Sunday, July 26, 2020

Like A Bridge Over Troy Belled Waters

Howdy y'all to a quick post to just cover a coupla' points, most specifically this first issue that I saw as I was finishing the last post but felt deserved a bit all to itself...(plus there was quite a lot of stuff attached to that last post-Ed)...indeed...(plus it's another chance to use one of a dozen similarly appalling 'Troy Bell - Trouble' puns-Ed) got many songs with 'Trouble' in the title, so little time...if y'all haven't read that post, please do so and this next bit will make a lot more sense...

But first, nothing makes me laugh harder than the inimitably hypocritical whingings of various South Australian Labor stooges, be it on Twitter or Facebook or in The Advertiser...and one of my favs is me ol' china* Tommy boy...(*slang term: china plate = mate)...

Marshall’s Lib Govt in its 1st term has lost 3 Ministers to scandal 1 Chair of Eco & Fin (now Ind MP) 2 Leaders of Govt Business 1 President of the LegCo 1 frm Lib MP facing common assault charges 1 frm Lib MP facing corruption charges And an ICAC investigation In just 2yrs! many Police Ministers did the Rann/Weatherill Labor government lose directly related to Paedophilia?...two, that is, Patrick 'Terry' Conlon and Bernard Finnigan...and I remind dear availees and The Googles, etc, that it was the rancidly corrupt alleged Independent but-actually Labor stooge 'Minister' Rory McEwen who identified to myself and other parents that Patrick Conlon was the notorious paedophile 'Terry', as identified by/during the Mullighan Child Abuse Inquiry...(the Mullighan Inquiry that saw his/it's Final Report officially buried for 80 years, and no wonder considering the number of SA Premiers, serving and former politicians, senior police and public servants, etc, that were/are identified in that 'Report'-Ed)...well indeed...and let's look at how many times the rancidly corrupt ICAC Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander has protected the rankly corrupt Labor Party...(well your definably Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution aside, there's the Gillman Land Sale Cover-up, specifically involving our mate Koutso here, and the extraordinary Oakden Nursing Home Cover-up, and the multiple issues of Child Abuse Cover-ups in the Education Dept, etc-Ed)...and as we're covering again today, the intimately complicit actions of Bruce maaate in the crassly obvious political intent and timing of the "frm Lib MP facing corruption charges"...    

And then there's all the stuff with Kevin Foley and Michael Atkinson's 'secret accounts', etc,'s Fascist Media 101 as currently practised on an hourly timetable by the rancidly corrupt and incompetent Scott 'Scummo' Morrison LNP Federal government...criticise and abuse someone for allegedly doing that which you yourself are actually guilty of, and keep on doing it...(and where Scummo & Co are concerned, do so with the unwavering support of the rabidly Right Wing Murdochracy and equally complicit Main Stream Media, the ABC, etc-Ed)...and eventually it becomes real, it becomes a 'Truth' because the lies are not identified let-alone questioned...  

So anyhoos, I had some feedback, including a 'Comment' on this 'ere blog, that Mt Gambier City Councillor Penny Richardson's original complaint about Troy Bell was something about a 'Conflict of Interest'...(fair call-Ed)...sure, but if that is actually true, as reported, what was the supposed 'CoI'?...(your point?-Ed)...well I struggle to believe anything that's published in the Main Stream Media, particularly the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), and not just because of       extreme 'Right Wing' bias and various other agendas at play, eg, the massively biased and deliberately skewed 'Anti Nick Fletcher' manner in which the ABC South East Radio reported my "bizarre trial"...(well that's fair enough-Ed)...and beyond that is the randomly unprofessional haphazard proof-reading and misreporting and misprinting, etc, that is a feature of modern 'journalism'...(also true, careless albeit genuine mistakes perhaps, it's still a real problem with establishing the 'Truth'-Ed)...and in circumstances like this, not only do ya' need to know the specific political bent of the 'reporter' and/or the source, but have some sort of inside line on what actually happened, for the purposes of this post, we're just gunna' have to take that reportage at face value...

