Sunday, June 28, 2020

Australia: Sexual Assault As A Societal Norm

Howdy y'all in Portugal, Germany, Romania, and South Korea and dear availees everywhere else...a shortish post today 'cos there's a bunch of homework/research for y'all to do if you so choose...Twitter has yet again proven itself a literal gold mine of info that y'all will just never see in the rancidly pro-LNP complicit Main Stream Media...and I reckon I've alerted/directed y'all to Mr Pascoe's work before, but if not, I apologise because I should have, and here's the link as to why...

We have discussed this before here at TMGI, and as Mr Pascoe identifies in this and other articles, when it comes to the Liberal/National Party fraudulently misappropriating Taxpayer's monies to 'Pork-Barrel' elections, it's not just Sports Rorts we need to look at, it's a litany of rorted 'programs' that the LNP has utilised, and running into $billions...(and isn't the $15million that the Mt Gambier City Council received for the Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre (FARC), from the Building Better Regions Infrastructure Fund?-Ed), it was actually from the Regional Growth Fund, but I can see how as one might get a bit confused, so many 'funds', so much rorting...(sure, and is that the one for building female-focussed facilities, eg, separate change-rooms, etc?-Ed), that was the Community Sport Infrastructure Fund...(but hang on, I thought Scummo & Co kept berating Labor and other 'Sports Rorts' critics with "they want women to keep changing in the carpark"?-Ed)...and there-in lies the MSM-supported crass hypocrisy and deceit, 'cos the LNP tried to justify one funding program with the same justification that was the entire reason for a separate program, and abuse critics into the bargain, and the MSM just let it all happen without question...  

Scummo (the LNP) just loves to make grandiose announcements about 'Funding', but it always has tricky legislation attached so as to make it incredibly difficult if not impossible to access...(and therefore they get the glorious self-praising of the announcement but don't have to support it with actual funding because virtually nothing actually gets spent-Ed)...yep, but their 'Grants' go super-quickly to mates and in brown paper bag-like circumstances...(indeed, their $billions of Pork-Barrelling Rorts to LNP or marginal seats, that all happens lickety-split, and in some instances, without organisations actually even applying, eg, $444m for the Great Barrier Reef Foundation-Ed)...I do recall that the LNP's first actual payment re the COVID19 Pandemic was $715m to airlines, a huge chunka' which went to QANTAS, whom promptly stood-down 20,000 workers only a week later...(and $50m to Rupert Murdoch to support Regional Media, and he promptly closed 125 Regional Papers-Ed)...and elsewhere people who lost everything in bushfires 6 months ago, they can't get squat and are still living in tents and caravans, etc...(until the Eden-Monaro by-election appears, and then it's suddenly all hands on deck for multiple press conferences and yet more promises of support but still little or no actual action-Ed)...good ol' LNP, they hate you unless you can do something for them, and then it's all smiles and promises, etc...

This relentless cycle of Scummo's pseudo-announcements is effectively a perpetual hypocrisy, constantly saying one thing whilst doing the exact opposite...(I'd argue that Scummo/the LNP have turned Hypocrisy into an actual form of governance, clearly replacing Democracy in Australia-Ed)...indeed Ed, good point, and is there any greater hypocrisy than their renewed attacks in Parliament, and elsewhere, on the supposed problems/irrelevance/etc, of Superannuation, when their first Income Response to the COVID19 Pandemic was to allow and encourage people to access upto $20,000 of their Super...(which effectively costs them 4-5X that amount lost at retirement-Ed)...yep, upto $100,000...(and at a time when the markets/exchange/interest rates, etc, are at a critical low, meaning, the 'accessor' is immediately losing money on the current 'value' of that sum-Ed)...well yes, I hadn't thought of that...(and now the LNP is allowing/telling people trying to escape Domestic Violence, the vast majority of whom are women, that they could/should access their Super to self-fund their freedom/safety-Ed)...and in a context where it is widely reported about the concerning disparity where women almost always earn less and therefore have far less Super than men...where it was financially incompetent and grossly irresponsible of Treasurer Josh Frydenburg to encourage people to access their Super re COVID19, it's absolute bastardry to fail to provide appropriate funding and support services to women (and often kids), and then tell them to go use their already very limited Super to make-up for these governmental failures... 

But all of that charming class-based misogyny aside, this week High Court Justice Dyson Heydon was 'finally exposed' as a serial molestor and sexual harasser...(and we emphasise the 'finally exposed' bit because reportedly his abusive conduct has been well known for decades, including several nicknames, eg, 'Dirty Dyson' and 'Handsy Heydon'-Ed)...and as the story 'breaks', more women continue to come forward with their accounts of Dyson's abusive behaviours...(and part of that is how many of these promising legal eagles have left the profession due to his abuse, how his conduct directly ended multiple careers-Ed)...indeed, and it immediately put me in mind of what's happened, and indeed continues to happen at the James Morrison Jazz Academy and his associated Generations In Jazz...we've covered these issues several times here at TMGI, and for recent availees, please go back and look at those brief, I am aware of at least 2 young women who have had their promising musical careers destroyed by Sexual Assault at the JMJA and/or GIJ...most recently Morrison took a JMJA student with him to Melbourne and recorded the event to be published, etc, whilst that student is out on bail for raping a fellow student...I re-refer dear availees to the extraordinary courage and strength of Matilda Duncan, who was targetted, groomed, and raped by Morrison's close friend and colleague Graeme is a link to Ms Duncan's own account of her experience...

