Saturday, February 27, 2021

A Stop-Gap Post About The Politics Of Protecting Rapists And Paedophiles

Howdy dear availees...given the now multiple Rape 'allegations' related to Parliament House and/or the Liberal Party, it's been a very long fortnight...I know how much I've struggled, but I cannot imagine how traumatic it's been for Ms Brittany Higgins or Ms Chelsea Potter or the other un-named young women involved, or for the many, many people in our 'society' who have suffered re-newed and/or ongoing trauma after similar abuses, or worse, and had similar gross failures from authorities, etc, etc...for my part, I see a deliberate and very controlled male-dominated structure of denial and protection for Paedophiles and Rapists, particularly those in any position of influence and/or power...I have been absolutely triggered by the extraordinary similarities between the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and Ms Higgins experience/treatment, where-in literally everybody in a position of authority, upto and including the Prime Minister's Office and the Australian Federal Police, they all know, they all have known since Ms Higgins' Rape occurred in March 2019, and yet nothing has been done until the story has hit the media...

Regular availees will be well aware of the exhaustive efforts of us parents to get appropriate action taken against "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling who abused an entire class of Grade Two 7 year-olds in 2002, if not hundreds of junior primary children, going back into the mid-1990s...and at every turn, particularly in dealing with SAPol (police), we were warned about the increased trauma that out kids would suffer...and I say 'warned' because it was a thinly veiled threat smeared with intimidation and accusation, ie, if you continue forward then you're bad parents because you've been warned about how traumatising the system is to your children...and traumatising in the context that everything will be done to protect and excuse the perpetrator in a system that's set-up and geared-up and motivated to do exactly that, protect the perpetrator...we were put through this Blame/Guilt grinder many, many times by multiple agencies, but most regularly and specifically by SAPol...  

What Ms Higgins has encountered, what Ms Higgins has been subjected to, is not an unfortunately disjointed and clumsily dysfunctional 'System', this is a 'System' that is doing exactly what it is designed to do, to openly dissuade and if that fails then discredit complainants, de-rail investigations, deny accountability, and protect and distract away from 'The System' itself...

And I'm feeling thoroughly drained and deflated, but it too shall pass, so, in trying to keep moving forward, here's a link to an excellent piece by a well-known Rape 'survivor', Ms Nina Funnell...I urge dear availees to read through the 'Comments' as well because there are some unpleasantly illuminating 'misogynist' views expressed there-in as well...

And in context, for a markedly less confronting almost amusing change of pace, here's the link to an extraordinary piece about Energy Minister Angus Taylor by Pauline Poulter...and I say quite facetiously that it's a change of pace because it's the organised, multi-faceted corruption defined here-in that is a cornerstone of 'The System', of 'The Establishment', of the structures of Entitlement and Institutionalised Corruption that lead to and precipitate and arguably demand the sort of Moral-Less Self-Serving Pro-Rapist and Pro-Paedophile Culture that pervades/controls/defines all of our 'Upper Echelons'...and it's down the rabbit hole because (Ms) Poulter has done several pamphlets/articles about various Ministers/Acolytes/Stooges, including a 200-page piece on Treasurer Josh Frydenburg, and so I've included a link to her full site/page...

Tomorrow: I'll Try To Get To The Mt Gambier City Council Rampant Corruption Stuff

Regular availees will have noted that 'Ed' has been absent for the past 5-6 posts...given that 'Ed' is a confected literary device used to debate/discuss conflicting perspectives, and/or set-up jokes, etc, I felt that the recent issues of Rape and Sexual Assault and related Federal government Cover-ups, etc, were/are too serious for 'jokes', and as far as I'm concerned, there is no 'debate' to be had...when the Prime Minister stands there and repeatedly straight-out lies about his clearly definable role in the Cover-up of Rape because it was/is politically damaging, there is no humour, there is no debate...

It puts me in mind of something my Pops used to say, and he worked for decades as a staffer in South Australian State Parliament, and as a result had nothing but contempt for the 'political classes'...and it goes a little like this...if you really want responsible and accountable politicians and a just democracy, then every few years you need to get some of the really off ones (politicians) and put them up against the wall (euphemism for execute them), and you just watch how fast the rest move to act responsibly from there-on in, when they know there's I don't support Capital Punishment, but how's about a life sentence in hard labour, as meted-out by a non-corrupt ICAC, not the basely-corrupted bastardisation of an ICAC we have in South Australia...    

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Has The Liberal Party Been Protecting A Serial Rapist?

Howdy dear availees...I'm not going to apologise for posting about this horrendous situation yet again...quite literally, before I'd finished yesterday's post there's been a series of extraordinary developments, including that a third young woman has now alleged that she was Raped by the same Liberal senior staffer who 'allegedly' Raped Ms Brittany Higgins...this 'alleged' Rape appears to be just one of a series of Assaults/Rapes committed by the same Liberal staffer...if you are not aware of the broader issues around Ms Higgins' experience, please read the previous 3 posts on this issue...also please, if you have not already signed it, here is the link for the official petition asking for the establishment of a genuinely independent authority to deal with these issues within Parliament...

Petition update · The alleged assault of Brittany Higgins and four more women ·

Here's a link to another story from Channel 10's The Project who ran the initial extensive interview with Ms Higgins last week, as provided with our previous posts on this issue...

Just listening to ABC/BBC News Radio live from Parliament and to Scummo again at the Dispatch Box lying through his crooked teeth about how his office only knew a week ago and there are currently processes underway to review the processes, etc, etc...he continues to be confronted with the un-challengeable reality that multiple senior Liberal staffers in his office knew about the Security Breach and resultant Rape back in March/April 2019, and that his office was notified at the time, and again repeatedly since, and that senior Ministers Michaelia Cash and Linda Reynolds knew directly, and that Ms Higgins was told outright that if she went to police that she would no longer have a job, etc, etc...

Fact:...Linda Reynolds has openly and categorically contradicted herself, alternatively stating and re-stating that 1) she wasn't aware of the 'alleged' Rape when she spoke to Ms Higgins only 3 days later and in the same office where it had occurred, but then has also stated 2) that she (Reynolds) had sought and received advice from the Dept of Finance about what to do about the Sexual Assault and spoke to Ms Higgins about that in that's a link to the Twitter feed of journo Samantha Maiden...

Fact:...from the day of the Rape, and in the first week there-after there is a clear trail of multiple involvements from the Australian Federal Police, multiple Ministers and staffers, including from the PMO (PM's Office), and including the resignation of a senior Security official, reportedly due to the appallingly bad 'handling' of the incident... 

Here's the link to Scummo's extraordinarily bizarre and quite pathetic attempt to try and Daggy-Dad his way through the shit-storm of his own lies and deceits, trying to pretend that he's not the least bit concerned about the raging bonfire of accountability blazing just outside his the circumstances, it is not just embarrassing to see our PM behaving like this, it is basely offensive...

...and it's particularly offensive because Scummo has only been a 'life-long' Sharkies supporter for about 9-10 years, it's purely a politically expedient construct to try and promote his 'Every Man's Mate' faux-persona with his electorate...that was Saturday, and then on Sunday came the hastily organised COVID19 distraction of him getting his vaccine shot, along with a couple of senior citizens...this took place at what is reportedly the clinic of an LNP supporter and Hillsong Pentecostal preacher...even that stunt went pear-shaped when Morrison semi-assaulted the elderly woman by grabbing and twisting her arm, and trying to laugh it all away...touch my elderly mother like that and see how it works out for you Scotty mate...

In 2019 another former Liberal staffer Ms Chelsea Potter made public that she had been Sexually Assaulted by a Liberal "up-and-comer" in 2015, and that Minister Simon Birmingham knew when he was interviewed but denied knowing, etc...I do not know whether this is another 'staffer' or the same man who Raped Ms is the link to Ms Potter's story from InDaily, which includes a further link to Simon Birmingham's response...and like everything I've seen him do this past week, I'm going to call it a deeply disingenuous and carefully non-committal response, avoiding certain issues and speaking fakely insincere, politically expedient concern to others...

Since I started this post yesterday, now a fourth young woman has come forward claiming that she was groped by the same Liberal staffer who 'allegedly' Raped Ms Higgins...below is the link to a Twitter thread about that assault, but I've quoted here what I consider to be a critical statement about the 'culture' of Parliament House...***  

     5. She said it wasn't the first time she received unwanted attention or advances from men she            worked with at Parliament, and it wasn't the last. "By that time, I was just so used to sexual harassment I just brushed it off," she said.

***...this follows several pieces I've read about how senior journos would provide new Parliament reporters, particularly young women, with a list of Ministers and senior staffers to avoid being alone with...this is not a new claim, and has surfaced several times in recent years when claims of inappropriate behaviours have been raised...

I note that Sexual Harassment and/or Assault is also an issue for young men in Parliament, who are also preyed upon by senior staffers or politicians...I've read claims of married, supposedly straight men (Ministers) having 'dalliances' with male staff, including direct claims of witnessing such incidents and other claims about 'rumours' of male staffers being Harassed and/or is also clear that these issues of power imbalance and Harassment/Assault, etc, whilst clearly an endemic and epidemic problem within the LNP, is not a problem limited to the LNP...there are several instances of similar claims against Labor staffers and/or Ministers, etc, including against former leader Bill Shorten...   

