Monday, July 20, 2020

Nobody Knows The Troy Bells I've Seen

Howdy dear availees here in Mt Gambier in the sunny South East of South Australia, where it's Monday 20th July 2020, currently 12C/53F and drizzly, and our mate Troy Bell is still the Member for Mt Gambier in the SA Parliament (in the House of Assembly, the Lower House)...and welcome also to y'all elsewhere in places like Brazil, the USofA, India, and Russia...we in SA are very fortunate that our relative Social Privilege and widely dispersed population, etc, has initially spared us the terrible COVID19 issues currently ravaging your countries...(and there is a definable political impact on those situations as well, our local state politicians have done reasonably well, where-as, for example, people like Donald Trump and Jair Bolsinaro have denied and defied reality at a terrible cost to their countries' populace-Ed)...well indeed Ed, and I say "initially" because we are experiencing the beginning of a potential 'Second Wave' in Victoria and New South Wales, and NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian and our illustrious PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison are committed to 'Suppression' not 'Elimination', which effectively guarantees a resurgence...(yeah sure, but the Economy is clearly far more important than people, mate-Ed)...your sarcasm is duly noted and thoroughly justified...

But on a quick and pleasant divergence re COVID19, I just this week found myself back on the Mt Gambier local bus service, due to a busted radiator in my li'l vehicular transportation, and was pleasantly surprised to find that 'they', being the private contractors who operate/provide the government-funded service, 'they' haven't been charging passengers for several months 'cos of the COVID19 crisis...kudos and hurrah to y'all involved in making this decision, 'cos it is inevitably the poor, the disadvantaged, the disenfranchised, young mums with toddlers in tow, the unemployed, the elderly, Disability Support recipients like myself, etc, etc, et al, who rely on this service...regular availees know that I have often written about the very limited bus services available in Mt Gambier, ie, running only 0900hrs to 1700hrs, with no service on weekends or public holidays, and that I place responsibility for that firmly at the feet of the State Government and their inappropriately low funding...ironically, today's 2 main post issues collide 'cos Troy Bell just recently raised the issue of bus funding in Parliament, quite correctly identifying that, quote;
     “You need to be a car owner in regional South Australia because, if you rely on public
       transport, you simply will not get where you need to go."
For your convenience, I have included here links to both Troy's original speech from Parliament, and the reportage from The Border Watch...I recommend a quick squiz 'cos Troy covers many of the relevant issues of necessity and sparsity, etc...(I like how he quite rightly identifies the issue of local tourism access as another reason to increase the funding and also expand the service's reach-Ed)...

As regular availees will recall, Troy was originally the Liberal Member, but was dumped or resigned from the Party, whatevs, not long after he was charged (August 2017) for alleged acts of Corruption, after an alleged Independent Commissioner Against Corruption alleged investigation...(that's a lot of 'allegeds'-Ed)...well the charges are currently still only 'allegations', and my personal experience of ICAC Bruce 'Brews Slander' Lander is that a supposed ICAC investigation can and will be very much 'allegedly', for example, ICAC's bizarre October 2013 'Un-Recorded Chat In A Cafe' investigation of Mt Gambier City Council...(ooo yeah, that was a doozy-Ed)...during my "bizarre trial" (The Border Watch) for daring to even speak about said alleged investigation, I proved in Court, via ICAC witnesses, that the entire ICAC investigation of the entire MGCC was a half hour un-recorded chat with me in Metro Cafe, with 6-8 people in clear earshot, and ICAC's un-recorded chat in an Adelaide Convention Centre hallway with then MGCC CEO Mark 'Mighty Marky Mark McShenanigans' McShane...(well quite, 2 un-recorded chats, no actual hearings, never even spoke to identified 'Corrupt' MGCC Councillors or staff, etc, etc, this is ICAC's alleged  investigation of multiple definable/defined issues of Gross Corruption, Insider Trading, and Nepotism in Mt Gambier City Council, it's a sick joke-Ed)...and the punchline is that Nick Fletcher ends-up with a Criminal Conviction for talking/blogging about it, hilarious I'm sure...  

But of course my definably corrupt "bizarre trial" wasn't just about me 'blogging' about the farcically corrupt ICAC...(or 'Insidious Commissioner Assisting Corruption' as we like to borrow and call it-Ed)...indeed, I was subjected to a definable Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution because of my extensive discourse/exposure/blogging of SA's Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption...and My Bestie And Also In His Spare Time ICAC Bruce was the original complainant against me, leading to my very own ICAC/SAPol (police) 'Operation Baritone', a 3year 'Trial', etc, etc...and so, given my experience of ICAC and how it is used politically to attack and punish people...(or to protect mates and dodgy Councils, etc-E)...indeed, protect mates and attack opponents, so given the definable corruption of my mate Bruce and his farcical ICAC, I have quite some sympathy for Troy Bell's position, regardless of what he has or hasn't done...(are you referring specifically to the very suspect timing of the alleged 'charges'?-Ed)...yeah, but not just that, the whole situation in it's entirety...

