Monday, June 22, 2020

Did Liberal Member For Barker Tony Pasin 'Branch-Stack' For The 2013 Federal Election?

Howdy dear availees, and welcome to a quick post motivated by events this week in Victorian and Federal politics, but, as you can see, with it's main focus right here in li'l ol' Mt Gambier...(and in Murray Bridge-Ed)...sure, but we'll get to that...anyhoos, no muckin' about, let's jump straight in...

First stop, Prime Minister Scott 'Scummo' Morrison dragged Australian Politics to a new sneering, bullying, Fascist low this week...(a new low even by his lofty standards-Ed)...well quite, he's constantly redefining his own personal best when it comes to smirking bastardry and dictatorial conduct...Scummo was mouthing-off from the despatch box (the 'speaking lectern' in the House of Representatives in Parliament) about Labor leader Anthony Albanese and issues of "corruption" in Labor, etc, when notoriously pro-LNP biased Speaker Tony Smith, himself Liberal, actually stopped Scummo and directed that he withdraw the 'corruption imputation'...he explained to Scummo, such a Speaker's direction must be followed by an immediate 'withdrawal' of the identified 'imputation'...but not only did Scummo not withdraw it, he argued at length that it was okay for him to do it because a Labor member had used the term...the Speaker repeatedly told Scummo that it wasn't a debate, withdraw as directed, and Scummo repeatedly argued...(and in the middle of that abused the Leader of Opposition Business Tony Bourke with a bullying 'and you can sit down'-Ed)...and here's the link to this extraordinary performance... 

I heard this live via ABC/BBC Radio, but even then it didn't prepare me for the live footage with Scummo's sneering and posturing and oozing animosity and arrogance...for a brief moment it looks like Tony Smith is going against his long-established pro-Liberal bias, but he then allows Scummo to rabbit-on repeatedly with his 'explanation'...(and then Scummo eventually pseudo-withdraws it as though he's magnanimously doing the Speaker a big favour rather than following the direct ruling-Ed)...and as others have quite rightly pointed out, ultimately all of those repeated statements about corruption end up officially on the Hansard...(and the Speaker's position is hugely diminished and undermined, where-in Scummo has said 'do what I want mate'-Ed)...indeed, the last bastardised vestiges of Democracy get trampled under foot by a pathological bully, liar, and wannabe' despot...and 'Corruption' has been a big topic in the media and Parliament, etc, all this week, following the Sixty Minutes program (Channel 9) 'expose' about alleged 'branch-stacking' by Labor in Victoria...(what?! what about the litany of literally $billions of Federal LNP Rorts and Institutionalised Thievery? surely that's more important than inter-factional shenanigans at a State level? -Ed)...mate, anyone who's even vaguely au fait with the rancidly pro-LNP bias of Australia's Main Stream Media, knew ahead of time that this heavily promoted 'expose' was never going to look at any of the LNP's definable criminality...

And it therefore came as no surprise that Channel 9, with the former Howard-era Liberal Treasurer Peter Costello as it's Chair, went stampeding past all of the LNP's criminality and attacked the Victorian Labor Party...(this just looks like blatant political payback against Victorian Premier Dan Andrews, motivated by Dan's clear leadership of the National Cabinet and the way he repeatedly left Scummo floundering in his (Dan's) wake-Ed)...indeed, I'm no Dan Fan but he was one of several State Premiers who made Scummo look like a bumbling incompetent as they led the early campaign against the COVID19 Pandemic, eg, State closures were State decisions, etc...(it is so patently obvious that this is partly payback and equally an act of distraction away from the LNP's disastrous last few weeks with the $60billion JobKeeper debacle, the RoboDebt Illegality Admission, their multiple other issues around the gross failures of JobKeeper and JobSeeker, etc-Ed)...and don't forget Scummo's extraordinary comments about "no slavery in Australia"...(yeah, all that, it's classic distraction, and the complicit pro-LNP MSM have dutifully complied, maniacally obsessing about the 'branch-stacking' stuff and ignoring all else-Ed)...and even if that Victorian Labor stuff is all true, and it looks as though it is, what about the multiple 'branch-stacking' issues with the LNP?...(like Scummo's 82-8 loss for pre-selection in the seat of Cook, followed by his Murdoch-supported traitorous and deceitful back-stabbing campaign that saw selected candidate Michael Towke dumped and Scummo installed in his place-Ed) one perfect example amongst many... 