I find it fundamentally unbelievable that Scott Morrison didn't know about Ms Higgins Rape, probably within days, and possibly within hours...with the 'security breach' in the critically important Defense Minister's office and unscheduled deep cleaning of the office within hours, etc, and then the 'sacking' of the perpetrator within days, but not of Ms Higgins, etc, etc, it is blatantly obvious that everyone involved knew that a crime had been committed against her...further, given the security breach and subsequent sacking, etc, I find it absolutely unbelievable that this incident remained some sort of secret between a few people, this would have been known right through-out the Liberal/National Party, and likely through the Labor Party and broader Parliament staffers, and almost certainly by the Canberra press gallery...whilst Morrison et al are currently trying to use 'The Culture' to distract away from Ms Higgins specifically, there is undoubtedly an issue of the broader conduct/attitudes in our Federal Parliament...

There are now also 4 'inquiries', including a 'secret review' by Morrison's senior staffer Phil Gaetjens who cleared Morrison of any involvement in Sports Rorts, a ridiculously and obviously tainted and false exoneration...the results of this 'secret review' will not be's a farcical joke from Morrison, who clearly knew back in March/April 2019 and is clearly now relentlessly lying about it...multiple former Liberals are also crawling out of the woodwork to defend Morrison and say what a great job he's doing in dealing with this's links to 1) Amanda Vanstone's comment, and 2) Alexander Downer's appearance on the ABC's The Drum program...please note Downer, a definably criminal National traitor regarding East Timor, repeatedly talking-over the women trying to speak...

Here's what Minister for Women Marise Payne has had to's absolute gas-lighting and victim blaming to say that Ms Higgins was mistaken or misinterpreted how she was treated, and didn't get treated how she thought she should, etc...this from the Minister for Women...

....faux empathy and weasel-worded white-anting of Ms Higgins credibility/claims...what hope for any genuine change or action when this is the response from the Minister for Women?...

Vicki Campion, former staffer and now partner of The National Party's Barnaby Joyce, has, sans any actual credentials or qualifications or experience, been gifted an apparently regular column in the Daily Telegraph...I've included here the link, but in short, it tries to play down the importance within the Liberal Party of the 'up-and-comer senior staffer' who Raped Ms Higgins...the most obvious fact that undermines that premise, is that this man had access not just to Parliament House after hours, but had  officially sanctioned access directly into the actual office of the Minister for Defense...that's not the sort of access that a nobody gets, that is not "the fringes of a Parliamentary office"...

Vicki also claims to have extensive knowledge of this man's extensive rorting of Parliamentary allowances, but why hasn't he then been reported and held to account for that?'s reminiscent of Michaelia Cash's unhinged melt-down in Senate Estimates when she threatened to 'name young woman in Mr (Bill) Shorten's office about whom rumours abound in this place'...either Michaelia was making vacuous threats with nothing to back it up, or she has failed to report multiple issues of Sexual Assault and/or other illegal/inappropriate behaviours committed in Parliament House...I don't think Vicki realises the vastly ironic hypocrisy of someone like her, who was moved from Barnaby's office when the 'scandal' broke, through 2 other apparently non-existent jobs in other National Party Ministers' offices, then into this 'journo' job, someone with that history then casting aspersions on someone else's entitlement and/or qualifications for a parliamentary job...the only saving grace in this article is the observation that both men and women suffer under this culture of Assault and Cover-up, and that some genuinely talented people have lost their promising careers to this issue...

Tomorrow: Probably More Mt Gambier City Council Corruption

I know I keep promising this, and it's likely that there'll be further revelations about Ms Higgins Rape, etc, but we'll get to this MGCC stuff eventually...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Please Sign Staff Protection Petition Relating To Brittany Higgins Assault

Howdy dear recent posts we've discussed the 'alleged' Rape of Liberal staffer Ms Brittany Higgins, and again I use 'alleged' purely because this issue has not been legally 'tested' in a Court...I believe Ms Higgins about the facts of the assault, that she was raped in the office of Defense Minister Linda Reynolds, and that she felt pressured to 'drop' the initial police investigation under threat of losing her job...I also believe that multiple senior Liberal/National Party Ministers and staffers, upto and including PM Scott Morrison knew that day or within is also abundantly clear that every effort has been made to cover-up the rape, and then to cover-up the cover-up, and that Scott Morrison is right at the centre of both failed is inconceivably unrealistic to suggest let-alone believe that literally everyone immediately surrounding the micro-managing egomaniac that is Scummo, they all knew about this, yet somehow he remained blissfully unawares...and it speaks to a broader culture of sexual misconduct and politically expedient cover-ups, etc, where staff, particularly junior female staff are hugely vulnerable and literally in danger just for attending their workplace...if you are not aware of the issues here, please go back over the last two posts or research it yourself...

Regardless of your own personal political beliefs/allegiances, I urge you dear availee to use the link below to access and then sign the petition...this petition relates to establishing a genuinely independent body that will actually provide protection for workers, as opposed to the farcical current situation whereby complaints go through the Finance Dept, and are therefore directly subject to control of the Minister...

And every day there have been new revelations about who knew what and when, and every day Scummo lies through his teeth about his role in the initial cover-up, lies about how upset he is, etc, and then makes a huge song and dance about all of the 'independent inquiries'...the only thing that he is genuinely upset about is that Ms Higgins has spoken-out and now the issue/situation is made has already been revealed that his office, and therefore him, because they wouldn't be doing it without his direct approval, he has already been back-grounding media about Ms Higgins partner and stating that it is that young man's personal grudge against the LNP that has prompted Ms Higgins to go public about the Rape...trying to distract away from the appalling conduct of all involved and undermine the seriousness of the situation by slandering her partner...Scott Morrison is a low and moral-less bastard...and as a brief reminder, here's a link to Scummo smirk-lying his way through a litany of false denials and flagrantly, obviously false 'concerns' about the situation...again, his only concern is for himself... 

Scott Morrison denies knowing about alleged rape of Brittany Higgins two years ago ( 

"I've sought to be as open and as honest as I can be about this matter"...which means absolutely nothing coming from a moral-less, pathological can literally see him trying to think about what he needs to be seen to say, it's "devastating", it's "awful", he's "shattered", etc...'gosh he hopes things would be improving as a community' it a joke in very poor taste to say that I'd like to see Scummo get 'shattered' after being in someone's 'scope'?...but having said that, I don't want to see the prick get shot, I want to see him in gaol for conspiring to cover-up the Rape, and then lying to cover-up that cover-up...and he just can't stop smirking when he's taking veiled pot-shots at the media and law firms, etc, he's straight-out gas-lighting with threats that if they continue to pursue this they'll compromise's exactly what he did in the Parliament when he made the same statements/threats to Labor...and follows-on from Michaelia Cash's bizarre threats at Senate Estimates to 'name a number of young woman in (then Labor leader) Bill Shorten's office'...

Please keep watching because this interview is immediately followed by another about the second Liberal staffer who has now come forward to say that she was raped by the same man...and Scummo doesn't need/want to know who she is, which is just an extraordinary thing to say in any circumstances, but most particularly because this relates directly to Ms Higgins Rape, and this other young lady's identity and employment, etc, are key issues as they relate to what responsibility that the Parliament and/or the LNP have as potentially being her workplace/employer, etc...outside of that, he is clearly lying again, he absolutely knows who she is, and it's all about the 'plausible deniability'...and again he's claiming ignorance of this case, supposedly until he was informed by the media...a pathological liar relentlessly lying, he doesn't know how to tell the truth...

Scummo just cannot help himself, he cannot stop that sickening, leering, smug, smirking grin...and the more he lies and thinks he's getting away with it, the worse it gets, the more he smirks...he clearly has no respect for Ms Higgins as a person and keeps calling her 'Brittany''s both disrespectful and overly-familiar, it's about trying to create a false sense of closeness and empathy, etc...I already consider Scott Morrison to be an entirely fraudulent individual, sans any morals, empathy, genuine intelligence, or ability to lead and govern, he is 100% pure albeit failed marketting spin-merchant, all announcement, endless announcements, and no actual plan or ability to govern other than to relentlessly self-promote...if you think you can get through 20 minutes of this clown, here's the link to the full 'interview' from SBS News on Twitter...the first minute is the extraordinary and much publicised statement about how his wife, 'Jen', told/showed him how Rape was wrong...and there's that perpetual sickening smirk...

I also direct dear availees to this thread from the ever-reliable Ronni Salt...this relates to the second young woman who has claimed to have ben raped by the same man...

And I completely reject this farcical notion that Scummo has moved to address his/the LNP's definable cover-up of their 'Rape Culture' and this cover-up specifically, by starting 3 different supposed 'investigations' is by his own Minister Celia Hammond who has an appalling reputation as a woman-hating woman, the second is by his own office, and now a third to be conducted by openly corrupt Scummo-protector Phil Gaetjens, the man who investigated the Sports Rorts Scandal, without interviewing a single person involved, and then completely cleared all of them...he is a basely corrupt LNP stooge who will do exactly what he is being paid a small fortune to do, ie, lie, obfuscate, ignore and deceive, all with a view to protecting his employer Scott Morrison...

