Saturday, June 13, 2020

PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison: A Racist, Fascist, Mysoginist, Pathological Liar

Howdy dear availees...another quick post on this weeks extraordinary comments and/or actions of our illustrious leader, The Liar From The Shire, Crime Minister, Scotty From Marketting, Bullshit Boy, Not My Prime Minister, and any and all other Twitter handles for this loathsome individual...he is a horrid, smirking, weasel-wording, sociopath entirely unencumbered by empathy, morality, or genuine intelligence...he is a serial and pathological liar with a definable hatred for anyone who isn't in his personal sphere, eg, if you're Indigenous or other 'non-White' person, poor, a worker and/or unemployed, a woman, foreign student, Unionist, non-Pentecostal, etc...(and then lie about how hard you're working to support these people you hate and have actually politically attacked and demeaned and Pariahtised*, eg, RoboDebt-Ed)...perfect, RoboDebt, relentlessly demonise unemployed as "Leaners" and 'Burdens on the Budget', etc, and attack them with 'Illegal RoboDebt', then do a vacuously offensive pseudo-apology when 'Private Legal Action' forces you into that position...(indeed, and even now the moral-less LNP is angling to 'legalise' and re-introduce RoboDebt, via Parliament/legislation, and with a massively increased number of 'victims'-Ed)...and all the whilst relentlessly rorting Public Funding Programs and Parliamentary Allowances, etc...the LNP are a  Criminal Cabal, nothing more, nothing less...

*Pariahtisation:...a TMGI word defining the situation/actions when the first priority of politicians/police/media/whoevs is to attack/denigrate/discredit the 'Whistleblower'/complainant, to try and make that person a 'pariah' so as to undermine/dismiss the complaint/issue...(also known as 'Playing The Man Not The Ball'-Ed)...     

And as per increasingly usual, it's Twitter/Social Media that's all over the reality of what's happening and calling it out for what it really is, here 'tis...***
Quote Tweet
Amy Thunig
The trifecta of white supremacy misinformation direct from the PM of 2020. States that: 1. Cook was enlightened 2. NSW was a ‘settlement’ 3. There was no slavery in Australia Wrong, wrong, wrong. But way to dehumanise us again ay. Can’t be slaves or invaded if we’re not human

***'s all there, "no slavery in Australia" and BLM protestors are specifically identified and denigrated...(especially by the deliberate 'Dog Whistle' of "go nuts on this stuff"-Ed)..indeed, and just the language is disrespectfully appalling, "this stuff", we're talking about Slavery and he says "this stuff", what an absolute bastard...and then when quite rightly howled-down by the Twittterati/Social Media, Scummo's done yet another pathetic pseudo-apology about "if I've caused offense", sir, are a bloody disgrace...(only on Twitter? what about the Main Stream Media?-Ed) mean the rancidly pro-LNP complicit MSM? you really need to ask? they're furiously defending Scummo with mind-numbing faux-excuses about his lack of education and 'maybe he didn't know because we don't teach this Slavery stuff in schools', etc...(what a pathetic joke! he's the shreckin' Prime Minister and he supposedly doesn't know the well-documented Slavery history of his own country? absolute bollocks!-Ed)...absolutely, it is Scummo' knowingly committing straight-out Racist Denialism pandering to the lowest common denominators in his LNP base, and the wholly complicit MSM is dutifully trotting along behind spuriously excusing his outrageous conduct...(and even in his pseudo-apology he straight-out lied that he "was referring specifically to NSW", when clearly he states "no slavery in Australia"!-Ed)...yep, lies in an apology that is itself a politically expedient fakery, what a stirling exhibition from a class act... 

And now he's again Racist Dog-Whistling that people shouldn't/must not attend the Black Lives Matter rallies this weekend because it will compromise his 'plans to re-open the economy post COVID19'...(but what about the Anti-Lockdown protests a month ago? Scummo stated that "it's a free country" for them!...what about the squillions milling about shopping centres sans masks, etc?-Ed)...yeah yeah, and his own critical statements about opening State borders for tourism, and other crowd restrictions being lifted soon, eg, being allowed to return to the footy, church,'s clearly about denigrating and demonising these specific protests and these specific protestors and this specific issue, he's unambiguously Dog-Yelling at the most pig-ignorant, bigotted, blinkered, and openly Racist people in his base support group...Scummo has also apparently straight-out lied that his 'ancestors' were on/in the First Fleet...(well the 'criminals' sent to Oz as part of the first Fleet were themselves technically 'slaves' to the 'free Colonists'-Ed)...well indeed, but we stray from the harsher realities here, the truths about Aboriginal Slavery and Islander Slavery, etc...and it takes exactly zero effort to find copious evidence/reportage of those realities, eg, Aboriginal slavery on stations, 'Blackbirding' of Islanders for sugar plantations, etc, etc, etc...

This deliberate demonisation of these protests/protestors is absolutely Racist and shows-up the disingenuous reality of his pathetic pseudo-apology about 'No Slavery'.   
 Just listening (ABC South East Radio) to Chair Bill DeGaris explaining why Stand Like Stone should be allowed to change it's 'payment/tax structure', whilst he repeatedly and massively praises-up Tony Pasin (Liberal Member for Barker) and how he's "working really hard" on SLS's "tax status", etc...Bouncin' Billy's bangin'-on about what terrific work SLS has done with local disaster relief (eg, COVID19, bushfires, food vouchers) but complains that "payments take months...because of the (tax) structure"...apparently community foundations world-wide are different, eg, Canada, and in Britain $70m went straight back to community, etc, but in Oz, for example, the Supreme Court has ruled that the $50milllion Celeste Barber Bushfire Fund has to go to 'official firies services', not to actual fire victims...and Tony Tony Tony, Tony understands, Tony does this, Tony does that, I love shreckin' Tony...(well Billy is another welded-on Liberal stooge so what would you expect?-Ed)...fair enough...anyhoos, Billy's main points were 1) that there should be more foundations...(which contradicts his previous statements on this issue that 'they' should consolidate for efficiency and tax reductions, etc-Ed)...indeed, 2) that government should invest more, and 3) people should give large tax deductible donations...I have my personal opinion about the genuine nature of Stand Like Stone and some of those involved, but I'm also aware that there are many decent people involved and with genuinely positive intent, and that's all part of what I identify as the 'manipulation' of these sorts of 'foundations' main beef though is as always this...

Bill DeGaris and Tony Pasin are knowingly and willingly and intimately complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and that's something I will never walk past...

And if you have the time and inclination, here's a link to a wee document of a mere 200 pages of LNP scandals, rorts, and other assorted skull-duggeries...sounds enormous but many of the pages are only part-pages of a few short paragraphs...whilst I can't personally vouch for the exact accuracy of all of this stuff, the vast majority of it's already public knowledge and/or I was aware of it, if not in some of the detail provided, and there are many links to the original sources, etc...

And I'm gunna' assume y'all have read that so I'm just gunna' finish-up here for today...

Tomorrow: The Long Promised COVID19 Ironies Post

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my increasingly frequent blog...(yeah, I'd noticed that we're posting with a slightly increased frequency, and yay for that-Ed)...trying anyways, dear availees, talk at ya' real soon, and until then, cheers and laters...

PS:...and even as I promise that post, I must apologise and correct 'cos the next post will actually be;
       The 18th Anniversary Of The St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up
...'cos the June long weekend 2020 was exactly that, 18 years of the St Martins Cover-up...

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