Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Dear Oh Dear, Now That Was A Stupid Thing To Do, Wasn't It?

Dear Availees,
                   This evening, Tuesday 19th September 2017, as I was leaving the Mt Gambier City Council Full Meeting, I was approached and spoken to by Councillor Frank Morello, right there in the foyer immediately outside the Council Chamber, only metres from the door...Councillor Morello stated that it was about this 'ere blog, then oh-so-politely repeatedly accused me of calling him "a paedophile" here on this 'ere blog, and repeatedly stated "it's defamation"...I'm just immediately putting this on the record, as indeed I did to Council's new $200,000p/a Manager of Whatevs Nick Serle when he and Councillor Mark Lovett came out into the foyer and started eyeballing me from feet away, closely followed by CEO Mark McShane, to whom I also immediately explained what was happening...

This is exactly the sort of shizzle that I regularly have to put-up with, but this is the third such 'incident' in just 3 weeks, with lawyer Bill DeGaris walking 'at' me in Mt Gambier Courthouse, then about 2 weeks ago MGCC CEO Mark McShane walked 'at' me in a public place, smiling and saying, 'how are you going?'...dear availees, please to be understanding of course that this was a deeply disingenuous greeting for the consumption of others present, from a man whom we both know, he and I, that I'm trying to see him gaoled for his part in the rank corruption that defines Mt Gambier City Council...and now this...  

Learn From Your Mistakes, Frankly:...just so's there's no confusion about exactly what went down as I left this evening's Full Meeting of the Mt Gambier City Council...right outside the Chamber doors, Cr Frank Morello approached me, engaged me about this blog, The Mount Gambier Independent, and straight-out threatened me with defamation, as I explained it to Nick Serle, Cr Mark Lovett, and Council CEO Mark McShane...not my opinion, not my version of events, Cr Frank Morello walked 'at' me, deliberately intercepting me, and then repeatedly accused me of calling him a paedophile here on TMGI, and repeatedly 'empty-threatened' me with repeated statements that I have defamed him, repeatedly stating "its defamation"...

The Furtive Lurker:...whilst this smacks of deliberately organised bastardry amateurishly acted-out with attempted orchestrated efficiency, whatevs, perhaps Frank just had a massive brain-fade and decided in the moment that this was somehow a good idea, whatevs, it is on the record here on TMGI...and it's on Council's record/Minutes that Cr Morello was already out of the Chamber due to a Conflict of Interest on the previous item, coincidentally the last item before us plebs got booted-out for Council's 'Exclusion Items' about 'Selling Properties To Recover Rates x3'...thusly Frank was already lurking furtively out in the foyer and there were several media and/or Council staff at the Chamber door, in the foyer area, at or just going down the stairs, etc, who witnessed and/or heard him approach me and talk to me...not up for discussion, Frank approached me, walked half in front of me such that I had to half-step around him, whilst saying to me 'can I have a word?'...

For the majority of the rest of the conversation Cr Morello and I were only metres from the Chamber doors and our discussion would have been clearly audible to those in the Chamber, indeed, Manager Nick Serle and Cr Mark Lovett and CEO Mark McShane all came out into the doorway/arch of the Chamber...(it's sort of recessed back a bit, so the actual doorway alcove bit is a coupla' feet across, you can be effectively well outside the actual Chamber door which gets closed during votes/etc/whatevs, but still be barely a foot into the foyer/landing area-Ed)...yeah, cheers Ed, good explanation...           

Learn This Mistake Faster, Frankly:...because during this discussion, when I was repeatedly reminding Frank that, in his role as former Editor of The Border Watch, he is 1) personally responsible for covering-up the abuse of my child and dozens of others at St Martins Lutheran School, and therefore 2) contributing to the ongoing abuse of children, and all Frank could summon was shaking his head and saying over and over, "no,no,no,no,no"...(well I for one am totally convinced-Ed)...Ed! mate, where you been?...(mate, been tryin', can't get a word in edge-ways-Ed)...yeah, sorry, I'm steamin', all fueled-up on way too much coffee at exactly the wrong end of the day...(and from that stupid grin, I'd say another fair dose of that Self-Esteem bizzo-Ed)...well Ed, as others increasingly encourage me to do, I do take a certain pride in some things, and that includes how well I conduct myself in these really unpleasant's not that I don't get angry, but it's not like I'm a donkey on the edge either, it's just a weird calm/angry place where I seem to do my best work...(like in Court with your ICAC stuff?-Ed)...exactly like that...