Former PM Julia Gillard can take her 'praise for the bravery of Ms Higgins', and officially shove-it...regular availees will be well aware that Julia Gillard, as Minister for Education under PM Kevin Rudd, is intimately aware of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up because the (then) Member for Barker Patrick Secker wrote to her on us parent's behalf...Julia wrote back, 'so sad, not my responsibility, it's a State responsibility, so go talk to the Rann/Weatherill Labor State government about it'...then, as PM, Julia Gillard instigated the farcical Federal Child Abuse Royal Commission that rejected us parent's submissions and refused to look at the St Martins Cover-up, and failed to ask the powerful Lutherans a single official question...I don't think the expletives have been invented that encapsulate my contempt for all involved, Gillard, the FCARC, the Lutherans, nor the fury this conjures in me...Julia Gillard was also responsible for returning alleged notorious paedophile New South Wales Labor Premier Bob Carr back into Federal politics after Bob had his little epiphany on Sydney Harbour and 'retired'...I say "alleged notorious paedophile' because when I was involved with the former Speaker of SA Parliament Peter Lewis and various associated Child Abuse activists (2005), Bob Carr was regularly and routinely identified as being 'just another Australian Premier who is a paedophile', and as being 'proof that it's not just the Liberal Party who are systemic paedophiles', etc, etc...what I can state as fact is,   

Julia Gillard is intimately complicit in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up.   

Language Warning:...but if you want to peruse the work of an A-grade fucking idiot who really deserves a thorough fucking-up, then I offer you career fuck-wit Mark Latham...I've included here a Twitter link, where-in it's the associated 'Comments' from the 'Real Mark Latham' that I refer you to...what an extraordinarily vile and squat toad is Mark Latham...even coming from this prize fucking moron, it's arguably one of the most moronic pieces of woman-hating and victim blaming I've ever takes even a gentle person like myself to a place where one tends to consider that it would be a good thing that next time Mark mate has a skin-full, and he will, that someone violently assaults him...his remarks are particularly reprehensible when considered against the likelihood that Ms Higgins' assault was planned by her Rapist, and that she was also likely drugged and then Raped...I fully concur with the response list in this link...

...and when dealing with misogynistic, woman-hating fuck-wits like Mark here, and this bleating about poor men who get accused and charges that get dropped, eg, George Pell, Craig McLachlan, Geoffrey Rush, Matthew Harkin (James Morrison Jazz Academy student), and in many other cases, these men were shown to have acted grossly inappropriately, and even deemed guilty, but then were 'excused' on contrived legal technicalities...and beyond that...

Never Ever Forget:...the vast majority of Rapes/Sexual Assaults committed by men against women are never reported, and in work places it's often because of the power imbalance and perceived/potential/threatened repercussions for the usually junior woman...and of that small percentage of all Rapes/Sexual Assaults that do get reported to police, a minuscule number actually make it to Court...and then there's what is done to survivors by aggressive defense lawyers and the often complicit Courts themselves...for example, Matthew Harkin was originally charged with 2 counts of Rape, but with the glowing support of James Morrison had that reduced by plea bargain to pleading Guilty to a single charge of Indecent Sexual Assault, and then received No Custodial Sentence, No Conviction, No Fine, a ridiculously small Good Behaviour Bond, and then was allowed to leave the country and return to the USofA, with the Court-declared intent of becoming a music teacher, thus rendering even the Bond as moot...he has quite literally gotten away with Rape, and the Magistrate's outrageous comments about 'confusion in a consensual sexual situation' are straight-out victim blaming...  

There are so many senior Liberals who are definably complicit in covering-up/protecting their colleague/employee who raped Ms Higgins, it would be quicker to write a list of those who didn't know about it...evidence clearly shows that the PM's office knew within days; the President of the Senate and Speaker of the Lower House both knew within days; Linda Reynolds knew and Micheala Cash knew; Parliamentary Security knew; the Finance Dept and then Minister Matthias Cormann knew, etc, etc, etc...given the Rapist, now identified as Liberal 'up-and-comer' Bruce Lehrmann, was sacked or allowed to resign for his 'security breach', and was then re-appointed within the Liberal structure, etc, there are clear connections to multiple Ministers and government departments...

Scott Morrison has been caught lying outright, repeatedly, including his very 'Fruedian' slip when he tried to claim that his office 'only learned about it on 5th April', which is the week back in 2019 when the Rape occurred and that everyone in Parliament was being involved and/or informed, including the Australian Federal Police, etc, etc...what he was trying to say was that his office supposedly was only informed on Friday 12th February 2012, but then that supposedly he wasn't told at all, and he then found out 'via the media reports' on the Monday 15th February 2021...even his concocted lie is so fundamentally unbelievable as to be self-evidently false, his office only knew on the Friday but didn't tell him at all, such that he supposedly found out via the media on the following Monday, bollocks...

I cannot imagine what Ms Higgins has been through or continues to experience with this, but I know how rabidly furious and 'triggered' it makes me...everything about the ongoing St Martins Cover-up is as fresh and raw as it ever has been, and that is the nature of unresolved cover-ups, particularly like St Martins where they involve young children...there is a clear official template of self-serving cover-up and plausible denial and assorted associated corruption, etc, and it starts right in the PM's office and filters down through all branches and levels of government, from Federal to State to Local...

Tomorrow: That Mt Gambier City Council Corruption Stuff

Which doesn't really narrow it down, so that'll probably run into multiple posts as is also likely that there'll be more posts on the issue of Ms Higgins Rape and how that cover-up has been exposed... 

I haven't been using my confected literary device 'Ed' for these last few posts because I consider there is no place for either debate or humour with this appalling issue, and most specifically with how the LNP et al have sought to deny and/or hide it...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Ms Brittany Higgins Alleges Rape In Parliament House, And PM Scott 'Scummo' Morrison Pleads Ignorance

Howdy dear availees and welcome...another very short post today because I just want to direct you to the vast litany of lies spewing out of the Liberal Party and particularly Scott Morrison as it relates to the Rape of junior staffer Ms Higgins by a senior staffer in Minister Linda Reynolds office...

First, I again state that I use the term 'allege' purely for legal reasons because this incident has not been legally addressed in a Court, but there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Ms Higgins was raped, and in exactly the circumstances she describes...I refer you to her explanation/description of what happened that night as presented in the interview with Channel 10's The Project, here's two links... 

I note Ms Higgins' comments that she felt as though she was a 'political problem', rather than a person who had been attacked and Raped...that Linda Reynolds' 'support' was basically an exercise in Human Resources box-ticking and damage control...also her statement that Scummo's right-hand man Yaron Finkelstein contacted her 'out of the blue' when ABC 's Four Corners program ran an 'expose' on sexual assaults and Ministers having affairs with junior staffers, etc...and that she, as being 'the problem', was moved to Perth...from her description of events, I consider it highly likely that she was drugged by the Rapist...

What has followed that interview, from the politically expedient faux-apologies in Parliament to Scummo's pathetically incompetent pantomime empathy and outright lies about not being told and blaming Reynolds, etc, etc, it's an absolute disgrace, an absolute bloody disgrace from a Criminal Cabal of Right Wing thieves, Grifters and Glassy-Eyed God-Botherers...they should all go, every last one of them...if you are offended by swearing, then please skip the next paragraph 'cos I readily disconnect all of the restrictions of decorum and poltiteness I usually employ, and say what I really think of the current political situation...but rest assured, given the actual opportunity to tell these people face-to-face what I think of them, it goes a little like this... 

Language Warning...what in the living fuck is wrong with this sad, fucked-up country that this pack of criminal fuck-pigs are the fucking Federal government...what the fuck is wrong with 'us' that 'we' voted for these fucking fucks...the Liberal/National Party are a fucking disgrace, every single one of them...and at the head of that steaming shit-pile of festering fuckery is arguably the lowest fucking prick of a human being ever to disgrace the Federal Parliament...and given we've had John Howard and Tony Abbott, that is some fucking, Scott Morrison, you are a fucking disgraceful person, you are a fucking embarrassment as PM, and under your pathetic fucking alleged leadership, we are all well and truly fucked...End Language Warning... 

Think I'm being unduly harsh on poor ol' Scummo? watch these clips, watch the disingenuous sack-of smuggery lie through his teeth and try to hide it behind repeated references to his wife and kids, and blame his colleague, who happens to be a woman...Trigger Warning, grab a soft cushion/pillow first, 'cos if you have an ounce of human decency left in you you're likely going to want to punch something after watching this appalling man spew his appallingly disingenuous rehearsed empathy, and try to hide his moral-less disconnect behind repeated references to 'Jen and the girls', and straight-out lie about what he knew and when, and do it all through a bizarre, sickening, smug leer that fully illustrates how uncomfortable he is when 1) he knows he's lying, and 2) he's pretending to give a damn about Ms Higgins , or anyone else for that matter...

...seems Scummo has no problem chuckin' his female colleagues under the bus, can you imagine him ever doing this to a male colleague...look at the way he's protected Barnaby Joyce, Angus Taylor, Peter Dutton, Christian Porter, Alan Tudge, George Christenson, and on and on, right through to defending serial Facebook nut-job Craig Kelly  you, Scott's a brilliantly concise summary I've pinched from Twitter of several major issues that seem to be being ignored...first the link, and then the first 'article'...***

some facts: AFP let an inebriated young girl into high security building with an older man who signed her in. The AFP then let him leave without her. The AFP found her some hours later in a Cabinet Minister's office distraught. They escorted her from building. #auspol

*** that thread there's some argument about who exactly was 'policing' the entrance, etc, and as accurate as this is, it only scratches the surface...1) the way the security handled this, from letting Ms Higgins in when obviously heavily intoxicated, to removing her/'escorting her out', it looks like it was not an uncommon occurrence for older/senior staffers/politicians to engage in this behaviour...surely the security asked the senior staffer where the young lady was he'd come in with?...2) this is such blatant, confident, arrogant behaviour from the senior staffer, taking Ms Higgins to Parliament House, knowing he was being recorded, committing Rape in his Minister's office, begs the question, has this man done this before?...3) this relates back to the security's apparently so routine to find a distressed, dishevelled, partially disrobed young female staffer in a Minister's office that security didn't even report that, they reported the 'security breach'...or is that a lie too...

