Friday, August 28, 2020

The $39m FARC Up To $57million Now, Before They've Even Started

Howdy dear availees in the USofA, Switzerland, Malta, and Thailand, and most importantly today, right here in li'l ol' Mt Gambier...welcome y'all to TMGI with associated early Language Warning...regular availees will know that we here at TMGI often post stuff hoping to be proven entirely wrong, or at least a bit alarmist...(in the context that being correct means that the subject matter is likely riddled with corruption and/or incompetence, and then usually Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption-Ed)...correct, haha, that's exactly the idiom we operate in, and as the litany of un-realised Defamation Threats made against us proves, and as unpleasant and disturbing though our topics may be, we're inevitably 'correct' and even occasionally 'right'...but even Ed and I were absolutely stunned by this morning's announcement on ABC South East Radio...(and I'm a confected literary device utilised to create a sense of debate rather than just lecturing y'all dear availees , and to set-up jokes, etc, so you can imagine, it takes quite a lot to shock or surprise me-Ed)...well quite, but cop this matey, Mt Gambier City Council have managed to blow-out the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre from the originally exorbitant $39million, to a mind-boggling $57m...(wow-Ed)...not quite what I said...(strewth!?-Ed)...mmm, and that $18m/45% increase comes before they've even turned the first sod...(oh my, they haven't even started and it's gone-up by that already?-Ed)...yep...(oh gourd we are royally fucked-Ed)...yep, we surely are... 

And the ABC just had on MGCC Mayor Lynette 'In Da House' Martin and Chief Executive Officer Andrew 'Peddle To The' Meddle, and oh my sweet gourd...(let me guess, you've never heard so much absolute bollocks in your entire life?-Ed)...and mate, I've been to dozens of MGCC meetings before I was banned back in April 2018 by the rancidly corrupt Magistrate Ian White, etc, etc, so I've seen my fair share of bollocks, believe me...but anyhoos, here's a super-quick summary 'cos I'm gunna transcribe the full interviews...something about it's never a better time to borrow...(the $33million MGCC Ratepayers are gunna' get stuck for and/or with, forthwith?-Ed)...indeed, $33m via 'low interest loans to be re-paid over a 20 year period'...('cos they only got $25m 'funding', $15m from the federal LNP government and $10m from the state Liberal Party, so that's $33m to be borrowed-Ed)...and MGCC is still paying back nearly $2m of the money they borrowed a decade ago for the New Library debasco (debacle tail-ends a Fiasco)...but hey, it's only money, that Mt Gambier City Council doesn't have, and is prepared to lie about...(yay-Ed)...

No Pool Me Once, No Pool Me Twice:...'cos this latest announcement includes a new 'End Date' of  approximately 'Autumn 2022'...(and that's if everything goes well, ya' know, minimal time lost to inclement weather or COVID-19, etc, etc-Ed)...exactly, if all goes 'to plan' there ain't gunna' be a public pool in Mt Gambier for the 2020/21 or 2021/22 Summer seasons...(well I'm sure people can just drive the 32-35kms to the coast or 50kms to Millicent or the 100kms to Naracoorte, no probs-Ed)...and if you don't have a lovely air-conditioned car, bad luck...or no car, and for example, instead rely on the weekdays-only public bus service in Mt Gambier, then no need to worry 'cos it's business as usual as Council continues to not give a flying fuck about you...(I can fly, I caaaan flyyyyy, sob-Ed)...steady on...and that closure could well extend into the 2022/23 season, given how massively MGCC has managed to fuck-up previous and relatively minor projects like the farcical Main Corner and the New Library...(and the Rail Lands, don't forget the Rail Lands, they really fucked that up, and not just once but several times over-Ed)...indeed they did Ed, and indeed they continue to do so, with their latest epic Corruption-Laden Brain Fart being to use Ratepayer's money to finally do some repairs, albeit only partial repairs, on the iconic Old Rail Station, with a view to, and get this, with a view to "giving it away" to some as yet unidentified business entity...(that "business entity" wouldn't be 'Councillor's Son & Sons' would it?-Ed) mean like they did with the $1m Main Corner Commercial Kitchen that was given to (then) Councillor Des Mutton's son Lachie?...(yeah, exactly like that bare-faced Nepotistic Corruption-Ed)...oh you can bet on it mate, you can absolutely bet on it...  

