Thursday, July 2, 2020

Australia: Sexual Assault As A Societal Norm - Part II

Howdy dear availees, I thought that there were so many issues/stories left-out of the last post, and whilst I probably won't cover all of them even with this post, here's some more stuff I thought was important, even critical...and with all of the horrendous issues/stories involved, I'm gunna' start with the most egregious one that I'm aware of...

The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up:...where-in the "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling was clearly engaging in sexualised physical contacts with 7 year old kids, and how SAPol (police), the Lutherans, the Dept of Education, the Teachers Registration Board, and a litany of lawyers like Bill DeGaris, Peter Humphries, Tim Bourne, Stephen Lieschke, etc, and dozens of politicians like Tony Pasin, Julia Gillard, Julie Bishop, Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, Rob Kerin, Rob Lucas, Vicki Chapman, Michael Atkinson, John Rau, Jane Lomax-Smith, David Ridgway, Rory McEwen, Don Pegler, and the former Mt Gambier Mayor whom I'm not allowed to write about because of the 'reprehensibly vile' Final Intervention Orders issued by the rankly corrupt Magistrate Ian White, FIOs designed to ban me from attending Council meetings and to protect that rancidly corrupt 'man', etc, etc, etc, all issues with their primary motivations tracing back to the St Martins Cover-up...this 'ere blog exists because of St Martins, and the resultant Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution of my "bizarre trial", and the ongoing harassment from SAPol, Corrections SA, etc, etc, it all goes back to St Martins and what that Cover-up illustrates about the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that controls/runs South Australia...

And it's because these Pro-Paedophile Corrupt stooges know what Dorling was doing to our kids, that's what makes it such an intimidating thing for me to simply say, 'they know and have approved/consented/protected, so they won't mind when I do it to them'...even knowing that I'm not stupid enough and more importantly, it's just not in my nature, even then, it's such a malevolent statement because of the gross abuses it refers to...and I know I'm constantly bangin'-on about the St Martins Cover-up, but;
1) it never goes away for the many families and many of the kids, etc, and;
2) it didn't 'happen in the 1960's when attitudes were different', it happened this century, and;
3) it's absolutely relevant when discussing Sexual Assault As A Societal Norm, because if all of these people, Police, Politicians, Public Servants, etc, etc, if they all know and have acted directly or by omission to protect the perpetrator, to protect the abuser, to cover-up the abuse of dozens of 7 year old kids, then what hope for individual adults in circumstances where their abuser is often in a position of power and influence...

And because it relates directly to what I'm talking about with the St Martins Cover-up, here's another pearler from Twitter...

Flashback 2012 Where #MuckMedia seems to focus so much on attacking@AustralianLabor, as usual, he forgets to consider the victims of CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE #CSA. You have to wonder WHY?
5:36 AM · Jun 30, 2020Twitter Web App

...and I'm stuck agreeing with both positions here, 'cos I do fully agree that the Murdochracy, eg, the Australian, do relentlessly and deliberately misrepresent the facts as part of their undisguised and massively biased attacks on Labor, and also routinely defend high-ranking paedophiles/sexual predators/etc, eg, Peter Hollingsworth, George Pell, Dyson Heydon, etc, etc...but I also agree that what is said here is not far-off the reality as I've experienced it...and I've covered this before, about how the FCARC was/is an absolute set-up to give the illusion of appropriate action against Institutionalised Child Abuse, to draw that imaginary 'line in the sand', to say 'that was then but now it's different', and everything's gunna' be okay now, etc...and I remind dear availees that the FCARC rejected myself and other families, dismissed our lengthy and document-supported submissions, and refused to look at the St Martins Cover-up at all, and then did not formally question the Lutherans at all, on any issue...I remind dear availees that for all intents and purposes, the Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission actively, knowingly, and willingly acted to protect the Lutherans...not my opinion, not my 'experience', just straight-out the stone-cold reality...but why?...well there's plenty of similar chatter on Twitter, etc, where-in it appears that the FCARC did little if anything about the Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption in South Australia...

