Saturday, June 6, 2020

Fascism Will Come Wrapped In The Flag And Bearing A Cross

This saying is often attributed to Nobel-award winning author Sinclair Wilson, but there are others who reckon it was James Waterman Wise...I've Interwebbed this but still dunno' exactly who's done what, but anyhoos, it describes perfectly what is happening with Donald Trump and Scott Morrison at the moment, and where both the USofA and Australia are headed politically...(if not already there-Ed)...indeed, and there can be no better example than Donald Trump's li'l effort this week, when he,
1)  hid in the White House bunker to avoid "intense but relatively peaceful" protestors, and then,
2)  stung by the resultant appropriate criticism, used militaristic-armed police and other 'security
     forces' to attack and pepper spray/pepper gun/tear gas peaceful protestors, the media and even
     some priests/church staff so as to,
3)  violently force them all away from that church so that he, li'l Donny, could,
4)  pompously stride across the road to stand in front of said church and wave a bible about for,
5)  what was clearly a self-promoting photo-opportunity.

These are not the intelligent Nation Healing actions of a highly respected 'Leader of the Free World', this is the maniacally narcissistic lunacy of a tin-pot dictator, of a petulant despot...(and then he's bleating about how he didn't hide in the bunker, no, it was only an "inspection" visit for "a tiny little short period"-Ed)...really? a "tiny little short period"? sounds like a kindergarten kid furiously denying something with every word in their toddler vocabulary...(indeed it does-Ed)...and yet is still one of his more coherent sentences...and has anyone done a joke yet about how Donny was just nipping-off for a round of golf, like he's been known to do during a crisis...(what, like because someone said 'bunker' so he thought it was golf time?-Ed)...yeah, anyone done that joke yet?...(probably not, 'cos anyone who knows anything about the Orange Roughy's propensity for cheating at golf and shamelessly lying about his world-beating handicap, etc, etc, they know that li'l Donny's such a phenomenal golfer that he's never been in a bunker in his life!-Ed)...taboomtish...(thankyou thankyou, yes, if his own conduct re golfing isn't orgasmically hilarious enough, hopefully we've got y'all there with that li'l effort-Ed)...and I'm luvin' that the #BunkerBoy is trending widely, that'll be driving him nuts... 

(Well I love the thing that's trending about going somewhere you've never been before and holding-up a book you've never read, just so you can have your photo taken doing that-Ed)...indeed, as a scathing commentary on the above disgracefully Fascist conduct of the Orange Roughy...(and for clarification dear availees, yes the Orange Roughy is li'l Donny, but it's also a particularly 'unattractive' fish, just Interweb it, the similarity is both disturbing and hilarious-Ed)...and it is the gift that keeps on giving, 'cos the Orange Roughy comes from the Slimehead family of fishes...(mate, you couldn't make this shizzle up!-Ed)...indeed, but now, enough of this post-script preamble, here's the actual post... 

Howdy dear availees in Germany, France, Turkmenistan, and Austria, welcome to TMGI...starting again where we left-off with the last post about the Criminal Cabal that is the Liberal/National Party Coalition, and the current/ongoing march/slide/stampede into Fascism in Australia...I do reckon I know more about politics in this country than many people, but I'm still a relative amateur, and there's plenty who are more specifically knowledgeable than I, but dead-set, you'd have to have been living under the proverbial rock to not see the LNP's agenda for Total Control and Zero Accountability...(well, under a rock or just wilfully ignorant, ya' know, "there's none so blind as those that refuse to see", and all that-Ed)...fair enough, and I s'pose there's also those who still 'trust' the pathetically pro-LNP complicit Main Stream Media and ABC and therefore believe the dross and/or do not see the deliberate omissions, etc...(yep, and omissions are often as telling as the lies and bias and deliberate misrepresentations-Ed)...sure, and carefully mis-told truths are equally manipulative...("mis-told truths"?-Ed)...yeah, take the ABC's reportage of the recent admission by the LNP that the deliberately vicious and punitive bastardry of Robodebt was a 'mistake', in fact, that can be out first paragraph...

