Tuesday, June 16, 2020

SAPol Commissioner Grant Stevens Is Complicit In The 18th Anniversary Of The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up

Howdy dear availees and welcome to a quick one topic post...regular availees will know that I tried to do a thorough review of the St Martins Cover-up several months ago, but I only managed to get half-way through that first week (of June 2002) before the re-dawning trauma of all of that pretty much shut me down again...but here we go again...regular availees are well aware that the June long weekend is the unofficial anniversary of the St Martins Cover-up, 'cos it was Sunday 10th June 2002 when "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling was 'removed' from St Martins, following months of multiple parent complaints, and disclosures from several children that week previous, leading to several 'official' meetings between parents and principal John Alexander...there was a meeting that Friday 8th June, leading to another on the Sunday arvo where Alexander and priest John O'Keefe repeatedly asked that parents not report Dorling's conduct to SAPol (police), but that had already occurred...as parents left that meeting, Dorling was seen leaving his classroom area, he'd been there at the school the whole time, and Alexander informed him that he'd been reported to police...(but that's illegal, to tell him he's been reported-Ed)...yep, one of many such 'illegalities' perpetrated by John Alexander and/or multiple other senior Lutherans to protect Dorling, eg, not going a Mandatory Notification...Dorling was then caught in his classroom at approx 0700hrs on the public holiday Monday and removed by security...

Regular availees will also be aware that the June long weekend 2002 is really only a continuance of the Glyn Dorling Cover-up, a cover-up that technically began when Dorling was originally moved to Mt Gambier by the Lutherans and 're-employed' after he was 'sacked' from a Lutheran school in Adelaide after an 'incident'...none of these specifics were ever properly explained/defined, but something/s happened and Dorling was moved to St Martins in 1997 (98?)...(and then there were immediate and copious complaints about him from then until 2002-Ed)..indeed, and in June/July 2002 Alexander repeatedly brandished a thick dossier of those complaints, but they were not provided to the Teachers Registration Board for their official hearing into Dorling, February 2003 - November 2004...this hearing only occurred due to my/parent's complaints (Feb 03) and our constant lobbying and activism...the same thing with the Flinders Child Protection Unit investigation that began June 2002 and was 'completed' later that year...this only occurred because we contacted Family and Youth Services and were directed to FCPU, and we organised for them to travel to Mt Gambier and we met with their junior representative and repeatedly contacted/lobbied, etc, etc, until their senior staffers came to Mt Gambier and interviewed several kids and parents at the specialised suite at the Mt Gambier Hospital...

It was at their first group meeting on 1st August 2002, at the school, that FCPU stated their concerns about what they'd heard and that they thought they "probably already have enough to get him de-registered"...in the weeks to follow there were several more meetings/interviews, and it was on 22nd August when FCPU identified Dorling to me as "a text-book grooming paedophile" who had "placed himself well within the system to abuse kids and get away with it", that is, "as the Teachers Union rep in a privately run religious school in a country town"...FCPU were shocked to learn from me that SAPol had already dumped the case sometime in mid-July, without telling us parents or apparently FCPU either...us parents only found out by accident when Alexander tried to ban me from the school (5th Aug, as a result of that original FCPU meeting0 and I went to Mt Gambier Police Station to report it, and was told by (Det?) Nick Smith that they'd already "closed the file"...at some point the (then) Labor Attorney-General Michael Atkinson had seized our reports from FCPU and handed them to the Lutheran's lawyers to be edited/censored...they were then returned to FCPU and SAPol with 'all incriminating evidence removed'...the FCPU reports we finally received, about our own children's statements, were all massively redacted, with whole pages missing/removed...

