Friday, September 8, 2017

Dropping Down Some Catching-up

Howdy Switzerland, Portugal, your neighbour Spain, and our very own neighbour, Indonesia...oh and yes, hello Aotearoa (New Zealand) you're our neighbour too...there's only one thing standing between me and what I hope to achieve with this 'ere blog...(reality?-Ed)...only two things standing between me and what I hope to achieve with this 'ere blog...(ability?-Ed)...only three things standing...(ignorance?-Ed).........after overcoming several minor hurdles, I fully intend to continue to extend and expand this 'ere blog into several parallel blog pages, and to that end have already set-up several, as identified above...haven't yet properly started on those blogs, but we're getting there,, to the news...

The front page of The Border Watch newspaper (24th August 2017) had my mate Tony Pasin leer-grinning unsettlingly as he clutched some alleged Italian Consulate documents allegedly proving his alleged non-Dual Citizenship...Tony is of course the sitting Liberal Member for the Federal seat of Barker, where it is I also done sit, and he has apparently been 'listed' as being yet another Federal MP who potentially has Dual Citizenship, be it due to their own birthplace elsewhere, eg, Aotearoa, or their parent's nationality, eg, Aotearoa again, etc, etc...please see previous post...and if that whole farce wasn't funny enough for you, then Friday it's a timely warning from TBW about the cavalcade of rankly corrupt Labor stooges who are going to crawl outta' the woodwork as we plow toward the March 2018 Sow Strayn' Election...

In what can only be described as a blizzard of mediocrity, prospective Liberal candidates have been dropping outta' the trees, along with a scornful surge of rank Labor stooges masquerading as supposedly 'Independent' candidates...on page 2, readers are unceremoniously accosted with a long list of said prospective Liberal candidates...(it's whom I'm not seeing named that really concerns me-Ed)...well indeed, in that context it's exactly like the rankly corrupted self-appointed Tourism Mount Gambier/Chamber of Commerce/Mt Gambier City Council*, where-in certain rankly corrupt local politicians were originally named as being involved, namely the rankly pro-paedophile Rory McEwen and equally corrupt former MGC Councillor Biddie (Tietz) Shearing...(have we covered the extraordinarily rank pro-paedophile corruption/conduct of former MGCC Mayor and current Councillor Steve Perryman?-Ed)...well yes of course, apart from his complicitly corrupt collusion in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, there is Stevo mate's...(maaate-Ed)'l performance in that MGCC Budget meeting back last year...

During the 'Out of Formal Proceedings' chit-chat part of Budget discussions, Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed)...took a massive dump on Local Government Conflict of Interest provisions by openly attacking various Budget areas in a bigotted rant against disabled people and plants...(o', he's havin' a go at the flowers now!-Ed)...and what do we call such pig-ignorant bigotry from such a smug squat pig of a human being?...(ummm, 'Pigotry'?-Ed) who's the Monkey Genius?...Pigotry:- Pig-Ignorant Bigotry...when MGC Councillor Stevo, also then Chair of the self-appointed Tourism Mount Gambier, when Stevo mate...(maaate-Ed)... railed against maintaining footpaths he actually whinged about disabled people and how he was "sick of political correctness"...(well if anyone knows how to be politically incorrect-Ed)...not difficult in South Australia Ed, just be pro-paedophile and you're golden mate, you can be just exactly as politically incorrect as you shreckin' Stevo led the charge to cut services to free-up funds for TMG, then when it came to the vote in 'Formal Proceedings' immediately following, he got up and walked out, citing his Conflict of Interest...(wow-Ed)...