MGCC Is A COVID-19 Cluster-Fuck:...and The Peddler was very keen to leap on the 'Blame It On The COVID Blame Train', repeatedly citing the pandemic as being responsible for the extraordinary and extensive delays in just getting to here, to this clusterfuck announcement today, and pre-excusing any delays and/or other problems by pre-blaming...(whilst simultaneously using 'the current health crisis issues to show us how necessary this centre is'-Ed)...and I'll 'ave 50 bob each way guvna', top a' the mornin'...(well that's just a terrible impersonation of The Peddler's truly annoying whiny English accent-Ed)...indeed, but as a First Generation White Australian with direct English ancestry, it's my inalienable birth-right, nay, my obligation, to take the piss out of that droning, whining noise that comes outta' that lying, rorting mouth...(now tell us what ya' really think-Ed)...well, when my mate Andy repeatedly states that, and I quote, "there will be no increase in Rates to pay for this", he's lying and he damn well knows it...Andy, mate, it's in your own damn application to the SCAP (State Commission Assessment Panel) and you damn well know it, 'it will be funded by an "increase in rates"...and then there's lies that are weasel-worded deceits and deliberate omissions...

For example, when asked to explain why the massive blow-out, Andrew matey rattled-on some absolute bollocks about the original plan not including fixtures and features, etc...(what, so the SCAP Application was for a vast empty box then?-Ed)...exactly, and as another example/excuse, apparently  they/we will be utilising Timber and that that will reduce the cost...(but that's a reduction, that doesn't explain a massive increase-Ed)...I know! try explaining that to Handy Andy 'cos he clearly doesn't understand the basic concepts of increase vs decrease...(well decrease means...-Ed) no, thankyou, everyone else on the planet understands the difference, it's just Andy who seems to struggle...then he included the refurbishment of the Outdoor Olympic Pool...(but they've already announced that as being, what was it, $1.7m, so that's only say $2m of the $18m increase-Ed)...yep, and then Andy identified 'carparks' as a reason for the increase...(but again, that was all covered in infinitesimal detail in the SCAP Application, pages and pages of it, and not least of all, 'cos Council had to prove they had enough parking, easy street access, etc!-Ed)...yep, so let's just call that another outright lie...just a cavalier cavalcade of casual corruption...

Andy Gets 'Is Mandate Out:...when asked about whether or not the citizenry had actually voted for this $57m, given that they/we were told $39m and that's what the 45% of actual respondents actually supported at 73% 'Yes'...(well, apart from the fact that those numbers seem to go up every time they're reported, it is still in itself only actually less than 33% of potential respondents that wanted this FARC thing-Ed)...yep, and as we've covered before, given the one-sided pro-FARC spruiking of MGCC's expansive and expensive saturation marketting, and the relentless reporting, etc, and former CEO Mark 'Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans' McShane feverishly catastrophising the situation, declaring across multiple ABC interviews that "we must do this or Mt Gambier will get fat and die" and "we must do this or Mt Gambier will die as a community", etc, etc, etc...despite all the support and advertising and doomsday predictions, etc, less than half the populace even responded, and then more than 25% of them said 'No Thanks'...but that didn't stop The Peddler from whippin'-out his "mandate" and waving it about for all to see/hear, as some sort of justification for this absurd project, let alone this massive increase...

The vast majority of Mt Gambier residents just wanted an enclosed, all-weather pool, and instead they've/we've been frog-marched into a quagmire of personal self-interest, Institutionalised Corruption, and generational Ratepayer's an absolute disgrace from the wholly self-interested Mt Gambier City Council and it must be stopped... 

Laters: A Full Transcript As Best I Can Manage/Stomach

I have recorded the full announcement/interview from this morning, and whilst it was barely bearable the first time through, I'll take another one for the team and do what I can of a verbatim transcript...(oh yay, what fun-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...gourd give me strength...cheers and laters...oh, and End Language Warning...

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