Did security try to report a Sexual Assault and were directed to instead remove Ms Higgins and report it as a 'security issue', etc? what point was it decided to clean the crime scene and who ordered that?...why was Ms Higgins moved to Perth? that is clearly an act of getting her as far away as possible from Canberra, and absolutely nothing to do with 'supporting her well-being and her decisions', etc, like Liberal Ministers are currently spewing-forth in Parliament...  

And Scummo's idea of 'investigating' is 2 'inquiries', one run by one of his own Ministers, and the other by his own office...and meanwhile, Reynolds and Birmingham and Cash, et al, are trying to hide behind the old convenient line, 'we can't comment because the police are investigating it now' it's okay for Scummo to do multiple investigations but Ministers cannot's absolute bollocks...

It is fundamentally unbelievable that Scummo's No.1 go-to man Yaron Finkelstein did not tell Scummo about this...Scummo's denials in this regard are an absolute lie and the pathetically complicit Main Stream Media should be screaming that at him instead of bleatingly capitulating to his false narrative of 'I only found out 3 days ago' that interview Scummo is so obviously uncomfortable, so obviously lying I almost felt sorry for him...but then I remembered what an appalling, abhorrent, misogynistic, rascist, dog-whistling, serial liar, sky pilot that he is, and suddenly I didn't feel quite so bad...and his support and empathy for Ms Higgins is clearly illustrated when he publicly questions her statement that 'Fixer Finkelstein' contacted her at the time of the Four Corners program, whilst simultaneously claiming that he's just finding out about this's a dismissive and derogatory and  abusive response to that issue...   

And as I've previously stated, whilst I am deeply saddened for Ms Higgins, personally this situation has only made a bad week worse...3 times on Monday I saw a man who is supposed to be in gaol for the Persistent Sexual Exploitation of his own daughters, starting from when they were young girls through to their mid-teens...this man has avoided most if not all gaol time by getting a Medical Certificate related to his supposed 'terminal Cancer', yet here he is a decade later, walking the Blue Lake, rocking-up to dog park, etc...I see him at least once a fortnight, often weekly...arguably more confronting than his heinous crimes against his own daughters, or that he has apparently completely avoided gaol, is that he is usually in the company of his wife who has abandoned her own daughters to stay with the man who raped them...I've also seen this guy beaming widely at me from The Border Watch, photographed alongside Liberal Member for Barker Tony Pasin at Tony's Cancer Fundraiser barbecues he holds at his office...the only reason I'm not naming him is out of respect for the women's privacy, etc...  

It's also been alleged to me, again, that a Mt Gambier teacher who was charged with Persistent Sexual Exploitation of a student, has again been seen in Mt Gambier, and appears to have avoided any gaol for that crime...his case appears to have just disappeared from any official record, and whilst initially reported in TBW, there hasn't been a word since...I found this in the TBW SAPol news archive...***

IN BRIEF: Man arrested for child sex crime

Mount Gambier police arrested a man from the South East on Thursday and charged him with persistent sexual exploitation of a child.

It will be alleged the offence occurred between 2016 and 2018 in the South East.

The 43-year-old man was granted bail and will appear in the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court on November 20.

The Border Watch has been informed of other details, however is unable to publish further information about the matter due to the legal process.

More details around the case will be published as the matter progresses, however the media is restricted in what it can publish until the man appears in court.

***...unfortunately I cannot find the original TBW article that states it's a teacher, etc, but I have previously posted this stuff, which was reportedly on the verge of being thrown-out of Court because of SAPol's (police) abject failure to formulate a proper case...and now it appears that that is what has happened...I'll continue to try and sniff-out exactly what's occurred here...I also posted a promise that if that did happen, if it 'disappeared', that I'd name the school, and nobody is going to be surprised that it is St Martins...

It is/was a St Martins Lutheran School teacher who was charged with Persistent Sexual Exploitation of a student, and apparently nothing has happened...and everybody involved knows 1) who it is, and 2) that he is guilty of what is potentially Statutory Rape of a Minor...and I do know his name obviously, but again I'm not going to identify him out of respect for the privacy of the various other people involved...and because I just couldn't let it go, and after extensive searching through my own archives, I have now found the last TBW article about this, which is from 22nd May 2019, some 6 months after the above reportage...I cannot find a more recent article or anything at all via the Courts Administration Authority or other sources... 

Just listening to ABC News24 Radio and Michalea Cash doing the whole deliberate broken voice faux-empathy schtick whilst saying that it was (and still is now) all down to what Ms Higgins wants to do and everything was about respecting Ms Higgins, and yet actually blaming her for not going to police, etc...this follows Linda Reynolds and Simon Birmingham doing the same fake concern bullshit, including about 'respecting her privacy', and even after Labor indicated that Ms Higgins had given them specific authority to pursue her case...and now Birmo's at it again, 1) on this side of the Chamber we only seek to uphold the sanctity of the place, blah, blah, blah, and 2) a very genuine response from Minister Cash, and 3) two bipartisan investigations, and 4) we're not going to engage with politicising the issue...sanctimonious gaslighting, from a position of self-serving corruption, claiming the moral high-ground about what is clearly another LNP cover-up...

I also direct dear availees to the trending  #Scottyknew thread...

Tomorrow: MGCC Corruption Stuff

On A Lighter Note:...I was somewhat bemused to receive feedback that someone who reads this blog had a certain idea about who they thought I was and what I would be like, ie, quite demonstrative, angry, probably aggressive, etc, but then, having met me, were pleasantly surprised that I am a quiet, polite, and engaging person who was an intelligent conversationalist...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Liberal Staffer Brittany Higgins Alleges Rape In Parliament House

Howdy dear is a critically important story that you have likely seen/heard/read already, but if not I've provided a couple of links below...a young female Parliamentary staffer, Ms Brittany Higgins, is alleging that she was Raped by a senior Ministerial Advisor, in Minister Linda Reynolds' office in the Federal Parliament House...I use the term 'alleged' purely in the legal sense where this case has not been through a Court...for me this is immediately reminiscent of many of the Sexual Assault issues that have been covered in TMGI, eg, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and the multiple issues involving musician James Morrison and his Academy, etc...powerful people acting to protect their own self-interests with absolute disregard even contempt for the 'victims' of these crimes...   

There are many articles on the Interweb, but I've included two links here...the first is the ABC...

I'm no fan of the Channel 10 program The Project, but they did an extensive interview with Ms Higgins last evening, Monday 15th February 2021...I urge you to watch it, here's the link...

If this young lady is lying, then she's stunningly good at it, and I don't believe for a moment that she is...there are some outrageous revelations in this interview about how Ms Higgins has been treated, but unfortunately, as someone who has spent 2 decades dealing with these sort of people, nothing I saw surprised saddened me for her trauma, but nothing about the political response surprises me...

I've also been reading sections of Marcia Hobbs' autobiography Ugly Heroes, some of which she has posted on one of her several Facebook pages...she details many issues of SAPol (police) corruption involving drugs, prostitution, sexual assault, etc, and specifically highlights just how appalling the conduct of several officers has been...her story covers/explains why Mt Gambier Police Station has such a terrible reputation as being one of the worst stations in Australia...again, it immediately reminded me of how us parents were lied to, threatened, bullied, betrayed and blamed by SAPol as they, seemingly en masse, helped the Lutherans cover-up the abuse of  a class of 7 year old kids, our kids, at St Martins Lutheran School...also, I've had at least one of the officers Ms Hobbs writes about, at my home several times back in late 2018 when I had supposedly breached my Final Intervention Orders...

Tomorrow: More Mt Gambier City Council Blatant Corruption

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Is Mt Gambier City Council Illegally Evicting Homeowners?

Howdy dear availees in Senegal, Greece, Turkey, and's post is gunna' do a lot of question asking, 'cos although I'm absolutely certain of what I'm lookin' at as a broader issue, as described in the title, I still find it hard to believe that even the rancidly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council could be so callously corrupt as to do what they're apparently doing...also, I readily admit that I've struggled to traverse the entire length and breadth of the multiple facets of this one main issue, and in the detail that it requires, because 1) I don't know Local Government Association legislation anywhere near well enough, and 2) I haven't been attending MGCC Meetings...(yeah, 'cos you're banned, it's hardly your fault that the rancidly corrupt Magistrate Ian White deliberately and specifically and unilaterally banned you from attending any MGCC meetings with his reprehensibly vile politicised mis-use of Final Intervention Orders-Ed)...sure, but it's a reality, and I haven't even been following Agendas and/or Minutes, etc...(fair enough-Ed)...but those failings aside, these seizures/evictions are such a fundamentally important issue 'cos it 1) affects all Ratepayers, and 2) it's a symptom of the broader attitude of the MGCC Councillors... 