No really though, I have to sit there in silence and listen to and watch that smug, pro-paedophile corrupt crook just slander and abuse disabled people, that's bad enough on two fronts...(not least of all the staying silent bit-Ed)...indeed, but one word-out-loud from me, and that's all the justification these pricks need to chuck me out of meetings, perhaps with Restraining Orders as they've done to others...(really?-Ed)...oh yeah...(so when that prick Councillor Ian Von Stanke came to your house back in April 2011 and left that 'defamation-threatening' letter, and MGCC CEOs Greg Muller and Mark McShane took years to eventually just dismiss it all, etc, etc, why can't you get a restraining Order against Von Stanke?-Ed)...nah, no need mate, I've told him...(I bet-Ed) every circumstance I am absolutely gentle and forever forgiving, you know I am...(sure, brutally loyal and gentle to the very edge of cowardice-Ed)...indeed, cheers, but Ian knows that if he comes near my home again and/or poses any sort of threat to me or mine, then in that certain circumstance, when backed into that corner, then I will not just go about my own business, I will surely go about his in no uncertain terms...(and those are your terms?-Ed)...not 'terms' Ed, just reality... 

Also, I note that MGCC continues to pour $$$millions into it's mate's pockets via the lunatic Paving Program around town...$$$millions on pointless paving works that actually succeed in making the town look worse, well done MGCC...but then again, it ain't genuinely about the aesthetic or the vibe or the shreckin' whatevs, it's 100% about creating fake works to 'justify' tipping money into each other's pockets...and it ain't just my shreckin' opinion, just go and have a look at the horrendous grey concrete pavers along Commercial St West...stained and chipped comin'-off the pallet, deadset looking exactly like second hand pavers, recycled from gourd knows where, but First Rate Crap...the whole Main St precinct is an embarrassing, grey, chipped, stained disgrace...what a mess but I do digress, so...     

*Making A Multi Meal Of Things:...and I refer to this robustly self-important TMG/CoC/MGCC group thusly, as a Combo/Multi/Montage sortta' thing, as being one-and-the-same, as being indistinguishable as separate entities, and for various reasons...1) that's the reality, Tourism Mount Gambier is funded by Ratepayers, via MGC Council, 2) TMG, as funded by MGCC, is 'incorporated' into the Chamber of Commerce, specifically to avoid having to pay any separate taxes, etc, and 3) I have heard multiple instances of those associated with these groups referring to each other's stuff as "us", eg, referring to this new TMG as though it were actually part of Council...

I still intermittently talk to some 'Tourism Providers', be that accommodation and associated services, tour operators, etc, and a number of these people are still saying that they haven't even spoken to let-alone met/seen the new $200,000pa 'Tourism Development Officer' employed by TMG/CoC/MGCC...this TMG Tourism Development officer position is like so many positions in the vastly bloated bureaucracy that is MGCC, a wholly redundant excuse to employ someone...I cannot and/or will not identify exactly what's been said to me about the latest round of employing 'mates', but the vastly bloated corporate structure of MGCC is undeniable and needs no further explanation...I've heard all sorts about who's mate is who's, and how so-and-so got such-and-such job, whatevs, there's literally a dozen superfluous and highly paid positions, and it's just Corrupt Politics 101, Creating An Upward Vacuum For Corrupt Conduct, namely, create a very profitable and alluring corporate environment based not on Merit but on Personal Profit, a self-perpetuating structure that attracts and then employs corrupt and/or corruptable people... 

The entire TMG/CoC/MGCC set-up is a rankly corrupt construct to further legitimise the institutionalised theft of Ratepayer's money by our rankly corrupt pro-paedophile Council and it's assorted acolytes and sundry stooges...(I wonder what the Tax Office thinks of TMG setting itself up as part of the Chamber of Commerce to avoid taxes, etc?-Ed)...gourd knows, don't care, it's so definably corrupt just in it's formation that it doesn't need to actually do anything to be corrupt...(well that's my next point, what have they done?-Ed) next point also, and again requiring nearly a full post it's own...ironic really that achieving sweet bugger-all takes a whole post, but that's some very thorough SBA they've been workin' on...I promise to tie this all together next post re Lee, ICAC, TMG/CoC/MGCC, etc, et al...elsewhere but still here...