There are currently multiple questions/issues with the 'branch-stacking' gross over-representation of Pentecostals in the Federal Parliament, and with the Mormons...(and several other 'religious denominations', all looking to excercise influence either by numbers or directly-Ed)...indeed, but there's always been issues of religion imposing itself on politics, etc, and the big question for today, did Tony Pasin 'branch-stack' his pre-selection for the 2013 Federal Election?...(ooo, do tell-Ed)...well, as the story goes, a number of Tony supporters were bussed to Murray Bridge, 350kms away, to vote incumbent Patrick Secker out and our man Tony in...(fascinating-Ed)...ain't it though...and I was immediately reminded of this when the Vic Labor story aired, but it really condensed as an issue worth exploring on Thursday this week just past (June 18), when I heard Tony on the ABC South East in the morning, and then live from Federal Parliament that arvo...(ahh, stereo-Tones, Two Tones if you will-Ed)...I think I will...anyhoos, it was Tony's repeated snide comments about Dan Andrews and references to the 'branch-stacking' stuff that decided the issue for me, and here we are...(I thought Tony's effort in Parliament was particularly amusing, where-as most LNP stooges start out relatively normally and quickly build to a shreeky crescendo, Tony just started at yelling and maintained his self-satisfied snidery at volume-Ed)...yeeha...

So, the questions are perfectly appropriate, and if I'm completely off the mark, I'm sure that I'll hear from Tony, after all, he is a lawyer...and so, to start at the beginning...
1)   Were people bussed/taken/whatevs to Murray Bridge?
2)   And if so, what was Tony's role in this?
3)   And if so, when did those people become Liberal members? and;
4)   Following allegations that Labor paid for some of the memberships in this recent branch-stacking' stuff, and it has been an issue historically, eg, when Liberal Malcolm Turnbull openly admitted to paying for memberships, etc, who paid for these Tony-supporter memberships?

And it's exactly that simple, and can easily be checked/refuted/whatevs via the Electoral Role, or rather, the Liberal Membership Register, and via the receipts for those memberships, etc...(ah, I see, so the LMR will show who was registered and most importantly when, and possibly if they then voted for Tony, etc, and if there's a sudden rush of membership enrolments immediately prior to the pre-selection, then there's clearly further investigation needed-Ed)...yep, and I've heard repeated references to the transporting of members to Murray Bridge, which may in itself be perfectly legal/appropriate, etc, etc, but these are still all perfectly reasonable questions, not least of all because of Tony's conduct last week...can't wait to hear the answers...

And if y'all reckon that I'm biased against the LNP and biased toward and/or unfair on Tones, etc, then I'll just re-iterate that he's only one of a long list of politicians, police, public servants, etc, whom I'd like to see goaled for their complicit participation in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, eg, former South Australian Labor Premiers Mike Rann and Jay Weatherill, their Attorneys-General Michael Atkinson and li'l Johnny Rau, Labor PM Julia Gillard, Labor Uber-Stooge Rory McEwen, etc, etc, etc...   

Tomorrow: The Promised Ironies Post

But just to round-out today's post, here's a particularly poignant and insightful piece of finger-on-the-pulse cultural sensitivity from our man Tony, showing that he's fully cognisant of all of the issues of present-day Indigenous disadvantage/inequality and the Colonial Occupation aspect of that...copied from Twitter, and apparently originally posted by the 'Young Liberals' on Friday 19th June 2020... 

They don’t look all that young. They don’t look all that liberal. And if that’s what passes for a puckish sense of humour...God help them. I’d rather have a hip joint replacement.
Quote Tweet
Young Liberals
Flag of Australia
Happy Friday! Our drink of choice this weekend is Colonial Brewing Co. #colonialbrewing there you go, following weeks of our Black Lives Matter marches/protests and associated extensive media attention to the massively disproportionate, appalling rates of our Indigenous Incarceration, and of our Black Deaths in Custody, of our excessive Police Violence, our history of War/Violence/Massacres, Scummo's appalling attempts to redefine/deny history, etc...Language Warning....ahhh, tasty, just a refreshing tinnie of Rolled Gold Ice-Cold Old White Casual Rascism, with a generous side-serve of Fuck You Aboriginal Person...(well I'd say it's absolutely deliberate rather than casual-Ed)...fair call...(and what passes for a 'phuckish sense of humour'-Ed)...sorry?...("phuckish", where 'ph' is pronounced 'f"-Ed)...oh, nicely done sir...and there's our mate Tony, right in the centre, clutching the Colonial Box...End Language Warning...(and isn't that our other mate Gerard Rennick, second from left, he whom stated last week in Parliament that Child Care causes traffic congestion and pollution, etc, and did that totes hilarious piece about The Wizard of Oz and 'when Dorothy clicks her heels she wishes to go home, not to child care'-Ed)...ahahaha, whatta' smug, self-satisfied prick, not even bothering to try and hide the LNP's attitudes and agenda about how women belong in the home looking after their kids, and not selfishly clogging-up the workforce...
I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

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