Monday, July 6, 2020

No Apologies For More South Australian Pro-Paedophile Corruption Stuff

Howdy dear apologies for effectively re-posting some stuff I've covered before, 'cos someone posted this 'ere photo on Twitter and it just really 'triggered' me...been a fairly average, quite angry, heavily traumatised weekend as a result of all the rancid Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption that this photo encapsulates and therefore reminds of re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and I ain't the only one, I know that this continues to traumatise several people who were/are involved...and in the grand ol' tradition of playing the good ol' South Australian Politics Game of Can You Name A Former SA Premier Who Ain't A Paedophile?, the title I'll give this photo is, Guess Who Here Ain't A Paedophile...

Rudd also? Knew about Rann & @JohnRauMP (just retired) & turned a blind eye to a raft of injustices for nearly 2 decades. Seemingly got rewarded for his efforts via an SC, by Chief J Kourakis who in turn was involved in St Annes coverup....
doing nothing either.
3:00 PM · Dec 10, 2018Twitter Web Client

...and for those dear availees who ain't awares, that's Labor's (disgraced Police Minister) Patrick 'Terry' Conlon at the right, then Labor's (Premier) Mike Rann, Liberal (Leader) Rob Kerin, Liberal (Premier) Dean Brown, and I reckon bottom left is Liberal (Premier) John Olsen...and 'cos I don't know exactly when this photo was taken, I've put their top positions in brackets, but I'll guesstimate that this was when Dean Brown was Premier and therefore Rann was Opposition leader, and Kerin and Olsen and Conlon were Ministers or Backbenchers...I remind dear availees that Olsen and Conlon were both named in the notorious 'leaked' Mullighan Inquiry Document that precipitated the resignation of Speaker Peter Lewis (see below), and that in March-April 2005 Olsen was twice identified at press conferences as a regular client of 'Parklands Rent Boys' (teenage male prostitutes who operated in Adelaide's South Parklands area, eg, Veale Gardens), extraordinary news that never made it to public broadcast...also, Conlon resigned as Labor's Police Minister when caught adjacent to Veale Gardens allegedly 'drink driving', the 'incident' referred to below regarding video evidence that SAPol 'lost' and/or 'accidentally destroyed'...and that it was PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison who earlier this year personally promoted/supported Olsen to the position of federal Liberal Party President...and that Scummo continues to support/follow proven Paedophile Protector Hillsong's Brian Houston...  

I don't know what to say about any of this stuff, and really I don't need to say or do anything more than post it and never let it be forgotten...and regarding the Peter Lewis 'resignation', this was published 15 years ago in The Sydney Morning Herald...

Rann blasts Speaker over 'wild' pedophile ring claim

South Australia's parliamentary speaker should put up or shut up about his "wild" claims of a pedophile state politician, Premier Mike Rann said today.
Speaker Peter Lewis last week said two gay men, who were recently found dead in Adelaide, had told him of a pedophile MP who frequented the city's south parklands, a known homosexual haunt.
Mr Lewis also said the men's deaths could not be dismissed as coincidence.
Police initially said the pedophile MP allegations had been reported in 2003 and were found to be unsubstantiated. But this week they reopened the investigation.
Mr Rann today described Mr Lewis' claims as "wild" and "extraordinary".
"The allegations are about murder as well as pedophilia," Mr Rann said.
"These are very serious allegations that need to be cleared up by the police and I await their report with profound interest."
Mr Rann refused to offer his support to Mr Lewis, a former Liberal MP who turned Independent and handed Labor government his decisive vote in the state's cliffhanger 2002 election.
"My message to the speaker is this: You have got to produce the evidence and hand it over to the police," Mr Rann said.
"It's vitally important if you make wild allegations that you back them up to prove they have substance.
"So, therefore, I am awaiting with interest the report from police, and so is every other member of parliament."
Mr Rann said when Mr Lewis was appointed parliamentary speaker - as part of the deal which delivered Labor power at the last election - the Independent MP promised to "try and reinforce respect in the institution of parliament as well, of course, as the protecting the rights both collectively and individually of members of parliament".
"He also promised to restore dignity to the parliament," Mr Rann said.
"And so Peter Lewis knows that he is accountable for his own actions as well as being accountable to the parliament."
Mr Lewis has said claims an MP was involved in pedophile behaviour were made separately by gay victims Robert Woodland and Shaine Moore.
Mr Woodland, 36, was bashed to death last December in Adelaide's south parklands. His murder is unsolved.
Mr Moore, 33, was found dead in his north suburban Adelaide house on February 25 this year in what police say were suspicious circumstances.
Mr Lewis also said another man, convicted pedophile Craig Ratcliffe, had told him there was video evidence of the serving MP involved in a sexual act in the south parklands.
Police interviewed Mr Lewis last week about his claims.

...and I remind dear availees that us parents had already been in regular contact with Commissioner Ted Mullighan and Peter Lewis when Lewis 'resigned'/was forced/sacked/removed from the position of Speaker only 3 weeks after this (4th April 2005) parents were the second group of people to meet with Mullighan, at a time when this first group were being systematically eliminated...then less than 2 months later Parliament sat in Mt Gambier (5th-6th May 2005) and I was present when Peter Lewis twice spoke to the St Martins Cover-up, generating this outrageously corrupt response from the rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Labor stooge, alleged Independent Rory McEwen, via the equally complicit The Border Watch newspaper...

...all involved here, McEwen, Conlon, Rann, and particularly TBW, they all knew/know exactly what had happened at St Martins, they knew exactly what Lewis was talking about, they have consciously and willingly acted to attack and discredit the Whistleblower (Lewis), and more disgracefully, attack and denigrate and demonise us parents...and McEwen's classic 'gas-lighting' strategy of identifying the absolute truth, 1) "everything is corrupt", which it definably is in SA when it comes to Pro-Paedophile Corruption, and 2) 'has actually hounded the teacher' knowing that us parents had been relentlessly trying to get something done about teacher Glyn Dorling, a "text-book grooming paedophile", without ever going near him or contacting him, etc, and 3) "I made sure...fully investigated by police" in a context where SAPol had done absolutely nothing, not even interviewed Dorling...Rory knew/knows exactly what Dorling had done, what us parents had/have done, and what SAPol hadn't done, etc, etc, and he deliberately chose to lie about all of it, motivated by a desire to 1) protect a "text-book grooming paedophile", and therefore 2) protect and support the rancidly Pro-Paedophile Corrupt Labor Party...and that extraordinary series of lies and slanders, reported un-challenged by Sandra Morello (nee Wallace) in TBW...

Again, I do not apologise for my anger and my trauma and my 'hounding' of all involved in the St Martins never goes away, not for anyone...

Tomorrow: I Dunno', The Eden-Monaro By-Election Perhaps. Whatevs

And why not, it's yet another classic example of the rank corruption of Scummo's LNP and the complicit Main Stream Media, particularly the supposedly impartial ABC, etc, etc, etc...y'all will please excuse my abundant lack of motivation and forced indifference, currently it's about the best I can muster...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...oh, and my latest Corrections SA Court stuff has again been adjourned, so's I'll let y'all know more about that when I do, cheers... 

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