Ring Withdrawal Symptoms:...are as described, and as experienced by MGC Councillor Christian Greco when he recently apparently whipped his ring right back outta' the Mad Hatter's Tea Party that is this Liberal pre-selection...(whaaa?-Ed)...well apparently Cr Greco had self-nominated for the now vacant Liberal pre-selection, given that Troy Bell is currently an 'Independent', due to those ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption) charges, etc, etc, please see recent posts...anyhoos, apparently Cr Greco was in but now he's out...(mmm, isn't the saying 'hat into the ring', not as you have it, 'ring into the hat'?-Ed)...orrr whatevs!...and in the time it takes to not cover this stuff, a coupla' other named potential prospects have un-named or de-listed or un-ringed themselves, whatevs...(sweet baby cheeses! they're in, they're out, are they soon to be shaking it all about?-Ed)...probably, and why not?...will look a bit deeper at this stuff another time... 

In Closing:...and remember dear availees, MGCC has only recently (late 2016) voted to reduce it's actual representation of Ratepayers interests by voting to reduce it's Membership from 10 Councillors down to only 8, based on 'a single submission' and justified as 'saving money for other projects'...(but MGCC still has plenty of Ratepayer's cash to jet-off to China with I hope-Ed)...certainly do Ed, going again next month I believe...(and are the rankly corrupt Mayor Andrew Lee and CEO Mark McShane going along to further their own personal extensive Chinese business connections?-Ed)...and a lovely segue Ed, straight back to the rank pro-paedophile corruption of the Mt Gambier City Council and the SA Labor governement and our own very, very special, my new bestie and in his spare time also ICAC Commissioner, the one, the only, ladies and genteel men, please to be putting them together and then taking them apart again, rapidly and repeatedly, it's Mr Bruce 'Comedy Roadshow' Lander...(yay-Ed)...strewth Ed, try to curb ya' enthusiasm mate will ya', you'll do ya'self a mischief...(well I mean seriously-Ed)...yeah, I know, I know...

What's happened to that extraordinarily bizarre illegal and openly corrupt MGCC meeting back on January 31st 2017?...(the one where-in MGCC supposedly voted in secret about whether or not to send Mayor Andrew Lee's definable corruption to the ICAC?-Ed)...yeah, that's the one...this one is so complicated it will require a full post all it's own, again, as will the rank pro-paedophile corruption of Labor's Viv and Jim Maher and their Labor Minister son Kyam Maher...(you're looking a tad angry there mate?-Ed) mate Kyam, Kyam who refuses to make eye contact with me at public functions, my mate Kyam was on ABC South East Radio this morning mouthing-off moronically about the Member for Mt Gambier, Troy Bell...(and didn't the rankly pro-paedophile Premier of our charming li'l State, didn't Jay 'The Shiny Man' Weatherill write into The Border Watch, also attacking Troy?-Ed)...indeed, and two words, gutless prick...(only two words?-Ed)...well the 'corrupt' is just a given...(fair enough-Ed)...

Dear Gutless Corrupt Prick Jay Weatherill:...come to Mt Gambier you gutless pro-paedophile scumbag and face me and a coupla' other fathers re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, and we'll see how ya' fare with that, fact, Language Warning, fuck that, forget the other fathers, not my place to place them anywhere...(even if it's somewhere you know they'd love to be?-Ed)...good point, but still not my place, and besides, I dare you Jay, mate, to front just li'l ol' me, just li'l ol' Nick Fletcher, poor ol' fucked-up delusional troublemaker Nick Fletcher...End Language Warning...face me, and bring all your lawyers and your media managers, bring ya' shreckin' SAPol Commissioner Grant Stevens and Comm Lander, et al, you bring everything you've got, mate, and we'll set-down opposite each other and we'll see just how smug you are then, mate...ask my other mate SAPol Head of Prosecutions Andrew Paesch how he went trying to eyeball me that time in Court aways back in September 2016...(geez you got a lotta' mates-Ed)...whatevs... 

