Saturday, August 22, 2020

Just Some Stuff About Fascism And Whistleblowers

Howdy y'all dear availees in Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Portugal and Singapore and welcome to a rather random post cobbled together from the Draft section of this 'ere blog, about nuthin' in particular, and yet a bit of's been a huge week in my personal universe, and a lot of it not great, so's let's grind through that and get to the good per usual, I've been spending a lot of time pawing through Twitter and other Social Media whilst simultaneously listening to the ABC/BBC News Radio, with intermittent Main Stream Media, and I've pinched a coupla' pieces to re-post here 'cos it's stuff I agree with and/or are concerned about, and quite frankly, it's quicker than writing it all out myself...these first two pieces are obviously about the litany of Rorts/Professional Corruptionings that define the Liberal/National Party Criminal Cabal...these have come-up in the context of the rank failure of the MSM to even question Scott 'Scummo' Morrison/the LNP, let-alone actually hold them to account for anything...(and in many cases the MSM actually just presents the LNP propaganda and lies as fact, and/or defends them and/or runs interference, eg, the rancidly unhinged media attacks on Victorian Premier Dan Andrews at his daily COVID-19 press conferences-Ed)...indeed, it's hugely concerning and very, very frustrating...(and the ABC is one of the worst!-Ed)...well quite, and I think the first reference here is to statements made on the ABC about how people aren't interested in the LNP's corruption...         

Replying to
SCANDAL? #RubyPrincess -23 dead #Newmarch -19 dead #Palladin #Parakeelia #ReefGate #Watergate #CloverGate #AuPairs #HelloWorld #SportsRorts #RoboDebt -2000 suicides #ChristmasIsland #JamGate #RolexRobert #AWURaids #SecretTrials
We've done several posts recently with lengthy attachments about the LNP's corruption, and here's the link to another excellent thread from Twitter...(well I for one think that ya' can't identify and call-out this relentless corruption and incompetence often enough, so I'm all for it-Ed)...absolutely, so here's this link, please to be checkin' it out, and we'll see y'all on the other side...

Welcome back and just a quick shout-out to some Twitter peeps that I regularly follow...if you're of a like bent, please to be checking-out the smooth Social Media stylings of Ingrid M at @iMusing; Ronni Salt at @RonniSalt; Friendly Jordies at @friendlyjordies; Michael West at @MichaelWestBiz, Michael Pascoe at @MichaelPascoe01; also; and Independent Australia; and New Matilda; and Matilda Duncan at to all those I haven't mentioned...Ms Duncan is a self-confessed trainee journalist, and her latest piece further cements her credibility as a hardworking and genuine researcher and writer and contributor...and because it relates directly to Mt Gambier I'm gunna' give it it's own post as soon as I finish this one...on a personal note, I take great comfort on my worst, most defeated, most depressed days that there are people like these who are out there havin' a red-hot go, and I gain from them a sense of vicarious and sometimes even actual per my last post, I also take great inspiration and draw strength from the experiences of those extraordinary men who are my grandfathers...but I's another classic about Scummo, couldn't say it better myself...(I love Scummo's new hashtag, #ScottyTheSimp, courtesy of Labor's Bill Shorten-Ed)...sweet, and I see it's trending...

This man nails old mate from the Lodge here..#ScottyTheSimp #ScottyFromMarketing
3:27 PM · Aug 16, 2020Twitter for iPhone

And I referred earlier to The Saturday Paper, and they did an excellent piece about the decline of Democracy here in Oz, with Parliament suspended and #ScottyTheSimp ruling by decree and press conference announcements and self-appointed Commissions, etc...I had never heard of the 'Henry VIII Clauses' before, but TSP are spot-on with their observations/concerns about this...TSP has a subscription cost, but I've seen bits and pieces on other feeds/sites...
     Morrison ruling by ‘Henry VIII’ clauses
     New concerns surround the government’s increased use of legislative powers to bypass the    
     parliament and create laws that cannot be amended or overturned.
And then there's this random stuff that I cannot remember where or why I copied it, but it's immediately self-explanatory as to what it's about, which is in and of itself a quantifier as to the rank corruption of the LNP... 
#MrManilla #NCCC & #Towke #TourismSackings

