Monday, September 4, 2017

No Room For Lee Way But The Entire Entirely Corrupt Mt Gambier City Council Must Resign

***dear availees, howdy, here's another part-finished post from about 5 weeks ago...I've tried to tidy it up a bit, so hope it makes sense, cheers, Nick***

Hello to y'all in Lebanon, Brazil, Indonesia, and Ukraine, and also to y'all else...and working on the theme of recent posts, here's some more tidying-up of some stuff, and another topic I've been aware of but unable to use/post because of the sensitive nature of the issue and/or it's someone elses stuff...(you mean like that stuff where you don't really want to go near any jazz stuff because of how important it is to Mt Gambier, etc, but people come to you asking about it anyway, as we covered a coupla' posts back and are only fleetingly mentioning again here, for the reasons just mentioned-Ed)...well indeed Ed, but now, as with that, the issue has become public knowledge...(and the issue is?-Ed)...that Mt Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee owes a builder for works already completed, and has been Ordered to pay said builder nearly $70,000...

But First, To Court, Again, Eventually:...because my Court case re my alleged crime of allegedly breaching the undefinable Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 2012, section 56, (a) and/or (b)...(you bastard!-Ed)...apparently...anyhoos, my Trial process, which began in February 2015...(albeit without you actually being Charged or even Summonsed to the hearing-Ed)...indeed, and still waiting for an actual formal explanation from SAPol (police) for these extraordinary failures thanks very much, but anyhoos, starting in February 2015 and plowing-on regardless for 27+ hearing dates, 4 days of 'actual Trial', and 15 whole days of 'Vacated Trial Dates'...(whaaa? 'VTDs'?-Ed)...yeah, dates set-down for further Trial days, eg, the 5 days we were meant to be having in August 2017 that have now been 'vacated' for 4 days in October...(which have now also been 'vacated'?-Ed)...exactly...(but's...mate, I don't even know what question to ask-Ed)...let me help you there mate...

Question why, why have the 5 days set-down in August been 'vacated/abandoned'?...(what about the 4 Trial days from May?-Ed)..well that was the hearing on May 1st 2017 and the stuff where the SAPol Chief Investigator was taken ill until at least August 2017, etc, and then the next week Magistrate White was unwell and the whole shebang was moved to 5 days in August, remember, via that phonecall with that other Magistrate in Adelaide...(sure, but that was May, what's happened now?-Ed)...well, I received another coupla' phone calls on Monday 17th July from the Mt Gambier Courthouse re my case having to be moved again, and could I please pop-by on Wednesday for another Audio/Video link-up hearing with Magistrate White...(and?-Ed)...and from there it gets even more complicated, complicated enough to warrant an entire post to itself...(orrr, no fair-Ed)...ok ok, well the upshot of it is, is that the Trial was moved to 4 days in October 2017, but that's now been moved again already to possibly November...(sorry, is that October or November?-Ed)...yes...(yes?-Ed)...both, it was October and now might be November...(but...-Ed)...tomorrow mate, tomorrow...(gnorrrr-Ed)...alright, alright look, here's the bit from The Border Watch from page 2, Thursday 20th July 2017;
     Fletcher's fate to be decided 
     at October court proceedings 
     The fate of controversial online blogger,
     Nick Fletcher, 50, will not be determined
     until October following a short hearing in the
     Adelaide Magistrate's Court yesterday.
     Fletcher's part-heard trial, which started
     in the Mount Gambier Magistrates Court
     in March this year, will continue before
     Magistrate Ian White on October 3 with four
     days set aside for it's completion.
     The online commentator is facing 18
     charges of publishing information about a
     person subject to complaint.
     When October arrives, Fletcher would
     have been before the court in relation to
     these charges for over two and a half years.

As set-out under the heading IN BRIEF top corner of page 2...(but this is wrong in so many ways-Ed)...what can I tell ya'...(and how the shreck does TBW know what happened in that Court room if they weren't actually present?!-Ed)...well indeed, unless they've somehow again snuck catlike into the otherwise empty room without me noticing...(and then flat-strap cat-flapped it outta' there again!-Ed)...indeed, and then left again, again without me noticing, 'cos the only people in that room were me, the 2 Court security/Sherriffs dudes, and the SAPol Prosecutor I thought had been promoted to SAPol Media Announcer but hasn't...(no?-Ed), apparently two officers with near identical names...(well there you go-Ed)...and that SAPol Prosecutor was sat up the back near the 2 Sherriffs, not actually involved in my hearing at all...Magistrate White was in a Court in Adelaide and I think SAPol Prosecution's Batten was with him, but it was just the four of us down our way...(and that's old news anyway because now those October dates have been 'vacated' and potentially moved to November?-Ed)'ll be the first to know...moving on...

