Sunday, September 24, 2017

And This Is How You Build A Golden Bridge

Howdy to Jordan, Brazil, the UK/Scotland/Ireland, the USofA, Germany, Russia, Costa Rico, Ukraine, China, Saudi Arabia, and to everyone else in the dozens of countries that I haven't mentioned today specifically but do me the distinct pleasure/honour of joining us here on TMGI...(us?-Ed)...well sure, ok, dear availees, Ed is referring to the fact that Ed is not a person...(so you're not a person?-Ed)...ok, Ed is not a separate person, it's all just me what writes this 'ere blog, that's the joke I keep making about a confected literary device, a made-up character who can be utilised to construct opposing discussions and set-up jokes, etc...I stumbled into 'him' by accident, and reckon 'Ed' works really well as a way to cover a lot of conflicting and often very unpleasant ground in ways that are not accusatory (of availees) or too confronting, and to try and be more of a discussion than a lecture...(or worse, preaching-Ed)...well indeed, I'm more than prepared to state that a coupla' specific issues are not up for debate, and do I hang-it on some specific people, but please never ever accuse me of preaching...    
Feedback:...cheers for all the recent 'Comments' and/or feedback and/or messages...whilst I might not respond specifically to stuff, please bear with me...(is that all your personal stuff about not wanting to drag others into your shizzle?-Ed)...yeah, that's a big part of it, but please to be expecting dear availees that your stuff will be in the next few posts, for example, it don't take much to get me goin' re the ongoing issues of rank corruption in Grant District Council and the rankly corrupt re-zoning of land owned by then serving GDC Councillor Brenton James, and that extraordinary situation where Cr James went to some-one's home to confront them, then tried to have that person charged, etc, etc...definably corrupt Land Re-zoning with rankly corrupt Nepotism, etc, and all backed-up with Threats and Intimidation, it's Corrupt Local Government 101...(and it's exactly that sort of harassment/intimidation that you're subjected to too!-Ed)...indeed, Mt Gambier City Council has real form when it comes to harassing and threatening me, it's been happening for years now...(and how's that working out for them then, abject disaster every time?-Ed)...every time...and speaking of MGCC corruption...

Laugh I Nearly:...because on Monday I saw a TV ad for Hallmark Jewellers who were doing their fly in/fly out gold buying day thingy that they do, apparently to be held at the CWA Hall in Lawrence St, Mt Gambier...(CWA Hall in Lawrence St? why does that sound so familiar?-Ed)...because it's a muddy hole where a hall used to be before MGCC kicked the Country Women's Assoc out and immediately demolished said beautiful little hall only weeks ago...(and didn't we here at TMGI, didn't we cane that outrageously wasteful process as a corrupt pseudo-contract conceived and executed purely as a way to pour more of your Ratepayer's money into the pockets of MGCC's family/friends/mates/whatevs-Ed)...and then the next day the ad was on again, but now it's at the Library, which Ratepayers also fund...

The Golden Segue:...because in the previous post, I absolutely hammered Mt Gambier City Councillor Mark Lovett...(and quite rightly! absolutely unacceptable behaviour from an elected Public Official, let alone given the circumstances/history behind that 'Incident'!-Ed)...sure, calm down, I ain't apologising or withdrawing or nuthin', I'm just demonstrating 1) my commitment to what's really important, and 2) my genuine capacity for empathy and understanding...I am rabidly furious with Cr Lovett for his inexcusable behaviour, and now I'm going to build him an excuse...(why do I get the feeling that this is going to get very, very ugly?-Ed)...because we've all been here before mate, the truth will be 1) not denied, and 2) incredibly ugly...(go on then, off you go-Ed)...well it's easy really, once you ignore the reprehensibly inappropriate conduct of a serving Councillor in leaving the Chamber to harass and attempt to intimidate and/or threaten a member of the public, an excuse is easy...

If Cr Lovett has acted,
1)  in complete ignorance of the history of the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up
     and Cr Frank Morello's explicitly complicit role in that cover-up, etc, and;
2)  in a genuine belief that others were somehow in some sort of imminent danger.

