Monday, August 10, 2020

With Morrison's Support, Jazz Academy 'Indecent Sexual Assault' Student Escapes 'Scott Free'

Hello y' per recent posts on this topic, unfortunately, I am entirely unsurprised that Morrison Jazz Academy student Matthew Harkin has effectively been given a 'free pass' from the South Australian Courts, despite pleading Guilty to the Indecent Sexual Assault of a fellow student, and that Guilty Plea coming after the Prosecutions massively down-graded their 'charges' from 2 Counts of Rape...this 'No Conviction' decision was handed down last Tuesday 4th August 2020, but I wanted to wait and see how it was reported (or not) during the was mentioned several times as a general news item on ABC Radio South East on 5th August 2020, but they have not done a specific story that I've heard...but it hasn't been in The Border Watch at all, nor on the associated WIN News '2-Story In An Ad Break Bulletin' during the evening TV news...also, I've had 4 days/goes at this post 'cos it has caused me a lot of trauma as I explain later...  

I am so tired, so angry, so depressed, then some more angry, then deeply saddened, and then even more angry, etc, etc, etc, on and on it goes...I apologise that I really just don't have the energy to deal with this in the way that I feel I should right now...but I will...experience teaches me that I'll bob-up for air some time and then I'm gunna' move on it as best as is possible from my position of isolation and my own personal Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution and associated intense 'hatred' from official bodies like SAPol (police) and other regulatory bodies...that is, if I report something it's likely to get ignored and/or covered-up because it's me reporting it, or better still, I'll end-up on 'charges' for trying to do something about it!...regular availees will fully understand the litany of Pro-Paedophile Corrupt realities underpinning that otherwise 'paranoid' observation...and no apologies for helping my own Mental Health via the upcoming Language Warning, sometimes ya' just gotta' let the angry out, and I consider it perfectly appropriate in this circumstance, 'cos sometimes 'just words' just ain't enough...

If y'all haven't yet read about this fucking disgrace, this fucking outrageous outcome where-in Harkin, who pleaded Guilty to Indecent Sexual Assault, doesn't even get a 'Conviction' recorded, not even a fine apparently, but instead gets a '$5,000 Two Year Good Behaviour Bond' and is allowed to bolt back to the USofA, to become a teacher for fuck sake, well then here 'tis...and just for the record, as I understand it a 'Bond' is not a fine, it only applies if the person breaches the conditions of said 'Bond', and even then the Magistrate has discretion as to whether or nor to do even that...I checked this by reading the SA Legal Services Commission webpage, so in case I've misread that, here 'tis the link... and here's the link to the ABC story, and there are many other stories that y'all can find for y'allselves...

And a reminder that this started as 2 counts of Rape, so what does that mean? was this a prolonged 'attack' involving multiple assaults on a single occasion, or were there separate incidents on different dates? I've asked previous, how the fuck does 2 counts of Rape become 1 of 'Indecent Sexual Assault'...and what exactly the fuck does, "took a consensual sexual encounter too far" mean? what the fuck does that even mean?...and the whole thing is appalling reportage when it doesn't pose these questions's one thing to report that bollocks, "consensual sexual encounter", but to not then explain what that supposedly constitutes is just best, this is partially excusing Harkin's conduct, and the Magistrate's outrageous comments do exactly that, and go even further...
     "It was not a transient sexual assault — the surrounding circumstances led to confusion on
       your part as to the issue of consent."
...and it's a very short step from there to straight-out Victim fact, fuck that, this is Victim Blaming, by the Magistrate, as he openly and deliberately officially minimises and then excuses Harkin's conduct and the seriousness of the Assault, etc, effectively acting on behalf of Harkin...

Let's not fuck about, let's actually call this 'Indecent Sexual Assault' and 'Confusion', etc, let's call it exactly what it is, and for lack of a better term, it is/was 'Date Rape'...the young woman clearly hasn't consented, and her reaction and ongoing trauma, etc, clearly indicates that it was an extremely intense 'incident', not just some 'unfortunate misunderstanding'... 

In a previous post I covered the issue of Morrison petitioning the Court to get Harkin special Bail treatment/allowances in 2019 so that he, Harkin, could travel to Melbourne to perform in a concert with Morrison that was to be recorded and published as an album, etc...I wrote about the grossly inappropriate decision to allow Harkin to stay at a 'hostel' without warning the proprietors about Harkin's Rape Charges and Bail, etc, and also about the welfare of the young woman, who lived in Melbourne...and here in this Channel 9 report, that exact issue...

Her statements about how she was "further humiliated and discredited by my university" directly contradicts Morrison's previous deceitful statements about 'supporting the victim'...furthermore, as it's reported here, it was Morrison's glowing 'character reference' that directly helped Harkin's lawyers argue-down the 2 Rape Charges to 1 of Indecent Sexual with the Grooming and Rape of Ms Matilda Duncan by Graeme Lyall, James Morrison is definably absolutely complicit in protecting and excusing the perpetrator, to the direct detriment of the victims of these 'Assaults'...Morrison is absolutely complicit and the abject failure of the media to hold him to account is absolutely fucking in point, on Saturday morning just gone, 8th August 2020, ABC Radio South East had Morrison on as a guest to memorialise his mate Don Burrows, but not one question about the Harkin outcome or Morrison's deeply complicit and fucking disgraceful role in that outcome... 