Y'all can read more about Ms Duncan's remarkable personal battle and subsequent 'victories', eg, a lengthy Catholic Schools report and related compensation payment, etc, at New Matilda...(and Lyall's apparent admission, where he whinges about how this is affecting him, 'it keeps coming up' and 'what's her problem? she got money', etc, but never actually denies the grooming and/or rape-Ed)...
...and there's our good mate, the Pro-Paedophile Betrayer Bouncin' Billy DeGaris, yet again protecting a rapist/paedophile, just mates lookin' out for mates...(the way Billy-boy helped the Lutherans and SA Labor and Peter Humphries and Tim Bourne, et al, all protect "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up!-Ed)...yep, what a class act these stooges are, and Dear Googles, yet again I respectfully request that y'all peruse the facts about the St Martins Cover-up as I have presented them across more than 7 years of The Mount Gambier Independent, and resist all pressure to have these harsh truths removed...

And I remind availees that there was a third NM article that included a transparently complicit District Court Order stating IN FULL CAPITALS that anyone discussing this 'ere story would result in Ms Duncan being gaoled...NM were then threatened about including that 'Order' and the article was removed within 2 days...these extraordinary threats were/are unambiguously Pro-Paedophile/Sexual Assault directives about silencing discussion of the issue, and I've not seen any further action on this issue in the District Court or other jurisdiction after NM pulled that article, and NM haven't run another Lyall story since, despite several assertions about doing 'a major story on this issue'...I note that Ms Duncan has her own website/blog, and does some excellent, thoroughly researched stories on the profits-for-mates internal dealings and bizarre 'Charity' status of Generations In Jazz, eg, how Morrison somehow received $550,000 seed funding for his Academy without officially applying, very reminiscent of all the Sports Rorts-style fraud as above...(also please re-note that Morrison has continued to allow Lyall access to Jazz Academy students via those 'showcases' at The Barn, who are all involved in GIJ, etc, as we covered in previous posts-Ed)...indeed he has Ed, and as the NM articles prove, Morrison allows this despite knowing full-well what Lyall is like...      

And this stuff happens not least of all because of the wanton complicitness of the MSM, particularly in an insular country town like Mt Gambier where The Border Watch and ABC South East Radio don't just ignore and/or refuse to run any critical stories about their mates, eg, GIJ, but they actively protect them... regarding Lyall and Ms Duncan, I don't remember TBW running any story, but I do particularly recall the ABC running interviews with SAPol (police) and Tennyson Woods College Principal David Mezinec both categorically denying that any assault had taken place...I also vividly recall the rumours/character assassinations that roared around town within days there-after, namely, that the student was 'a slut' who had done this before, and/or was just doing it for money,'s exactly what St Martins/the Lutherans did to us parents, that we were 'disturbed rumour-mongers' and/or "just trying to get money from the school", etc...and TBW and ABC routinely gave corrupt liars like Rory McEwen carte-blanche to attack us, then often refused us right-of-reply, or allowed only heavily censored a context where we were already carefully self-censoring so as to protect kid's identities, etc, our own caution and reticence was readily used against us...

I also recall the extraordinary lengths that Justice Witney went to to protect actor Geoffrey Rush, including denying critical witnesses who confirmed Rush's 'lecherous nature', and openly attacking the young women involved as 'unreliable and not credible' and "prone to exaggeration or embellishment", etc, even though she was effectively forced to participate after her original disclosures to a friend wound-up on the front page of The Daily Telegraph, without her knowledge or consent...(yeah, that Whitney guy was an absolute arsehole to that young woman, so obviously massively biased in favour of Rush-Ed)..indeed, and many critics have expressed opinions from disbelief and disappointment, right through to observations that this was done deliberately to traumatise all assault survivors and actively dissuade them from pursuing justice in what is clearly an unjust Legal System...(well I subscribe to the later end of that spectrum, this looks exactly like a bare-faced warning to anyone who wants to try and seek justice, this is what you'll cop instead!-Ed)...I'm very much inclined to agree with you, it certainly looks like it's what this specific Magistrate/Judge was doing...(that or he's just another woman-hater in a position of authority-Ed)...indeed, but his personal motivations aside, his conduct is reprehensibly vile and inappropriate...

Tomorrow: I Will Do My COVID19 Ironies Post, Yes Sirree, No Problems...Probably

Not too ashamed to say that I'm struggling a fair bit with the Agoraphobia/Depression stuff as a result of the whole Pandemic Isolation thing, and unfortunately only doing occasional posts sees events routinely over-run what I'm otherwise doing...for example, Scummo's latest media-supported litany of Fascist bastardries, not least of all the series of pathetically obvious Channel 9 attacks on Labor ahead of the Eden-Monaro by-election, and Scummo's attacks and associated extraordinary lies on the constant demise of the ABC, eg, "there are no further cuts because there are no cuts"...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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