#MrManilla obviously refers to the National's George Christenson...(other wise known as the Member for Manilla-Ed)...exactly, because of the extraordinary amount of Taxpayer-funded time he has spent trawling through 'Sex-Bars' in Manilla, something like 1/4 of his time, that is, 28 trips averaging 10 days per trip, from 2014-2018, totalling nearly 300 days in 4 years, whilst a serving Federal politician...(wow-Ed)...#NCCC is the rankly corrupted, National COVID Coordination Committee, as appointed by #ScottyTheSimp, and loaded with Mining executives, headed by Gas Industry executive Nev 'Super' Powers...(is that the NCCC who have completely unpredictably declared that Australia's only salvation is to be found in massive investment in Gas?-Ed)...oui, quelle surprise eh?...#Towke is about #ScottyTheSimp's political assassination of Michael Towke, the original selected candidate for the Seat of Cook, 82 votes to 8 against Scummo...just Interweb search this stuff for a more thorough explanation, or just use that hashtag above...and #TourismSackings is surely going to be about Scummo's corruption, incompetence, and subsequent sackings from 2 Tourism jobs...again, just Interweb here's one that really, really concerns me...
SA Police is now deploying officers armed with assault rifles (as well standard-issue pistol, taser, etc) to patrol "at-risk areas" such as ... Rundle Mall, AFL games and protests. This is absurd and completely out of step with widespread community demands to demilitarise police.
2:27 PM · Jul 2, 2020Twitter Web App

And no personal offence to that young woman at the front, but she looks to be about 18 years old if that, and I just wonder exactly what life and/or firearms experience she might have...perhaps I'm just being ignorantly Ageist, perhaps she's an award-winning junior shooting champ...(perhaps she's one of those ageless country girls who looks 18 but is actually 30?-Ed)...well I think you're straying a bit from the point there, but sure, why not...all that aside, the main point that applies to all this crew and their locked-and-loaded compadres, is exactly what amount of actual training have any of these peeps had, and beyond that, what-the-shreck has ever happened in SA that requires militarised police like this?..(don't we have already have heavily armed specialised response units, whatevs they're called?-Ed)...indeed we do...(so what's the point of these random strolling firing squads?-Ed)...mmm, many a true word spoken in jest, but is this actually about cowing and scaring the general populace with pseudo-militia wandering the streets waving big guns in our faces?...(strewth, that's not a great situation if it's true-Ed)...indeed, and then couple that with the current COVID-19 reality that the SAPol (police) Commissioner Grant Stevens is by default running the state via the powers delivered unto him by the Marshall Liberal government...(wow, happy days-Ed)...     

And I chuck into the debate the ongoing and constant escalation of Federal Police and/or ASIO powers by Home Affairs Oberfuhrer Peter 'Spud' Dutton, etc...(and look at the Gestapo-style very dark or even black uniforms of the Australian Federal Police and Border Force, and as it appears above, SAPol-Ed)...more powers for increasingly militarised police, I mean, how could that possibly go wrong?...(well just look at what happens in any despotic dictatorship, or even in the USofA, where cops with military-grade weapons and vehicles are being turned-out against unarmed protestors by the increasingly erratic Donald 'Orange Roughy' Trump-Ed)...yeah well it was a rhetorical question, but thanks for that...  

Later Today: A Post About Morrison Jazz Academy, Courtesy Of Matilda Duncan, And The Border Watch Closes

And then tomorrow another post about stuff, and so on...with this weeks sudden and total demise of The Border Watch, I'm gunna' try to really bring the news back to Mt Gambier and surrounds via a daily post...(well some peeps seem to think that that's exactly what we here at TMGI have been doing-Ed)...well cheers y'all...(and furthermore, that we've actually recorded the alternate and actually more factually accurate history of Mt Gambier and SA, in the same context that TBW claims to have done-Ed)...well we certainly pride ourselves on being at the very least factually accurate, and on many occasions we cover certain issues that TBW and/or ABC South East Radio fail/refuse to do appropriately or sometimes even at all...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters... 

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