RoboDebt when the LNP, knowing full-well for years that the RoboDebt scheme was 'illegal' and dysfunctional and causing massive trauma and harm in the community, suddenly turns around last Friday afternoon (29th May 2020) and, following-on from a recent Court decision and in the looming shadow of a massive and likely successful Public Class Action against RoboDebt and/or the government, Scummo (via Minister Stuart Roberts) suddenly announces that it's all been a bit of an unfortunate 'logarithmic misunderstanding', a 'technical glitch with the program', etc, and actually it was Labor's fault in the first place because 'they started it', etc, etc, and all carefully admitted and reported late on a Friday afternoon so as to try to avoid the main news cycle...(yep, a mere $720million glitch involving approx 350,000 people and 480,000 individual debts, generated by an entirely automated program, on a Reverse Onus of Proof basis, ie, you prove you don't owe us that money we've randomly claimed that you do, without providing you any proof, etc, and then enforced by professional private contracted Debt Collectors, and thusly deliberately causing massive trauma, reportedly including as many as 2,000 suicides-Ed)...and not one of the rancid bastards who deliberately implemented this massively Fascist attack on the poor and vulnerable, not Scummo, not Christian Porter, not Rolex Robbo, not one of them's got the common human decency to apologise...(well why apologise for what you've done deliberately and with the results/traumas that you always intended to inflict?-Ed)...indeed, the born-to-rule shyster grifters that are the LNP...   

And when ya' want to look at  how the Main Stream Media, including the ABC, is deliberately manipulating the reality of what they are 'reporting', you need to study the language and context...(but you don't need to look too hard, it's pretty obvious-Ed)...indeed, and because this says it perfectly, I've 'borrowed' this from Twitter...apologies that I haven't copied the Twitterer responsible, and sorry to them too, but this point is repeated in many forms across many, many Tweets, and the substance is applicable to the MSM reportage as here 'tis...***  

This is disgraceful framing from a public broadcaster. Delete please. Now. 1. They weren't debts. That's what the court found. 2. So they can't have been 'clawed back'. Try 'unlawfully taken'. 3. The scheme wasn't controversial; it was illegal.
Quote Tweet
ABC News
#BREAKING: The Federal Government has announced it will refund $721 million dollars worth of debts it clawed back through its controversial robodebt scheme.

***...(yeah, it's appalling, deliberately manipulative language and typical of how the ABC contextualises it's massively pro-LNP biased reportage by framing questions along LNP policy lines and using LNP speaking points as supposedly independent ABC editorialising, and not challenging LNP actions/statements, etc, etc, but I think your missing the main manipulation here-Ed) so?...(well what happened literally only minutes before Robbo mate dropped that $720million bombshell in Brisbane?-Ed)...ummm, are you alluding to the Scummo press conference in Canberra where he announced that he was scrapping COAG (Council of Australian Governments) and replacing it with a permanent National Cabinet, as appointed/instigated by Scummo during the early stages of the COVID19 Pandemic, and clearly designed to remove federal Labor from the governing process, an agenda re-enforced by cancelling proper parliamentary sitting times?...(yep, and National Cabinet itself followed on from Scummo declaring himself a One Person Cabinet, and Scummo also unilaterally appointing a group of mining executives as his massively paid COVID Recovery Team, details of which he refuses to discuss/provide-Ed)'s almost like Scummo's doing everything he can to give himself total control with virtually zero accountability...(it's exactly what he's doing mate, and it's text-book Fascism 101-Ed)...strewth...