Disclaimer:...I'm also going to be deliberately vague at certain junctures, 'cos, given some of the very specific information that I have been alerted to, I don't want to be exactly that specific 'cos it would likely 'expose' and therefore potentially cause 'repercussions' for whilst I am not aware of any particular relevant legal issues with anything I've been provided and/or directed to, and therefore it's perfectly appropriate to produce/reference this stuff here-in, this is purely an act of 'erring on the side of caution' out of respect for others involved...and I wouldn't usually ask dear availees to 'just trust me', but I do believe that TMGI has established a reputation for being factually accurate, and I genuinely believe that these issues/incidents are unfortunately very real...I'm sure I'll hear all about it if I'm wrong... 

So, having said all that, I am absolutely confident that the broader issues discussed here-in have actually happened and in certain cases are still happening...and my 'confusion' is not helped by the fact that Council have allegedly lied about their conduct, and/or redacted and/or modified and/or censored and/or deleted the related Minutes and other documentation...(and also tried to retrospectively alter documents and/or hide them in 'late' Confidentiality Clauses-Ed)...yep, and whilst all of these behaviours are fairly standard fare from MGCC, they are critical indicators of Council knowing exactly what they are doing, and that it's conduct is immoral and/or unlawful...(and therefore knowing that they need to lie about it, etc-Ed)...exactly all of that...and that is itself part of what I was saying about how I feel I've let the side down, 'cos if I'd been in some of those meetings, I'd have witnessed what was actually said as opposed to what was recorded/reported...(yeah, but, how much of this stuff does Council do 'In Confidence' anyway?-Ed)...that's a very valid observation Ed...(and you are banned-Ed)...sure, but those FIOs have technically lapsed and I haven't been bothered to get them reviewed and (hopefully) revoked...(yeah, but again mate, nobody's sayin' that you have to do this, you sure as shreck ain't gettin' paid for it, etc-Ed)...I know, but I've personally experienced so much MGCC Corruption, and particularly Institutionalised Pro-Paedophile Corruption, etc, that I feel it's become incumbent of me to try and address it all, and if I'm gunna' get amongst it, I ain't doin' anyone any favours by being literally outside of the Chamber...    

Note To Self:...Evil flourishes in the inaction of good men, or some shizzle like that...(yeah yeah, all that stuff about how if you witness, for example, the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up and you do nothing, you therefore condone that abuse-Ed)...a perfect example...(and further to that, you enable and embolden abusers-Ed)...absolutely, willingly complicit conspirators aside, mere silence is absolute consent, mere silence screams consent...and that of course applies to more 'vanilla' corruption like the relentless Nepotism, Insider Trading, and Conflict of Interest issues that define the day-to-day operations of MGCC, the more they get away with, the more they commit...(and even for a Council so fundamentally and definably corrupt as MGCC, this seizure/eviction stuff is a staggering new low-Ed)...yep, even for MGCC...

So the first point is, whilst I have been hearing plenty of accusations/allegations about this outrageous and egregious conduct from Council, and some peeps have helped direct me to certain documents, etc, everything I refer to here is extracted from said documents, the vast majority of which are Council's own documents...(you mean like Minutes of meetings and stuff, Local Government guidelines-Ed)...yeah, all of that, and therefore most of these are on the public record, etc, but I'll just refer to them today 'cos it's gunna' be a long-ish post anyhoos...I'll do further posts about this and include specific documents, etc, a bit 'ron...("'ron"?-Ed)...later on, 'ron...(ah-Ed)...there's also some other stuff that I'll refer to but not specifically identify...('cos you'll get into trouble?-Ed)...well, I won't, no, but like I said, others might and I'm always concerned about how my re-production of stuff might impact on those peeps...(are you suggesting that some of this stuff is comin' from within Council, and that whoevs could get into trouble for exposing/sharing it?-Ed)...I ain't sayin' boo about squat, other than, 1) I've seen more than enough to convince me that what follows here-in is factually correct, and 2) I am unaware of any 'legal restrictions' on me reproducing it... 

Today's title asks the question about MGCC's conduct, but I'm gunna' call it-out as being an actual factual the past 12-18 months Council has done at least 6 repossessions/seizures of private residences, and that's the ones I know of...("at least 6"? "the ones I know of"?-Ed)...well I'm sure that at least 6 properties have been sold-out from under their owners, but I cannot be certain there's not more...(and why's that?-Ed)...'cos Council has effectively fessed-up to 3, they're on the public record, but there's still at least 3 hidden behind/under Council's much-beloved 'Confidentiality' stuff...(they do love a good 'Confidentiality' don't they-Ed)...well it's such a great way of hiding their relentless Institutionalised Corruption, which is in and of itself a whole 'nother series of posts, but anyhoos, we digress...(and why have these homes been seized?-Ed)...well that's exactly where I was headed...the apparent 'justification' is Non-Payment of Rates, but in several of these cases the amounts appear to be so miniscule, even as little as a single years Rates...(and do those amounts include Council's legal costs as being part of the total debt?-Ed)...well I did ask myself that, but I cannot say 'cos if that info exists, I couldn't find it...what I can say is that several of these 'debts' are only in the low thousands, with one apparently as low as $3,000-$4,000...(wow, that is a relative pittance-Ed)..indeed it is...(and if that 'debt' does include Council's legal costs, etc, those 'costs' could be half or even more of the total-Ed)...which is why that's yet another critical point...   

Now this is where it gets a bit complicated for me, but to put it basically, there's a whole raft of regulations and related protections for homeowners/Ratepayers who are facing/threatened with seizure of their properties, and that includes Appeal processes, including involving the Minister, also appears that Council is under some obligation to alert/notify Homeowners as to those potential processes, and is aware of that, but has failed to do so...(and lied about that?-Ed)...that's what I'm lookin' at, yep, were fully aware of their obligations, and have lied about it, etc, but I'm not sure which is the cart and which is the horse, ie, were Council aware and lied about that, or were they ignorant of their own actions, found out, and then lied about that, ahhhh...(well call me a cynic, but I'm going with option (a), Council knew/knows exactly what they're doing, and has subsequently lied about it-Ed)...and I concur, I reckon the conduct is deliberately and knowingly unlawful/illegal, and that the denials, etc, are lies...(or even all of it is lies, 'cos when you're dealing with chronically corrupt serial liars, it's often the truths that come to look like the anomalies-Ed)...another excellent point Ed... 

For example, and we'll go into further detail about this critical point, but were the relevant Council documents signed correctly?...'cos I've been lookin' at a raft of official MGCC documents that don't appear to have been appropriately signed and therefore officially ratified, etc...and if they weren't/aren't signed appropriately, then they aren't 'legal' and...(and therefore have those homes have been seized unlawfully/illegally?-Ed)...exactly, have these homes been seized illegally/unlawfully by Council, and does this relate to Council's apparent failures/deceits about notifying Homeowners/Ratepayers as to their rights of Appeal, etc...(I see what you mean about how the one issue has so many facets/related issues, there's about 4 things happening at once here-Ed)...indeed, but again, whilst I'm confident that what I'm identifying/reporting is an accurate representation of the facts/truths, obviously it needs someone far more knowledgeable and forensic than myself to really burrow down into this massive pile a' bureaucratic turd... 

I'm also a bit confused about the status of those homes, 'cos it appears that some may have been sold already, but the related sums/prices seem to be potentially well below Market Value, but what's happened with those others remains hidden in 'Confidentiality', etc...apologies for being so vague, but I'm just being careful not to read into this more than I genuinely understand...(so, to your understanding, given what you've seen in documentation, etc, what's happened?-Ed)...well, it does appear that at least one property has been sold for well below Market Value, and that is my genuine opinion/understanding, and as based on the relevant public/Council documents...however, I am the first to admit that my original concerns about this were greatly exacerbated by the knowledge of whom is apparently handling these sales...

What really got my 'How Corrupt Is This?' radar pingin' was the real estate agent allegedly involved...(oh no, don't say it-Ed)...yep, Herberts...(ohhh you said it-Ed)...regular availees will be well aware of Herbert's involvement in numerous dodgy contract dealings...(like selling the old SERDE building to Bill DeGaris-Ed)...yep...(and trying to flog-off a slab a' the Show Grounds to ALDI with no valuation, etc-Ed) absolute classic...(and most recently the highly questionable sale of the old WIN TV building to Gazzards and James Morrison-Ed) almost identical fashion to the DeGaris shenanigans, yes, and a host of other 'involvements' when I saw Herbert's name in the mix, naturally I got a bit toey...(do we know who those houses were sold to?-Ed)...nope, not yet, but for me the whole set-up is reminiscent of the FEDS group a few years back...(ah yeah, that group of lawyers and real estate agents, etc, who were ripping-off deceased estates, etc, by under-pricing properties, etc, and then selling them cheaply to their own relatives/mates, etc, etc-Ed)...that be they...I have no direct evidence that that's what's happened here, but I sure as shreck ain't the only person who has these concerns...quickest way to resolve this issue would simply be for Council/Herberts to publish those details and remove any doubts/confusion about the legitimacy of these sales...

