Tuesday, August 4, 2020

I Try Not To Hate, But, Scott 'Scummo' Morrison

Word up mofos, and a super quick post just to get things rollin' again...(yeah, it's been a while-Ed)...indeed, 9/10 days since last post and I coulda' sworn it was only like 6 or 7...been back on the couch snoozin' in the arvos, strugglin' to get to gym only every other day, etc, it's been a very long year already and yet at times it just skips from week to week...it's a very surreal state of being and I'm absolutely sure that many people are experiencing something similar, in fact, I know they are...but that's not why we're here today...oh, and I know I keep promising my 'COVID19 Ironies Post', but it just seems incredibly indulgent and inappropriate whilst the whole disaster keeps on going, and is currently getting worse than the 'first wave'...(particularly in the Aged Care sector-Ed)...yes, and in a context where putting those two words together seems a horribly distorted misnomer. there seems to be very little actual 'Care' involved...and that's as good/bad a place to start as any other...
General Language Warning:...for the entire post...no apologies, this arsehat Scummo is such a sick sack-a-fuckery who has thoroughly earned every scathing expletive hurled his way...

Aged Care Is A Federal Responsibility:...and without trawling through all the tedious minutiae, it was/is the fucking Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison Liberal/National Party that have largely privatised Aged Care and decimated public funding for what's left...I've seen quotes of $2billion removed in (annual?) funding, and recently our PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison, when confronted with that figure by a journo...(oh, so it does happen then? journos do sometimes confront Scummo?-Ed)...very few of them and seldom, but yes, Scummo was put on the spot about those cuts, and he denied they'd ever happened and then abused the journo about asking "questions that are lies"...(but they have happened, the cuts that is, and those questions were factually accurate-Ed)...yep, but that's part of the Fascism 101 of Scummo's governing, deny, deny, deny, lie, lie, lie, never admit any sort of fault and/or responsibility, and then attack the questioner/journo, accusing that person of what he himself is doing, lying...(indeed he was clearly calling the journo a liar, 'your repeated question is a lie, therefore you are a liar'-Ed)...classic Scummo...(and he did the same thing when asked about the latest cuts to the ABC's funding-Ed)...yes he did...("there aren't any further cuts because there were no cuts (originally)", both of which are absolute lies!-Ed)...a pathological liar's gotta' pathologically lie...(indeed, over and over he said it, then just ignored the journo and went to another-Ed)...as he frequently does, abuses and shuts-down the questioner and moves to a more complicit/compliant journo...

Anyhoos, with COVID19 spreading through predominantly privately-operated Aged Care facilities in Victoria, with very few cases in public facilities, etc, for multiple reasons that fault/responsibility falls directly to the LNP agenda...(spot on! privatisation and funding cuts and minimising wages and job insecurity, etc, effectively forcing people to work when they should be self-isolating, etc, etc, it all comes home to roost within LNP ideology and conduct!-Ed)...exactly...(and the self-same issues have been prominent in the Quarantine Hotels failures, namely, the use of privatised and under-trained and under-paid 'security firms', after the general privatisation of these sort of services and the problems with the LNP's constant attacks on the minimum wage and worker's sick leave and other rights, etc, etc-Ed)...and with Melbourne/Victoria effectively locked down and COVID19 spreading like wildfire through Aged Care, a Federal responsibility, what does Scummo do?...(I wanna' say fly to Hawaii like he did during the actual bushfires earlier this year?-Ed)...well quite, and it's not an entirely unwarranted albeit accidental pun, 'cos he did something very similar, he flew to Queensland (from Canberra/NSW) for a series (of 3?) political campaigning photo-ops related to the upcoming  State Election, 31st October 2020...(fuck me, State borders closed and COVID19 spreading again, etc, and he crosses 3 states for a photo-op, what a prick-Ed)...oh it gets better...(do I want to know?-Ed)...brace ya'self...

Well for starters, neither he nor any of his 'entourage' were wearing masks...(oh boy-Ed)...when they visited a fish processing factory that has featured previously in LNP promos, and is rumoured/alleged to be an LNP donor...(wouldn't come as much of a surprise-Ed)...and when he's immediately copped an absolute Twitter-caning for this self-serving bastardry of disavowed responsibility for the Aged Care disaster, and going to Queensland despite quarantine, etc, he's immediately flown back (on his $280million private/public jet?), squealing about how he's doin' us all a favour, and particularly Dan Andrews and Victorians, by coming back to sort it all out...(and I suppose the MSM are all singing his praises for this act of selfless humility?-Ed)...no more than usual...(so that's all of them, a lot-Ed)...yep, absolutely sickening sycophancy of the highest order... 

And all of this LNP promo swanning-about, sans any sign of COVID19 considerations, ie, jumping across 3 states whilst not wearing masks, etc, comes after he postponed the Federal Parliament 'cos it was all too dangerous and too difficult, etc, re COVID19...(what about Zoom or Skype or whatevs? they've had more than 6 months to get themselves organised, it's just not that difficult-Ed)...no, exactly, it's an excuse to both deny any Parliamentary scrutiny and further erode basic 'Democratic' principles that supposedly govern us...(and in a context where he's personally appointed that farcically corrupted and non-Democratic Mining Executive-laden COVID Recovery Committee!-Ed)...yep, too dangerous to have actual Democracy, but let's all fly to Queensland for chuckles...   