In this circumstance, if both these things were true, then I would have done exactly the same as Cr Lovett, or something similar...(rubbish, you've never ever postured-up in some-one's face like that, all that angry man, threatening, carry-on shizzle-Ed)..well no, that part of it is down to Cr Lovett's personal conduct and how he chooses to deal with stuff, and you're right, I personally consider it to be unacceptable behaviour that I just don't do...I'd reckon the worst I manage is a good glare at Cr Steve Perryman at Council meetings, in that circumstance I make a point of eye-balling him when he's holding-forth about whatevs...he's usually the only person I even look at for the whole meeting, and in that one circumstance I don't hold apologies...(none needed, indeed, given Stevo's  extraordinary pro-paedophile corruption, I'd suggest that you only 'looking at him' is extraordinarily controlled and is just a very small part of exactly what he deserves-Ed)...well quite...but we digress, 'cos as above, if both these conditions were met, then certainly, interposing oneself into that 'situation' would be perfectly appropriate, albeit not in the manner that Cr Lovett did...

So there's ya' bridge, mate, I've built it, now get over the man you apparently think you are, and embrace the magnitude of your ignorance, and then repentantly beg my man enough to admit that, in your ignorance, you've made a horrendous mistake and that you are genuinely repentant and I'll pass that apology onto the other families whom Frank rankly betrayed whilst Editor of the definably pro-paedophile corrupt The Border Watch newspaper...last post I suggested that you might like to step-up and fulfil the promises, the threats, that you deliberately infer with this ludicrous posturing carry-on, well here's another offer, a better one, step-up and be a man and apologise, own your failure and grow from it...

(And that's how you personally build a Golden Bridge is it?-Ed)...yeah, what's wrong with that?...(yeah, well, as I understand it, one usually builds one's adversary a 'Golden Bridge' so that said adversary may retreat across it to then potentially become an ally, etc-Ed)...your point?...(well I don't think that you're supposed to build the Golden Bridge and then drop it on people-Ed)...wonderful metaphor Ed, but it takes one word, as always, it takes that one genuine word, one single 'sorry'...just say sorry Cr Lovett, just apologise, Mark, and mean it, and all is forgiven...but until then, dear oh dear...(mmm, fair enough-Ed)...more tomorrow, Frankly... 

Is This Why Jack 'The Rat' Snelling Finally Resigned?:...due to recent changes (that I and other parents started pursing 15 years ago re St Martins/Child Protection in SA) re South Australia's appalling Child Protection System, new legislation from 2-3 years ago means that supposedly specialised Child Protection Staff have been interviewing kids re abuse, etc, so that the kids statements can be used in Court instead of the kids having to give evidence in person...whilst I don't believe that this was a genuine move by a rankly pro-paedophile Labor Party, that's the supposed set-up...well it's supposed to is reported that a Child Abuse charge (several charges) have been withdrawn in an Adelaide Court because the relevant Evidentiary Statements are legally inadmissable because the CPS personnel don't have the requisite qualifications...(you're joking mate! this is Labor's supposed response to one of their own recent Royal Commissions, there's been so many I've literally lost track, but you're saying these CPS staff haven't had the proper training to be able to do their job in a way that is legally acceptable when it's the whole point of what they're doing, to be used in Court, of course they have to be trained properly, it's grossly incompetent to not train them!-Ed)...oh it's way better than that, those staff have had the training...(then what's the problem?-Ed) is being reported that these accreditations/qualifications were not signed by Health (On Earth) Minister Jack this the final disaster for the disaster-laden camel that is Jack Snelling's tenure as Health Minister?...