Oh wait, I think I see, so you're suggesting that, whilst the timing of the RoboDebt backflip was also about doing it late on a Friday, it was mainly about distracting attention away from the actual main game, which was the implementation of permanent National Cabinet and the implied/actual application of 'Cabinet In-Confidence' secrecy provisions being applied to what was previously COAG's relative transparency...(spot on mate, you've nailed it, the decision itself and the timing of the announcement are rat-cunning manipulations that are entirely about vastly increasing 1) Scummo's personal control, and 2) the secrecy of future government decisions/actions, and 3) doing everything possible to avoid appropriate scrutiny of that original decision and these resultant implications-Ed)...and that right there's the foundations of and/or path to Fascism...and as featured frequently across Twitter, there's this...***
Does anyone NOT see the direct actions of the Australian Govt reflected here?
1:02 PM · May 27, 2020Twitter for iPhone
...and as you can see, that list/definition is accredited to Laurence W. Britt, and the Interweb seems to agree, but again, check for y'allselves as to the actual author/credit...more to the point is that each and every point there-in has cases-in-point with the conduct of the Scummo LNP, and whilst I'm sure that regular availees will be readily able to supply their own examples/experience of these, here's just a few examples...

1)  Scummo's relentless Nationalistic jingoism around "we're all in this together" and constantly referencing "ANZAC" at every opportunity, and 'Border Security', and press conferences with multiple Oz flags, and "Team Australia", etc:*
2)  "Stop The Boats" and appalling treatment of Asylum Seekers/Refugees and bragging about it...vastly increased 'police powers' to monitor/search/interrogate/detain without charge Oz citizens:
3)  Again, describing Refugees/Asylum seekers as "Illegal Boat Arrivals" and demonising "leaners" and anyone on Social Security...also attacking China, usually as a Nationalistic distraction from their own corruption:
4)  ANZAC ANZAC ANZAC...massive and irrational expenditure on fighter jets and outdated submarines...increased militarisation of police:
5)  Sexism in the LNP? if I need to explain this one to ya's, well...:
6)  The Oz media is almost entirely LNP controlled and/or willingly complicit, with the criminally corrupted Murdoch Media, Sky News, The Australian, etc, Channels 7 and 9, and most critically the woefully broken LNP lap-poodles at the ABC...time and again it is Twitter that breaks and reviews the actual news; AFP (Aus Federal Police) raids on journos homes and/or workplaces:
(*Scummo's done it again yesterday, lengthy weasel-wording some association between 'sacrifices' people had to make re not attending ANZAC Day due to COVID19 restrictions, as his justification for telling people not to march for Black Lives Matter...(and New South Wales has 'banned' that protest, but recently allowed 'Anti-Isolation/Anti-Vaxxer/Anti-5G' protests, and next week is allowing rugby crowds back, but it's not about Official Rascism or anything-Ed)...and NSW has schools back and has been openly abusing Queensland for not opening borders, etc, but BLM can't happen because of public Health concerns, but it's not about Official Rascism or anything...)

7)  Again, Border Force and "Stop The Boats" and increasing Surveillance Powers, and heavily-armed police at airports, fencing-off Parliament House, etc:
8)  Pentecostal over-load in the LNP, especially in Federal Parliament, as led by a wannabe b-grade Televangelist...I've repeatedly stated my hopes that Scummo is just a cynical pseudo-Pentecostal sucking-up for the votes, because it is far more concerning if he is a genuine Rapture-seeking fundamentalist nutter; also Marriage Equality and Religious Discrimination hypocrisies...
9)  Just standard LNP operational procedure, eg, first step of COVID support was $700m(?) to QANTAS, $$$m to Twiggy Forrester via Indue Welfare Card, $65m to Murdoch for Foxtel and regional papers, protecting banks, appointing mining execs to COVID Recovery Team, etc:
10)  Again, basic LNP modus operandi, attacking Unions and wages and workers rights and welfare recipients, etc:  
11)  No Minister for Arts or specific department; Arts workers not covered by Jobkeeper; massive de-funding of CSIRO; ignore proven science on Climate Change and bushfires, etc:
12)  'African Gangs'; refugees are "Illegal Boat Arrivals" and are all drug dealers and paedophiles and terrorists; massive increase in ASIO powers:

13)  Where to start?...(where does it stop you mean-Ed)...fair enough, the LNP is a proven Criminal Cabal defined by a litany of Institutionalised Corruption and Insider Trading and Nepotistic appointments, etc, and as routinely 'protected' by a wholly complicit, Barnaby Joyce and Vicki Campion's 'jobs' with Matt Canavan; literally anything related to Angus Taylor, eg, Clover Moore forged documents, or with Barnaby (Watergate), Grassgate; Matthias Cormann and Joe Hockey with HelloWorld; there are literally dozens of examples, it would be quicker to identify that which isn't corrupt dealings:
14)  And that Institutionalised Corruption is particularly apparent with fraudulent behaviour around elections; how Scummo rorted pre-selection to even get into Parliament; Sports Rorts and many other election-focussed 'Pork-Barrelling Rort Grant Programs', eg, Regional Development Fund; multiple unresolved LNP Sec44 Citizenship breaches; Gladys Liu and Josh Freydenburg using Aus Electoral Commission purple livery at polling booths to tell Chinese voters to vote Liberal, etc. 
...(and both 13 & 14 includes the rampant use of non-elected officials and/or 'consultants' and appointments like the C19 Recovery Team, or using Phil Gaetjens to 'excuse' Sports Rorts, etc-Ed)... 

And this is just a few scattered examples, dear availees will undoubtedly be able to write long lists of your own with multiple other examples that prove the point...and as I said, that list's courtesy of Twitter, or at least via Tweeters, etc, and here's another one...these Tweets/memes say exactly what I want to say about this situation, and sometimes even better than I could articulate, so's I'm cut-n-pasting these two, with appropriate credit...***
A Bible, tear gas and riot police: Donald Trump's most shameful photo opportunity.

Mick Minion

This dangerous grifter is the head of the American military
***...and that's just one of many such scathing condemnations from various 'religious leaders'...(I like the one from the Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, she's a beaut-Ed)...indeed, and it's available on the Interweb, just search her name and 'Trump, it's well worth the effort...(and didn't the OR double-down by doing it again the next day?-Ed)...yeah, he went to some Pope's shrine or church, whatevs, I really couldn't care less, but the media coverage of that second photo op is less than glowing, and particularly Twitter is hilariously irreverent and insightfully accurate...(yeah, also lotsa' people saying they reckon that, if that even is actually Melania, she's displaying 'Battered Wife Syndrome'-Ed)...indeed, but we're not gettin' into that stuff now, suffice to say that both of these have been repeatedly alleged for years, and not least of all because of Trumps abusive and narcissistic comments/bragging about assaulting women, and his public derogatory and bullying behaviour towards female reporters, etc... 
Tomorrow: My COVID19 Ironies

Given that it's supposedly all but over, the COVID19 pandemic that is, it's probably well-past time I actually posted this piece I started 2 months ago...and whilst I'm absolutely stoked to be back at gym, I'm also really hoping that we haven't jumped the gun a bit and aren't headed to C19 Wave II...(well here's hoping, but there continues to be fresh 'clusters', particularly some relating to schools-Ed)...yeah, it's likely to be with us until a vaccine is widely available, so in the meanwhilst, proper social distancing and personal hygiene protocols are still incredibly important, so for the wellbeing of everyone, please be aware of this stuff and act appropriately...  

And in closing, just another li'l something I've seen doing the Twitter rounds for a coupla' months, in reference to the Orange Roughy, to the tune of Supercalla-fragalistic-expealodocious, or howevs' that's spelled, and it goes a little like this...Trump is a Super Callous Fragile Racist Sexist Nazi POTUS...(spot on mate, spot on-Ed)...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, cheers and laters...

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