But the biggest part of this involves literally everyone in Mt Gambier and potentially everything that MGCC has done, and going back at least 12 months, maybe longer...(and at some stage in this process Council have been made aware of this?-Ed)...that's my understanding, and have tried to deny it's an issue, then may have tried to act retrospectively to address the problem...(and then it seems to disappear under 'Confidentiality'?-Ed)...well certainly parts of it appear to, but again, it's such a convoluted conflagration of Denials, Lies and Confidentiality Clauses and the like, that I simply cannot say with certainty what exactly are the exact chronology of events, ie, what did Council know and when? and when did they act?...(and then how did they act? etc-Ed)...yep, it just goes 'round and 'round ...(mate, it's so convoluted that I'm not actually sure what we're talking about anymore-Ed)...yes, many a true word spoken in jest, let's try to clarify this one particular turgid swamp of MGCC corruption... 

A Non-Signing Of The identified above, a potentially huge side-issue raised with these seizures/evictions, is the apparent failure of MGCC to lawfully/legally ratify certain critical documents...I'm looking at very important 'official' documents that have, for example, 'Andrew Meddle' typed on them, but no actual signature...(well anybody could type that on there mate, how do you know it was him 'signing' it at all?-Ed) point exactly Ed, as a layperson that's precisely how I look at it, typing a name on a document is not a signature 'cos literally anyone within Council could have produced those documents....(and it opens-up the bizarre question, does Andrew 'Peddle To The' Meddle even know about those documents?-Ed)...indeed, or is it his incompetence...(or does he know and deliberately didn't sign it correctly so as to avoid direct legal responsibility/repercussions when the fan cops a feocal battering?-Ed) poetically put Ed, but yes, again, any and all options are in play until someone does a forensic investigation to establish the facts...

Now the Local Government Association provides very specific guidelines, which are available for y'all to peruse at this here link...(I see what you mean about a lot of documents-Ed)...yep, again this is just the tip of a massive iceberg of apparently deliberate unlawful dysfunction by MGCC... it's perfectly appropriate to do 'electronic signatures' and in rare circumstances even verbal ones, etc, but as I understand it, none of this applies to the specific legal documents involved here with the very serious issue of Ratepayers/Homeowners being chucked-out of their properties...this must be investigated, and not by MGCC, are these seizures/evictions lawful/legal?...but the even bigger issue revealed with these failures to correctly sign documents, is that Council/Meddle have potentially  failed to correctly sign many if not all documents for the past 12-18 months...(ooops-Ed)...yes, oops indeed, 'cos if this is the case, it could render unlawful/illegal much if not all of what Council has done in that time...if this is the case, it's absolutely huge, and this too must be thoroughly, professionally investigated and resolved... 

All of this also relates to the recent passing of Council's 'Unreasonable Conduct Policy'...whilst there's undoubtedly many issues motivating Council to want to 'ban' people from contacting them...(like the corrupt eviction of the Turners from their Aquifer Cafe/Tours businesses?-Ed)...for one...(the relentless devious deceits and outright lies of the (minimum) $64million Farcical Aquatic Recreation Centre?-Ed)...yep, and the Main Corner Fiasco, and the Old Hospital Demolition and related Rail Lands Corruption, and Boundary Adjustment Corruptions, etc, etc, all that too, but it's the potential 'totalness' of failure that has been exposed by this particular issue that really promotes it ahead of all others, and for the one very basic but critical issue as discussed above...(the potential that everything Council has done is fundamentally illegal 'cos it hasn't been properly 'signed'?-Ed) on...(and this also illustrates how the UCP could be wielded against Ratepayers, eg, someone under threat of losing their home and who is getting royally shafted by the corrupt MGCC, etc, that person repeatedly contacts Council, likely in a highly emotive state, etc, and Council bans them, but all of it is about Council's unlawful actions!-Ed)...yep, those people and anyone who might try to act on their behalf...(or just try to address the issue 'cos it's so corrupted and must be challenged-Ed)...exactly, anyone and everyone whom Council chooses to 'ban'...

Dear Availee, You Are Now An Opinion Passenger:...'cos there's no question that MGCC has been seizing people's homes, and in several instances, it appears to be for quite miniscule debts, and then those houses are being sold-on via Herberts, potentially below retail value, etc, etc, but why? why would MGCC act like this?...and this is where we go from document-supported reportage of actual facts, as above, and into the world of my opinion, there's more than one potential motivation, and possibly several that are concurrent...(so you're 'raisin' concurrent issues, get it? 'raisin', con-current, as in currant?-Ed)...mate , the fact that you felt it necessary to explain that horrific pun is self-quantifying...(just saying-Ed)...well just don't...anyways, I reckon a prime motivation is that Council is absolutely desperate for funds, 'cos despite all their protestations otherwise, they are hemorrhaging money with the FARC, and their general 'accounts' are shot-to-heck, etc, etc...(but that doesn't necessarily exclude the possibility that these houses are gettin' sold-off to mates/relatives for below market value-Ed)..absolutely, and given what I've witnessed of years of MGCC's chronic Nepotistic Corruption, I'd be genuinely surprised if that weren't happening...(it'd be the classic win/win for Councillors, raking in some cash whilst their relatives/mates profit nicely-Ed) whilst these are merely my opinions as to why Council is doing these seizures/evictions, they are opinions based on facts both current and historical...  

And again, with all of this, I believe that I have reported/reflected the issues accurately and to the best of my understanding, but beyond that, I am absolutely convinced that there's potentially much more goin' on than I've covered, eg, what is the legal time-frame for such seizures/evictions, and has Council followed these regulations? this context, there must be a genuinely independent professional external review of the multiple issues here-in, but most immediately about what is happening with these property seizures/evictions and any similar pending actions/issues...and given how corruptly that both the Ombudsman and the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption have proven themselves to be in their repeated protecting of Mt Gambier City Council...(as we've covered multiple times on this 'ere blog-Ed)...yes, yes we have, and therefore we have proven that that job of review must be conducted by some other body, eg, a professional auditor...

Tomorrow: Yet More MGCC Blatant Corruption

'Cos whilst I was lookin' at this stuff, I ran into another extraordinary act of gross MGCC Corruption...(just the one?-Ed)...well quite, but one that itself involves multiple layers of local MGCC corruption...(that's more like it-Ed)...and also directly affects several South East Councils...(of course it does, bravo-Ed)...and that was reported in The Border Watch...(yay-Ed)...but I hadn't made the connection...(boooo-Ed)...and I remind y'all dear availees that 1) Council's extraordinary conduct, as above, is relevant to each-and-every one of us, and 2) if I can see this much, then what the shreck else is goin' on that I haven't sussed-out...I try, and I do alright, but I'm not so vain or naive to think I've identified everything suss that's goin' on here...

And as per usual, I'd genuinely love to be wrong about these seizures/evictions, and if I am wrong about any of this, I'm sure I'll hear all about it, and when and if shown that error, I'll own it and rectify it...(said by a man who's very confident that he's been excruciatingly accurate and factual-Ed)...absolutely mate, absolutely...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and that's Ed, who is not an actual person, but a confected literary device used for expressing counterpoints, setting-up jokes, from both of me, cheers and laters...  

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

UniSa Dumps Morrison Jazz Academy: Reprise

Howdy y'all and welcome to a super-short post 'cos I just wanted to share with y'all the reportage from Adelaide's (Murdoch press) The Advertiser newspaper about the extraordinary situation we covered last post, namely, UniSA "ending it's partnership" with the James Morrison Jazz here 'tis...

So most of that is just regurgitating/re-reporting what was said in The Border Watch, Friday 5th February 2021, including the absolute rot from Morrison that this is a "difficult decision(s) due to the COVID-19 pandemic"...(well if that's the case why didn't UniSA just say that instead of, as reported in TBW, 'UniSA did not address questions relating to why the program would no longer be offered', and quote,"...all other questions about James Morrison Academy should be directed to the James Morrison Academy"-Ed)...exactly mate, and the fact that the 3-year Bachelor degree had already been withdrawn/cancelled back in 2019/20...(and didn't Morrison have a bet each-way on that, arguing at one point that it was due to a change in Federal funding, but then saying that it was a decision about appropriate student numbers?-Ed)...not quite mate, he did state that the Bachelor course was being withdrawn due to funding changes, sure, but that other stuff was where he stated that he'd decided that having only 70-80 students was a deliberate strategy to ensure that students had better access to lecturers, etc...(ahhh yes, when it was revealed that enrolments had actually dropped and were nowhere near the 200 per year required by his '$500,000 funding agreement' KPIs, and Morrison tried to argue that away as being a deliberate decision-Ed)...yes, but back to the original point, the Bachelor enrolments stopped in 2020, so they're a separate issue to what's happening now, and ain't none of it due to COVID......  

And whilst he may well be trying to hook-up with other universities, etc, unless that somehow comes to fruition, and that's a fairly massive 'if', they're not "phasing-out" anything in Mt Gambier, 'cos as it currently stands, there is no Jazz Academy next year (2022)...(and given the stuff Morrison identifies, albeit falsely, as being many universities having a problem, etc, who's comin' to the rescue?-Ed)...and if it's not a Uni with interests in SA, or even if it is, will they want to be in Mt Gambier?...(yep, as you say, when these articles were being penned/printed, currently there is no JMA in 2022, so why is that not being trumpetted as the actual reality looming over this reportage?-Ed)...well, as we covered in our previous post, it dead-set looks like Morrison is trying to bail from Mt Gambier, and do so with as little fuss and confrontation and accountability as possible...(sure, I get that, but why isn't it being reported in those terms, no JMA in 2022?-Ed)...perhaps we're reading more into it than there is, perhaps some of those current students/courses will continue into 2022...(or it's just not really dawned on whoevs is reporting this-Ed)...or a bit of both, whatevs...having said all that though, and having gone over it repeatedly, it does appear that there is no JMA in 2022...