This 'the kids can't give evidence in Court', 'the kids will have to face Dorling (the paedophile teacher)  and cross-examination by a hostile lawyer', 'it will be really traumatising for your kids', etc, etc...this exact excuse/manipulation/justification was repeatedly used against us parents by a wholly pro-paedophile corrupt 'Child Protection System', especially alleged expert Professor Frida Briggs in that infamous email that I've posted many times previous, where-in she clearly state that our kids would be 'hopeless' in Court, etc...and good gourd, here comes that rankly complicit clown Victim's Rights Commissioner Michael O'Connell to tell us all how bad this blunder is and what trauma kids endure in Court, etc...Language Warning:...*I've removed the swearing*...End Language vacuously corrupt clown, you have betrayed my child, my family, dozens of other kids and their families, and every child/person in this state with your complicit cowardice re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...and speaking of rank corruption re the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up, back to the rankly corrupt MGCC...

Just Bare-Faced Corruption:...when one of Mt Gambier City Council's new four $200,000pa 'Managers', Barbara Cernovskis ran through a list of 'projects/applications' that Council have apparently reviewed re this farcical $40million Fund My Neighbourhood pork-barrelling as announced by Labor 2 months ago...again apologies that I haven't followed this FMN stuff properly, but it does appear from what I witnessed Tuesday that any 'applications' have to go through local Councils for 'approval', because that's how it was being discussed, 'yes we'll support that application, no we won't support that one', etc...whatevs, it's a transparently corrupt $40m bribe, ripe for the official rorting that such schemes are designed to allow, more money for dodgy mates and family members, and some money to a coupla' 'holy cow' causes or applications that supposedly justify all of's a $40m Election Bribe stunt, full stop...

But anyhoos, in that list, up bobs the Old Rail Station...(nooo?-Ed)...oh yeah, not enough time here in this post, but tomorrow, interesting point, Barbara Cernovskis stated outright that the 'application' was 'not supported by Council because it would cost the requested $100,000 just to remove the Asbestos, and total $500,000 to do a full reno'(paraphrase)...(so Council's committed to specific costings?-Ed) on mate...(even if its a vacuous lie in support of their undisguised agenda, the Rail Lands Retail Agenda, and expanding the Lakes Plaza right across the Rail Lands, including demolishing the beautiful ol' Rail Station Building?-Ed)...again Ed, spot on mate, only $500k and it's done, whack a small Rail Museum, a gallery, the local bus terminus, etc,'s exactly that easy...and they'll never do it...'cos they're crooks...

$200,000 Labor Loan To Mt Gambier RSL:...Labor Minister Kyam Maher was on the ABC South East Radio yet again this morning, self-praising Labor for lobbing chump-change at the money-pit that the Mt Gambier RSL has become...I don't know this situation well enough to be able to say that so-and-so did such-and-such, but it's self-evidently obvious that this grossly over-expensive new building project was grossly mishandled, driving the RSL into un-payable debt...and whilst this 'loan' is clearly just rank pork-barrelling 6 months out from the March 2018 State Election, it was Kyam's comments about this 'loan process' that I found so highly amusing...Kyam lavished praise on MGCC for organising this 'loan', and most particularly the 'fabulous work by Cr Mark Lovett', and 'also Cr Josh Lynagh', indeed it was in reverse order, stating firstly that Cr Lovett was responsible/terrific, then also Cr Lynagh was also responsible/terrific, then MGCC last...(what a corrupt joke!-Ed)...well indeed...

When asked about the latest changes in Labor's Cabinet and whether he wanted to be Health Minister, Kyam responded that 'the Ministers resigned for personal reasons', and then laughingly denied any desires for another Portfolio, "I love what I do"...(well bully for him then-Ed)...oh yes, he's "very pleased" apparently...(what, with marching straight out of the rankly pro-paedophile corrupt Crown Solicitors Office and straight into a rankly corrupt Labor Front Bench defined by it's pro-paedophile corruption?-Ed)...well quite, and I know I'm not the only person who attributes Kyam's meteoric political rise to his parent's rank pro-paedophile corruption and specific, multiple complicit direct links to the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...(you're right, the Truth really does get ugly-Ed)...don't it though...