Everyone has an opinion and/or insider info about how they know Troy's done such-and-such, or this-that-and-the-other, and so-on-and-so-forth...some believe he's guilty as sin and others that it's a political set-up, and then there's the version that it's about relatively minor paperwork anomalies but not actual 'corruption', etc, etc...I again refer to my own personal experience of the Institutionalised Corruption of local government officials, State and Federal politicians, police, etc, but I don't have a specific position on this issue 'cos I just don't know...whatevs the reality, Mr Bell's trial proper has only recently begun, and he's calling for it to be 'Permanently Stayed' because of 2 main issues...firstly, he's arguing that it is a "Political Witch-hunt", very much paralleling my own Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution and related issues of "Abuse of Process" and "Malicious Prosecution"...(as you actually proved in Court in November 2016-Ed)...indeed I did Ed, and therefore I am subsequently fully open to that possibility...(and indeed have been ever since this kicked-off in August 2017-Ed)...absolutely, but equally, I don't just accept this as being the only 'truth' just because that's what happened to me...whilst there is clearly a politically-motivated aspect to these 'charges', eg, the timing, that doesn't automatically exclude the possibility that there are potential or genuine issues of 'Corruption'...

So whilst nothing would surprise me as to the veracity of the 'Charges', and how that relates to Troy's 'defence', etc, I will however call-out the use of the term "Witch-hunt" as being inappropriate, just call it what it is, a Political Persecution...(yeah, this is something I've seen discussed several times across Twitter-Ed) have I, and I duly understand and concur that "Witch-hunt" refers to a very specific and often very violent form of gender-specific abuse and structures of control and punishment and dis-empowerment of women, refers to issues of legislated misogyny, etc, and it is entirely inappropriate for a man to use this I didn't even consider that until the correct context was presented to me via Twitter, so I'm not condemning Troy for using it, but I hope someone sees this and passes-on that context/info to him...

Troy's second point is about the supposed/alleged ongoing and therefore inappropriate involvement of our mate Bruce after the matter had gone to the Director of Public Prosecutions...this has a direct relation to my "bizarre trial" because although there was no Office of Public Integrity/ICAC investigation of my alleged 'Charges', Bruce mate was the initial complainant against me, personally referring me directly to SAPol's Anti-Corruption Branch, who then raided my home on 7th/8th May 2014, stating that they didn't know what the 'Charges' were about, instead stating;
     "We're just here to collect information (evidence) on behalf of the DPP." 
Despite this, I never heard the DPP mentioned ever again relative to my "bizarre trial", to my understanding it was handled by SAPol Prosecutions...also, it appears that Bruce was communicating with SAPol after his initial referral (mid-February 2014) and possibly even during my "bizarre trial" (February 2015 - April 2018)...

In researching this post I note that it is reported that Troy's defence team are also citing "gag orders" as compromising their ability to question witnesses, thusly...***

ICAC gag orders block fair trial for MP, court told

Secrecy orders stopping witnesses to alleged fraud by a state MP talking to his defence lawyers are hampering his opportunity for a fair trial, a court has heard.

***...and elsewhere...***

MP’s corruption investigation ‘cloaked in secrecy’

An investigation into an MP’s finances which ended with criminal charges was so “cloaked in secrecy” that it undermines the administration of justice and should be permanently stayed, his legal team have argued.

***...but unfortunately these stories are hidden behind 'pay walls'...there is an article available on the ABC's website, link below, and I direct dear availees to read that before we continue 'cos I will be referring to it and the many issues there-in...cheers...
...welcome back, and wow...(wow indeed-Ed) I'm always extremely cautious when it comes to just accepting verbatim anything that the ABC reports, and regardless of what one thinks about Troy and/or his conduct, etc, the many issues identified/alleged here are absolutely outrageous...(mate, this cannot be right, surely?-Ed)...mate, unfortunately, when it comes to SA ICAC no level of corruption and impropriety would surprise me... 

So may questions here;
1) what is Bruce's ongoing involvement?...and is that appropriate?;
2) has the "Witch-hunt" claim from a conversation between Troy and his lawyer(s) really been recorded by the DPP? is this appropriate?...and why are the DPP using it against Troy?;
3) are there 'gags' and 'suppression' relative to alleged witnesses and/or evidence against Troy?...and if so, how is it appropriate to deny someone access to the alleged evidence against them?