Also rather odd is the final paragraph about the appalling conduct of James Morrison in his unwavering support for student Matthew Harkin, who was originally facing 2 charges of Rape, but with Morrison's glowing written reference managed to get off literally scott free as described above...on one hand this paragraph seems to be deliberately playing-down Morrison's disgraceful behaviour, but then again why is it there at all?...(is it trying to address the inevitable stories that people encounter about Harkin when Interweb searching 'Morrison Jazz Academy', you know, hose-it down, minimise it and deflect from the realities, etc?-Ed)...well that was my first take on it, even that last sentence seems to throw it all back at UniSA as being their problem/responsibility, but the whole 'no comment' thing sortta' throws it back on Morrison...(yeah, sort of, but I think you're reading what's said in the article from TBW into this article, eg, TBW quotes UniSA as saying 'go ask Morrison why we're pulling out', but The Advertiser doesn't mention that-Ed)...yeah, fair point, I'm also applying a whole buncha' previous knowledge that's not in this Advertiser article, which therefore, standing alone, does look exactly like it's done everything it can to help Morrison deflect from the realities of what's happening here, and what he's done protecting Harkin, etc... 

And just to confuse the issue, I'm gunna' argue completely against myself, 'cos every time I read that last sentence it just jars, it just doesn't's a common journalistic 'trick' to make a statement without making a statement, to direct the readers thoughts by making a statement about how someone 'didn't comment'...(I hate it when you're right, but I can see what you're saying, that is a common manipulation-Ed)...ain't it though...the last thought in the reader's mind when they finish that article is 'why? why won't UniSA comment on that? why not just say no?'...(and to take that to it's ultimate media manipulation, the way that's worded, were UniSA even asked that question?-Ed) nice one man...('cos that doesn't actually say 'they didn't answer the question', it just says they didn't comment, and that's potentially two totally different things-Ed)...and it is the Murdoch media we're talking about...anyhoos and whatevs, if it's an attempt to distract away from Morrison and Harkin it's a piss-poor effort 'cos it's effectively doing the opposite...

Very odd to see that on Limestone Coast Community News it indicates that there are '10 Comments', but when ya' open 'Comments' there's only one...(what does that mean? has Josh yet again been removing posts he doesn't like?-Ed)...well, you're well within your rights to ask that question given his penchant for carefully and heavily censoring how he 'reports the news'...(and his long-established reputation for removing 'Comments', particularly those that might embarrass/compromise his vested interests mates on Mt Gambier City Council, etc-Ed)...yep...(particularly 'Comments' about  the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up-Ed)...indeed, that's apparently happened numerous times now...and I have to say 'apparently' 'cos each and every time I've become aware of these sort of 'Comments', Joshy has removed them before I get there...but I know as fact that these removals are happening 'cos 1) I trust my original sources completely, and 2) other personages have witnessed these exchanges/Comments/removals and alerted me to them, albeit too late...  

And unless I've completely missed it somehow, this huge story has not been reported at all on the ABC South East Radio...(well it ain't anywhere on their website/Facebook page/whatevs-Ed)...and I didn't hear it reported on Friday morning or Saturday or yesterday or is possible that it was, albeit briefly, but I've re-listened to Friday's program and there's no mention, not even in the news seems remarkable that this story doesn't get a guernsey on ABC SER, until you remember that Sandra Morello is the new Chief of Staff, and then it don't seem so strange...(mates lookin' out for mates and vested interests, etc?-Ed)...absolutely, ixnay on the amesJay...I can't help wonder what sort of flack that TBW copped for printing this story, or even before hand...(I guess we'll find out down the track, as is often the way with these things in such a small town-Ed)...yay...

Tomorrow: More Rank Corruption From MGCC And Their Supposed Crater Lakes Plan

As we've covered repeatedly recently, MGCC have committed an act of the utmost political and retributional bastardry by evicting the Aquifer Cafe/Tours from their long-established site at the Blue Lake...(and done so with a litany of proven lies-Ed)...yep, and as many have opined, this is about destroying the Turners two businesses so that Council can hand it all to a mate/relative...and Council's ongoing deceits run to a farcical cluster-shreck about Having A Plan To Have A Plan...(but not before they Apply For A Grant To Fund Developing The Plan-Ed)...exactly, and that's exactly where we are now, still 'about to apply for that grant'..(so we've actually gone backwards from the initial lies about 1) the lease has run out, and 2 we have a strategy/plan/whatevs, and we're at the planning to have a plan stage, again-Ed)..indeed this all follows on from MGCC's farcical 'plan' from 2004...(ahhh, you mean '2014' surely?-Ed) no, 2004...(and what's happened with that 'plan' then?-Ed)...not much that I can see...(shreck me dead mate-Ed)...yeah, there's plenty of people in Mt Gambier feeling that way towards our beloved Council, believe me... 

And today's closing joke, National Party serial rorter Bridget McKenzie arguing that "we can’t have a target of zero emissions by 2050 as we have no plan to achieve it! " as a result of their own total failure to have a plan they can’t have a a dog chasing their own tail and blaming everyone else!...I half-poached this from a Twitter thread, but it's right on the money about how ridiculous the Nationals look running this bizarre line about their own Party, the Liberal/National Party...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...

Friday, February 5, 2021

UniSA Dumps James Morrison Academy, But Won't Say Why

Howdy dear availees, a short post today, but this is such huge news it bumps all other half-finished posts lined-up behind reported/revealed in The Border Watch today, Friday 5th February 2021, the University of South Australia has 'ended it's partnership' with the James Morrison Jazz Academy, and therefore there will be no more UniSA courses/degrees offered there...let's start at the beginning, namely, with the TBW article...


So there you go...this is a copy of page 5, but it's front page news under Uni changes tune, with those first 5 paragraphs repeated verbatim at various points in this main story...and as outlined very politely in the article, this is an absolutely huge withdrawal by UniSA, given what has been previously stated about how the JMA was going to be the best in the world...(not "going to be", actually "is", the quote here from UniSA Vice Chancellor David Lloyd is "undisputed jazz learning capital of the world...the academy will do for Mt Gambier what country music did for Tamworth."-Ed)...yeah, that is very specific isn't it...(and there was all that guff about how Mt Gambier was now the New Orleans of the Southern Hemisphere-Ed)...sure, David Lloyd wasn't the only one pumping this up to be far more than it ever was...but the most basically critical point here is that UniSA is "ending it's partnership" with Morrison, and then saying "all other questions...should be directed to James Morrison Academy"...(well that actually sounds like it might be Morrison that's 'ended the partnership', rather than UniSA just trying to avoid responsibility/questions-Ed)...indeed Ed, you've hit my nail with your head...

At first read, I thought that it was UniSA dumping JMA, but the more I read it, the more it reads as a decision/action that Morrison has taken...sure, at first I thought that Morrison's reputation/predilection for enabling and protecting Rapists was too much for UniSA, even with their appalling lack of standards on this specific issue, and that they were therefore dumping him, but now I'm not so sure...further 'comments' re-enforce my revised position that it's Morrison driving this identified here, UniSA was already withdrawing/distancing itself in 2019 when they withdrew the Bachelor of Music...(but were UniSA withdrawing or was that a response by Jimmy Trumpets to JMA's very low enrolment numbers-Ed)...exactly, that could be the genuine issue, and indeed that would track with what I believe is really happening here...(which is?-Ed)...that Morrison decided back in 2019 to close JMA, but I don't think it's just about poor enrolments, per se, there's a specific 'enrolments' issue...(what is it then?-Ed)...

The Jazz community in Australia has a notorious reputation as being heavily misogynist at the best of times, and more specifically, as being an unsafe place for women, particularly as a 'workplace'...and James Morrison Academy is no different, it has a well-deserved reputation as being a toxic and even dangerous environment for young women...(and does that explain the very limited number of female students at JMA?-Ed)...well it certainly can't help mate...and this is the officially unspoken reality that washes across Mt Gambier, that JMA is toxic and unsafe for young women...only last week, in a random conversation with someone I barely know and who has next-to-no interest in politics, etc, but whom has 'contacts within JMA/Council', they used this exact term to me, "toxic and dangerous for young women"...I had merely mentioned that I was extremely unpopular with Council, et al, 'cos of this 'ere blog and what I say about people like Morrison, and boom! they calmly let fly with "toxic and dangerous"...and I've heard from others in the music industry that that's a national reputation, as is Graham Lyall's as being a sleazy groper, etc...    

