Sunday, August 30, 2020

Pack Up Ya' Troy Bells In Your Ol' Kit Bag

***Started this several weeks ago, so apologies for any continuity issues, etc***

(Ohhh, for gourd sake, you ain't lettin' go of that bone any time soon are ya'?-Ed)...I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about...(I'm talking about your relentless flogging of that same sorry 'Troy Bell/trouble' pun-Ed)...ahhh, in that case I do know what you're talking about...(and from what I can gather, most of this post ain't even about the current Member for Mt Gambier in the South Australian House of Assembly (Lower House), and/or the 'troubles' he's seeing via the blatantly obvious Political Persecution he is currently undergoing courtesy of SA's rankly corrupt Independent Commissioner Against Corruption-Ed)...oo oo, that reminds me...(reminds you of what?-Ed)...that My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Comm Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander is retiring and being replaced by Justice(?) Anne Vanstone...(now where do I know that name from?-Ed)...well she's been a relatively prominent person in SA legal circles for some time, but I'd guess it's because she's the sister-in-law of former Liberal (Federal) Senator Amanda Vanstone...(oh gourd-Ed)...yesss, I know, but please be open to the possibility that that doesn't necessarily define Ann's operandi politique and/or social disposition, etc, maybe she loathes her 'Outlaws' and has nothing to do with them, and her/their ideologies/behaviours/etc may be world's apart...("operandi politique"?-Ed)...yeah, I made it up, simply meaning her political leanings /allegiances/whatevs and how that affects her conduct/decisions/etc...

Guilty By Association, Guilty By Inheritance:...and arguably on an absolute hiding to nothing is the incoming Commissioner, due to the definable Institutionalised Corruption evident in her predecessor's conduct...(in the same way that Grant King's multiple 'political' appointments by the rancidly corrupt Rann/Weatherill Labor government defined the HAC and RDA as being corrupt, that is, my maaate Grant was 'appointed' to the Health Advisory Council and Regional Development Australia immediately following his still non-investigated defrauding of at least $3million from the failed Green Phone enterprise-Ed)...indeed, and a quick perusal of her credentials and work history ain't doin' much to alleviate my concerns...(employment with all the usual suspects?-Ed)...indeed, and given my experiences of the rancidly corrupt SAPol (police) Prosecutions and the Director of Public Prosecutions I'm also deeply concerned about some of the 'controversial' decisions that she has been involved in, eg, in 2008 the High Court described her directions to the jury as 'lacking neutrality', basically re-iterating the Prosecution case whilst almost ignoring the Defence...there are other examples, just Interweb search her history...

Language Warning:...And again Dear Googles I'd like to own "my rights as a living woman"...(aha, nice zeitgeist reference to the current trend of privileged fuckwits, particularly women it seems, although that may just be the 'reporting' paradigm, etc, but they're refusing to wear masks and harassing poor Bunning employees or Australia Post staff, etc-Ed)...including apparently circulating some manifesto/script thingy that tells them they have the 'Right' to do whatevs they fuckin' feel like, fuckin' whenevs, fuckin' whatevs, and fuck everybody else...(fuckin' idiots!-Ed)...yep, we have some real issues in Australia at the moment about genuine actual Fascism courtesy of PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison cancelling Parliament and declaring himself a One-Man Cabinet and appointing mates to unaccountable COVID Committees, etc, and there's our actual breaches of Human Rights Conventions regarding our appalling, politicised  treatment of refugees, etc, but do these fuckin' idiots protest any of that? nup, they're goin' to the shops and yellin' fuckin' incoherent bullshit at under-paid staffers...(if it weren't so stupid it'd just be sad-Ed)...End Language Warning...mmm, anyhoos, it is not 'Defamation' or whatevs, it is my 'right' to state the realities as I have experienced them re the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that defines South Australia's Legislature (Parliament/Public Service), the Executive (Police/Corrections), and the Judiciary (errr, Judiciary)'s when I see someone who has spent their entire professional life as part of that definably compromised system, I'd reasonably be considered an absolute idiot if I did not have very genuine concerns...(but to argue against ya'self, not everyone you've encountered in the Parliament or in SAPol or in the Courts, etc, not everyone's been rabidly bent-Ed)...excellent point...