To their credit, FCPU did appear at the TRB Hearing (Feb 03-Nov 04) and did state their official concerns about Dorling's treatment of the kids, his inappropriate contacts, etc, but they were down-played/minimalised by the Board, and ultimately dismissed...the TRB panel consisted entirely of Teachers Union members/reps, was Chaired by (then) Liberal leader Rob Kerin's (cousin?) Carmel Kerin, and Dorling's lawyer was senior Labor Minister (later Premier) Jay Weatherill's law firm partner Stephen Lieshke...the TRB Board outright called me a liar, dismissed/minimalised other parent's evidence, called no Lutherans, didn't call police, allowed Lieschke carte-blanche attacks on parents, ordered parents to hand over private documents, etc, etc, etc, and then exonerated Dorling...even if you don't count the multiple unexplained delays from original complaints (Feb 03) to the various initial interviews (June 2003), then the year long delay to June 04, etc, the actual TRB Inquiry of 7 hearing dates from June-November 2004 is reportedly the largest ever, and by quite some margin...it was a shambolic farce that, with the benefit of hindsight, was clearly organised, structured, and conducted to cause maximum trauma to us parents...     

This TRB Inquiry only occurred because I and another parent contacted them (Feb 03), and their representative the Crown Solicitors Office came to Mt Gambier several times, interviewed several parents, etc, before commencing an official 'TRB Inquiry' June 2003...that Inquiry was then postponed for a full year, actual 'hearings' began in Adelaide June 2004, and the CSO/TRB insisted the Inquiry focussed on only a single issue, 'heads in his lap'...us parents were told by the Crown Solicitor rep that they were 'our lawyer', but that proved to be a lie...once hearings started, we were stunned to see Dorling sitting there with un-redacted copies of our kid's FCPU reports that the TRB had subpoenaed for him...the hearing process was extremely confrontational with Lieschke aggressively attacking parents, and demanding access to our private documents, etc...this went on unchallenged by the panel or the Crown Solicitor across 7 disjointed 'hearings' until November 2004 when the TRB completely exonerated Dorling, accepting his defense that 'yes the contacts had been happening, but that the kids had been forcing themselves on him, invading his personal space'...
SAPol refused to appear, the dossier of previous complaints was never mentioned/presented, and no senior Lutheran was called to give evidence...the only Lutheran called was Dorling's friend and fellow teacher, and then as a character/defense witness...in November 2004 the TRB sent us parents a 2 sentence letter stating that they were not going to act (de-register) Dorling, and flatly refused to provide us any further explanation...they did however provide Dorling the full 32 page Reasons For Decision that he then used as part of his Affidavit when several families tried unsuccessfully to sue him and/or St Martins and/or the Lutherans...this was the process where-in parent's lawyer Bill DeGaris betrayed his clients by colluding with Dorling's and the Lutheran's lawyers (both Piper Alderman), as extensively covered in some of the earliest posts on this 'ere blog, eg, Piper Alderman's attempts to have those posts removed, etc...and I repeat for The Google's benefit, these are facts, provable in Court, and that's why Piper Alderman and the Lutherans and Bouncin' Billy DeGaris, et al, it's why they come a' whingin' to you to try and have that stuff removed but never take me to Court for sayin' it...anyhoos, when the parent's attempt at legal action collapsed under the weight of Pro-Paedophile betrayal and collusion, it was Bouncin' Billy who handed that Reasons For Decision to us parents, and that's how we know the extraordinary lengths the TRB went to to excuse/protect Dorling, including blaming our kids for the abuses they suffered with Dorling... 

SAPol conducted no investigation what-so-ever...not just failed to do it correctly, but refused to do it at all...Nick Smith attended that one meeting (1st Aug 02), but they never went to the classroom or interviewed any school teachers/staff, only partially interviewed only one parent, repeatedly lied to parents, and when we persisted, SAPol openly and repeatedly blamed us for their failure/refusal, stating that we "hadn't lodged official written complaints" and/or that we had "compromised the investigation by talking about it", etc...SAPol never even interviewed Dorling and then lied to us about that with 5-6 wildly differing accounts of their supposed 'chat', involving multiple different officers, conducted either at his home or the station, where-in he answered all questions or refused to co-operate, etc, etc...SAPol then extensively re-investigated their own investigation and completely exonerated themselves, but never actually investigated Dorling's conduct...SAPol refused to appear at the TRB Hearing...