And the pride is taken in that I don't think that there's anything particularly remarkable about how gentle I am and how relatively calm I do remain in these intense situations, etc, because to me it's just me being me...and better still, no-one can take that away from me, because no-one's ever seen me swear at someone...(well apart from that one time when you royally hung-it on former Member for Mt Gambier Rory McEwen from only feet away, at the Polling Booth that time, remember?-Ed)...remind me...(um, Language Warning, because I believe you opened with a little something like, ummm, 'don't fucking say hello to me you fucking paedophile fuck'-Ed)...yeah, near enough, and End Language Warning, but even then I only ever spoke at normal voice level, and afters, that lady came-up and asked me if I was alright because I looked upset...(and good on her-Ed)...but apart from that one time, I've literally almost never sworn at or shouted at or threatened or tried to threaten and/or intimidate, etc, and never, ever raised my hand to another person, ever...and no-one can take that away from me...even tonight, when these clowns are hangin' their collective stupidity on me, calm as...

But others do occasionally 'congratulate' for lack of a better word, perhaps 'comment on' is better...(that's 2 words sir-Ed) calm and focussed I am in these situations, and I did it again tonight, almost like I've been playin' these games so long that it's become second nature...       

Mark, Mark, Mark My Words:... mate, whatta' ya' doin'? come and try and stand over me mate, get all-up in my grill and shizzle and try and intimidate me? and how'd that work-out for ya' champ? just exactly how intimidated did I look, mate? you are a joke...stand there all angry man at me, mate, arms crossed, glaring at me and waving your head about like some sort of cartoon bouncer...I know where the exits are mate, I know where the stairs are, don't need you bobbin' and twitchin' ya' head all-about the shop, tellin' me to 'just leave'...mate, you get back in ya' little box, back in ya' little Ivory Tower with all ya' little mates like Steve Perryman in there, and you have a good hard think about the next time you choose to step between me and Frank Morello when me and my mate Frank are discussing his explicit and highly profitable role in the St Martins Lutheran School Child Abuse Cover-up...stand there again, mate, and glare at me like that again, mate...

And even when I stated clearly to both Cr Lovett and Manager Serle (and Frank's departing back) that this was about Frank and St Martins and that Frank had just approached me and threatened 'defamation', etc, even when it was put to him in the moment, Cr Lovett continued this bizarre pseudo-bouncer nonsense, furiously glowering at me and gesturing to the stairs...mate, you know exactly what it's about and you're gunna' stand there and glare at me and try and intimidate me?...and how'd it work out for ya' Mark? big man on campus now? or an international laughing stock?...howdy to availees across the globe... 

And just for the record, my mate Mark makes me look relatively small, he's roughly 4-5" taller and easy 20kgs heavier, and tonight he did exactly what I would never do...(be so stupid as to step between you and Frank?-Ed)...what, I'm gunna' step between myself and Frank, how's that done then?...(well, you're always saying that you're beside yourself, so I just thought, maybe-Ed), tonight Cr Lovett left the Chamber and came stood right in front of me and glared at me, arms crossed, etc, nodding stupidly toward the stairs, etc, and in doing so he crossed that line where-in he tried to intimidate me with his size...and I'm calling you out, mate, because whilst I wouldn't behave like that toward someone smaller, let alone in such an extraordinarily inappropriate way, and I genuinely consider that violence against another person is just wrong, I ain't takin' that crap from you you blustering buffoon...     

Step Up Mate:...'cos I am deadset sick and tired of you glaring at me at public functions, etc, and tonight you just stepped right across the line you yourself have drawn, and across every other line there is, and I'm right here waiting champ...(why not offer Mark the chance to appropriately take that big swing at you that he tries so hard to imply with his gutless glaring and pompous posturing?-Ed)...not with you mate...(well, he was trying to intimidate you with implied violence, right?-Ed)...sure, exactly that...(well then offer him the opportunity in a context that he simply cannot refuse-Ed)...being?...(a Celebrity Charity Boxing Night where-in various Councillors and other local illuminati step-up against suitably matched plebs in a well-regulated night of pugilistic pantomime and festive fisticuffs-Ed)...with all the proceeds to go to the Mayor's Christmas Fund?...(you are a quick learner-Ed), a Charity Boxing fundraiser for the Mayor's Christmas Fund...(indeed, with Nick Fletcher vs Mark Lovett as the marquee event-Ed)...well it just so happens I am available that night, so pencil me in, I think I'll wear my White Hot Rage...

Ooo, and bags calling myself the Antipodean Killin' Machean (Machine), like the Killaroo from The Mighty Boosh comedy show...(what, wanted in 83 countries for chewin' a man's face clean off his skull?-Ed)...yeah, that's me, I've got moves...(dude! I've seen your moves, they're like being carressed with a natural yoghurt-Ed)...mate, I'm the man who put The Hurt in yoghurt...(the man who put the 'yoghurt' in 'you gonna' get hurt'-Ed)...cheers, thanks for the vote of confidence...(dude, what happened to Large Angry Hippy and tree-hugging and all that?-Ed)...well that's exactly the very sarcastic point I'm making here, because whilst I'm furious at Cr Lovett for this outrageously unacceptable behaviour and I am genuinely sick of his posturing and glaring, etc, I don't really know what he was trying to achieve this evening, because he and I both know nuthin's gunna' happen, it was just a ludicrous display that impressed no-one, and has only served to piss me right-off and make himself look foolish...