Why did the SA-based PM Julia Gillard introduce a FCARC that barely looked at SA, and most particularly refused to look at the Lutherans, who are headquartered in SA? this what it looks like? this FCARC about deliberately trying to bury the realities of Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption in SA, nationally notorious as the Paedophile State, as being run by Paedophiles for Paedophiles?...sound ludicrous? well start from the end point, the FCARC Final Report, and work your way back through the non-inclusion of the Lutherans, minimal inclusion of other SA issues, back through Julia Gillard's political pedigree, including her specific knowledge of and participation in the St Martins Cover-up, etc, etc, and what appears illogical and unlikely becomes increasingly and chillingly plausible...the St Martins Cover-up is a clear indicator of the culture of Sexual Predation, and in SA particularly the culture of abusing children, and the protections afforded perpetrators by their mates/co-conspirators/fellow abusers/etc...     

I recently referred dear availees to the blog/website of Matilda Duncan, and re-refer y'all to that site, and particularly her stories about Sexual Assault rates, etc, and the extraordinary situation where the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), a huge public service sector employer, the ABC appears to have no clear specific policy and/or mechanism for reporting Sexual Assault in the workplace, and even more concerning, no official records of such's the link...
...Ms Duncan has also done several other stories on issues of Sexual Assault in educational institutions like's not my place to editorialise about Ms Duncan's motivations, but I believe that her reportage largely reflects her own personal experiences of the lack of accountability and responsibility in tertiary education institutions when it comes to protecting students, usually female, and appropriately sanctioning perpetrators, usually men...and I say usually because it is far-and-away the norm that it is men harassing/assaulting women, or other men, but I personally know a young man who, as a uni student, had his studies/career repeatedly threatened by a senior female lecturer who was sexually harassing him...  

I'd also like to congratulate Ms Duncan for her extensive and intense researching and activism on behalf of Greyhound Welfare...and I specifically refer to the reactions that her efforts have generated, eg, being harassed at tracks, and some in the industry warning others about her, etc, and affecting some degree of change, eg, some sponsors withdrawing that support...this is very much in the same vein as The Mad F*cking Witches campaign that had shock-jerk Alan Jones lose a huge number of advertisers/sponsors, and subsequently his radio job...and very spooky coincidence I'm sure, that whilst I'm typing this there's an interview on the ABC/BBC Radio with a New South Wales Minister, (didn't catch his name and there's effectively 3 different Ministers with possible oversight/authority, sorry), vehemently defending the 'new welfare legislation', and something about Taree's recent upgrade of facilities as it relates to the new '3.5m square rule', and defending "mum and dad" owners, and apparently "everything goes toward (their) greyhounds (welfare)'...a quick Interweb search shows that this 'new legislation' does nothing to ensure the 'welfare of Greyhounds', and indeed there's a 10-year allowance for compliance...     

And again I'll quantify my admiration and sense of quiet awe for what Ms Duncan has achieved in not just fighting-back against her trauma, albeit sans music, by pushing back against all of the deliberately abusive disinformation being promoted by the Catholic Church/Tennyson Woods College, James Morrison/Graeme Lyall, SAPol, multiple lawyers like Bill DeGaris, etc, etc, and generating an official Catholic report, receiving some compensation, and publicly sharing her story so as to educate and support others...with the St Martins Cover-up, as horrendous and massive as it is, there were always a few families carrying the issue forward, even if it's mainly just me now, and I wasn't the person abused/raped, so I can only imagine what sort of strength it takes to take on SAPol, Tennyson Woods, Lyall, DeGaris, etc, etc, let-alone achieve the things that Ms Duncan has...bravo...

