in this 'ere blog for more detail about how these 2 perpetrators have been protected and excused, not least of all by James Morrison...

And my first stop with all of this is to direct dear availees to the following articles/posts about Ms Duncan's horrendous treatment by Graeme Lyall, James Morrison, serial Paedophile Protector and apparently a 'lawyer' Bouncin' Billy DeGaris, Tennyson Woods College, SAPol (police), et al...please note in the New Matilda articles that 1) the Catholics/Tennyson Woods College, where the 'Jazz Academy' was originally located, they've done an extensive 'report' about this situation, and 2) where Lyall himself acknowledges that as a result Ms Duncan has received a Compensation Payment...(I love that bit where Lyall actually complains about Ms Duncan still pursuing appropriate action 'even though she's had that money', and in whinging about it, he thusly identifies that that Compensation Payment has happened-Ed)...classic...and it's so fundamentally obvious that I'm going to say it again anyways...
What happened that warrants a 60-page Catholic Report and a Compensation Payment?

So here's those links...

Then there's these two the first Ms Duncan is referred to as 'Louise', and then later as 'Ms Duncan', not sure the second one, the first paragraph is her...

And this, the most poignant article where-in Ms Duncan describes her experience of Lyall and the broader 'Jazz Community'...

And after that, my second stop in all of this is of course to make it about me...(well, what else is a card-carrying narcissist s'posed to do?-Ed)...exactly!...anyhoos, I am so red-hot on the Morrison stuff...(really? I hadn't noticed-Ed)...anywaaaays, I'm so focused on Morrison because I feel an unrelenting sense of guilt stemming from my knowledge of Ms Duncan's 'experience', dating back to when it happened in 2010, and my subsequent failure to act upon I've posted previously, the statements of outright denial made at the time by Tennyson's Principal David Mezinec and a SAPol representative on ABC South East Radio were proof-positive to me that something had happened...and that belief was cemented by the rancidly abusive 'rumours' about Ms Duncan that rocketted around this charming li'l town within days after that 'report'...

And my guilt is further cemented by this latest 'Rape' by Mathew Harkin, and my belief that maybe just maybe things might have been different if I'd acted earlier and/or more strongly about James Morrison's apparent predilection for protecting 'Rapists'...(maaate, look at everything that Ms Duncan has managed to achieve, by herself, and yet nothing's changed, how can you be responsible for this?-Ed)...well I'm not really, it's largely just me 'Guilt Shifting' that which I feel for failing to identify the abuses committed against our 7-year old kids at St Martins by "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling, and then my failure to resolve what is now 18 years of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(and again, neither are actually your fault, it's all just yet further examples of the same rancidly Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that Ms Duncan was/is subjected to-Ed)...indeed, and perhaps I just find it easier and less confronting to feel 'guilt' for my own failures, rather than try to deal with the far worse reality of that Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that runs and defines South Australia...(fair enough-Ed)...      

And absolute credit to Ms Duncan that, despite all of the horrendous abuse she's suffered at the hands of Morrison and his rancid cronies she somehow keeps her personal issues relatively 'in-check'...obviously her experiences are a big part of what motivates her...(as are yours-Ed)...exactly, but I don't think, in fact I know that I cannot and have not dealt with the St Martins Cover-up with the same sense of detachment and 'professionalism' that Ms Duncan has achieved...for example, as identified, it's taken over a year of Freedom of Information applications, refusals, and Appeals for her to get those emails, but she done get 'um alright!...I have neither the patience nor the organisational skills to achieve that...(oh I dunno', remember those Summons for info that you managed to get the Court to 'Order' for your 'Trial'?-Ed)...yeah, but that's a bit different, I did successfully argue for those Summons but the Court set strict time-frames for that info to be provided to me...(sure, and remember the hilarious response from the ABC that you were "just fishing for information", and that it was all too complicated and difficult and therefore they came-up with exactly Zero documents?-Ed)...despite claiming to have kept a 'special file' at ABC South East Radio just for li'l ol' moi...yesss, I believe the term they used was "oppressive", the Summons was "oppressive"...(yeah, and then how the ICAC exactly mimicked that response, literally word-for-word, and themselves produced exactly Zero documents?-Ed)...yeahhh, if it weren't so critically important and mind-numbingly corrupt, it'd be Keystone Cops-style hilarious...

Anyhoos, just go to, or here's the direct link to Ms Duncan's latest piece, and I encourage y'all to read her other posts about Morrison, and to look at her work about Greyhound Racing, yet further proof of her thoroughness and 'professionalism'...

(I love that bit in the emails where Geoff Brock demands credit, but when asked about his role by Ms Duncan, denies all responsibility-Ed)...and that's what happens when you lie, you contradict ya' took me a while to get through all this stuff, so may I suggest y'all have a go at it as I did, in chunks, a few emails at a time, have a break, another few emails, etc...I also struggled with the continuity stuff where one email gets repeated in others, etc, but stick with, it's well worth the effort...

Tomorrow: SA"s ICAC Corruption, More Troy Bell  Than It's Worth

(Strewth, that is an appalling pun, and you've used it how many times already?-Ed)...don't you worry your pretty little face about that, there's plenty more where that came from...(gourd give me strength!-Ed)...your gourd wont help you now buddy...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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