I also found this statement whilst researching this post, and whilst it was on 'Social Media', I've removed the names so as to 'protect' the sources...*** 

July 16
I have been thinking over the last two days about what I wanted to say about this situation, however I think ********* has said it all.
I do want to say that I am so proud of the strong and courageous survivor. ❤️
I also want to say how proud I am of ******** and all the young women and men who have stood by her in the gracious and respectful way you have. ❤️
Here is ********’s post:
“I have many thoughts and emotions about this, and if you’re close to me you’ve probably heard many rants and held me as I cried. I could say so much about the character and type of person Matt Harkins is, but I’m not going to give him anymore of my time. Instead, I think the world needs to hear how incredible the victim is.
The victim is one of my closest friends, and she deserves the world. She is one of the most beautiful, kind, talented person you could meet, and I can say without a doubt she’s the smartest person I know. She has honestly changed my life, especially about how I look at myself through her positivity and openness regarding all things. She is unapologetically herself, and I thank god every day that we met. The world is a better place because she is in it, and Matt Harkins does not get change that. She has been nothing but gracious throughout this whole process, even while he sat there turning people against her. She’s not just a victim, but a survivor.
The truth was told since the day it happened, but it was incredibly hard and disheartening to see so many of our peers, friends, and uni staff take his side when history had, and continued to show us what he was like. I hope to see many of you apologising to her.
She is one of my best friends, and an extra member of my family. I know she’s going to have an amazing future, and will easily be one of the most successful people to come out of JMA, even if it’s not the traditional “professional musician” occupation most students pursue. And she’s going to do all that without a reference letter from the head of school.
I am so proud of her, and I love her dearly ❤️

***It's all there, again, exactly as happened with the Grooming and Rape of former student Matilda Duncan by Morrison's mate and Jazz Academy/Generations In Jazz teacher Graeme Lyall...the 'Jazz Community' protects and supports the perpetrator and their precious fucking career, and the 'victim' is shunned and/or attacked, their career's destroyed, etc...this is exactly what happened to Ms Duncan, who was Groomed and Raped and then shunned and attacked by the 'Jazz Community', and grossly failed by Morrison et al, and by SAPol who did sweet fuck-all investigation and never even 'charged' Lyall, and then went on ABC Radio saying 'nothing to see here', etc, etc, etc...and there's also the blizzard of highly derogatory Victim Blaming rumours about Ms Duncan that swept through Mt Gambier, all in a context where Lyall was/is well known within the 'Community' as having an extended 'reputation' for inappropriate conduct...what's happened previously with Harkin that this person writes, "when history had, and continued to show us what he is like."...this clearly infers/indicates that this is not the first 'incident' involving Harkin...and again this parallels the issues with Lyall being potentially a serial groomer/abuser...and as I've covered in previous posts, how does this, "without a reference from the head of school", relate to Morrison's simpering weasel-words about 'I'm not going to comment on what we've done to support the student (young woman)'?...

I've always had my personal concerns about an organisation that brings 1,000s of kids to Mt Gambier, to my personal experience the second largest Paedophile City in the Paedophile State, etc, but my blood ran cold when I also read a damning comment from another person, where-in they very specifically state;
     "...the jazz academy is Australia’s version of Jeffrey Epstein’s island..." either that person is prone to massive hyperbole and exaggeration or even fiction, or they're indicating that there are many known issues of abuse related to Morrison and his Academy and/or Generations In Jazz, issues that are yet to surface...and I've watched how thoroughly Morrison & Co have covered-up the Grooming and Rape of Ms Duncan, and how they've supported Harkin, and how in both instances they've attacked the young women for speaking-out, etc...said it before, saying it again, I'd be absolutely stunned if these are the only 2 incidents to have occurred, there is a definable culture of Abuse and Cover-up with Morrison and his jazz cronies, etc...  

And I have an absolute right to write about this culture of protecting abusers at the Morrison Academy/Generations In Jazz, particularly the issues of the 'Community' supporting the abuser/perpetrator and attacking the victims/reporters, because it is exactly what's been done to us families regarding the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse few parents who tried to get some appropriate 'action' regarding the abuse of our children by "text-book grooming paedophile' Glyn Dorling in 2002...we were (and still are) repeatedly and often publicly attacked, eg, in the school news letter or by MP Rory McEwen on the front page of The Border Watch or bailed-up and abused in the supermarket, etc...we've been openly denigrated by the Lutherans, especially by Principal John Alexander and senior staffer Cheryl-Ann Perryman and Peter Heuzenroeder, etc, and repeatedly attacked and blamed by SAPol, the Director of Public Prosecutions, the Teachers Registration Board, the Crown Solicitors Office, the rancidly corrupt Rory McEwen and a litany of other equally Pro-Paedophile Corrupt politicians of all persuasions, Labor/Liberal/et al, but particularly the Rann/Weatherill Labor government...and that's publicly, it doesn't include the vicious 'rumour' campaigns waged against us by local senior Lutherans, my mate Rory, SAPol, etc, etc...

So whilst plenty of people seem to have plenty to say about the 'Jazz Community' and this Harkin outrage, never ever forget that 1) this isn't the first and only incident involving James Morrison and his mates, and 2) it's happened in Mt Gambier, which as a 'Community' has also witnessed the St Martins Cover-up but done Sweet Fuck All about that as well...obviously I'm not blaming every single person, but it is absolutely accurate to say that everyone in any sort of position of authority and/or influence knows about the St Martins Cover-up, eg, the ABC, The Border Watch, the Mt Gambier City Council, etc, etc, and they are all by definition absolutely complicit...   

Tomorrow: More Rancid Political Misogyny

Just more vile, sexist, gendered abuse from the charming world of Old White Male privilege...and not surprisingly, it's mostly the Liberal/National Party, but they're hardly Robinson Crusoe...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...  

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