No Room For Lee Way:...and I immediately apologise for opening with an apology for not being entirely sure what's happening right now with this, but I'm not entirely sure exactly where this is at right now, and I do like to be at least fairly certain, so here confusion stems from apparently contradictory reporting, again, where-in one instance Mayor Lee himself was on the ABC South East Radio stating that he wouldn't comment because he wanted to 'leave it to the Court to decide', etc, but it looks to be at the same time that elsewhere it was being reported that that Court decision had already just happened...sorry, can't quite nail-down this timeline, and y'all know the problems we all share in looking at 'reporting' and trying to figure out what's true and what's carefully been left-out deliberately, etc, etc...(and again there's no better example than the Mt Gambier media's deeply biased and skewed reporting of your Court case-Ed)...well indeed, but as with that, the overall issue here defines itself...

It is being reported that Mayor Lee has had 'property frozen re an Order by the Court to pay the debt of $68,000 to a Mt Gambier builder'...I've tried briefly to re-establish the timeline of events and reporting, etc, but again it proves incredibly difficult because y'all are dealing with grossly inaccurate and deeply, corruptly 'agendaed' conduct of the mainstream Mt Gambier media, namely, The Border Watch and the ABC South East Radio...TBW is stating that they have exposed this story/issue, and on the ABC SE Radio Mayor Lee refused to comment other than his usual unintelligible drivel about his honesty and how he's gunna' 'let the Courts decide'...(but I thought you just said the Court had decided already, that's the stuff about having the property 'frozen'?-Ed)...indeed, and hence the Order to repay that, and hence my confusion where on one hand it's been apparently decided but Mayor Lee is saying he'll let the Court decide...whatevs, shonky timing of potentially deceitful comments by Mayor Lee, etc, all that aside, it's the conduct itself...   

(Is it just me, or do none of these reports mention Mayor Andy's rankly corrupt Winery Purchase as organised during that Ratepayer funded trip to China-Ed)...well spotted Ed, and it's either good ol' TBW carefully editing the news to suit their own and/or Council's agenda, again...(mate, just point-out when TBW doesn't censor and/or edit the news so-as to suit their own wants/needs, that'll be quicker-Ed)...fair point Ed, but it's either that or it's just sloppy reporting...(there is a third option-Ed) tell...(well it might be that Council actually has made some sort of report to the SA version of an Independent Commission Against Corruption and therefore the issue has been suppressed because of our ICAC's deeply corrupted secrecy provisions/attitudes/actions, etc, etc-Ed)...well I suppose that that's possible, but it doesn't seem likely, far more likely nothing's happening re that Winery Corruption...(yeah, fair enough-Ed)...  

And again, Mt Gambier City Council has stated in their May 2014 Full Meeting and as reported in their Minutes for said meeting, has stated on the Public Record, MGCC has stated on the Public Record that they have been investigated by ICAC and duly exonerated...I have never seen or heard this mentioned anywhere in the Mt Gambier and/or SA and/or national media, not nowhere...(other than here on TMGI-Ed)...well obviously here at TMGI, it was TMGI apparently what done cause all this shenaniganising in the first place...(unless of course there happens to have been 2 parallel but concurrent ICAC investigations of MGCC-Ed)...again, doesn't seem likely...(true, but why would everyone involved ignore such a monumental investigation/outcome-Ed)...perhaps it's got something to do with ICAC's August 2016 response to the Court-Ordered Summons I successfully argued for back in June 2016...(you mean when the ICAC representative stated in Court that 'it's irrelevant whether there's been an investigation or not because you're charged with identifying a person subject of a complaint, not whether there was an investigation or not', etc, etc, all that shizzle-Ed)...indeed Ed, all that, all that shizzle from ICAC, from our ICAC as they went on their way to providing not one single document...(not one?-Ed)...not one document/memo/email/whatevs, arguing that the Summons was "oppressive" and  "fishing for information"...(not one document?-Ed)...not one...(wow-Ed)...

***with all this goin' on, y'all will appreciate the trouble I'm having trying to get any of it properly nailed-down***  

In Closing:...2 mornings ago (***weeks ago now), SA Greens leader Mark Parnell was on ABC Radio stating that it would be a great idea for the 'Renewables' obsessed Weatherill/Labor government to whack Solar Panels on the roof of every Housing Trust (Housing SA, public housing) property, because it would greatly reduce energy costs for the low income tenants, and in peak production periods would generate the extra-capacity for feeding-back into the National Grid, etc, which would profit SA because of 'feed-back rebates', etc...(two things, 1) would it generate income for SA via 'rebates', if those Rebates are paid by the state government?-Ed)...mmm, good point...(and 2) didn't we just cover that stuff only a coupla' posts back?-Ed)...indeed we did Ed, and it is surely one heck of a coincidence, but back to your first point, even if it's Zero Net Gain re the Rebates because the state government is funding them, overall there is a profit for SA because Solar Panels supposedly pay for themselves over time, hence no cost to SA, but they will produce 'Saleable Excess Energy'...