(*This is a very basic breakdown of the actual Legislature/Executive/Judiciary structure for the purposes of this 'ere blog, eg, the 'Elected Government' is part of the 'Executive', and some parts of the 'Public Service' can be both Legislature and Executive, and there are many overlaps from Federal to State powers and functions,'s actually a very complicated web of responsibilities and accountabilities, etc...(as witnessed with the current Aged Care and State Borders issues-Ed)...yep, although Aged Care is clearly a Federal responsibility that Scott 'Smirky Shirker' Morrison is desperately trying to deny...if like me, you struggle a bit with the technicalities and intricacies, etc, but do wanna' know more, just Interweb search it, it's well worth educationing ones-self about this shizzle as best one can.*)

But back to your excellent point well made Ed, indeed and for example, Her Honour Teresa Anderson was initially clearly not very impressed with me and my habit of abruptly repeatedly correcting her, etc, but HH very quickly realised that it was the bucket a' false info that she was being fed by SAPol Prosecutions, etc, that's where the real problem lay, and given that, that I was actually being quite polite and respectful in my conduct...(and that then led to HH treating you with genuine respect and listening to what you were saying about your 'Trial' being a "Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution" as motivated by this 'ere blog, etc-Ed)...absolutely, which led directly to HH identifying that as being "Abuse of Process" and then "Malicious Prosecution", and ultimately to Her Honour 'excusing/recusing' herself and withdrawing...(and in abject contrast, we have the definable bias and abuse and threats and badgering and repeated corrupt collusion with SAPol Prosecutions, etc, of HH's 'replacement', Magistrate Ian White-Ed)...indeed, chalk and cheese...and SAPol's conduct, both ACB and Prosecutions, through-out my "bizzare trial", was appallingly corrupt and inept, but that doesn't mean that the cops repeatedly sent to my house in November/December 2018 knew that they were there to harass and intimidate me...(well, not until you told them anyways, then they knew-Ed)...sure, but that was just me reacting quietly and respectfully and quite appropriately to having cops continuously lobbing on my doorstep and sticking cameras in my face and demanding DNA swabs, etc, in what was clearly a campaign of exactly that, harassment and intimidation designed to make me feel unsafe in my own home...  

Politically though, I ain't quite so balanced and/or forgiving, almost without exception I have found 'politicians' to be at best self-serving and self-protecting, etc, and at worst, just fundamentally corrupt, usually with a strong Pro-Paedophile aspect to that corruption...but that doesn't mean that I'm incapable of re-considering my position about specific situations and/or politicians...for example, I was initially very supportive of Nick Xenophon, and gave him what I considered the benefit of the doubt about his actions regarding the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and eventually my personal beliefs about his perceived failures to follow-through on promises of support, etc, that leached into my opinion of his actual actions in helping us parents get a Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry into the Teachers Registration anger and trauma drew me away from that fundamental truth and I have been/become very damning of Mr Xenophon...but as I say, there is that fundamental truth, so whilst I have accused Mr Xenophon of potentially conspiring with the rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt elements in both major political parties, Labor and Liberal, and leading us already traumatised parents into a blind-gully pseudo-Inquiry that never intended to do anything positive, etc, the fact remains that if he had merely said 'sorry, can't help you's' when we first went to him, then I couldn't now point to the 3 years long SARC Inquiry into the TRB, as motivated by the TRB handling of the St Martins Cover-up...(and where-in the TRB's conduct is itself a critical component of the St Martins Cover-up-Ed)...exactly...

When I manage to disavow myself of and disentangle myself from my personal trauma and anger, etc, I still believe that Mr Xenophon got us the relatively innocuous Inquiry he believed that the Parliament would support, as opposed to an Inquiry with any real powers and/or genuine intent...that is, he knew that the SARC Inquiry was never going to ultimately achieve any real change or resolve anything about the St Martins Cover-up, but it was still better than not getting any sort of Inquiry established at all...(here here!-Ed)...  