But even now, all you have to do is apologise Cr Lovett, get amongst it here on this 'ere blog what you claim not to read, get amongst it and achieve an understanding of just exactly what it is you're wading into when you step between me and Frank, just exactly how neck-deep you are in the St Martins Cover-up...    

Council Chambers Is A Small Car In A Circus:...from which the clowns just keep a-poppin'...sproing! out comes Mark McShane, all airs and graces, goin' the Full Pompous, all supposedly statesman-like and dripping real actual gravitas, it was everywhere, out he comes and he's seriously ushering Cr Lovett away and saying some crap to me I think about 'it's over and there's the door', but I'd stopped listening and was already turning to leave, whatevs...I'm not sure that Nick Serle actually said a word...(but you spelled-out the stuff about St Martins?-Ed)...well he was standing right there, and he must have heard the other stuff just previous as well, so, yeah...and I definitely stated that Frank approached me, etc, because it's something I've learned along the way about controlling the discussion and not wavering from important points and establishing facts, etc, so I stated to each one of them exactly what was happening, etc... 

Well, Well, Well, Well, Said The Man As He Dug Himself A Raft Of Holes:..."you're not well Nick, you're not well"...twice, so 'you're not well' four times...(not with you-Ed)...about half-way through this 'episode', that in it's entirety lasted only a few minutes, Frank sneeringly stated "you're not well Nick, you're not well" twice over...(sorry, is that a reference to your Mental Health stuff?-Ed)...well yeah, just said as a general term of abuse, just trying to goad me into an angry response, Frank's just the sort of sad individual who says stuff like that to people, just all of these things...(sorry, Frank actually abused you about your Mental Health stuff?-Ed)...oh yeah...(just exactly how stupid is this guy?-Ed)...I'm not sure Ed, I thought I knew, really I did, and then he just belittles my expectations with this extraordinary display...(but he knows exactly what's happened at St Martins and everything that has and/or hasn't ensued?-Ed)...yep...(and he's gunna' stand there shaking his head in denial of his explicit role, whilst abusing you about your Mental Health?-Ed)...well not quite simultaneously, but yep...

(Just so's I got this straight, he actually abused you, goaded you, about your Mental Health stuff?-Ed)...well he certainly tried, but what he actually achieved was just to demonstrate to me exactly how desperate and low a person he is, very low and extremely desperate...(well I was gunna' say, bailing you up like that, right there at Council, whether it was planned or not, and trying that stuff about 'you're not well', etc, those are clear indicators of a desperate man, and in this case, I'd suggest a desperate Council-Ed)...absolutely, which is why they behave the way they do, absolute desperation, and as I repeatedly stated in response to Frank, 'if it's defamation, sue me', and/or 'get your lawyer to write to me and tell me about it'...and this is how someone deliberately 'empty-threats' you by just saying defamation, and as has been done to me literally dozens of times now over this 'ere blog and/or the St Martins Child Abuse Cover-up stuff, they repeatedly screech 'defamation' and hope that you panic and fold...

And all you've done Frank is fire me up, stoke the furnaces of my incandescent rage, and show me in no uncertain terms just exactly what I am achieving with this 'ere blog...(one bit of it's quite funny really-Ed)...what is?...(well when they all came out the door, they got stuck there in the doorway because you didn't yield and they weren't gunna' push it, so there they are buzzin'-about in agitated circles like bumblin'-mumblin' bees in a bottle-Ed)...mmm, I only just thought of that and got you to write it...(I know that I'm only a confected literary device for creating discussion, doing jokes, etc, but sometimes I just feel so used-Ed) lost without you, seriously, most availees like your stuff more than my bits...

So tonight I had a cavalcade of clowns bouncin' all 'round like apoplectic cats makin' popcorn on a hot tin roof, and I don't care if it was planned or not, Frank tried to goad and provoke me, then 3 more clowns chose to involve themselves...and we all know each other and we all know what we're all about...well, ok, maybe Nick Serle doesn't know exactly, but him aside, we all know what we are all about, and this is how Cr Frank Morello, Cr Mark Lovett and CEO Mark McShane choose to is absolutely reprehensible behaviour...

And what does it say about these illustrious gentlemen that I can then hop onto this 'ere blog of mine and state with 100% certainty that the vast majority of availees will consider that my word is as good as the truth can be expected to be, and is most certainly the version to be most trusted...what does that say?...

Tomorrow: We Are So Doing This Again

So, there's no doubt in my mind that it was an absolute set-up to try and provoke and trap me, a pre-planned ambush instigated by Cr Morello to try and create some 'íncident' that would warrant Council banning me from meetings, etc, but as per usual it went horribly wrong, with Frank scurrying away behind others, others who could collectively summon the courage to mill-about in the doorway...if it wasn't so totally unacceptable and inappropriate behaviour from Mt Gambier City Council, it would be just hilarious...   

I am Nick Fletcher and this is my blog, and it does get in...cheers and laters...

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