So, what was the 'CoI'? it isn't me though, it's fairly irrelevant, 'cos more importantly is the timing of the 'complaint', being as is reported, the day after the 2014 State Election...(yeah, that is a bit odd-Ed)...but even more critically, why did that original 'complaint', whatever it was, and which supposedly triggered the relevant Independent Commission Against Corruption, why did it then take until August 2017 for the ICAC and/or SAPol (police) to charge Troy?...(yeah, that's a hell of a long-winded 'investigation', what's that, 3 years and 5 months?-Ed)...yep...(but I thought we'd already established that the timing was purely political, done deliberately to discredit and/or harass and/or embarrass Troy, the incumbent Liberal candidate for the upcoming March 2018 State Election-Ed)...absolutely it was, and as we've posted previously but forgot to re-cover in the last post, mate, what does it say about what Mt Gambier voters think of the ICAC/SAPol when Troy was under that pressure and criticism, etc, but after quitting the Liberal party was still re-elected as an Independent, albeit one with a still-definable Liberal leaning...

It's all blatantly politically motivated, but as put to me, perhaps I've half-missed the mark about the genuine motivation...without going into it so much as to 'expose my source', someone with the inside running, that is, with extensive personal involvement, has put it to me that they agree that the timing was all about rooting things right up for Troy going into the March 2018 State Election, but that the primary political motivation for wanting to do that was Troy's support for the Anti-Fracking Activists here in the South East, and his subsequent campaigning against Fracking...(riiight, I can see that, 'cos the Rann/Weatherill Labor government were/are notorious for their definably corrupt support of Beach Energy, eg, $$$millions in Exploration Grants, No Royalties, etc-Ed)...and of course Beach Energy's rather profitable involvement in the Glenside Mental Health Facility site dismantling and 'privatisation', again with the Rann government involved...(and the Liberals/Nationals themselves are unashamedly Minerals Resource Industry supporters-Ed)...and the MRI in return 'support' the LNP via massive 'donations', etc...(exactly, so's I'm guessing that Troy didn't make any friends in that regard either-Ed)...absolutely, and particularly with the ludicrously corrupt 'No Royalties' clause, plenty of people involved stood/stand to 'lose' plenty of money...

Now I've been to a coupla' Anti-Fracking demos and am fully supportive of that position, Fracking is a lunatic Environmental Disaster just looking for somewhere to go horribly wrong, and it has been proven to do exactly that in many circumstances, eg, groundwater contamination that leads to 'flaming tap water', etc, and seismological consequences of massively increased seismic activity due to the 'fracturing', etc, etc,'s an absolute no-brainer that forcing tonnes of toxic chemicals into the ground is gunna' have a hugely detrimental effect, and particularly here in the South East where there are two main and massive Aquifers, the Tertiary Limestone Aquifer, and the Tertiary Confined Sand Aquifer, and numerous minor Aquifers...because of their isolation and structures there is relatively minor pollution of these Aquifers, but hey, let's drill multiple holes through it and pump it chock full a' toxic crap...and I don't wanna' hear any bollocks about how this 'Fracking' occurs kilometres down so there's no chances of contamination, etc, that's absolute rot, not least of all because those shafts have to go through the Aquifers to get to the 'gas', and the chemicals can and do leach upwards, etc, etc...

It's also been put to me that the preferred/potential Liberal candidate replacing the now Independent Troy Bell at the 2018 State Election was dumped because of that person's extensive Anti-fracking activism...I cannot comment further on this other than to say that my limited knowledge of the situation, and my 'sources', allows me to accept and support this position as being possible and plausible and even likely...

But today's main point is one I left out of the previous post because it's a whole other plain of fundamental incompetence, corruption, and insightful indicativeness as to the wholly Political Persecution aspect of what Troy is being subjected to...(and it again parallels your "bizarre trial" and the extraordinary official capacity to just ignore inconvenient truths and trample appropriate process, etc-Ed)...indeed it does mate, and I refer of course dear availees to the legislative changes of the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014 that were made specifically in response to my Legal Eaglee enquiries about the farcically incomprehensible ICAC Act 2012 Section 56, etc, a definable collusion between ICAC Comm Bruce maaate and then Labor Attorney-General li'l Johnny Rau...(not to mention the rancidly corrupt conduct of SAPol (police) Prosecutions in prosecuting you after those changes and without officially 'Charging' or even 'Summonsing' you, and then lying in Court and trying to change the 'Charges' mid-trial, etc, etc-Ed)...yep, all that extraordinary bastardisation of appropriate process that saw Her Honour Teresa Anderson withdraw, officially citing "Abuse of Process" in the official Certificate of Record, having also previously used the term "Malicious Prosecution" in Court...(and of course her replacement Magistrate Ian White's definably complicit and corrupt conduct itself formed a part of that ongoing "Malicious Prosecution" post November 2016 when Her Honour withdrew/excused herself-Ed)...indeed it did...