Kyam was then asked, 'is this (the $200k) Labor's campaign start for March 2018?', and Kyam was all over the shop, blathering about how it's still 6 months to go, etc, but not mentioning any candidate or even potential candidate, etc, and then just plowed-off into his now-usual desperate spiel about current Member for Mt Gambier, Troy Bell, and how he's 'facing very serious charges', etc, and that 'the charges make it difficult for him to represent', and 'but we'll step-up', etc, etc, and then exposed the reality of the whole conversation when he went back to attacking Troy Bell whilst praising-up MGCC, stating, 'why has MGCC and a couple of City Councillors had to fill the void, the State member usually advocates but he's pre-occupied with Court'(paraphrase)...this is a $200,000 stunt designed to promote Labor stooges from a rankly corrupt Mt Gambier City Council and MGCC itself, and attack Troy Bell...

And I laugh when I think of how desperately hard Kyam's worked to not look at me at the coupla' public events where we've crossed paths but ne'ery gazes...(what I find far more amusing are these people who see you, man do they see you, but then they suddenly can't see you any more apparently-Ed)...and ironically, for the same reason that I continue to be denigrated behind my back but never to my face in this sickly corrupt community...(because no-one's got the guts to front you because they know what's a' comin' in response, a very nasty serve of Realities that they'd much rather ignore-Ed)...such as, the undeniable reality that Mt Gambier's Political and Social Elite operate as a Paedophile Ring, all dutifully covering each other for personal profit...   

Just exactly how blatantly corruptly complicitly obvious do these clowns need to be before someone actually says enough...(enough?-Ed) no, 'enough!'...('enough!'?-Ed)...yeah, that's better...(bocconcinni! sweet baby cheeses! you're not suggesting that this praise for Lovett and Lynagh indicates that one of them will be Labor's pseudo-candidate for the March 2018 State Election?-Ed)...well actually I hadn't thought it out that far, but sure, it's certainly classic Stooge/pseudo-candidate behaviour from Labor, they've done it at every State Election that I've been involved in...(hang on, didn't we absolutely escoriate MGC Councillor Lovett in the last post for his outrageous albeit hilarious conduct at MGCC's Full Meeting last Tuesday?-Ed)...indeed we did Ed, that's what I was talking about before, just above...(oh right, yes, of course-Ed)...what's your point?...(ah nuthin' really, just sayin', this 'ere blog gives Cr Lovett an absolute caning, and within 24hrs, Labor's Kyam Maher is on the ABC South East radio praising him and Lynagh and MGCC-Ed)...mmm, interesting observation mate, I concur that there's a palatable push on to promote Cr Josh Lynagh as a future civic leader with his alleged connections to and therefore supposed empathy for the Youth of Mt Gambier...what a joke...

Tomorrow:  Whatevs, A Big Steaming Serve of Whatevs

A Closing Oz, we have a Consumer Affairs magazine called Choice...(mmm?-ed)...well is the Aotearoa (New Zealand) version called Choice Bro?...(and you wonder why people hate you?-Ed)...are you suggesting I'm the first person ever to do that joke?...(oh gourd I hope so!-Ed)...cheers...

***dear availees, started 4 days ago, with this next bit done before some dude has been charged with head-butting Tony Abbott, but I've left this in because it is all still unfortunately very relevant...said dude has stated that he just hates Tony and it had nothing to do with SSM...cheers***

And hands up if you believe former PM and continuing serial liar Tony 'The Mad' Abbott that he was actually head-butted by a 'Same Sex Supporter' today in Tasmania...(did anybody else see this?-Ed)...not that I saw/heard...(police charged anyone?-Ed) wasn't reported on the news, so I guess no...(police talking to some-one?-Ed), not reported...(but surely Tony got a fabulous look at this person who supposedly hailed him from across the street, approached Tony whilst allegedly stating that he -Ed)...'he' being the anonymous invisible ninja protestor, yeah?...(yeah yeah, apparently he said 'I want to discuss the SSM stuff with you', and then head-butted Tony?-Ed)...yeah, what's your point on this one?...(well surely Tony has been able to provide police with a specifically detailed description of said alleged assailant, and police are making their inquiries, etc?-Ed)...well I didn't hear anything even remotely like that reported or even asked... 