It is likely coincidence that such an obviously good idea would be promoted by differing people/groups...(even in such a tight time frame?-Ed)...sure, whatevs, maybe someone on his staff knows someone who reads TMGI and happened to mention it, and they mentioned it to Mark and he unwittingly is quoting this ' ere blog, etc, etc, whatevs...the issue is that the issue itself is self-evidently a great idea that begs the question, why not?...(and further questions like, 'why not already? why not 10 years ago? what cost to SA re Labor's failure to follow their own lunatic obsession with their own Renewables At Any Cost ideology?-Ed)...indeed Ed, many questions about 'why not?', and indeed, why not do it now?...(I thought you said it was because SA Labor is quietly dismantling the Housing Trust?-Ed)...indeed Ed, I do believe that this is happening, but it's for another post another time......

Tomorrow: Court Stuff

And like the good rats they are, MGCC Councillors are apparently furiously distancing themselves from Mayor Andy...I've heard several recent accounts of what Councillors have been saying re shifting all the blame onto Mayor Lee, and how they (Councillors) have warned people about him and/or have tried to stop him, and 'poor old CEO Mark McShane' who has supposedly also been fooled by alleged Master Manipulator Andy Lee, etc, etc...(what? that's bollocks! McShenanigans is as rankly corrupt as any other stooge on Council, and further more, he was employed to the CEO position because he's corrupt and MGCC needed a fundamentally corrupt person for that position because MGCC needed to engage someone who would willingly continue the relentless rorting/robbery of Ratepayers as overseen/conducted by former CEO Greg Muller!-Ed)...well indeed Ed, indeed...(and these Criticising Councillors, don't suppose any of them have recently been to China on one of the two Ratepayer funded junkets?-Ed)...probably, and/or have just received MGCC contracts for their family and/or friends, etc, etc... 

(And where is that other rankly corrupt stooge and former MGCC CEO Greg Muller?-Ed)...dunno', living in his Ratepayer funded holiday home at Robe probably, he's still involved with a coupla' local boards, etc...whatevs... 

Just couldn't bring myself to watch that drooling lipless stuff-pig, former South Australian Director of Public Prosecutions Stephen Pallaras, who was on telly this week re a Cold Case murder...DPP Pallaras, just another sickeningly, rankly corrupt pro-paedophile stooge employed by the rankly pro-paedophile corrupt Mike Rann/Jay Weatherill Labor government...good old SA, just can't get enough of hiring corrupt pro-paedophile Public Servants...good ol' Stephen has been (was) repeatedly and intimately informed by parents re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and on one occasion specifically identified some of those abuses being committed by teacher Glyn Dorling against the 7 year olds in his care at St Martins as being "at the very least Assault"...again, former DPP Steven Pallaras stated directly to a parent that what the parent described was "Assault", assault of 7 year old students by their 50 year old teacher...(so what did Stevo do?-Ed)...nothing, turned his back on it, on us, on our children...gutless, corrupt prick...

DPP Stephen Pallaras, just another rankly corrupt pro-paedophile South Australian Public Servant... 

***and that's sort-of where I got to, so's there was more done than I remember, and here's a coupla' quick points about a small town...recently was walking down The Main (street, Commercial St West), and saw a couple walking toward is my gentle way, I moved right to the left...('right to the left?'-Ed)...and as I did, we closed close enough to recognise each other, it was a senior Lutheran couple...his face immediately knotted in displeasure and he became instantly fascinated by the shop displays, staring angrily into the windows, but Mrs Senior Lutheran was smiling at me...we passed with Mr SL glaringly refusing to acknowledge my presence, but Mrs SL said "hello"...(you sexy beast-Ed)...nooo, you idiot, not like that...(no? then whaaa?!-Ed) she's a decent person who knows exactly what drives me and why it is I behave the way I do, etc, re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...

This was a short, sharp reminder for me that not every Lutheran is a complete shreckin' areshole...Mr SL didn't even have the courage of the conviction of his own bigotry and ignorance, but Mrs SL wasn't at all confronted by me...(one of these people has a guilty conscience, the other doesn't-Ed)...well exactly, and to the extent that one's behaviour has drastically highlighted the other's...this l'il encounter occurred several weeks before I had that other polite reminder about 'head-kicking'...(the one with the ABC person at Troy Bell's recent Court hearing?-ed)...yeah, that one...

In actually closing, I just re-iterate my opening point that the entire Mt Gambier City Council is absolutely complicit in the conduct of it's constituent Members and all senior staff...(particularly when this stuff goes-down in the Council Chambers and involves Tenders, etc-Ed)...well exactly, and right there in the Chamber is where I witness the vast majority of the stuff we bang-on about here on this 'ere blog...the entire Council and all senior staff need to be 'stood-down' pending a formal public investigation conducted by a genuinely independent Auditor, certainly not the shonks that Council currently engage for these transparently fraudulent's a laughable joke sans any humour...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...cheers and laters...  

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