But before that, my mate Bruce Lander was the 'original complainant' about me , supposedly personally contacting SAPol's Anti-Corruption Branch, leading to my very own personal 'Operation Baritone', etc, (all mid-February 2014), but when SAPol ACB raided my home on 7th/8th May 2014 they stated that they were 'just here to collect evidence for the DPP (Director of Public Prosecutions)'...(so who do you believe?-Ed)...well none of them, they've all proven themselves to be consummate lairs and deeply corrupt...but heaven forbid it should end there...

As explained by Her Honour Anderson, SAPol Prosecutions made a complete shambles of my 'Charge Sheet', eg, using 'blog dates' as 'Breaches' rather than correctly identifying individual alleged 'Breaches', and therefore also citing specifically that something was a 'Breach' on one date, but the exact same 'Breach' was not identified as a 'Breach' on a different date only days later...(wow-Ed)...and SAPol Prosecutions was also still trying to get me to 'confess' to producing/writing this 'ere blog years into the 'Trial'...I caught-out SAPol Prosecutions directly and deliberately lying about when I was supposedly 'Charged' (December 2014), in Court, right in front of Ian White, and he actually verified/defined that lie by pointing out the actual supposed date was 7th January 2015, but then he just waved it all away as irrelevant...(wow-Ed)...and of course, Ian White's ultimate collusion/corruption was to try and ignore those ICAC Act MAA 2014 changes when he 'Convicted' me, even when I was questioning/confronting him about those changes during his 'bizarre' handling of the 3 'Verdict Hearings' February - April 2018, until he was 'outed' by The Border Watch (just after that first 'hearing'), when he suddenly acknowledged that I had been 'prosecuted under the wrong definition', and then he again just waved all that away as irrelevant and convicted me anyways...(well isn't that just super-Ed) having experienced all that myself I was shocked but hardly surprised to see this...

Prosecutors admit 'errors' during Troy Bell investigation, but ...

Jul 13, 2020 - Prosecutors say anti-corruption investigator's "mistakes" should not halt the trial. The independent Member for Mount Gambier has applied to ...
Missing: 2019 ‎| Must include: 2019
...and I'll let y'all go read that from the ABC website, but it says everything about the rankly political nature of this prosecution, and the grossly inappropriate influence of the ICAC...(and even when it's apparently being admitted that these involvements/contacts were "mistakes", that's all just fine-Ed)...yep, and add to that the extraordinary 'tapping' of Troy's phone/s such that his legally privileged conversations with his lawyers were not only recorded but are now being used against him like some sort of pseudo-defamation and/or Contempt of Court co-prosecution...(and were-in he's not even allowed to see the 5000 pages of supposed evidence against him-Ed)'s well-beyond being an absolute joke, there's nuthin' funny about this, it's absolutely rotten to the core, and an absolute travesty of the application of 'Justice'...

Regardless of your personal opinion of Troy Bell and/or his conduct and/or guilt, etc, put yourself in that man's shoes and ask ya'self whether you'd like to be screwed-over like this, indeed, if anyone deserves to be screwed-over like this...(which puts me in mind of the recent programming about the bizarre Bradley Murdoch 'Conviction' for the supposed murder of Peter Falconio-Ed)...indeed, and what concerned me was the large number of problematic issues that weren't covered and/or resolved by that 'exclusive expose', issues covered in a major ABC/BBC Radio article over a decade ago, eg, the lack of evidence uncovered by Aboriginal 'trackers' at the alleged scene of the supposed murder/abduction, eg, no footprints or dog prints, or that Murdoch's ute reportedly didn't have a hatch between cab and tray and therefore it would not have been possible for Joanne Lees to be "forced" through that hatch as she described, etc, etc...and you'll guess from my language that I think there's a whole bunch of hugely problematic stuff happening here, and at the very least, Murdoch was absolutely screwed-over by an incompetent investigation and deeply biased 'Trail' process...

Tomorrow: I'll Try To Get To My COVID19 Ironies Stuff

And just in closing, and because it relates directly to what I've mentioned here just previous, I'd like to give a big shout-out to the person who has supplied me with copies of the specific legislation that refers to the 'Prohibition on Retrospective Laws', and 'Freedom of Speech', etc, as it all relates to the Australian Law Reform Commission...I've read it all through but I ain't no lawyer so's it's gunna' get another thorough peruse before I comment specifically about this time it suffices to say, cheers for that stuff...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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