And it's not just this permanent state of LNP Worker Hate that has driven the 'Second Wave' in Victoria, 'cos all the whilst Scummo's numb-minded automaton LNP minions in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland  and through-out the rancidly pro-LNP Main Stream Media continue to protect Scummo by ignoring and/or willfully misrepresenting his conduct, as is most evident by the ludicrously inappropriate and often unhinged and self-contradictory attacks on Victorian Premier Dan Andrews...(I was shocked to learn that that rancid li'l half-wit MP Tim Smith was an actual person-Ed)...well, "actual" is a big call...(yeah, but I thought he was some sort of wildly sarcastic parody account on Twitter, like the ones mocking Scummo-Ed)...mmm, fair enough...(and 'cos a' the wildly unhinged self-contradictory/irrational/illogical shizzle he's always saying/doing, it's often difficult to distinguish between what's real and what exactly is the 'parody'-Ed)...indeed, but there's plenty a' Right Wing Nut Job Twitterers and/or Facebookers, etc, that are similarly difficult to tell apart from the parodies...(nah seriously mate, when I first saw that shreckin' idiot 'Dim' Tim Smith on Twitter, I genuinely thought it was Josh Greenslade from the ABC's Mad As Hell comedy show doing a particularly unlikeable and distasteful character/parody-Ed)...oh yeah, I can see that, no offense to Josh of course...(nah nah, gourd bless Josh, gourd bless-Ed)...   

Don't know that much about Dan Andrews or Victorian politics more generally, but I've endured multiple Scommo cluster-fuck press conferences and his interminable non-sensical word salad hyper-babble, so I know mindless crap when I hear it...(indeed, Dan Andrews' daily pressers are long and detailed, but he routinely takes every question until there aren't any more, all whilst taking responsibility where appropriate, and calmly talking around the excruciating litany of unhinged abuse from moronic LNP stooges and drooling shock-jocks-Ed)...I liked his very barbed but calmly considered jibe about how Victorians were helping the Federal Aged Care authorities with 'their problems'...(yes, putting the blame right where it lies, and rightly praising-up/supporting his own people-Ed)...and Scummo keeps jaw-jabbering about how he supports Dan, etc, but never a word about hauling those LNP half-wits into line for the greater good...(in  a context where the LNP nutters have been deliberately undermining Dan and all messages/actions about distancing and shut-downs, etc, as per COVID19, calling him ridiculous names like 'Chairman Dan' and screechingly demanding that restrictions be lifted and Aged Care facilities opened, etc-Ed)...which has clearly and I'd argue deliberately undermined the Victorian government's messaging, and therefore directly contributed to the multiple breaches of protocols, new outbreaks, and 'Bunnings Karens' squealing about Face Masks in the Magna Carta, etc...

And it was only a few short weeks ago, back in April 2020 that Scummo himself openly threatened Aged Care providers, saying that they must re-open or he was gunna' make them...and all of this follows on from the original situation where-in both NSW and Victoria particularly, along with some other States, took the initiative in the National Cabinet whilst Scummo lagged along behind, failing/refusing to act until literally forced to, but then trying to take credit for those early actions and successes...     

But the real kicker, the issue that's really boiled my blood and got me spittin' chips and truly hatin'-down on this appalling excuse for a human being that is Scummo, it's his callous and disingenuous response to the Black Lives Matters movement and to the disgraceful plight of Aboriginal Australians, etc...(yeah, what was his latest smirking fuckery? 'like all PMs who have stood at this lectern I have a great passion for Indigenous issues/equality'? some bullshit like that, whatta' fucker-Ed)...yeah, he's said and done some truly appalling things in this Indigenous context, but this was arguably the worst...having done nothing to advance the cause of Indigenous peoples, he's now stated that he has a new plan with twice as many points/goals as the original 'Closing The Gap' statement...(and what has he actually done up'til now? sweet fuck all, or rather, absolute fuckery like this;1) cut $250k from the Indigenous Women's Domestic Violence Fund, 2) denounced BLM marches whilst silently supporting COVID19/5G/Anti-Vaxxer protests, and bestest of all, 3) refused to accept the Uluru Voice Statement and legislate for an appropriate permanent Indigenous representation in the Federal Parliament, saying he won't accept a Third Chamber in the Parliament,  but then not only cancels Parliamentary sittings because it's all a bit too 'dangerous' due to COVID19, but self-appoints that 'Third Chamber' group of Mining Industry executives to his very special non-accountable CRC-Ed)...spot on...     

And this latest 'Enhanced Closing The Gap' announcement also was Scummo undeniably acting in direct response to the storm of fury unleashed on Twitter and other 'social media', identifying that exact point as we just covered...notorious for responding to Twitter outrage, and equally notorious for making un-funded announcement after announcement, with no intent of actually following through with actual funding and/or action, etc, etc, he's come up with this bollocks...when rightly outed for the outrageous hypocrisy of 'No Third Indigenous Chamber' followed immediately by appointing his own 'CRC Third Chamber', his absolutely predictable response is another grandiose self-congratulatory 'announcement'...(yes, hate is a powerful and unfortunate emotion, but I can't think of another way to consider Scummo-Ed)...and it doesn't end there, add to that his/the LNP's general attitude/rulings that BLM marches should be or are banned due to COVID19 issues/fears, but in the same week we can have stadia across the country packed to the gunnels with footy fans...(fuck the Sharkies! I mean, go the Sharkies! Scummo's alleged fav team in the NRL-Ed)...yep, must have footy crowds but cannot possibly have protest marches...it's Bread and Circuses Fascism 101...and if we ignore history or are ignorant of it, then we are doomed to repeat the same mistakes, doomed to the same failures, time and again...

Tomorrow: The COVID19 Ironies

Given that this COVID19 Restrictions situation looks set to be with us for quite some time yet, in various forms, perhaps it is time to post that stuff...with some minor modifications and some surreptitious paragraph shuffling, etc, I reckon the genuine intent of that post can be presented in an appropriate fashion...(I'd reckon, it's halfways there already-Ed)...super, so that's a deal then, tomorrow... 

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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