But I digress...all this stuff conveniently collides under the 'Troy Bell Troubles' banner, 'cos there's the various issues of Bruce maaate's inappropriate involvement in Troy's investigation and prosecution, and of course how that relates to Bruce's definably complicit involvement in my "bizarre trial"...(are you talking about his personal referral of you to SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch?-Ed)...well sure, there was that, although is that strictly true/correct, 'cos when SAPol ACB unlawfully interviewed me at Mt Gambier Police Station, they made specific reference to the DPP (Director of Public Prosecutions), an issue with this Troy Bell stuff...(well whatevs Bruce actually done, he done do it without conducting any sort of actual appropriate 'legislated' investigation by the Office of Public Integrity?-Ed)...again, yep, sure...(and then there's his personal written 'Authorisation' allowing you to speak with your Legal Eagle (lawyer), your family, your friends, and your doctor?-Ed)...well he did do that, yes, in July 2014, approximately 5 months after he'd personally referred me to either the DPP or SAPol ACB, etc, and therefore 5 months into the SAPol/ICAC 'Operation Baritone' what was/is all about li'l ol' moi, etc, etc, but most specifically I am referring to Bruce's collusion with the then Labor Attorney-General li'l Johnny Rau...(ah yes, all that stuff about Bruce maaate contacting li'l Johnny in September/October 2014 to request changing/expanding the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014, as ratified in Parliament November 2014-Ed)...yep, retrospectively changing the legislation so as to allow prosecuting me...

And that ain't some paranoid rantings or conspiratorial self-obsession, 'cos we've previously documented all of that, so's regular availees will be well aware that several of those changes/expansions were about defining what 'To Publish' actually meant, and were in direct response to my Legal Eagle's correspondence with Bruce maaate, where-in my Leagles wrote asking that exact question, 'what does To Publish mean? there is no definition', etc...(and several other questions about the vastly vague and undefinable nature of the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, eg, what the living shreck does "tending to suggest mean?"-Ed)...indeed...and recent revelations about Bruce mate's grossly inappropriate and potentially unlawful conduct with the Troy Bell investigation, it's all just a li'l bit too familiar for me...(I wonder just exactly how much these Court-ratified concerns have influenced Bruce mate's retirement?-Ed)'s certainly a question worth asking...   

And because someone's gone to the trouble of sending me this, and 'cos I can't be bothered just repeating it all myself by way of explanation, etc, etc, here's just one of the many stories about Bruce's abuses of his already vast powers...

And there are of course various other stories about this extraordinary issue, but I'll cover them in upcoming posts...this story is actually from 3 weeks ago, and there's been bulk machinationings related to it since, and we'll get onto that shortly like...(is it my imagination, or are we doing more frequent posts lately?-Ed)...well we're certainly tying, yes, and with the demise of The Border Watch and the multiple current Mt Gambier City Council corruptionings and associated bastardries to be addressed, etc, etc, now's as good a time as any to get this 'ere blog functioning propers again...(yay-Ed)...

Tomorrow: More Troy Bell And ICAC And MGCC Stuff 

And just a quick mention, recently someone sent me some stuff about issues related to my 'Trial' and the Common Law Prohibition on Retrospective Criminal Prosecutions...I've read that stuff and whilst it clearly does relate to the extraordinary corruption of appropriate process I've described above...(where Bruce Mate went to li'l Johnny Rau and changed the ICAC Act so as to prosecute you?-Ed)...yep, exactly I ain't no lawyer, but years of trawling through this sort of shizzle has taught me to spot some critical indicators, and the first one I spotted here, literally screaming at me off the page, was use of the term 'Conventions', it's a 'Convention' that such-and-such 'should occur'...this means it's what 'usually happens if everyone agrees', but the reality is that it ain't actually Law, it ain't strictly legislated, and therefore wide-open to 'interpretation' and/or just simply being ignored...(you mean like the Implied Freedom of Political Communication, itself a 'Convention' that is routinely misinterpreted as meaning that we have legislated Freedom of Speech like the USofA's Declaration (Bill) of Rights-Ed)...exactly, when the reality is very, very different, the reality lies in the first word, 'Implied', as opposed to 'Legislated'...

Of course, the IFoPC is one of the Constitutional Law issues that was identified during my 'Trial', and as acknowledged by both SAPol Prosecutions and the Court itself (Magistrate Rice), and there should have been a COAG meeting to evaluate/review the obvious CL issues, etc, etc, and is therefore a cornerstone of my ongoing attempts to Appeal...I'll go back through this Retrospective Laws stuff and see if I can't get a better handle on it, and post soon...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

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