I do not believe one word that comes out of Tony Abbott's mouth, unless he's committing to bigotted self-interest, and furthermore, I wouldn't put it past these clowns to dress-up some Liberal stooge as a SSM supporter and pull some pantomime stunt exactly like this...beyond that, and most likely, and whilst I do not and will not support violence, even towards this arse, I can imagine that there are many people who'd reckon that Tony's bigotted and deceitful conduct as PM has long-ago earned him a head-butt...but whatevs, Tony Abbott has repeatedly demonstrated his propensity for bare-faced lies, right down the barrel of the camera, and this reeks of absolute bollocks...

And reckon I'm being a blinkered, paranoid conspiracist by suggesting that this 'assault' either 1) didn't happen or 2) was a set-up or 3) was most likely just a random assault related to people's justifiable hatred for this easily hate-able man, that Tony's then tried to hang-on a SSM supporter...well, it's now 24hrs since this alleged attack, and police are apparently looking into it, but the security camera footage of the alleged assault (on this morning's news's) it's just Tony strollin' down the street...I've already seen 2 'Vote No' advocates suggesting that it was 'Vote Yes' supporters who Bomb-Hoaxed the AFL headquarters yesterday after they (AFL) officially supported the YES campaign wih a large YES sign across their AFL HQ logo sign...(what, so it's some sort of Reverse Psychology attempt from the YES camp to somehow denigrate the No camp?-Ed)...yeah, and the sad reality is that it's just plausible as rancid idealogues on both sides race to the bottom of this ludicrous process...

***as stated, someone has been charged but in those first moments I genuinely doubted it because it was Tony Abbott saying it...I mean, lie to me that often, and who's fault is it I find him unbelievable?...and I got it half right, not related to the SSM stuff***

(Ya' know, in a debate on Same Sex Marriage, which I personally prefer to call Marriage Equality, but in that contest where it's basically down to a 'Yes' camp and a 'No' camp, everybody's camp-Ed) a row of tents mate...

Treaty vs my mate Kyam Maher was on the ABC news this morning, self-congratulating again about another one of SA Labor Party's rankly offensive Political Stunts aimed squarely at the March 2018 State Election, namely Treaty discussions with Aboriginal people in SA...(wow, there really is no batsardry too low for Labor is there, and from an Aboriginal/Torres Straight Islander man too-Ed)...indeed Ed, if it wasn't offensive enough for Labor to try and politically manipulate Aboriginal people over such a traumatic issue, they send an Aboriginal/TSI man to do it...bottomline, as covered in many previous posts, research it for yourselves dear availees, etc, just exactly what it is and/or isn't what SA Labor have done with regard to Aboriginal people...(like forcing 'Internal Refugees' from Yuendumu in the Northern Territory, camping in the West Parklands of Adelaide (2011) after fleeing the violence in their home community, shoving them on buses and trucking them out to Elizabeth City Centre 25kms away and dumping them there, and done so's that the Parklands wouldn't look untidy during the Fringe Festival-Ed)...exactly, Ed, exactly like that...(what a disgrace, I hang my head in our collective shame-Ed) the very core of this stunt is the fundamentally undeniable reality of how Labor have actually treated Aboriginal peoples...what a disgrace...

And let's not skip-over the reality of that disgraceful event because that camp was for all intents and purposes a Refugee Camp, and Labor herded those people, those refugees, literally herded them into buses and dumped them at Elizabeth...I recall the panicked voice of an Elizabeth Council employee, on the ABC Adelaide radio late that Friday afternoon, reporting it in real time, 'they've just been dumped here in the town square and everything's already closed', etc...and as I type, yet another Kyam moment on the ABC, and according to my mate Kyam, this rancid political manipulation of Treaty Negotiations is a 'momentus day'...what a disgrace...  

Kyam, mate, from here-on-in, every time I hear you on the radio, mate, I'm gunna' jump right down ya' throat, armed with your own them, choke on them, whatevs, but every are a disgrace...

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog..cheers and laters...

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