There's a whole raft of issues raised here-in, eg, we know Morrison was gifted $500,000 of Taxpayers' monies by the Weatherill Labor state government, but how much Ratepayers' money have Mt Gambier City Council contributed to JMA? why aren't they at the UniSA campus on Wireless Rd? how much rent were/are JMA paying for exclusive use of the entire Old Town Hall complex?...(well I thought it had been established that JMA was paying a very minor 'Peppercorn Lease' far below actual 'market value'?-Ed)...well sure, but what exactly is that MGCC subsidy, 'cos every cent below proper retail rental is another cent that Ratepayer's have subsidised the JMA...and don't fall for the rot about how grateful we should all be for the cash GIJ or that JMA brings into Mt Gambier, 'cos there's a handful of people like Morrison who are making a motza...(yeah, so how the living shreck did GIJ get 'Charity Status' when it's clearly a business that greatly profits a select few people? where's the 'Charity' work aspect of that profitable private business?-Ed)...questions a few people would love answered I'm sure...(and the vast majority of income generated by the JMA goes back into Morrison's pocket via student fees, house rentals, etc-Ed)...and again, many people would like to see a careful explanation of exactly what dollar goes where... 

I recognise that TBW is being incredibly polite in how they've reported this...(well there's the potential public backlash about being seen to 'attack' the precious shreckin' Jazz golden goose and/or Jimmy Trumpets himself, and how that reportage might affect TBW circulation/sales, etc-Ed)...well sure, that's always a fiscal consideration when a private business presents a story about a 'popular' institution and/or person...(and gourd knows what sortta' legal issues and/or threats may have been involved-Ed)...yes, indeed, always another major business consideration in situations like this...and that's why I think it's reasonable to be conciliatory with TBW about their fairly 'gentle' approach, 'cos it's another case of me being amazed that this story has even seen the light of day, let-alone been given front page coverage...and what is "Jimmy Trumpets"?...(yeah, it's my new very polite nick-name for James mate-Ed)..."polite nick-name"...(yeah, as opposed to some others that I have for him...well it seems to be the tone we're going for today, relatively polite and respectful-Ed)..."polite and respectful"? gee, that doesn't sound like us at all...(yeah it does, we're always polite and respectful when dealing with Council or Court staffers, junior police, TBW/ABC receptionists, etc, it's only the 'bosses' that we go after/at, we've been through this repeatedly in recent posts-Ed)...okay, yes we have, and in this context, for the purposes of this post, we can be brutally specific about what's actually happening here...

James 'Rapist Enabler/Protector' how I personally refer to James mate, 'cos he has a definable history of enabling and protecting Rapists...we have covered this extensively here on TMGI, so for new availees who might think I'm being unreasonably abusive or even defamatory, please go back to those various posts, eg, Sunday, August 23, 2020, Latest Expose On The Morrison Jazz Academy Boy's Club, or Monday, August 10, 2020, With Morrison's Support, Jazz Academy 'Indecent Sexual Assault' Student Escapes 'Scott Free' brief, Morrison knows about his mate Graham Lyall grooming and raping a student, Ms Matilda Duncan, and has supported/protected his mate and has continued to allow Lyall access to JMA students, etc, but has offered no support for the young woman Lyall groomed and raped...and with Harkin, who allegedly had/has a well-known history of 'Date Rape', it was Morrison's glowing personal reference that enabled/justified the reprehensibly vile 'victim-blaming' comments from the Magistrate about 'confusion in a consensual situation'...and Harkin literally walked away from 2 Rape charges with a 'guilty plea' to Indecent Assault, with no Conviction, no fine, nothing, and then left the country...and these 2 specific cases referred to here are what we know about...

And in both cases these Rapists ended these young women's promising music careers.

How many other young women, or even young men, have been groomed/groped/assaulted/raped at JMA and/or GIJ? many have been abused and just accepted it as normal, not least of all because it was done by a respected mentor? many have tried to report their experiences but have been ignored and/or silenced by Morrison and his lawyers and a complicit Jazz community and complicit SAPol (police), etc, etc?...I know what we as families were put through by a fundamentally Pro-Paedophile Corrupt 'System', of complicit and often abusive police, public servants, the Lutherans, corrupt lawyers like Bill DeGaris, corrupt politicians like Mike Rann, Jay Weatherill, Rory McEwen, complicit media, etc,etc, etc, who individually and collectively did everything they could to protect "text-book grooming paedophile" teacher Glyn Dorling with the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and this was a group of adults who were deliberately betrayed and abused and attacked and denigrated and discredited, etc, so what hope a single young person trying to go up against that self-same system, an entire system so fundamentally corrupt?..(well what you've described is exactly what 'The System' in Mt Gambier did to Ms Duncan-Ed)..yes, that's exactly what was done to Ms Duncan...(and Lyall and DeGaris still continue these threats and intimidation-Ed)...may they get everything they so thoroughly deserve...

And I do refer to Graham Lyall as not just a Rapist, but also as a Paedophile because he Raped a  student of a learning institution where he was teaching, where-in he had both 1) a duty of care far beyond issues of normal decency, etc, but more importantly, 2) he groomed Ms Duncan from her mid-teens, giving her awards, etc...he openly confessed to Ms Duncan that she wasn't the only one he'd 'groomed', giving Generations In Jazz prizes to those female students he found attractive...again, given his self-declared history of grooming, etc, how many other young woman have been assaulted by Lyall but never spoke-out...(and as you say, given how hard Morrison and vested JMA/ GIJ interests and Bill DeGaris and SAPol (police), etc, have tried to discredit and bully and threaten and silence Ms Duncan, it's quite inconceivable that other students haven't 1) been attacked/raped, and then 2) have tried to speak-out only to be bullied/threatened/silenced in a similar manner-Ed)...and given that years of grooming of Ms Duncan, it is irrelevant that the actual rape took place when she was 'legally of age'...

And if you're struggling with that concept, if you're trying to excuse/justify what Lyall did, like some have, if you reckon she was an adult and it was therefore 'consensual', try this on for size...I'm 54, far younger than Lyall when he Raped Ms Duncan, and I'm comin' after your 18 year old daughter/son...(so you're bi now?-Ed)...for the sake of I'm 54, your child is 18 and therefore legally an adult, therefore you don't have a problem me going after's a brutally unpleasant example, and merely illustrative, but I reckon I've made my point...  

Trumpets Blames COVID:...well that's a simple one...bollocks, the JMA has been failing for several years, eg, failing to reach any of it's contractual KPIs re student enrolments...(albeit it's potentially a deliberate 'fail' as Morrison intentionally winds-down his obligations/commitments-Ed)...yep, and whether it's a decision forced on him by poor enrolment numbers or whether that's deliberate, or whether it's purely a financial decision that he's willingly implementing 'cos he's had a 'better offer'...(or if he's lookin' to just dump Mt Gambier because he's sick of the focus/attention on his Rapist protecting conduct, etc-Ed)...indeed, whatevs it is, blaming COVID is just a opportunistic cop-out...(and aren't most students 'local', ie, Australian-Ed)...yeah, and then there's Zoom lessons, etc, so solely blaming COVID is just not a sustainable argument...and I don't believe it's the genuine excuse/motivation... 

From what I'm reading here, and to quote myself, Jimmy Trumpets is clearly organising to bail from Mt Gambier and reckons he's gunna' do a runner sans consequence...I say bollocks to that...Trumpets is clearly gettin' all his ducks in a row to minimise his obligations to Mt Gambier...absolute bollocks to his statements about how he 'did not believe', or 'he was not aware of any plans' and "I can't imagine", etc, because there's only one person who would be approached if the JMA and/or GIJ was being 'poached' by another site/state, and that's him...(and if, as it appears, that Trumpets has already decided to bail from Mt Gambier, he ain't gunna' tell anyone is he? and he doesn't need to-Ed)...exactly, whether he's been approached or decided himself, he's clearly divesting himself of any responsibilities related to Mt Gambier, and I'd be hugely surprised if the JMA even exists in 2022...(and Generations In Jazz?-Ed) good as gone...with GIJ Trumpets is literally and actually the marquee attraction, so where he goes, it goes...

And as for JMA activity that "may certainly be" at the former WIN TV site, that's just a massive red-herring to distract away from the reality that Morrison is bailing...and for my part, I reckon that it's not just Morrison's own appalling reputation for protecting Rapists, etc, that's effectively forcing him out of Mt Gambier, I would very much think that the spotlight being shone on his abysmal conduct has played a part...and in that paradigm, it's to a very limited degree what we've covered here on TMGI, and the vast majority of that degree is by sharing the extraordinary work of that extraordinary young woman, Ms Matilda Duncan...

My Personal Opinion:...Morrison can't stand the heat of being held to account for his behaviour/actions, and is looking to quietly, secretively slink out of Mt Gambier with minimal complications and/or confrontation...even if someone has 'poached' him or whatevs, I reckon the deciding factor is this public accountability, and that he is going to set-up somewhere else, anywhere else, where there's far less or preferably no scrutiny...and he must not be allowed to do this...James Morrison has proven himself to be a moral-less self-promoter who's own best interests are his sole motivation...he should not be allowed near children/young people without supervision, and most definitely should not be allowed to run an educational facility/service...  

Simply apply the template I've outlined in previous posts, look into the murk between the lines, read the realities between what's actually being said, hear the volumes being spoken by what's not being said...and you'll find it's all there in this story/situation...and as per usual, I wish that I was wrong about this stuff, about literally everything in this post, but I'm not...

Tomorrow: MGCC's Unacceptable Conduct Policy Stuff

I can only apologise for the sub-textual rage evident in today's post, there's so much stuff goin' on here for me re St Martins, etc, but I stand-by what I've anger and trauma aside, here's what I believe is really happening...and again as per usual, if I'm wrong, I'll own that, apologise,'s to being wrong...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...