Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Emergency Post Update Re Helpmann Theatre Fire Alarm

Dear Availees, I briefly apologise for the delay in addressing the alarm raised (pardon the pun) in that last post, but I've had a bit of a shock yesterday that effectively cost me a day, but I have managed to establish that there was a 'Fire Alarm Incident' at the Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre on Saturday 9th September 2017...

However, the fact that there was an 'Incident' does not strictly confirm the other details about some actual Alarms not working, a Fire Escape door (or even doors plural) being blocked by external scaffolding or something else, or the alleged disorganised and drawn-out evacuation with it's various complications...yes there was an 'Incident', but what I've heard/written about the details remains strictly hearsay until proven otherwise...I personally however, do absolutely believe the veracity of the sources of these specific claims, and therefore believe that the claims themselves, although potentially not 100% accurate in their detail, the claims do relate to actual events and/or actions, etc...

Regardless, that one deeply worrying 'Incident' aside, it's the ongoing concerns about the general Fire Safety and even the actual Structural Integrity of the Helpmann Theatre building that must be immediately addressed, and I therefore re-iterate my calls that the Helpmann Theatre/Civic Centre Complex be effectively quarantined/evacuated/whatevs until all of these deeply concerning issues are investigated thoroughly by the appropriate authorities...(and by 'appropriate authorities' we sure-as-shreck don't mean Mt Gambier City Council and/or anyone officially associated with it, or local Country Arts SA-Ed)...and in the person of Frank 'The Jellyfish That Grew A Spine And Roared Like A Mouse From it's Ivory Tower' Morello we have both...(ah yeah, Frank mate, CASA head honcho and a MGCC Councillor-Ed)...indeed...

It also remains my understanding, as fact, that staffers at or involved with MGCC and/or the Helpmann have been told/threatened to not discuss these Fire Safety issues, clearly indicating,
1)   that all concerned who make these decisions were already aware of the issues, and;
2)   they have knowingly and willingly acted to cover-up those issues, thusly:
3)   willingly and knowingly risking the lives of potentially hundreds of people.

If only half of what I believe to be true has actually happened, eg, these warnings/threats to staff about remaining silent, if that single point is true, then this is an absolute disgrace, even by Mt Gambier City Council's own Lofty Standards of Tardiness and Incompetence...(and it puts my mealy-mouthed mate Frank right in the frame-Ed)...oh absolutely, and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy...but let's not lose sight of the fact that both MGCC and Country Arts SA are responsible here, it's just a happy coincidence that the rankly corrupt pro-paedophile Frank, mate, is jammed right between that particular rock and it's accompanying hard place...

As I understand it, what has been done to the Helpmann Theatre Flytower during these 'renovations' has drastically compromised both the Fire Rating/Safety and the Structural Integrity of the building, and in that context, no-one should be allowed anywhere in that complex...(particularly if there are Fire Alarms not working in some places!-Ed)...exactly, and MGCC has itself stated that there have been allegedly 'unforeseen complications with the Engineering and Load-Bearing issues for the scaffolding, etc, etc', and recently used this 'unforeseen-ness' as part of justifying throwing $400,000 more at the project...

Is it true that MGCC and CSA both are aware of these problems/dangers but have continued to allow both Council staff and members of the public to attend/access the building?...

Again, I can only express my concerns re this situation, and I will put them directly to MGCCouncil and CASA via email...(don't hold ya' breath-Ed)...I won't, I just want it on their record so that they know that people know they know, ya' know?...(fair enough, and it is a genuinely disturbing series of events/possibilities that must be addressed-Ed)...cheers...(and what's about that 'shock' that cost you a day?-Ed)...nah yeah, nearly pranged into a cop car yesterday, 'bout 20 minutes after I'd just finished that post...(well fair dues, but they nearly pranged into you if anything, and ultimately y'all stopped 8-10 feet apart-Ed)...sure, but it was truly unsettling, and left me nauseous and drained with the post-adrenalin rush crash, I was shot for the day...I'd had the double whammy of nearly colliding and then instantaneously realising that it was a cop car...

I was crawling very slowly along in my li'l car, first-gearing it through the very congested Toorak Tractor Canyon that erupts along the road outside a kindergarten just aways up the road from here...at certain times, the smallish street becomes hemmed in by lines of expensive 4WDs (Toorak Tractors) and I'm super-paranoid about kids running out, etc, so when it's busy like this and I have to go that direction, I literally crawl through in first gear...yesterday, another car came whizzing into the end of the street I was headed toward, and went close-by me at maybe 30kph, a lot to be doing in that very constricted space, right next to a kindy...anyhoos, as I neared the corner another car whizzed 'round, causing me to swerve slightly left and jam on the brakes...and it was a cop car...

In Oz we drive on the left...(mostly-Ed)...so with those angles from the driver's seat, etc, that cop car driver person could see my bonnet long before I saw them at all, and they were only travelling at probably 25kph, even less as they 'rounded said corner, and so the cops were clearly not going to hit me, but that's all well and groovy with hindsight 'cos in the moment I had the dual-shock of 1) looking straight-up the bonnet of that cop car thinking I was about to get cleaned-up, and 2) by a cop car...(yay-Ed)...anyhoos, as I say, with the benefit of hindsight I can see that I did over-react a bit, but it genuinely rattled me in the moment, I did the whole 'Adrenalin Rush Rollercoaster' straight to Nausea City, where I remained for the rest of the day...

Tomorrow: Not Actually Sure Yet

Also, I have started yet another blog dedicated to certain 'Comments' left on this 'ere blog by some anonymous half-wit aways back in August 2013...in homage, I've called this new blog Nurse, Fetch The Dick Stretcher, and I've just posted the first Intro post so's please to be checking it out at your leisure...I'm also slowly getting some other stuff onto these other new blogs and will start posting properly asap, so please bear with me and we'll both get there eventually...   

I am Nick Fletcher and this is one of my blogs...cheers and laters...

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff. I learned a lot I didn't know about the great and good in this fair city