Tomorrow: My Court Stuff

Have occasionally chastised myself for highlighting certain aspects of the way that the Mt Gambier 'media' report stuff about me, particularly re my Court stuff...(oh, you mean like when they refer to you as Nicholas 'Nick' Francis Fletcher, thusly making your name, 'Nick', a criminal alias?-Ed)...yep, exactly like that...(or label you as "notorious" and/or "controversial"?-Ed)...yeah, all of that...(I thought you took a certain twisted pride in that stuff, ya' know, the lengths these people will go to to try and belittle and/or mock and/or demonise you?-Ed)...oh for sure mate, absolutely I do take pride in the explicitly complicit efforts of all-and-sundry to portray me in a derogatory and dismissive manner, and that's why I kick myself a bit for jumping on those things, these 'labels', because every time I celebrate some new nomenclature, some new 'notoriety', they take it away again...(well you shan't be allowed to have nice things-Ed)...orr-or-orrrrr...(what I find particularly amusing, is how those abusing you continually fail so spectacularly in their efforts-Ed)...indeed...(despite how much they have to work with-Ed)...charming, but you're right...

Given that I've openly discussed my own chequered history as a vain, arrogant, drug-fuelled, womanising Man-Bear Stuff-Pig wholly taken with the wonder of his own opinion...(history?-Ed)...and what I've suffered through in terms of Mental Health, particularly re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, etc, etc, all of that stuff...(that is quite a lot of stuff you've got there-Ed)...indeed, given that I've openly discussed myself in terms of being a very fractured and even f***ed-up person, etc, etc, given all of that, what does it say about some of these other people whom would sit in judgement of me and attack me and denigrate me, yet fail so spectacularly...look at the quite extraordinary way that the Mt Gambier media quite deliberately report stuff about me, across a range of issues...(with hilarious results-Ed)...I believe that it's called Irony... 

1) These attacks have only further strengthened my position/credibility as being someone worthy of the ire of the Labor government, the ICAC, SAPol (police)...(you've got your own SAPol 'Operation Baritone'-Ed)...well it's either ICAC or SAPol Anti-Corruption Branch, whatevs, but yes, I am indeed the sole subject of 'Operation Baritone'...(wow, you are the subject of your very own 'Operation'-Ed)...yeah, but it's more an indication of the official corruption involved, not a true measure of how 'important' I am as an individual...(yeah, but still, 'Operation Baritone'-Ed)...fair enough, whatevs, all this, what I has labelled the Pro-Paedophile Political Persecution of Nick Fletcher, has given me massive credibility...
2)...this 'credibility' has been further enhanced by the bizarre and ongoing lengthy prosecution, the PPPPofNF if you will, in the Magistrates Court, now well over 2 and a half years...
3)...and the rancidly biased and deliberately derogatory 'reportage' of this stuff by TBW and/or the ABC, that just amply amplifies the seriousness and readily reinforces that credibility...
4)   and of course, there's only one thing worse than being talked about...(not being talked about?-Ed)...that's the one, and every time I get reported somewhere, it only broadens the scope and reach of this 'ere blog and/or me...

Many A Blue Word Spoken In the f*** word seems to be slipping slowly into mainstream humour, eg, not infrequently on the very mainstream ABC Shaun Micallef show, Mad As Hell...(isn't it considered a cheap comedic trick to use expletives and/or abuse in place of actual humour, ie, if you can't think of an actually witty line, just swear?-Ed)...f***-off...(ahahahaahahhaaahhhaaa, aghhh, dickhead-Ed)...but there are some reasonable applications...(do tell dear heart-Ed)...well if one may be so gauche as to quote oneself, when that clown was leaving full-on abusive comments on this 'ere blog's Comments Page back in August 2013 and I responded with that witty bit about the power of simple words, literally illustrated with my fake-report about how the 'Commenters' own loutish behaviour Comments-wise had caused one of their own mates to out-them, leading to the line 'who's in the shadows now dickhead?'...(classic-Ed)...I'm quite proud of that one...  

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog...and I try to avoid/censor personal abuse, etc, but I'm only a very, very angry man, and at least I'm trying...cheers and laters

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