When the issue of bullying was raised by a teacher in my child's first week of high school (Feb 2008), another child spoke-out about Dorling's conduct/behaviours, my child supported/confirmed those behaviours, and a third child also from Dorling's 2002 class, also confirmed it...next day I went to the school and spoke with Principal Gary Costello and had to politely insist that he/they do a Mandatory Notification, and I then had to chase Gary for several weeks, and ultimately SAPol "refused to re-investigate"...I contacted the Paedophile Taskforce and that's when I personally spoke to (then) head officer Grant Stevens, who, despite my explanations/descriptions, etc, stated that he'd been "ordered to drop/not touch it by (my) superiors"...

And that's how SAPol Commissioner Gary Stevens is complicit in the St Martins Cover-up.  

Gary Costello later received several meteoric promotions right to the top of the Education Dept, and that's how he is complicit in the St Martins Cover-up.

We parents also managed to organise a State Parliament Statutory Authorities Review Committee Inquiry into the TRB (SARC Inquiry no. 54 - The TRB)...this included extensive involvement with Nick Xenophon and multiple other politicians, eg, Family First's Dennis Hood, and the SARC itself, eg, Liberal Rob Lucas, etc, etc, where several families provided extensive written submissions and documents and personal testimony...this SARC Inquiry Report no.54 directly identifies 'the issues at a Mt Gambier school and the handling of those issues by the TRB', etc, as being the fundamental catalyst/justification for the Inquiry, and parents submissions/documents/testimonies feature repeatedly...this Inquiry, late 2007 to late 2011, is reportedly the longest Parliamentary Inquiry ever, albeit ultimately achieving/changing little if anything...indeed, the TRB stated outright that the Mt Gambier (Dorling) Inquiry would not have been handled and/or resolved any differently, even with proposed new legislation...

And I've said it before and so here 'tis again...everyone who's anyone in SA and/or Mt Gambier politics/law/society, they all know, and they are all complicit...the Lutherans know, as does Tony Pasin, Jay Weatherill, Mike Rann, Micheal Atkinson, Rob Kerin, Vicki Chapman, Rory McEwen, Don Pegler, Jim Maher, Troy Bell, etc, etc...multiple senior SAPol officers, upto and including Commissioners...multiple State and many Federal politicians...multiple Public Servants in the Education Dept, Crown Solicitor, etc, etc...multiple local Mayors and/or Councillors, most specifically the one I cannot identify due to the reprehensibly vile Final Intervention Orders barring me, etc, etc, etc...they all know...

And that's how all of these people are complicit in the St Martins Cover-up. 

And I'll say this all again also...all you politicians, etc, y'all know what Dorling was doing to our kids and you have all condoned that conduct and protected Dorling by either ignoring and/or directly acting to subvert appropriate investigation/action, etc...and so, if that's alright for a grown man to do that to 7 year old kids, you'll have no problems when I do those things to you when next we meet...and the sense of menace conjured by that simple statement has it's nexus, it's nucleus, in the realities that you know and have excused/ignored/protected...ironically, given that same condoning and apparent support for Dorling's conduct, etc, how can there be any menace or impropriety in me promising to do the same?... 

And out of all of this, for all of this definable Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption, who is the sole person to ever be charged with and/or 'Convicted' of anything?...that'd be me, the 'Whistleblower', openly pursued and persecuted by ICAC (Independent Commissioner Against Corruption) and SAPol, upto and including my very own ICAC/SAPol 'Operation Baritone' and legislative changes via the ICAC Miscellaneous Amendment Act 2014, and ultimately 'Convicted' for speaking the truth...and that's your South Australia right there, your Legislature (Parliament), your Executive (SAPol), and your Judiciary (Courts), and especially your ICAC...unrelenting and ongoing Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption with few exceptions...

Tomorrow: Either My COVID19 Ironies Or LNP Or Mt Gambier City Council Corruption

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...and I've just skimmed the surface here, left out many issues/events entirely, so if you's wanna' get a more thorough understanding of the St Martins Cover-up, just trawl back through the 7 years of TMGI...cheers and laters...

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