I note with some amusement that it's reported that it was card-carrying Labor member and (then) serving MGCC Councillor Penny Richardson who shopped Troy to the ICAC, and that that 'report' happened the day after Troy was elected...(why the day after? exactly when did Penny become 'aware' of this alleged offending? did she 'know' beforehand, and if so, for how long?-Ed)...all great questions Ed, and further fabulous fuel for the Political Persecution conspiracy bonfire...I note with side-splitting, borderline-maniacal mirth that the unsuccessful Labor candidate in 2014 was Jim Maher, also a (then) serving MGCC Councillor...his wife Viv (deceased) was the Labor candidate against me in 2010, and their son Kyam is a current Labor Shadow-Minister...(but hang-on-Ed)...yeah?...(that says that Penny 'complained' on 17th March 2014, and Bruce started investigating from there-Ed)...yep...(well why then did it take then another 3 years and 5 months before Troy was actually 'charged' with anything?-Ed)...well that's a great question, and yet another aspect of the Political Persecution Conspiracy playbook...(ah yes, with the March 2018 State Election campaign just starting to get goin', what better time to try and discredit the incumbent and likely re-elected Troy baby-Ed) I said earlier, guilty or not, the timing is absolutely suss...

Also I furtherly note with unrelenting hilarity that Penny is identified as the original complainant, where-as in my "bizarre trial" I was actually convicted of exposing myself...(ooo, bishop-Ed)...of exposing myself as being the original 'Complainant'...(uh, well that's not funny, not funny at all-Ed), no it's not...and also more furtherly, when I went to see the Legal Eagles at South East Community Legal Service aways back in May/June 2014, they initially albeit politely laughed at me when I asked, 'are you even allowed to talk to me because the ICAC Act 2012 Section 56 seems to indicate that you cannot?'...(yeah, laughed until they read that particularly bizarre Fascist piece of legislation-Ed)...indeed, and then felt obliged to write to my mate Bruce, twice, asking that exact question, 're Section 56, are we allowed to speak to him?'...and although I hadn't even been 'Charged' at that time...(and actually never were-Ed)...sure, but in July 2014 Bruce eventually responded with an official written 'Authorisation' to allow me to speak about my ICAC stuff with a lawyer, my family and/or friends, and my medical practitioner...not 'Charged' but still requiring official ICAC 'Authorisation' to speak with a lawyer...this relates back directly to the 2 issues of privileged phone calls being tapped/recorded and used against Troy, and the woefully bizarre with-holding of researching this post I also found this on the ICAC website...*** 

     This list identifies the initial charges laid before the court. However, the number and type
     of charges may change during the course of a prosecution. Changes are not detailed here as
     the Commissioner does not decide when or in what way charges are amended.

     Some matters are not listed here as they are subject to suppression orders.

***So, as bizarrely Fascist and politically motivated and corrupt as my "bizarre trial" was/is, and as ludicrously corrupted as Troy's clearly is, apparently "some matters" are even more bizarrely Fascist and we aren't allowed to see/hear about them at all!...(well that's also a prime set-up to protect/hide/excuse any genuine corruption committed by 'mates', etc-Ed)...absolutely, and when you look at the ways that Bruce has acted to protect multiple Labor Ministers and other corrupt public officials, eg, Gillman Land Sale, the Oakden Nursing Home...(the MGCC ICAC Cover-up-Ed)...indeed, the Bruce-sanctioned MGCC Corruption Cover-up, where-in the only person to wind-up with a 'Conviction', albeit a rancidly Corrupt 'Conviction', is the 'Whistleblower'/complainant, li'l ol' moi...

In conclusion, whether Troy is guilty or not, the grossly Fascist processes involved are self-evidently inappropriate and no-one should be subjected to this sort of massively biased Star Chamber-style persecution....also, I note this states that a decision would be given 'with-in 5 days', being approx a week ago now, but I cannot find any more recent stories/reportage...I'll keep an eye and/or ear out and get back to ya's... 

Tomorrow: Whatevs, Do What I want Mate.

Nah, but seriously, I'll think a' sum'thin'...oh and I just noticed that Troy has another case pending involving an allegedly dodgy house renovation...dunno' about this one, but I'll look into it...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...(ohhhh, I get it-Ed)...what?...(it's that song, 'Nobody Knows The Troubles I've Seen'-Ed)...yes, well done, eventually...(and you've changed it to "Troy Bells I've Seen"-Ed)...congrats...(a truly terrible pun where-in the ironic humour is derived from the fact that if anybody does know the 'Troubles' you've seen, and particularly with the bizarrely corrupt ICAC debasco (debacle/fiasco), that person is Troy 'cos he's goin' through something very similar-Ed)...and thankyou for mans-plaining that to us all...(cheers-Ed)...yesss, cheers and laters...      

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