Just stunned to see that Victorian Police have dumped their 2-year long alleged investigation of notorious serial groper/molester, former Melbourne Mayor Robert Doyle...yet another case where the evidence of several women apparently means absolutely nothing...I mean, seriously, what the shreck did police look at for 2 shreckin' years?...Language Warning...and then Victorian Police have the bare-faced abusive audacity to end their 'no action announcement' with the extraordinary 'fuck you all' statement that they take all sexual assault claims very seriously and encourage 'victims' to contact them...fuck me, fuck it, fuck them...sorry but not sorry for the swearing, this just makes me so rabidly angry and I don't know how better to express myself than some good ol' apoplectic expletiving...the 'no action' is bad enough, but the follow-up 'contact us' statement is just appalling, and ultimately it's exactly what it looks like, it's a massive 'fuck you' from police to anyone who's considering reporting someone of influence/power, it's a clear statement that you'll get the exact same appalling treatment, don't bother sweetheart...End Language Warning...and here's that official statement...
     "Victoria Police is committed to investigating matters and bringing those responsible to 
       justice. We encourage anyone who has been a victim to contact police."
I've recently become aware of Mt Gambier local Marcia Hobbs and her book 'Ugly Heroes'...haven't yet got a copy so's I only know the broader details and can't quote it directly, but I do understand that it's about Ms Hobbs personal experiences with SAPol in Mt Gambier, and police involvement in drugs, etc, as it all relates to her 'alleged' assault by a SAPol officer, etc...and I say 'alleged' purely for legal reasons, because I don't want to accidentally trample on anything that Ms Hobbs has done and/or may currently be doing, and/or get myself in trouble for 'defamation', etc...even with the little I do know, I have no hesitation in accepting Ms Hobbs account as accurate and truthful, and therefore have no hesitation in recommending her book to dear's another situation where-in I find myself somewhat in awe of the person and their achievements, and duly inspired and empowered to continue with what I do...

And just reporting now (2nd July 2020) on ABC radio that the Appeal against 'Defamation Damages' awarded to Geoffrey Rush has been dismissed by the Court, and therefore he gets the full original amount...we covered this original ruling, etc, in the previous post, and I re-iterate my position that the ruling was yet another 'don't bother to report it' situation, and that the Magistrate, Justice Wigney's conduct toward the 'victim' was hugely biased, abusive, and wholly inappropriate, eg, denying critical defense witnesses, and as part of the Grounds for Appeal, grounds that have been dismissed as irrelevant, that appalling conduct has been approved/ratified by the Federal's absolutely disgraceful across the board, Geoffrey Rush's appalling conduct, Justice Wigney's appalling conduct, and now this farcical decision by the Federal Court...and it sends a chillingly direct and unambiguous message to 'victims', namely, if you dare to report a powerful person, you'll get abused and attacked and denigrated by the Court...and even if you're not the one who reported it, remember, that Ms Norvill only told a friend who told a journo who published without Ms Norvill's knowledge let-alone consent...and if y'all reckon I'm being overly dramatic about it, please avail ya'selves of the previous post and go Interwebbing to look at this extraordinary case...  

Tomorrow: More Fascist Gas-Lighting From Pm Scott 'Scummo' Morrison

Breaking News: Mt Gambier City Council have apparently chosen a head contractor/tender for the 'minimum $40million' Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre, via a closed meeting last night (Wednesday 1st July 2020), but they're not announcing who it is yet because they're 'still sorting-out some of the minor details, like the actual cost, etc'...(but how can MGCC award the Tender whilst "still sorting-out the details"?-Ed)...gourd knows mate, makin' it up as they go along, and it follows on from recent stories on the ABC where-in Mayor Lynette Martin, Councillor Ben Hood, and CEO Andrew 'Peddle To The' Meddle have all refused to give a specific 'Yes' to questions about the FARC's progress, is it happening still, etc, and the last coupla' interviews I heard it wasn't mentioned at all...Language Warning...anyhoos, it's a massive cluster-fuck looking for somewhere to happen, and it will drive Mt Gambier Ratepayers into unimaginable debt for decades and subsequently completely compromise future basic services and facilities, etc...more about this soon...End Language Warning...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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